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Cosmic Gateway in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Cosmic Gateway

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 403 189 370


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Omg goodness yes this certainly explains a lot! Felt the vibe shift into a bit of a nose dive later last night! Icky dream space.... process so many fears and just down right uncomfortable situations Big love

25.01.2022 Thank you Heart to Heart

25.01.2022 El dolor y las heridas emocionales, no se sanan, se transmutan. En los últimos 10 días (aunque todo el 2020 se siente así) hemos pasado por algo que podría defi...nirse como una duelo colectivo porque a todos, de una forma o de otra, nos ha tocado despedirnos de algo, o de alguien, en contra de nuestra voluntad o sintiendo que aún no estábamos listas/os para que eso sucediera. La forma más efectiva de sanar el dolor es transmutándolo en una frecuencia más alta, y para lograr eso más que cientos de meditaciones, terapias y mantras, lo que se necesita es darle un propósito más elevado a nuestra herida. En la mayoría de los casos, una persona se queda anclada en la pérdida y el dolor cuando no sabe cómo transmutar su dolor porque la impotencia que sentimos al darnos cuenta de que no podemos cambiar los hechos nos regresa una y otra vez al momento del trauma emocional. En el momento en el que nos damos cuenta de que no podemos cambiar la situación podemos elegir vivir en el dolor (deseando que mágicamente las circunstancias sean como deseamos) o darle un propósito a ese dolor que sentimos. No se trata de evadirlo, se trata de reconocer el dolor, la pérdida y la impotencia que sentimos y transformarla de forma consciente en una emoción con una vibración más alta. Después de reconocer nuestro dolor y de sentirlo y vivirlo sin tratar de racionalizarlo (cuando la mente racional interviene crea una especie de "botón rojo" que se reactiva una y otra vez como mecanismo de defensa), hay que aceptarlo y después darle propósito, no intentar sanarlo de forma consciente porque eso sólo creará una mayor resistencia. La mejor forma de sanar una herida emocional es sirviendo o ayudando a los demás. Cuando en medio de nuestro propio dolor nos ofrecemos en servicio a los otros (otro ser humano, un animalito o hasta una plantita) lo que estamos haciendo es un proceso de alquimia subconsciente que se resume en esto: yo no puedo hacer nada por cambiar los hechos que me están causando este dolor, pero sí puedo hacer algo por cambiar la realidad de otros. Hacer esto nos vuelve a poner en contacto con nuestra propia capacidad creadora que es precisamente la que se ve más afectada por la impotencia que sentimos al no ser capaces de cambiar las circunstancias, además de que asumimos la herida (en lugar de huir de ella) y la integramos serenamente a nuestra experiencia de la realidad tridimensional, sin resistirnos. Nuestro dolor puede ser la semilla de las flores más bellas, si elegimos sembrarlo para que florezca. ~Alicia~

24.01.2022 Holy Moly! As we move towards this Full Moon! I'm re-sharing a post below from 2 years ago that might Resonate Some powerful stuff in the works! Massive not quite 24hrs of a massive overhaul going on! Purging releasing some very ancient core wounds for both Masculine & Feminine feels like it goes back as far as Lemurian & Atlantan times ~ It's like mega wow! Many souls who were incarnate during those times and experienced the trauma, separation and the fall of human cons...ciousness. Have worked life time after lifetime to get Earth & Humanity back to this point so that we can make this massive shift back into Unity & Oneness. We are the wisdom keepers, within our hearts and souls, we travelled from many star systems, galaxies and planets to be apart of this grand event. Some just arrived for the finale and others have been working diligently around the clock for eons. Those are the ones who may be feeling this a little more intense right now. Collectively we are working overtime to bring the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine 5D templates online ~ to open up this new template for all to access and operate from. Because we know what's possible in our hearts of hearts to have equality, equilibrium and balance in all facets of relationships and life This feels bigger, deeper, far greater than any shift I have worked through this lifetime their simply isn't enough emojis to describe what I have felt and gone through in the past 24hrs. Through all the emotions, known to 'man' and 'women' the tears, the physical pain and pressure all through the body.... Making my way out now as the high energy of relief, emerges through as the pressure valves release and the euphoria starts to kick in as I surrender deeply with absolute exhaustion. Very well knowing through it all it was so much heavy collective energy shifting. If you are pushing through massive "stuff" right now, know that it's so much bigger than just you. Honour your process love and appreciate the work you are doing we are all doing together. Feel the emotions, feel the fear and move beyond that doorway into the next journey which is awaiting you, that is your destiny, it's humanity's destiny #5D #ascenion #divinepartnership #NewEarth #gaia As always sending you massive amounts of love & gratitude Alisha Braché See more

24.01.2022 December is a huge month! It offers us so many different cosmic energies including a Solar Eclipse, the Solstice, and the fated, extra special Great conjunction..., which is the meeting of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. All of this energy will be guiding us and the planet into higher bands of frequency. Our collective consciousness is on the rise. To navigate the energies of the month, pay close attention to what you are choosing to focus on. Is it aligned with where you want to be heading? Your full forecast is up now at #astrology #cosmicenergy #galactic

22.01.2022 ~ A New Earth shall arise from the ashes of what was the corrupt old world ~ ~ A New Tribe shall rule on Earth in the frequency of Love ~ ~ The Last shall be Fi...rst and the First Last, two men will be in the field, one shall be taken and the other left ~ ~ Stand at the Ready Rainbow Warriors, the End is also the Beginning 10:10 ~

21.01.2022 Hi Beautiful Tribe! This has been a big topic over the past few days so I thought I would share with you all, after being asked a great question about projec...tions. Projections! It's human nature and very much always going to happen in what I call "filters" we all have filters based upon our own ~ beliefs, experiences, emotional intelligence, understanding and level of consciousness. That is how we view the world. And depending on where we are in our life and or Ascension process we will see the world differently and certainly give advice differently. It really takes a huge deal of self awareness to not do this So ways to give advice and not project your own "stuff" Firstly notice if their is a trigger or charge in the inquire or question. If their is take a moment to breathe and balance your energy before responding with an emotional change. Be empathetic in your response especially if you can identify with the situation. But also give the possibility of "I don't know" and advice from suggestions not absolute truth. When we come at something from certainty it's generally our Ego in the way. It's ok not to know. This way looking at more than one possibly can also be effective way to offer support or suggestions. This will be a good way for people to see what resonates as truth for them help them come to their own conclusions which ultimately is the most important thing. When you become better at trusting your intuition and inner compass you feel less likely to seek externally for answers more looking for a soundboard to help you come to your own conclusions. As you become more observant, and energy sensitive you'll see a bigger picture clearer. And that in many cases ~ people's comments, readings, advice givers actually say a whole lot more about themselves and their own life and personal circumstances than what they are offering up ~ it comes through in their expressions, not to mention their energy! This is a great asset for life skills and all interactions ~ becoming more aware of our self and how we relate and communicate with our brothers & sisters who walk this planet We are closing the gap of separation or widening it? Let's live from the space of love in our hearts Take a day to observe people rather than reacting from a place of your own perception, you can learn so much and probably will be absolutely amazing what you witness Sending much love Alisha Braché

21.01.2022 Our words, actions, energy has such great power ~ we get to choose if it's going to be one of empowerment or dis-empowerment. Once we start to break away the ch...ains of illusion & confusion of our own inner wounds.... We treat ourselves differently, the people we love the most. Family, Children, Partners & Friends. Be the Human that glows differently, so that you can light up other throughout the day Alisha Braché



21.01.2022 Lunar Eclipse in Gemini- Massive Changes Within the Mind, Communication Arises Outta the Blue, The Answers You Need Are Coming On November 29th/30th, we have th...e massive and fated Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees of Gemini. Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons on steroids and herald destined change and reversals connected to: manifestations, endings and completions. Gemini, the 3rd zodiac sign, deals with: the mind, communication, curiosity, malleability, flexibility and understanding. Get ready cause changes are in the air and they could appear out of the blue! The next 6-12 months will be colored by this Eclipse and they will usher in a new dawn of information and revelations. Wherever Gemini falls in your chart(especially potent if it's your: Sun, Moon, Ascendant or ruler of your axis points(1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) are where these massive and unavoidable events, situations and occurrences will take place. Surprise! Eclipses always bring in curve balls and unknown possibilities. Just when you thought 2020 had revealed all of its cray ways, think again, you are in for a big surprise! The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is here to bring massive communication downloads. A secret could be revealed to you at this time. Gemini energy is all about: learning, seeking and using our mental capacities. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini will reveal information that once was muddled or unclear. These confessions could literally come to greet you with little to no warning. Expect the unexpected. Eclipses always usher in a fresh energy connected to change in our destiny and plans. Since the Lunar Eclipse's ruling planet, Mercury, will be at the last degrees of Scorpio at the time of the Full Moon, some of these communications will be quite intense and will usher in a mental and spiritual awakening. There will be an element of surprise and shock with whatever comes to light on and around this powerful Lunar Eclipse. Downloads from spirit will reveal an answer to a piece of the puzzle that has been plaguing you... To read the full article, you have 2 options below. To view via my website, click here: To access the full article + the special extended horoscopes via my Patreon site, click here: On Patreon, I give tips and guidance for each of the 12 zodiac signs for this next lunar cycle. These forecasts are meant to empower you through these trying and tense times. You also will receive 10-20% off my readings. I am currently running a holiday sale (using discount code: ASTRO20) where you can also receive an additional 20% off discount until December 25, 2020. Your pledges on Patreon are so appreciated. I know it's not an easy time for many, and your support allows Astromomma to stay afloat and provide guidance to so many people. Thanks for your trust and contribution to the page. Happy Lunar Eclipse in Gemini my loves!! Astromomma, 2020 Image: LukeFitzsimons via DeviantArt #astrologyupdate #astrology #lunar eclipse #lunareclipseingemini #gemini #fullmoon #duplicity #duality #manifestations #portalenergy

20.01.2022 New moon, Super-moon old energy is clearing, new energy coming in, powerful and purifying #Powerful #purifying #rebirth #newmoon #supermoon #newenergy #manifest #intentions

20.01.2022 Latest solar ejection!

19.01.2022 Re~ Sharing, this was written on the 21/12/2019 on my Dolphin page, its relevant to the now, if you resonate ~ Rainbow Tribe Awakens 11:11 Channel...ed Forecast ~ Song Lines The Ocean, a powerful entity in its own right, of masculine energy, laid upon the female vessel that is Earth, a flow and watering of each other in perfect balance and harmony, the power of love for his beloved Earth, is a trinity of tales, that began with creation, they have always been with each other, the truest of love stories is the Ocean and Gaïa Beneath the surface, deep within the womb of his beloved Gaïa, a re birth process is occurring, via seismic and tectonic energies, the ocean has watched his beloved get plumaged, in which we call oil is her blood and its being drained, his seen her taken advantage of and violence bestowed upon his beloved, in return he opens his veins, sharing his essence with her, restoring the life flow, by purging through energetic forces, Earth she shakes and quakes, the prana they share is conscious, and its powerful, the breathe of life ~ for all life Deep within her womb, lies lands, currently being seeded by the sea, they will rise in a re birth of extraordinary energies, from her womb and into the hands of the ocean, firmly founded, these lands are fertile, pure and profound, they contain new song lines, a symphony of the long lost songs of Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu, these reconfigured and resonating notes, bring forth a golden frequency, it encompasses the golden age, and with it, the presentation of powerful light beings, being birthed through soul mates, children of the cosmos, it all entwines in perfect synchronicity These new lands are for the divine golden children, to bring fourth new ways of life, the cycle starts again, these children are gifted, guided and possess ancient knowledge, it is there first incarnation, theyve been kept protected, pure and emit the golden energies of heavenly harmonies, within the next two years, they will be conceived and born, in very specific, sacred places, including Uluru, Mount Shasta, New Zealand, Lake Titicaca, Mount Fuji, Indonesia, Egypt, along with other key geometric grids, these children are already seeded within the womb of their mothers, awaiting the breath of their fathers, these children are the ambient sparks of the soul mates, both immaculately conceived and received, through the conscious breath of unconditional love The new era they usher in through their presence will be likened to the true garden of eden, a place of ample fruits, waters and all that is within the creators caress, precisely the way the original quantum genetics were meant as, without the manipulation of man, untouchable energies, divinely protected by the arch realms, darkness cannot prevail here Before the full embrace and manifest of these new lands and children, comes an era of great change, the battle of dark matter, their consumption and presence, is seen, and being called out, there will be structural changes on a planetary aspect, the anti Christos (anti consciousness ) shows and will allude many, we live in the era our ancestors, the great prophets and celestial beings have all prepared us for, where the power of discernment is our guide home, in a world easily seduced and blinded, open your heart and connect with creator essence, the unconditional love that is all, dont be fooled by fear, the veil, the manipulation thats been on a constant attempt since the ancient days, these energies hold no power over creation, purity or light, awaken to the truth, which resides with your discernment Aquasha ~ The new lands, heaven here on Earth Remember who you are, a being of luminous light and love The Dolphin Whisperer

19.01.2022 We have the latest Sunspot in year's in brewing! Solar Winds are currently at 444.3km Schumann Resonance is relatively calm for now...... We have some pretty heightened Energies intensify at present!... We are in the lead up to the Full Moon in Gemini & Lunar Eclipse. This will be followed by another Eclipse on the 14th December.. We all know Eclipse session can get a little crazy! If 2020 hasn't been crazy enough not to mention the cosmic rays which have been ongoing I've just recorded a collaboration with Jen Infused with Light & Katie Jane VibroSound Lounge a Transmission to help clear your energy see: SYMPTOMS YOU MAY BE EXPERIENCING: Dizziness & Virtigo ~ due to the impact on your energy body a shifts within your energy field to adjust to new frequencies Extreme tiredness & exhaustion ~ your body needs to align and adjust to these changes which requires more sleep and rest to adjust Extreme/Heightened emotions & sensitivity ~ outbursts of sadness/anger/frustration ~ these energies will draw out like a magnet emotions which doesn't serve our highest vibration. Headaches & Migraines ~ as our higher chakras activate ~ rewiring happening between the higher mind & opening up our expanded awearness/conciousness Body Aches & pains ~ as our bodies filtering in more light to shift to our crystalline structure ~ it can be painful during these shifts, keep in mind it's temporary and will pass. Intense dreams & feeling disorientation upon waking. ~ During our sleep state we often travel and very active doing lots of work on higher levels which can make us feel very tired upon waking & can take a while to reorient yourself. BEST THINGS TO DO FOR YOU: Rest as much as you need Drink losts of water & plenty of fresh food Energy Healing - to help shift the emotions and help the body Gentle exercise ~ walking in Nature Let other's know what's happening so we can navigate this shift easier Practice compassion for yourself Self care ~ in doing things which help and support you! Sending so much support and cosmic waves of love ~ Alisha session links below: Or you can connect with me directly via PM Cosmic Gateway Ref:

18.01.2022 I love you all

18.01.2022 Esta es una hermosísima foto actual del Sol, las manchas que ven de color más claro son zonas más activas que podrían producir una llamarada (erupción de plasma...) solar. La que está en el cuadrante superior provocó una llamarada pequeña que los astrofísicos calificaron como "inesperada" porque la actividad solar, aunque puede monitorearse, no puede anticiparse con exactitud. El plasma solar tarda alrededor de 24 horas en alcanzar la estratósfera de nuestro planeta y es por eso que en teoría -y sólo en teoría para efectos de medición- sus efectos no son inmediatos en nuestro cuerpo físico, mental y emocional, pero estamos tan entrelazados con el Universo a nivel subatómico que los humanos lo sentimos antes que los aparatos que miden la actividad solar porque de ello depende nuestra supervivencia como individuos y como especie, al igual que la de todas las especies. Además del dolor de cabeza y el dolor en la nuca, los mareos, y el cansancio excesivo, también es posible que lleguen a tener un aumento en el ritmo cardiaco, síntomas de síncope vasovagal (sensación de desmayo inminente, actividad intestinal instantánea, palidez, aturdimiento, visión de túnel, nauseas y sudor frío) porque se estimula el nervio vago, ansiedad, actividad en el chakra de la Corona, sensación de nudo en la garganta y zumbido en los oídos, también es muy probable que se sientan mental y emocionalmente confundidos, con subidas de energía, y pérdida de equilibrio. Además, es común perder la memoria a corto plazo, sentir que estamos en dos dimensiones a la vez, tener dificultad para concentrarnos y variaciones en la temperatura del cuerpo y en nuestra sensibilidad a la temperatura exterior. Recuerden que este es un proceso de adaptación y que ya no va a terminar, dejaremos de tener síntomas físicos, mentales y emocionales cuando nos hayamos terminado de adaptar a recibir una mayor cantidad de energía electromagnética (fotones) de nuestro Sol. Aunque los síntomas físicos a veces pueden ser muy intensos e incluso atemorizantes porque no hemos vivido algo así nunca antes (al menos no que nadie pueda recordar), también es cierto que nuestra consciencia se está expandiendo, que estamos recuperando capacidades consideradas sobrehumanas o paranormales y que cada vez nos vamos alejando más de la materialidad de la frecuencia tridimensional viviendo a través del Espíritu y de la vibración del amor incondicional. Para algunos puede ser un proceso que dure unos cuantos años, pero para otros no tanto, cada uno de nosotros tiene un proceso individual que, aunque puede coincidir con el de otros, tiene sus propios matices y tiempos, la mejor forma de adaptarse siempre estará guiada por la propia intuición y no por la experiencia de los demás o por las reglas que alguien considere que deben seguirse (por ejemplo una dieta estrictamente vegana, meditaciones guiadas, terapias de sanación, y un larguísimo etcétera); cada uno de nosotros tenemos impreso en nuestro propio sello energético las únicas instrucciones que debemos seguir, todo lo demás puede ser de ayuda, pero no es garantía de nada. Les hago hincapié en esto porque el proceso será -otra vez- profundamente personal e individual, hasta llegar al Solsticio del 21 de Diciembre cuando la conjunción de Júpiter y Saturno en los 0 de Acuario den inicio a una nueva era en la historia de la Humanidad. ~Alicia~

17.01.2022 Wonderful line up of speakers I've already signed up & made my donation!

17.01.2022 Age of Pandora - 34 By Kiara Windrider (September 15, 2020) THE SHIFT Many have spoken about a Shift that we will be experiencing in the near future as Gaia goe...s through her evolutionary ascension. Some have spoken about a translation from 3D into 5D. Sri Aurobindo speaks about the transition from physical matter into true matter. The Mother proclaimed that a supramental world has already been built but that we have yet to experience it in physical density. During one of his journeys into Inner Earth, Radu Cinamar describes a dry, arid landscape on the physical side of an energetic barrier which suddenly appears moist and lush as they cross over into the etheric side. He describes other examples of very distinct and sudden changes the moment an energy boundary is crossed. Other travellers have experienced an entry into Inner Earth through polar regions where the entry has been more gradual, but also accompanied by extraordinary changes in climate and vegetation. I have come to believe that the same kind of transition that explorers of Inner Earth have been experiencing when they move from physical space into etheric space will become manifest in the surface world at the moment of the Shift. Everything that we are experiencing in the human collective at this time, especially with the initiatory events of 2020, is designed to break humanity out of our rigid dualistic paradigms so that we can more gracefully make this transition into an Etheric Earth. What happens when we make this transition? Will forests and wilderness species that have been decimated make their presence known again? Will mythical creatures suddenly show up? Will the vitality of the Earth, weakened through pollutants, chemicals sprays, and electro smog, be suddenly restored? Will Mother Earth return to her pristine primordial beauty? Many of us have already been experiencing profound vibrational changes within our physical and energy structures during these times. If there were to be a cataclysm today we already have the attunement necessary to enter through the nearest portal into the Inner Earth. Many ancient traditions still carry the memories of the last cataclysm we experienced about 12,000 years ago, and how we entered the Inner Earth to survive, returning to the surface afterwards to rebuild. Major cataclysms happen in cycles, and we are very close to the next big wave. However, this time around, the plan is not for just a few survivors to escape underground. Instead, we are awaiting a moment of Shift when we can surf the expected waves of cataclysmic force, and collectively ascend into the vibrational frequency of an Etheric Earth. I believe that the Great Initiation of 2020 has been a preparation for this incoming wave. Beneath the shockwaves and fear forcing us to re-evaluate our lives, beneath the lockdowns and travel bans, underneath the arrests and the dismantling of the Deep State, underneath the great fires that have swept through so much of our planet, is the Great Purification that the Hopi, Maya, Inka, Tibetan, Indian and Aboriginal prophecies have been long awaiting. I remember going to Guatemala in 2008, along with JJ and Desiree Hurtak, Linda Tucker, Grace Sears, Sunder Dreyfuss, Elisabeth Conrad, and a few others under the guidance of Norbert and Christine Muigg, who had created a Center for Mayan Studies in Solola, not far from the shores of Lake Atitlan. We visited many sacred sites and participated in a number of teachings and ceremonies. But one of my most cherished memories is a despacho ceremony performed by one of their most respected teachers and elders, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, followed by a discussion on Mayan teachings with him and his wife Elisabeth. Many at that time were anticipating big changes related to the ending of the Mayan calendar in December 2012, and we asked him about this. He seemed mildly irritated that so much was being made about an event that could not be anchored in linear time. He went on to speak about the Mayan prophecies, however. There are 13 prophecies related to this Age, he said, and 12 of them have already come to pass. The 13th prophecy is about Three Days of Darkness, and this is what we are awaiting now. This is an experience that many people in their ignorance equate with dread and destruction, he said. This event is not to be feared, however, but rather to be welcomed. It is what we have long awaited as the moment of Shift that will carry us successfully into the next World Age. Don Cirillo did not elaborate on what this Three Days of Darkness would look like, or whether these days of darkness were literal or symbolic. Over the years, however, I have developed my own understanding of this enigmatic Mayan prophecy, which I will share in my next post.

16.01.2022 Hey Soul Tribe, How are we going after Equinox? It was a big shake up & shake out? I know that is be a bit of a rocky ride for so many of us...... Oh my goodness the tiredness.... yesterday & today is so hard to function... it's whole next level... should have know solar winds we incoming... although they aren't overly high it feels like its a massive integration. There is such a noticeable distinction in the timeline jumping in & around. Very high embodiment one moment ~ then next moment it's completed exhausting & very different energy embodiment. SOLAR WINDS ~ PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS ~ Here is the list of the most common symptoms during the influx of solar winds and how you can assist yourself Heightened Emotions Anxiety & stress (no particular reason) Heightened Mental patterns ~ looping negitive thoughts ( 3D/Monkey Mind) Sleepy ~ need to rest or nap Broken sleep & intense dreams Nausea Dizziness or vertigo Heightened spiritual & psychic phenomena Irritability Triggers coming up for release Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms: Drink plenty of water Rest, Rest, Rest & More Rest! Meditation clear your energy ~ If you need additional support you can connect with me for Energy Alignment session via the link: Eat grounding goods; such as potatoes, nuts etc (Veggies that are grown underground) Connect with nature Be gentle with yourself and others Respond Vs React If/when triggers arise observe them ~ be conscious that it's an opportunity for release & transform ~ you are releasing what no longer serves you Sending so much cosmic love Alisha Brache Reference & Images:


14.01.2022 Wow this feels massively significant Solar Cycle 25 is "officially underway" I've been making the comparisons to this solar cycle beginning to a number of things, and perhaps you have more insights to share?... The Sun for me is connected with the Solar plexus ~ Masculine aspect & energy ~ Divine will & Action. You can see feel this massive change rippling through the collective with the new rising Masculine energy within all of us stand up in power, strength & sovereignty. You can see it everywhere in so many different ways appearing across the globe. Other things that come to mind! Solar Flash, Uluru, Rise in conciousness which has been happening over so long now starting to take the physical form into a new world & era birthing. Just so much magnificence happening here on this planet ~ course corrections happening at every turn. The 'wrongs' becoming 'right' again. Yes the energy is really wild & has been since we move past 9/9 can only imagine what's going to happen as we move forward to 10/10 & beyond! Sharing so many love with you all Alisha Braché

14.01.2022 Twin Soul ~ New Earth Skills (6 session program) Commence: Wednesday 30th September 2020 Complete on: Wednesday 11th November 2020 To sign up or read more via the website:... Each session & call will be a mixture of topics, guided meditations, group discussion & energy techniques to support your journey of better understanding your own individual Twin Soul connection, Journey, Healing, Ascension, Self Mastery & Soul Mission. Group calls will be approximately 1 hour via Zoom interactive Video call There will be a private Facebook Group to connect all participants and for ongoing support. There will also be access to discounted session types which will be accessible during the program to complement and integrate the group work - Including Energy Alignment - Light Language - BQH - Blockage removal - cognitive clearing & higher guidance connection and support For more information or to find out if this is the right program for you, you can email directly at: [email protected]

14.01.2022 "True Expansiveness" my phone just searched it all by it's how cleaver "True Expansiveness" my phone just searched it all by it's how cleaver

14.01.2022 Quietness on the Schumann Resonance continues ~ Sun Spot growing.... Wow headaches anyone? I couldn't update yesterday, I woke up with probably one of the largest energy Hangovers I've ever had yesterday morning that lasted the entire day. ... Few things I got from it was ~ one massive timeline shifting as collectively we are very much on the most optimal, it's also about a really big expansion of conciousness as the brain/mind/conciousness expands and rewires to be able to grasp the influx of information & energy coming through as we move forward over the next few months. Physically the Throat Chakra and sounds are Very predominant. Sore throat, coughing, yesterday off & on my mouth was too painful to speak.... That collective truth clearing & surfacing. Are you speaking your truth? Are you living in your highest Alignment? Feels the pushing for that especially since 9/9 Have you noticed? Curious to know how your all going beautiful soul tribe... Sending much love Alisha Braché Service & Support:

13.01.2022 December 2020- The Most Life Changing Month of 2020, The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, One World + One Love =Unification of Consciousness Welcome to December ...2020! We have now entered the 12th year, haha... I mean the 12th month of 2020! Just keeping up with my theme from previous months. The year of 2020 is the year that "can't stop, won't stop". We are in for quite a treat this month! December 2020 is sure to be a month to put in the record books( quite like this whole f year). Pat yourself on the backs my loves! You have made it to the end of 2020! An accomplishment worthy of celebration if you ask me. We began this year with the aspect of Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn which hasn't happened in over 500 years and we end the year with Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius which hasn't happened in over 600 years. We are literally witnessing aspects that will never show back up, at least not in our lifetime. There is a tremendous amount of forward momentum, even amongst the uncertainty and stresses of our current reality. The true dawning of the Age of Aquarius is upon us. Being an Aquarian Sun myself, I have waited many long years for this time. I remember crying myself to sleep as a child as I was constantly teased for being so weird and awkward around my knowledge with the stars. In those wee hours of the night while gripping my pillow with tears streaming down my face, I promised that one day in the future, I would be able to bring my gifts of astrology/spirituality to the masses of the world. Us Aquarians long for a world that is united by liberation of consciousness and unity! Well my loves, that time has begun! December 2020 will be the most life changing and magnificent month of the year! While we will certainly face challenges and obstacles, the Aquarius out of the box thinking and unity to join with one another vs. fight with one another will be the leading theme! After all the hell you have experienced this year, or bliss, depending on who you ask, will all be rewarded and acknowledged within this pivotal month. The middle part of the month gets super juicy so that is where I will begin... To view via my website, click here: To see how December + beyond will personally impact you, click here for my astrology and tarot services: Currently, I am running a Holiday Sale and all readings are 20% off using the code: ASTRO20 I know it's not an easy time for many, and your support allows Astromomma to stay afloat and provide guidance to so many people. Thanks for your trust and contribution to the page. Happy December 2020 my loves!! Astromomma, 2020 Image: Ascension by Callie Fink Art #astrologyupdate #astrology #december #eclipseseason #jupiter #saturn #thegreatconjunction #ascension #transformation #change #magic #manifestation

13.01.2022 We're all being called to summon our personal power. Mars retrograde in Aries is teaching you how to use your power in positive ways. Paradoxically, sometimes t...hat can make you feel powerless. In a world that needs healing, it can feel overwhelming to know how we can channel our energy for positive change. Great leaders lead with love, compassion, and empathy. They create unity and peace. It's time now to be the leader you want to see in the world. If there is something you want to change a hashtag won't solve it. Making other people the enemy will create more division. Being a destroyer is not being a lightworker. If you want to change the world, make sure you are seeing the humanity in other people. Find solutions instead of attacking others. Use your language to uplift others instead of tearing them down. WE ALL DO THIS. Every one of us now has a way of seeing other people as the enemy. Let's heal this in ourselves. And let's expect more from the leaders in our world. We have a lot of love to muster. Let's do this together. #worldpeace #bethechange #loverules #borntolove

13.01.2022 Yeah hello Schumann so good to see you I'm pretty sure that this one woke me up a few hours ago. Dreams have been deep yet processing... it's like a complete mix bag of random experience that need to be sorted as one big great push. So many faces, places & mission journeys too!... How are you? Each day waking up feels like a massive reboot to the system are you noticing that. New world reality wake up each morning! Sending much love ~ just a quick update for now I'll share more soon Alisha Braché

13.01.2022 Holy Shift! How are you feeling? We have the largest solar flare in 3 years!... Full Moon in Gemini & Lunar Eclipse! Shift is getting real peops! Symptoms & Sensations might experience with Solar Flares Solar Plexus activity ~ feeling anxious, uncomfortable & feeling lots of 'fear rise up' for no apparent reason ~ the solar plexus is directly connected with the sun energy Tingling sensation on the lips Huge inspiration, insights & downloads ~ this is a time where our conciousness has the opportunity to expand to greater heights and next level Energy influx in the body ~ feeling the vibration energy charges as our bodies are adjusting to higher levels of frequency Little or no sleep, also very heightened dreams & lots of dream space activity Headaches ~ Intense head pressure in crown & third eye as our conciousness expands Aches & pains in the body especially legs Pain in the spine as the energy channel clears and opens Heightened Emotions Heightened Mental patterns Broken sleep & intense dreams Heightened spiritual & psychic phenomena Irritability Triggers coming up for release Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms: Drink plenty of water Rest, Rest, Rest & more Rest Meditation & Balancing your energy Connect with nature Be gentle with yourself and others Sending so much love and blessings Alisha Braché Perfect time to have Energy work done on your body to help clear and integrate these energies if you need assistance reach out for a session links below: Or you can DM Cosmic Gateway MAJOR SOLAR FLARE: Earlier today (Nov. 29th at 1311UT), Earth-orbiting satellites detected the biggest solar flare in more than 3 years. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded this extreme-ultraviolet movie of the M4.4 category blast" Image:

13.01.2022 Thank you Journey to Truth Podcast just listening to this now

12.01.2022 Equinox has almost arrived are you feeling the push to balance your light & dark?Equinox has almost arrived are you feeling the push to balance your light & dark?

12.01.2022 Which one are you? I definitely get a 6 out 6

11.01.2022 Does anyone else think that the Schumann Resonance looks a little bit strange? Like artificial data? On another note "Magnificent Sunspot" these solar flares just keep coming! There has been a real deep in-between space for a few days... work happening on all dimensional levels...... Yesterday was a bit of a wipe out... I think I had a personal best for naps during one day! That sense where your being put to sleep to go off to another place to "work" The list below from a post 2 years ago might be very relevant for some now Extreme Tiredness & Fatigue ~ complete get wiped out to switch off sleep and reboot just like a computer Outburst of heighten emotions coming up to the surface ~ sadness, loneliness, pain, grief etc ~ releasing & purging old emotions held in our bodies Feeling at a loss ~ nothing makes sense anymore ~ confusion ~ hopelessness - this is often when things are being re-routed and redirected and lots happening in the background that you can't see just yet Aches and pains in the body ~ as we adjust to new DNA upgrades the bodies changing to hold more light & energy Dizziness & Vertigo ~ Light body is swirling around and activating Things that you can do to support yourself: Take time for yourself and center, balance and meditate asking an internal question "how can I best support myself now?" Go out and connect with nature Drink plenty of water and keep hydrated flush out whatever is being held in the body Rest, Rest and more Rest Get some Energy clearing, healing or Alignment to assist you Breathing deeply to release whatever is surfacing ~ try this free audio ~ Stay present and be in your heart space, no matter what it seems like on the surface you have great love and support all around. Sending much love Alisha Braché

11.01.2022 Wohooooooo ¿están sintiendo eso? Estamos bajo el efecto de una oleada de energía entrante super intensa. Estas oleadas de energía son Radiación Cósmica entrando... a la Tierra en forma de rayos gamma (energía electromagnética -o sea fotones- a gran velocidad), que cuando impactan a nuestro planeta nos provocan síntomas físicos debido al desplazamiento de electrones en nuestros átomos, mentales porque al recibir una frecuencia más alta ésta sobre estimula nuestras conexiones neuronales y la actividad regular de nuestro cerebro, y emocionales porque el aumento de vibración provoca que nuestros chakras se activen (hay una aceleración en el giro). Síntomas físicos que podrían estar teniendo: - Fatiga, debilidad súbita, sensación de desmayo - Exceso de sueño de forma repentina - Ataques de hambre, hambre que no se quita sin importar cuánto coman, exceso de sed - Nauseas, estómago revuelto, hueco en el estómago, ardor en la boca del estómago - Nerviosismo, palpitaciones sensación de aleteo o "mariposas" en el pecho por activación del Timo - Nudo en la garganta o dificultad para tragar - Dolor de cabeza principalmente del lado derecho, actividad en el chakra Corona, hormigueo o sentir bichitos que caminan - Comezón o ardor en la piel, erupciones e irritaciones cutáneas, labios con heridas, ampollas o hinchados - Ojos secos y enrojecidos, dificultad para enfocar - Las cosas pueden saberles distinto, o pueden tener antojos de cosas que no tienen ningún sentido, o que en realidad no les encantan - Insomnio, o demasiado sueño, y zumbidos en los oídos o ruido como si estuviéramos sintonizando una radio - Dolor en la nuca, sensación de estarnos balanceando ligeramente, pérdida de equilibrio, torpeza en los movimientos (como si nos moviéramos en cámara lenta) Síntomas mentales y emocionales: - Ansiedad, nerviosismo, intranquilidad - Ganas de llorar de un momento a otro, ataques de rabia - Sensación de que "están enloqueciendo" y de que se están "desintegrando", también pueden sentir que están a punto de morir sin explicación alguna - Pensamientos compulsivos y/o recurrentes sobre los cuales sienten que no tienen el control - Intuiciones y certezas internas (verdades que saben que están ahí, aunque no las puedan poner en palabras o conceptualizar) - Desconocimiento del propio cuerpo físico, o sea verse en el espejo y sentir que "no son ustedes", o sentirse ajeno a ciertas partes del cuerpo (específicamente las manos) - Ver flashes de luz blanca, órbitas pequeñas de colores (principalmente verde y violeta), o manchas de luz en el ambiente con los ojos abiertos o cerrados que se expanden También es probable que tengan fallas en aparatos electrónicos y señal de internet, descargas eléctricas (toques) al tocar objetos y personas y el cabello con estática. Pongan mucha atención a sus sueños (si logran dormir esta noche) porque nuestro Ser Superior nos está guiando a través de ellos. Tomen mucha agua y/o electrolitos orales, si les toca sentir el hambre constante es porque su cuerpo físico necesita densidad (que obtiene a través de la comida) para equilibrarse así que de preferencia no la ignoren. Recuerden que la incomodidad de estos síntomas es sólo temporal, vamos a estar bien. ~Alicia~

10.01.2022 Dear Brothers and Sisters Please read this entire message carefully. I have been guided to provide clarity, for a specific shared intention for the Ceremony ...on the 21st December 2020. This is the intention given directly by Original People, Lore keepers. I am passing on their words. I share this with pure love and energy, in an effort to provide clarity for those of you wishing to help and positively contribute to the Ceremony, and if you are wondering how you can do that. Ten years ago, I was directly told, physically and in person, about this Ceremony, it's purpose, the specific intention and the exact date from an Aunty who is directly involved in the Ceremony Here is the guidance from Original People, directly involved in this Ceremony. We need to deeply listen and respect those who know exactly what is going on and what this Ceremony is for. They have prepared for this Ceremony for their whole lives. For many, many Generations. These are their words; We need to be truly focused on a singular, focused, specific thought, feeling and intention. The purpose of this Ceremony is for the Rainbow Serpent to become the Rainbow Bridge, to rise up to connect with the light of the sun and go straight into the heart of Mother Earth. Cleansing, energising and reinvigorating Mother Earth and ushering in a new era of consciousness for Mother, and her children. To be clear ~ the focus is on Mother Earth, not on ourselves. We need to focus on reinvigorating Mother Earth, and raising her consciousness. If this Ceremony is supported by enough pure love, energy, and support of the shared specific intention, it will be successful. The byproduct of a successful Ceremony will be the new era of consciousness for Mother Earth and her Children. Us. We need to ensure our focus and love is on her, Mother Earth, and on this specific intention. With a cleansed body, heart, mind, and soul the intention is: ~ A pure love for Mother in our heart as we ask to energise the heart of Mother Earth with our love and energy ~ With this pure intention, you can contribute to the energy of the Ceremony from wherever you are in such a positive way. You need not be at Uluru. You can do this from afar. And it will make a huge difference!! It is the energy the Ceremony needs to be able to work. ~ Cleansing ~ As guided from Original People. To cleanse body, heart, mind, and soul the advice is to cleanse with pure water, like waterfalls, the ocean, rain, tank water, river or stream. You can cleanse by Smoking/Smudging your body with Eucalyptus leaves, if using Eucalyptus Leaves I have been advised as from Original Peoples that green Eucalyptus spits burning oil and while you need some green or else it burns without enough smoke, and the whole idea is to make smoke, still to never take leaves off a tree though, always just from the ground. Out of respect for Mother, that's proper way You can also Smoke/Smudge working with Ethically sourced cleansing plants such as Palo Santo, or white sage will also work. Then Meditation. Meditation with the pure intention. ~ When to Cleanse ~ The advice is that cleansing needs to start now and keep cleansing until and on the day, there's that many things to cleanse including negativity and distractions, it will take a good cleansing. ~ Meditation ~ Then the advice to be Meditating daily, or as much as possible, leading up to the Ceremony, and be Meditating beforehand, there is no set time to start Meditation on the 21st December as we are all different individuals so the amount of time before 9.02pm to begin Meditation is up to you, allow as long as it takes to build an intent in our minds. You may need half an hour to an hour of meditation, you need to build the energy to be sent, and then send the clear intenton of re-energising pure love and energy to the heart of Mother Earth at 9.02pm at the exact time of the Solstice. ~ How to send the Intention ~ When sending the pure love and revitalising energy to the heart of Mother, this energy can be sent through the root of your body and into the songlines, or through the third eye to Uluru, to join the Ceremony energies. Whatever way individuals find suits them is the right way to send the energy. As long as the energy and intent is there at 9.02pm on the 21st December, it shouldn't matter how it gets there The intention is pure love to reinvigorate and re-energise the heart of Mother. It's simple. Beautiful. Powerful. Your help is important. Your help is necessary. Necessary for this Ceremony to work. This is why you incarnated now, to help ensure this Ceremony is successful. It's for her. Not us. Though we positively benefit in the process. Keep a Lazer like one pointed focus on the intention. ~ A pure love for Mother in our heart as we ask to energise the heart of Mother Earth ~ This is what you can do. The rest is being taken care of by Original caretakers of the land. Please share this message far and wide. And please, stay focused on the intention. With infinite love, light and blessings, Julia ((())) xXx Photograph taken by me at Uluru

09.01.2022 Happy New Moon

09.01.2022 Solar Winds continue to increase.... potentially a G1 class Geomagnetic Storm... while this happens Schumann is very quiet. Have you noticed the tiredness continuing which is soooo outta control. Which feels like a real physical upgrade & integration Who is feeling a number or all of these?... Aches in the legs, which has always meant to me as grounding really high energy through our bodies & then into Gaia Heart charka opening & expanding which can be a little bit of physical discomfort. Feeling a little raw, vulnerable, emotional. Its certainly been a big week for all of this. So of course as we go through expansion of conciousness & epiphanies understanding more dots connecting. The energy influx that comes through our body clears out density build up, debris & things that are no longer conducive to the next part of our evolution growth Have no fear, stay in love You're truly a magnificent being of infinite love & every expanding consciousness. Alisha Braché

09.01.2022 This is one of my all time favourite memes ~ because Timelines is one of my favourite topics I would love to hear from you, of how you know when your either jumping, splitting, collapsing or merging timelines. I love to observe reality and find myself childlike watching all the different indicators that shows me there is a shift in reality.... I'll give you some examples of mine, but I would love to hear yours. Which will be really helpful for other people to better understand their experiences. Most people know that Chocolate Milk is one... when I crave it ~ I know we are going through a big shift. If you haven't watched Men in Black 3 I recommend watching it. Physical body changes ~ so many but one very noticeable one. I fractured my cheek bone in early January, took a nasty fall flat on the concrete pavement. It really hurt ~ it healed up quite well. Sometimes almost 10 months later I have the really harsh pain the same as it was a few days after the accident. Its only temporary and goes away when I shift my energy and vibration. I noticed also when that pain arises I have very negative or fearful dialogue running through my mind. I share these examples because it's so important to be aware of our own personal experience, vibration & alignment. As we observe our reality with these little markers we can make the adjustments needed. This impact our process in constantly navigating & aligning with our own most optimal highest timeline & of course as we do that individually it impacts the collective timeline too Happy Timeline Jumping Soul Tribe Alisha Braché

08.01.2022 Full Moon - Meditation/Activation a collaboration with Jen Infused with Light & Katie Jane VibroSound Lounge Journey with us on a guided, composed fusion of energy activation, light language & sound frequencies to assist you with your own healing, energy attunement and activation - To clear distortions out of your field of past relationships, connections and fragmented aspects of self which have been held from past traumas, experiences, memories which can be carried in our fi...eld since the beginning of time. As we lighten up and make space to encode the higher aspect of our multidimensional aspects to come online Connect with Kate @ Vibrosound Website: Facebook: Connect with Jen @ Infused with Light Website: Facebook:\

08.01.2022 Thank you for watching This video has been a long time in the making. Jen from Infused with Light hosts an interview of questions about my Energy work the back story of how my work developed and evolved over the years. Details of how my work flows in a session, answering the most commonly asked questions when people want to learn more and understand. We also discuss some of the things I have experienced and observed over the years. The different types of session that I offe...r and how that has evolved through personal experiences and adapted it to what clients are needing. We talk about Ascension, Twin Souls, New Earth Children and much more. To find out more about Jen see her amazing work or to book a session with her you can do by following the links below: Website: Facebook:\ Instagram: Links to my main services below: Energy Alignment Sessions: DNA Light Activation ~ Soul Purpose Sessions: Twin Soul ~ Divine Partnership Energy Alignment: If you feel guided to contribute to my work Tip Jar: For all other products, services, programs & blog upgrades: To contact me directly via email: Alisha ~ [email protected] Thank you for sharing!

07.01.2022 New Moon In Virgo- Foundations are A-Shifting!! Can you feel the old timelines wobbling and crashing around you, even the ones that you built up brick by brick... in the hope of building a sturdy new foundation..turns out nothing is as it had seemed.the old peeling away like a layer of cheap paint to reveal the cracks and dents in the Foundation that now need to be addressed ..pronto!!!!. New moon in Virgo means business, get your gloves and boots on and get to work, restrategise, repriotrise, reorient your resources, find the weak links as you are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. The foundations are a -shifting . physically, energetically and emotionally. If you find yourself being dunked into the depths by these fast moving waves , call in the Whale medicine to bring you up for some fresh air/ perspective , inspiration ,direction and clarity . Venus / Inanna is at Throat Chakra so Sound will play an important part in your healing, rerouting / navigation and as a means to tune into your Inner Voice ...the only GPS that can assist in navigation through these Foundation shifting Tsunami Waves crashing around you. Cleanse , declutter, prioritise, organise .one step at a time Sound alchemy and Breath work to Center and Balance and ReOrientation!!! Be Light ,InLight ,InGrace #newmoon #virgo #venus #inanna #whalemedicine Gratitude To Artists Unknown, pls tag if you know

07.01.2022 Hey Soul Tribe This has been a little while in the making & still excitingly evolving I'm being called to host a 6 week Program & Connection via zoom...Continue reading

07.01.2022 Thank you Infused with Light

06.01.2022 Love you Soul Fam Ascension would be so much harder without all the amazing soul family we met through the next... Something tells me that next year will be the beginning of bringing more in person connections... Watch this space

06.01.2022 Thanks Phil Good

01.01.2022 Miren qué increíble imagen compartió el sitio Space Weather Live (es el sitio donde monitoreo la Actividad Solar). La parte inferior dice 2020 y como pueden ver... es un Sol lleno de manchas solares activas (algo así como cráteres que pueden lanzar llamaradas de plasma solar) y la parte superior es el Sol hace exactamente un año en el 2019, sin tanta actividad y con una corona menos intensa. A esto se debe que se haya acelerado nuestro proceso de transformación durante los últimos dos meses porque cada vez será más intensa la energía a la que estaremos expuestos. ¿No les parece fascinante verlo así de activo? Esta es la prueba científica (para quienes todavía dudan de que esté sucediendo algo) de que en efecto estamos adaptándonos a una mayor cantidad de energía (frecuencia más alta) como parte de un proceso de evolución natural. ~Alicia~

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