Cosmopolitan Balloons | Other
Cosmopolitan Balloons
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25.01.2022 Teamed with our long tassels
25.01.2022 I just cant deal! Victoria holding our personalized orbz . . . #barbie #barbiemermaid #isla #islabarbie #personaliseballoon #personalisedballoons #customballoons #customballoon #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #cosmopolitanballoons #mermaidballoons #barbiemermaidballoons #balloonbouquet #balloonbouquets #barbiemermaidbouquet #angel #mermaid #mermaidbarbieballoon
25.01.2022 Classic fav! . . . .... #balloons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #customballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #balloonbundle #balloons #balloonbouquet #marbleballoons #birthdayballoons #balloonstylist #balloonartist #balloondecor #balloongift #orbz #stuffedballoons #stuffedballoon #birthday #birthdaybouquet #balloongifts #balloonart #ballooncentrepieces #orbzballoons #rosegoldballoons #pinkballoons #pinkballoonbundle #rosegoldballoonbundle
24.01.2022 For those ROBLOX fans! . . . #roblox #thisis9 #balloons #balloons #balloonsbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonbouquets #ballooncluster #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoon #customballoons #bepokeballoons #bespokeballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonart #balloonartist #balloonart #9thbirthday #robloxballoons #robloxballoon #robloxmemes
24.01.2022 Lets do this Spartan! . . . #spartan #letsdothis #fearless #timetogetoutofhiding #fight #love #peace #war #comeandtakethem #shield #300spartans #molonlabe #comebackwithyourshieldordeadonit #greece #ancientgreece #thisissparta #balloons #balloons #personalisedballoon #personalisedgifts #customballoon #customballoons #bespokeballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonart #balloonartist #balloonstyling
24.01.2022 Another day another Unicorn bundle!
24.01.2022 Is it me or is there something about a purple, lilac and rose gold combo!?!? Happy Birthday Sara! . . . #balloons #balloons #balloonsbouquet #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #customballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #hearts #confettibubble #confettiballoons #confettiballoon #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #balloonart #birthdayballoons #birthdaygirl #lilac #purple #heliumballoons #thisis14
24.01.2022 Christmas Table Centrepiece . . .... #christmascentrepiece #christmasballooncenterpieces #christmasballooncenterpiece #festiveseason #festive #christmastablesetting #christmastable #christmastabledecor #christmastabledecorations
23.01.2022 This is 8 . . . #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #marbleballoons #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #bespokeballoons #colourfulballoons #rainbowballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonart #balloondecor #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonfun #8th #8thbirthday #8thbirthdayparty #birthdayballoons #thisis8 #forty #isobirthday #8 #marble #marbleballoons orbz #ombreorbz
23.01.2022 The year of the boy! Who else is seeing arrival of baby boy’s?
23.01.2022 Welcome to the World Baby G . . .... #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #stuffedballoons #stuffedballoon #customballoons #customballoon #itsaboy #heliumballoons #heliumballoon #balloons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #cosmopolitanballoons #babyboy #babyboyarrivaldecor #welcometotheworld #newborn #newbornbaby #newborngifts #newbornbabyboy #newbornboy #newborngiftideas #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #melbourneballoons #balloonsmelbourne #balloonart #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement
22.01.2022 The BLUEY crew Happy Birthday Eleni
21.01.2022 I dont know what it is about this picture but it makes me happy . . .... #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #marbleballoons #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #bespokeballoons #colourfulballoons #rainbowballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonart #balloondecor #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonfun #8th #8thbirthday #8thbirthdayparty #birthdayballoons #thisis8 #forty #isobirthday #8 #marble #marbleballoons orbz #ombreorbz
21.01.2022 When he puts a on it...
20.01.2022 Who said dinosaurs are extinct . . .... #dinosaur #dinosaursparty #tyrannosaurusrex #tyrannosaurusballoon #tyrannosaurus #dinosaurs #stegosaurus #triceratops #brontosauras #trex #trexballoon #dinosaurballoons #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonsclusters #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #melbourneballoonstylist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #balloonartistry #birthdayballoons #backdrop #heliumballoons #apatosaurus #balloonart
20.01.2022 Another day another Frozen 2 party! This gorgeous set up by a clever mummy, balloons by @cosmopolitan_balloons Cake by @cakes_by_yana . . .... #frozen #frozen2 #frozentwo #disneysfrozen #disney #elsa #anna #olaf #annaandelsa #ballooons #balloons #balloongarland #balloondisplay #frozenballoons #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #balloonart #birthdayballoons #3rdbirthday #bespokeballoons #birthdayballoons #frozencake #balloons #balloons #garland #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #3 #thisis3 #snowflakes #snowman
18.01.2022 I heart you! #theperfectisogift #theperfectgift . . .... . #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonclusters #heartballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #balloonart #personalizedgifts #personalisedgifts #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoon #customballoons #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon See more
18.01.2022 Up up and away... For Jackson’s 1st Birthday
18.01.2022 Lock down fun bought to you by @cosmopolitan_balloons . . .... #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #marbleballoons #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #bespokeballoons #colourfulballoons #rainbowballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonart #balloondecor #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonfun #8th #8thbirthday #8thbirthdayparty #birthdayballoons #thisis8 #forty #isobirthday #8 #marble #marbleballoons orbz #ombreorbz
17.01.2022 This gorgeous bunny set up hopped on out of here! . . .... #Balloons #balloons #balloons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #personalised #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #customballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #2ndbirthdayparty #2ndbirthday #heliumballoons #ballonstyling #balloonart #balloonartist #balloonstylist #birthdayballoons #pastelballoons #confettiballoons #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #thisistwo #two #2
17.01.2022 A chic bundle delivered to Sophia to celebrate her year 12 success! Well done class of #2020 #graduation2020 #graduationballoons
16.01.2022 Simple yet effective! The perfect gift I have been receiving lots of DM about sending/delivering gifts for little ones that they wont be able to visit for their birthday/special day (100 days of prep) etc and also presents for Teachers. Here is a few great gift ideas - can be personalised also!l . . . #giftideas #thankyougifts #birthdaygifts #balloongifts #teachergifts #giftsofthanks #giftsunder$100 #giftballoons #confettiballoons #personalizedgifts #personalisedgifts #customballoons #bespokeballoons #balloons #balloonsmelbourne #lockdown #lockdown2020 #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #balloondecor #birthdayballoons #customgifts #giftforkids #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonsart #balloonartist #balloonstylist #100dayofprepideas #personalisedballoons @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
16.01.2022 Something fun and different
15.01.2022 Imagine waking up to this Bluey set up
15.01.2022 Pastels are all the craze at the moment! Maybe because they are so pretty . . .... #pastel #pastelaesthetic #pastelballoons #pastelcolours #pasteltheme #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #personalizedgifts #customballoon #customballoons #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonclusters #bespokeballoons #messageballoons #confettiballoon #confettiballoons #6thbirthday #thisis6 #birthdaygirl #6 #birthdayballoons #balloonstylist #balloonart #balloonartist #balloonstyling #birthdaygirl #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons
14.01.2022 Fun Fan Favourites! . . .... #soccer #soccerskills #soccerlife #soccertraining #soccervibes #soccerparty #soccerparty #soccerbirthday #personalisedballoons #personalisedgifts #personalisedballoon #customballoons #customballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloondecor #balloonarrangement #balloonclusters #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonsart #balloonartist #confettiballoon #confettiballoons #heliumballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons
14.01.2022 Close up of the countdown balloon! Great for all occasions - especially bringing in the new year! . . .... 2020 what a year! For some its more disappointing than others, but dont let it get you down! Get the better of 2020!!! Celebrate it and count down to what will be A GREAT 2021! This gorgeous couple did with style and elegance #only341daystogo . . . . #countdown #2020 #2021 #countdown2021 #wedding #weddingballoons #elegantballoons #engagement #engagementballoons #classyballoons #mr&mrs #confettibubble #confettiballoons #confettiballoon #personalisedgifts #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #balloons #balloons #whiteandsilver #silverandwhite #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #melbourneballoonstylist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement
14.01.2022 A big of fun for a bright and fun 8 year old girl! . . .... #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #marbleballoons #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #bespokeballoons #colourfulballoons #rainbowballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonart #balloondecor #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonfun #8th #8thbirthday #8thbirthdayparty #birthdayballoons #thisis8 #forty #isobirthday #8 #marble #marbleballoons orbz #ombreorbz
14.01.2022 Little Mermaid vibes! X . . . .... #thelittlemermaid #ariel #underthesea #flounder #sebastian #disney #disneyprincess #princessariel #littlemermaidparty #littlemermaid #littlemermaidballoons #thelittlemermaidtheme #balloons #balloonsbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #ballooncluster #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonart #balloonartist See more
14.01.2022 Well done to Sophia and all the year 12’s on a tough year! Atar’s are out...time to start planning your bright future....we are all so proud of you!
13.01.2022 Popping bottles #sneakpeek #nye2020
13.01.2022 Pastel Princess Set Up! . . . .... #pastel #pastelaesthetic #pastelballoons #pastelcolours #pasteltheme #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #personalizedgifts #customballoon #customballoons #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonclusters #bespokeballoons #messageballoons #confettiballoon #confettiballoons #heliumballoon #stuffedballoons #1stbirthdayballoons #balloonstylist #balloonart #balloonartist #balloonstyling #birthdaygirl #smashcakesession #smashcakephotoshoot #smashcake
13.01.2022 New in - Happy Birthday Balloons, with pink and gold floor length tassels. We teamed this up with a cute pastel unicorn bundle
12.01.2022 New Year’s Delivery...
11.01.2022 Burst of Pastel Pink! . . .... #pink #pastel #pastelpink #personalised #personalizedgifts #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #customballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #heliumballoons #confettiballoons #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonbouquets #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #bubbles #clearballoons #pastelballoons #balloonartist #balloonstylist #balloondecor #balloonart #balloondecoration #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster
11.01.2022 Bluey and Bingo! . . .... #bluey #bingo #ABCkids #personalisedballoons #personalisedgifts #personlisedblueyballoon #blueyballoons #blueyballoon #customballoons #customballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #orbz #blueygiftideas #kidballoons #balloons #balloons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonart #balloonartist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #cartoonballoons
11.01.2022 Our brief to was color match the gorgeous interiors of this amazing store! How do you think we did? Nailed it?
11.01.2022 Stefan’s 1st Birthday When it all comes together nicely
11.01.2022 Dinosaur perfection from every angle! Something bright and fun for the gram roarrrrrr!!!! . . .... #dinosaur #dinosaursparty #tyrannosaurusrex #tyrannosaurusballoon #tyrannosaurus #dinosaurs #stegosaurus #triceratops #brontosauras #trex #trexballoon #dinosaurballoons #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonsclusters #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #melbourneballoonstylist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #balloonartistry #birthdayballoons #backdrop #heliumballoons #apatosaurus #balloonart
10.01.2022 Bubbles are always a good idea . . . #Champagne #bubbles #balloons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #ballooncluster #marbleballoons #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #bespokeballoons #colourfulballoons #rainbowballoons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #40th #40thbirthday #40thbirthdayparty #birthdayballoons #fabatforty #forty #isobirthday #verve #domperignon #domperignon #moetandchandon #cheersto40years
10.01.2022 Love a fun and cheeky message! Fathers Day orders out today and tomorrow!!! E.X.C.I.T.I.N.G!!! . . . #father #fathersday #fathersdayorders #happyfathersday #fathersday2020 #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #bespoke #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #customballoons #customballoon #confettibubble #blackandwhite #blackandwhiteandsilver #fathersdaymessage #messageballoons #balloons #balloons #balloongifts #balloonsartist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons
10.01.2022 Happy 6th Birthday Lulu
09.01.2022 Sneak Peek of what’s to come...
07.01.2022 A legacy to a legend! POWER to represent strength. Also words this legend lived by 31/07/20 day this legend left our world RIP Pappou for their beloved grandpa Fly high, fly strong loved and remembered by all
07.01.2022 2020 what a year! For some its more disappointing than others, but dont let it get you down! Get the better of 2020!!! Celebrate it and count down to what will be A GREAT 2021! This gorgeous couple did with style and elegance #only341daystogo . . . .... #countdown #2020 #2021 #countdown2021 #wedding #weddingballoons #elegantballoons #engagement #engagementballoons #classyballoons #mr&mrs #confettibubble #confettiballoons #confettiballoon #personalisedgifts #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #balloons #balloons #whiteandsilver #silverandwhite #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #melbourneballoonstylist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonartist #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement See more
07.01.2022 The setup! Stefan’s 1st Birthday! Balloons @cosmopolitan_balloons Event Planner @forever_i_do Decals @house_of_confetti_events Props @willowtreeevents ... Venue: @theindustrique See more
07.01.2022 And one for the boyyyssssss! . . . #30 #30thbirthday #30thbirthday #thirtyflirtyandthriving #thirty #balloons #balloons #personalisedballoons #customballoons #bespokeballoons #cars #musclecars #carballoons #musclecarballoons #confettibubble #confettiballoon #personalisedgifts #blueballoons #birthdayballoons #boybirthday #boybirthdayballoons #revhead #happybirthdaybaby #iloveyou #balloonsbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonstyling #balloonstylist
05.01.2022 Delivered these to the Royal Childrens Hospital yesterday for Lacey. Lacey is a 4 year old gorgeous little girl who has just gone through a big battle. Diagnosed with a tumour in her abdomen shes just undergone a 9 hour major surgery to have it removed at the childrens hospital. With the amazing surgeons there they have successfully removed it all and shes now in recovery. So these balloons from 2 of her kinder school friends Alexander and Jacob. It has brought some love and colour into her room to cheer her up on her journey through recovery Get Well soon Lacey!!
05.01.2022 Champagne showers
05.01.2022 Todays Smash Cake session is bought to you by @cosmopolitan_balloons . . . #smashcake #smashcakesession #smashcakephotoshoot #garland #1 #1cake 1cluster #1arrangement #1stbirthdayballoons #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayparty #firstbirthday #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #ballooncluster #balloonarrangement balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonstyling #balloonstylist #balloonart
04.01.2022 The BIG 4.0!!! . . #40 #thebig40 #40thbirthday #40th #forty #fabatforty #personalisedballoons #personalizedgifts #personalisedballoon #personalisedgifts #confettiballoon #customballoons #customballoon #bespokeballoons #bespokeballoon #balloons #balloons #balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonbouquet #balloonarrangement #balloonfashion #balloonartist #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonart #ballooncluster #4 #0
03.01.2022 Allegras little smash cake set up! Also a great and increasing popular iso gift . . .... #smashcake #smashcakesession #smashcakephotoshoot #garland #1 #1cake 1cluster #1arrangement #1stbirthdayballoons #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayparty #firstbirthday #balloons #balloons #balloonbouquet #ballooncluster #balloonarrangement balloonsmelbourne #melbourneballoons #balloonartist #balloonstyling #balloonstylist #balloonart #garland #balloongarland #balloongardlands #balloonarch #personalizedgifts #personalisedgifts #personalisedballoons #personalisedballoon #customballoons #customballoons #bespokeballoons
02.01.2022 This picture was the brief...Swipe right to see how we transformed it into a personalised message and clever add on to gift . . . #balls #ballpit #kidsballpit #personalisedcards #personalisedgifts #personalisedballoons #1st #1 #1stbirthdayballoons #1stbirthday #firstbirthdayideas #firstbirthday #personalisedballoon #personalisedballoons #customballoons #customballoons #bubbleballoon #balloons #balloons #balloonstylist #balloonstyling #balloonstyle #balloonart #balloonartist #melbourneballoons #balloonsmelbourne #messageballoons #messageonaballoon
02.01.2022 Our personalised jumbo balloons with long tassels A tribute to a legend #40days #power
01.01.2022 The continuation of Bluey
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