Cottesloe Coastcare in Cottesloe, Western Australia, Australia | Environmental conservation organisation
Cottesloe Coastcare
Locality: Cottesloe, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9285 5000
Address: PO Box 32 6911 Cottesloe, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Cottesloe Coastcare volunteers now use a novel augur hole digger at planting time. For us it works very well. This year some slight design changes improved things even more. If you would like more information we are happy to share. You can read more here .
24.01.2022 A wonderful reference book with a free online version. Its the right time for a fungi foray!
23.01.2022 A good weeding session at our Vlamingh Nature Discovery space, in readiness for the official opening on Saturday 25th July at 2pm. Join us then or visit soon. The temporary fences will be removed by 25th July. We put plant guards on many small seedlings, so that they will be protected until they grow larger and are easier to see. Two white-cheeked honeyeaters watched us at work and we hope many birds will use the area in time, as 2000 local native plants grow providing food and habitat. We are extremely grateful to Nature Based Play for their wonderful work and creativity at this very special place.
23.01.2022 If everyone planted one tree a year just imagine the difference this could make to our environment! If you cant plant a tree at your place maybe you would like to join a local community group for a planting session. Cottesloe Coastcare has nearly finished planting for this year. This year we were obliged to use very small groups of workers. However, we will have a public session on Sunday morning 5th July - watch this space for details. In the meantime lots of local groups need a hand ,including Friends of Mosman Park Bushland, Friends of Lake Claremont, Cambridge Coastcare, Friends of Allen Park Bushland Group , Stirling Natural Environment Coastcare INC and many others.
23.01.2022 Hover flies are buzzing in my home garden and also at our Coastcare sites. As the name suggests, they hover: the head is still but the transparent wings beat like crazy. There are thousands of species of hoverflies, also called syrphid flies. They don't bite or sting but they mimic small bees or wasps to confuse their enemies. The adults feed on nectar and pollen while the larvae of many species of hoverfly eat aphids and thrips and other plant-sucking insects. Some species are very important in keeping pests under control and others are specialist pollinators. Photo - hoverfly on Rottnest Daisy - see Florabase.
23.01.2022 A group of us had a lovely walk in the spring sunshine from our favourite Grant Marine Park to Allen Park, over Melon Hill, around Lake Claremont and back again. Lots flowering and quite a few birds on the lake but the water level is very low this year. Weed bags were evidence that the wonderful volunteers from Friends of Lake Claremont had been hard at work while we strolled in the sunshine. I think we saw and heard the beautiful song of a Rufous Whistler. I wonder how common they are at Lake Claremont? No photo unfortunately. The Tawny Frogmouths were at Jones Park.
22.01.2022 Its the third day of Science Week. These videos come from Smithsonians National Museum of Natural History. Pressing plants is a fun and interesting activity. Just remember to use plants from your own garden or you will need special permission! Happy plant pressing.
22.01.2022 We love to see children enjoying, creating and exploring the natural surrounds at our special Nature Discovery Space at Vlamingh. Every time I visit to weed or tidy up I meet young families who are enjoying the place. Last week Tom, James and Zoe were fascinated by the flying ants; other kids recently turned the Baby Humpback climber in to a woolly mammoth and today a beautiful young girl was making a cake in a bowl carved at the Weedy Seadragon log. Two weeks ago other children had created a mini water garden in the same bowl - carved by Mack from Nature Based Play.
20.01.2022 Town of Cottesloe had a community planting event on Wednesday along the PSP bike path, near Victoria St station. 5 volunteers turned up for the event, all from Cottesloe Coastcare. We worked hard and all 500 seedlings were planted by the team. Adeline Morrissey from Town of Cottesloe was the organiser. The Towns new CEO, Matthew Scott came to meet us which was great. He did not even mind getting dirty while he planted a Banksia and a few other plants. Colin, Clayton and Troy from the Town delivered mulch and watered plants. Lets hope the plants survive and provide shade for the bike path in time, plus add to a wildlife corridor through Cottesloe.Thanks for the great morning tea Adeline. The delicious cinnamon scrolls from North Street Store are always a hit, but this time we deserved them!
20.01.2022 With the opening of our Vlamingh Nature Discovery Space on Saturday its a good time to reflect on CCA volunteers work around that site over the last 14 years. Thanks to Town of Cottesloe and the various funding bodies who have paid for fences and contractors. Thousands of volunteer hours later you can see what has been achieved to date. The whole area was totally dominated by weedy Victorian teatree when we started work in 2006.
19.01.2022 Grant Marine Pk an awful site for skateboards. (A letter from Peter Rattigan to Post newspaper June 27) Dear Editor The proposal to build a skate park at the playground on the Grant St Marine Pde park shortchanges skate boarders. The design jams a limited design skate park between the natural sand dunes and a heavily used childrens playground. The constraints of the site can only lead to a small and limited use skate park that will only be suitable for one age group and n...ot provide a multiple of uses. Either it will have to be very low level for small children or similar to the Scarborough skate park, death defying difficult for the advanced skater. Poorly designed skate parks just become unused concrete eyesores that attract graffiti. The skate park on the Esplanade at Fremantle is an example of a well-designed skate park that is suitable for all levels of user. It takes up a much bigger footprint than is available at the Grant st Marine Pde park. If the Town of Cottesloe is to spend a significant amount of money of building a skate park spend the money wisely and get something that is useful for the maximum number of users. Better sites exist e.g. on the Railway reserve, North and adjacent to the new adventure playground, at Harvey field, behind the Swanbourne Surf Club, the previous Swanbourne Bowling Club site and possibly others. I am reminded of the saying Do it once, do it right. A properly designed and sited skate park can be a lasting amenity for the area, what is proposed is a band aid solution. Regards Peter Rattigan Grant St, Cottesloe
17.01.2022 These photos were taken during the last three weeks at our planting sessions. Small teams have done a brilliant job planting over four more working bees. At Grant Marine Park, at the dune infront of car park 1, extending the native plants on the foreshore between Sydney Street and the new Vlamingh nature-scape and finally at Cottesloe Native Garden. The last 1000 are usually the hardest to get in...we get a bit worn out by late June, but Sundays session should be the last for this year. Then a very short rest before weeding season starts!! Big thanks to everyone.
16.01.2022 Have you had a walk around Lake Claremont lately? Lots of birds have returned and you can admire all the wonderful revegetation work of the Friends of Lake Claremont.
16.01.2022 "Here be Dragons'! Summer is almost here and if we are lucky we might see one of these gorgeous fish when snorkelling off Cottesloe reef. Some people will remember Sir David Attenborough's support to CCA's (successful) campaign in 2010- 2011 to have the Weedy Seadragons declared a protected species in WA.
15.01.2022 A very important issue for us all. One day I took a very sick white barn owl to raptor carers, he survived with their wonderful care but he had been poisoned this way.
14.01.2022 A good reminder for us over here in the West to keep our proper distance as we work and as we go about the rest of our lives too!
12.01.2022 The Noongar season of Djilba is August and September (approximately) - it is considered the season of conception. A cold period with clear, cold days and nights and warmer, rainy and windy periods. Roots were collected, emus, possums, kangaroo and fat bobtails were hunted. Noongars were able to move to inland hunting areas once the rains had replenished water sources. Plants flowering in our beautiful part of the world in August and September include Banksia sessilis (parrot bush), Acacia lasiocarpa (dune moses or panjang), Hardenbergia comptoniana (native wisteria) and Spyridium globulosum (basket bush). Ive added names to the various wattles particularly. Now we wait for more rain!
11.01.2022 A big thankyou to the Year 10 boys from Christ Church Grammar School who spent their Friday afternoon of Community service with us at Cottesloe Coastcare. We weeded many bags full of gazanias from the dunes near Dutch Inn, then two big piles of mulch was spread around new seedlings. Special thanks to Jane Hammond, Assistant Head of Hill House for her support for our work and for her firm and fair guidance. We look forward to welcoming the team again in October. Best regards to everyone.
11.01.2022 Coastcare volunteers are distressed that our beautiful, peaceful Grant Marine Park can be ruined by a skate park, other infrastructure and toilets all jammed in a small space. There are other better sites! PLEASE take the Council survey & write to Councillors. See details in previous post. Meanwhile we keep on planting.... pushing against the tide!
11.01.2022 If you have walked along the Cottesloe coast you will have seen our lovely grey coastal daisy bush Olearia axillaris. Would you believe that University of Oxford have a specimen that was collected by William Dampier in 1699? His writing, drawings and specimens gave Europeans some of their first glimpses into the strange new world of New Holland. You can read more about it on the Collecting the West site here And then there is the beetle wing dress
11.01.2022 Thank you Mindaroo! Since its opening in July, the Nature Discovery Space in south Cottesloe has been embraced by the community and use of the facility has exceeded expectations. The Nature Discovery Space is an initiative of Cottesloe Coastcare who partnered with Town of Cottesloe to develop the area. Minderoo Foundation and the Community Environment Fund were our funding partners.... The financial support of Minderoo allowed the incorporation of exciting creative elements, including a wooden climbing frame in the form of a baby humpback whale, a fairy bridge, a cubby frame and a resident rope snake. It is clear children love the opportunity to interact with this attractive natural space among the trees, logs and rock mounds. We have seen lots of hide and seek, much cubby building, the creation of miniature worlds with shells, gum nuts, sticks and stones and lately the humpback whale climbing frame has been turned into a hairy mammoth! As Nature Play WA says: children who play in natural settings play in more diverse, imaginative and creative ways.
10.01.2022 Our Sunday sessions are fabulous - we get so many students and people who work through the week joining in. How wonderful that you are prepared to give up a sleep in and contribute to restoring Cottesloes foreshore vegetation. The last 400 plants for this year were expertly planted, some weeding and two big piles of mulch applied. Thanks to David Honey - Member for Cottesloe for joining us, hes pretty handy with a spade too! Thank you everyone!
09.01.2022 A skate park is proposed in Cottesloe but we think Grant Marine Park is absolutely the wrong location. Please contribute to the Towns survey (closes 10 July) and please write to your Councillors. THANKYOU. Heres the link to the Town of Cottesloe survey . Here is a list of the Town of Cottesloe councillors: You can read Coastcares full submission here Grant Marine Park was once a goat paddock and it still looked like that when Cottesloe Coastcare started work at the eroded and degraded site 16 years ago. Today Grant Marine is a quiet relaxing space much loved by young and old. We believe there are much better sites for a skate park than having it jammed in a small space with two other playgrounds. We care a great deal about the natural space in the park. You can see in the photos how Coastcare volunteers have transformed it. And we worry about increasing damage to the fragile, natural vegetation. Even small islands of natural vegetation are critical for the survival of local birds and animals. And natural areas are increasingly important for everyones health and well being. We think that John Black Dune Park is a better location for a skate park. It is a central site, with plenty of room for a well designed skate park. The area is degraded now but could be attractively landscaped to minimise noise impacts. Heres the link to the Town of Cottesloe survey . Please give your feedback via the survey and also write to your local Councillors about this. Here is a list of the Town of Cottesloe councillors:
08.01.2022 These night chats are always fascinating. You need to register by email asap as places are limited and filling fast.
07.01.2022 Fathers Day at Nature Discovery Space, Vlamingh. Some CCA Dads gave up their sleep-in to come weeding instead. Its the perfect time to weed before the seed sets then spreads. Gabor, Martin, Chilla and Frauke did a wonderful job removing Carnation weed (Euphorbia terracina), its one of our most troublesome weeds. It was a great session and we all enjoyed morning tea together. Special thanks to the Dads today!
07.01.2022 The wonderful Cottesloe Film Festival may have to be cancelled in 2021. Fingers crossed that a miracle will still happen. The Festival organisers have been generous sponsors of Cottesloe Coastcare projects and we love being a part of this very special community festival with the best vibe and best view in town!
06.01.2022 Cottesloe Coastcares 25th planting season was a success. Now just for some more rain... and weeding time has re-started!I hope planting at your garden is going well too. (Thanks Michael Leunig)
06.01.2022 We always knew that Grant Marine Park was not the right place for a skate park in Cottesloe. We believe that it could be incorporated in the development of the centally placed but degraded John Black Dune Park. Car Park no 1 is another idea and some say how about the Cott Civic Centre lawns? It looks as if Cottesloe might need to review their maths then start the whole process again. Now thats a very good idea!
06.01.2022 We are pleased that CCA and Town of Cottesloe has received a new Coastwest grant to restore this VERY weedy site in south Cottesloe. Lots of hard work ahead!
04.01.2022 We had a wonderful class of year 12 students from John XXIII yesterday. They filled 10 bags of weeds and moved about 3 cubic meters of mulch to the sand dunes at Dutch Inn in about an hour. A delightful group according to Juliet. Marion, Mike G and Frauke came along to help. The class has been studying Marine Science and will be back here next week on Wednesday. Extra hands like this really help our work on the coast. Thank you John XXlll!
03.01.2022 Are you a local volunteer? We are celebrating the contributions of volunteers in our community and would like to say thank you. Please join us at our Thank a Volunteer event! Visit to register your attendance.
02.01.2022 Is it just during gloomy winter days our eyes are caught often by red flowers? And is it the design of these winter flowering local plants that red more easily catches the eye of birds?June/July is the Noongar season of MAKURU when travelling groups carried smouldering branches of Banksia. Fire was a very precious resource to Noongar people, for tool making, food preparation, cooking, hunting, warmth and signalling.
02.01.2022 A lovely letter from Peter Rattigan in the Post newspaper of July 25. And how about this on the subject of the importance of green spaces for our health and well being! The Conversation UK: Green prescriptions: should your doctor send you for a walk in the park?. We have the real thing at Grant Marine Park - so lucky that artificial turf nor even an artificial beach is required for our green prescriptions!
01.01.2022 We all had a very happy celebratory afternoon at the opening of the Vlamingh Nature Discovery Space today. Town of Cottesloe provided afternoon tea - special thanks to Adeline and Lisa. Mayor Phil Angers and CCAs Chair Mike Ewing spoke about the wonderfully happy, collaborative process we have had over 2 years. Its been a real pleasure for CCA to work with Adeline Morrissey from Town of Cottesloe, Bruno and the Natural Areas team from Town of Cottesloe. Mike thanked many p...eople and singled out the great team from Nature Based Play, represented by Terry, Angus, Jan and Sarah and family members today. Nature Based Play had a wonderful vision for the area and what they have created is brilliant. We were pleased that David Honey - Member for Cottesloe could join us again. Miranda and Richard from Cottesloe Film Festival came along too, we are very grateful for the generous donations CCA has received from their fantastic summer Cott film festivals. Bruno Menag from Town of Cottesloe was also present, we are very thankful to Bruno, Clayton and Troy for all their work and care. Mike also thanked Kate and Hannah from PNRM Coastal + Marine.Donations from Mindaroo Foundation and from the Community Environment Fund via the office of Celia Hammond MP were vital to the project and we are very thankful. Unfortunately Celia nor a representative from Mindaroo could be present but we look forward to welcoming them to this special place soon. As you can see in the photos a very good time was had by all. 50 seedlings were planted, there was lots of exploratory fun for the children and plenty of cupcakes too! See more
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