Coulton's Country | Photography and videography
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25.01.2022 On Saturday High Country Droughtmasters held their 7th annual on-property bull sale near Eskdale. On the day thirty-six bulls were offered, averaging $10,125 and topping at $21,000. Twenty registered females were offered and topped at $13,000. The females averaged $6025.... Congratulations to the Laycock family and the High Country team for a successful sale.
25.01.2022 "NEVER WORK WITH CHILDREN OR ANIMALS" How many times have you heard that quote? I for one, have lost count that's for sure! ... Over the years I have photographed many animals and personally believe that horses are one of the hardest when it comes to getting their ears forward (for those curious....ears forward is a must, unless of course its an action shot). Now with that in mind, when Richard Cox called this week and said he had a vision, I questioned the likelihood of getting both animals ears forward at the same time. Challenge accepted.... To my surprise and only minutes into the shoot, we had nailed it. What a credit to Coxy and his trusty four-legged friends. I couldn't have done it with out the help of Lochy and his crazy noise-making contraption (I need to get my hands on one of those) or my two little off-siders. When the noise machine didn't work, their little voices worked a treat. If you like this, make sure you check out the other pics on my Instagram page.
22.01.2022 ~ THUNDER ROLLS & LIGHTNING STRIKES ~ Late last night the lightning struck and the thunder rolled along the ridges of Theodore. And over the past few days we have been fortunate enough to find ourselves under some of these storms. What a lovely change from dust!... It is great to see new green shoots on everything and feel the freshness in the air. Here's to a relaxing day of catching up with friends and editing photos.
22.01.2022 ~ CHICKPEA ~ Planted in June this annual legume appreciated the 11mm of rain that fell last week. #chickpea #legume #agriculture #farming #wintercrop #cropping #rainverseirrigation ... #coultonscountry #photography #ruralphotos #ruralphotographer #ruralphotography #officeviews #workingrural #pulseaustralia @graincentralofficial @graingrowers @graincorp @qclnews @farmweekly @nationalfarmers @thegrdc @grainbrokers_au See more
21.01.2022 ~ BRAHMAN WEEK Day 1 ~ Yesterday saw the first day of Brahman Week average $13,354, clear 97% and gross $3,565,500. The Gibbs Family, Nicneil Brahmans, Coalstoun Lakes, broke the Brahman Week record first when they sold Nicneil Sugar Daddy for $180,000 to Dillon Scott, Rosetta Grazing, Collinsville, Darren Kent, Ooline Brahmans, Goovigen, and Lawson Camm, Cambil Brahmans, Proserpine, early on in the day. ... By mid afternoon on Monday this top price moved to second-top as Clukan Boabab broke the record and sold for $210,000. Owen Scott, Ruan Grazing, Clermont, and Gavin Scott Rosetta Grazing, Collinsville, purchased the 27-month-old from vendors Theresa and Steve Taylor, Clukan Brahmans, Jambin.
20.01.2022 BRAHMAN WEEK 2020 Three days of selling Brahmans is over in the blink of an eye. Coulton's Country Photography has been covering the annual three day event and will be sharing images on the CCP website in the coming weeks. Prior to this make sure you check out the special report in next week's edition of the Queensland Country Life. For those who have been following CCP's coverage and would like to know the final figures here is our little wrap up. ... Rockhampton's annual Brahman Week cleared 99% over the three days and the total sale average for 2020 was $12,395. The Greys topped at $210,000 (Clukan Boabab owned by the Taylor Family at Jambin) and averaged $11,683. The Reds topped at $140,000 (Palmvale Odyssey owned by Beth and Remy Streeter, Marlborough) and averaged $13,642. Chairman of the Brahman Week Committee, Reade Radel, Kandoona Brahmans, Injune, said in his interview with AMM's Amelia Honner, for Central Queensland Livestock Exchange - CQLX wrap up that there had been great value buying this year. He also wanted to acknowledge that buyers in the stands were spending between $5000-$10,000 for really good quality bulls. Elders stud stock auctioneer Anthony Ball, North Queensland, said that buyers keep coming back and that they can shop for quality bulls around that five/six/seven thousand dollar mark. Please feel free to tag people you know in the following images and share the page. Remember to keep an eye out for the link to the CCP website to see more memorable moments from the 2020 Rockhampton Brahman Week Sale. Until then... Keep well and stay safe. Sarah
19.01.2022 BULL SELLING SEASON is fast approaching. Have you considered getting Coulton's Country Photography to cover your sale? Capturing all the action of the day and making sure you get images of the top selling bulls, repeat buyers, top volume buyers, under-bidders and visitors. ... CCP will ensure that all the moments you want are captured forever.
18.01.2022 COVID-19 has certainly disrupted an endless array of events and other things this year! However, Im choosing to focus on the positives today and am excited about what lies ahead for 2021.
18.01.2022 ~ A DECADE ON, STILL GOING STRONG ~ Congratulations to the Fox Family, Cooinda Santa Gertrudis, Proston, who averaged $9873, with a 100% clearance at their 10th Anniversary bull sale yesterday. The top price bull, Cooinda Quizzinator (pictured), was purchased for $21,000 by Alex Sorensen, Landsborough Santas, Winton. Coming in second was Cooinda Quoit who was purchased by Ben Adams, Dangarfield Cattle Co. - Santa Gertrudis Breeders, Taroom, for $19,000.... Pictured with the Cooinda family and Cooinda Quizzinator (Lot 2) is Cooinda Quiet Achiever (Lot 1). Selling agents on the day were Cyril Close, TopX Roma and Mark Scholes, Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au - Livestock, Rockhampton, and online with Elite Livestock Auctions
17.01.2022 Congratulations to Cooinda Santa Gertrudis who are celebrating their 10th Anniversary sale today. Coulton's Country wishes you all the very best for a successful sale, may this be the best sale yet!
17.01.2022 A decade worth of pics. Who will make it into next year's Cooinda Santa Gertrudis bull sale catalogue? #cooinda #santagertrudis #santabulls #secondsalefor2020 #saleosaleo #coultonscountry #photography #outandabout #officeviews
17.01.2022 LEST WE FORGET "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning ... We will remember them." During these unprecedented times it makes you appreciate what is most important. Thank you to those who fought for our freedom in the past. Thank you to those who fight for us now and Thank you to those who will continue to fight for our future. 2020 may be in the midst of a pandemic but we will continue to remember our ANZACS.
13.01.2022 What a view! Confucius got it right when he said, Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
10.01.2022 HOLD UP, WAIT A MINUTE..... Can someone please tell me where June & July have gone?? I mean Covid-19 has stopped us from doing basically everything, yet this year couldn't be ticking over any quicker if it tried! Time needs to slow down, especially for those of us who want to enjoy precious moments like these. . .... . These two little cherubs are tractor, header, motorbike and plane mad (to their father's delight) and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way! They love cows, horses, their two blue dogs and climbing on anything and everything in sight. They also enjoy doing girly things too.....but what I don't like is how quickly they are growing up. It needs to stop (Ohh how I wish it were that simple!) Thankfully though we all have the ability to capture precious moments like these. So while you're out and about this weekend, make sure you grab your camera and snap some pics to look back on. Because today is but a memory come tomorrow. Xo #apictureisworthathousandwords #yesterdayisamemory #todayisagift #tomorrowisnotpromised #coultonscountry #photography #ruralphotography #ruralphotographer #outandabout #childhoodunplugged #sisters #myeverything P.S. If you'd like to share your precious moment... We'd love to see them. Make sure you tag CCP in your post so we don't miss out.
10.01.2022 BACK IN THE SADDLE Well, so to speak anyway. In my case its more like back behind the camera! It has been many moons (umm...possibly only a few months/feels like an eternity!) since I was last out and about and what a fantastic feeling it was this week. The fresh air, open spaces and photographic opportunities were in abundance. 2020 has certainly been a year of change and for CCP what better time is there than now to upgrade the watermark.... It was fun designing the new layout and I can't wait to share some more images with you over the weekend. See more
10.01.2022 ~ COVID-19 CHALLENGE ~ Day : 15 - Doing Water Well The sun setting on a week of drilling - Thank you team Australian Specialised Drilling Services... #drilling #water #havewaterwillplant #farmerslife #agriculture #aglife @robags2018 @suziehindle #coronavirus #covid19 #pandemic #challenge #samesamebutdifferent #essentials #essentialworkers #essentialitems #stayhome #staysafe #staypositive #staystrong #familyfirst #familymatters #lovedones #careforoneanother #lookoutforoneanother #photochallenge #coultonscountry #photography #ruralphotography #ruralphotographer #samsung #samsungpics
09.01.2022 ~ BIG BIRD ~ The wings of Australian agriculture. When planes like this one aren't helping farmers protect their crop's, they are saving people's properties from bushfires. Kudos to them! ... R-Mach Aviation Pty Ltd Matt Hall Racing - Emma
09.01.2022 A DREAM written down with a date becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION becomes REALITY. ~ Author unknown ~ ... These images represent my other happy place. Find your happy place and start to dream...... #coultonscountry #photography #ruralphotography #ruralphotographer #outandabout #dreambig #dreamscancometrue #bigskies #crashingwaves #sandbetweenyourtoes #seabreeze #saltair #goodforthesoul #harmony #bliss #refreshed #takemeback #winterdays #wintergetaway
08.01.2022 Only twelve months away #beefexcited
08.01.2022 Taking in the beauty of this cold day in May.
07.01.2022 ~ JOVIAL ~ Candid shots are one of my all time favourite moments to capture. These two gentlemen were mid conversation when I snapped them recently. ... Coulton's Country is editing images like this in-between being a mum, a wife and a part-time employee. I thank everyone for their patience and understanding as I tackle the everyday joys of life. Keep up-to-date with what CCP is up too by following us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the website (which is currently being updated). Until our next post, enjoy the rest of your week. #coultonscountry #photography #ruralphotography #ruralphotographer #apictureisworthathousandwords #editing #lovemyjob #outandabout
04.01.2022 ~ COOL, CALM & COLLECTED ~ This relaxed bunch of purebred, quality Santas are a part of the fifty-nine bulls that are being offered by Chris and Elisa Fox, Cooinda Santa Gertrudis, today at this years milestone event. CCP wishes them all the best for a successful, strong 10th Anniversary sale - Santa Gertrudis Australia #coultonscountry #photography #saleosaleo #santagertrudis #santabulls #bullsellingseason #vendors #agents #bidders #visitors #volunteers
03.01.2022 Records have been broken on Day 1 of Brahman Week and we were there to witness it - What a memorable first day it was! Check out Queensland Country Life's wrap up of the first 300 lots sold and see a couple of CCP's images amongst it.
02.01.2022 ~ BULL SELLING SEASON ~ It's fast approaching, if not already on your doorstep. Coulton's Country Photography has you covered, should you wish to document your annual bull sale. Looking back on previous bull sales for decades to come, is what it's all about. ... We can also help with media coverage and promotional materials, if so desired. Get in contact - it's never too late to ask for more information. CCP is happy for you to tag a friend or share this video on your page.
02.01.2022 COVID-19 CHALLENGE Day : 16 & 17 20th April, 2020 ~ Protecting each other ... 19th April 2020 ~ Storms passing us by #coronavirus #covid19 #pandemic #challenge #essential #essentialworkers #essentialitems #stayhome #staysafe #staypositive #staystrong #familyfirst #familymatters #lovedones #careforoneanother #lookoutforoneanother #samesamebutdifferent #photochallenge #coultonscountry #photography #ruralphotography #ruralphotographer #samsung #samsungpics
01.01.2022 On the 19th of September it was Gyranda Santa Gertrudis Stud time to shine and that they did. During the welcoming speech stud principal Peter Mahony paid tribute to Burnett Joyce and acknowledged his contribution to the industry. The crowd applauded Mr Joyce’s hard work and commitment and from there the sale started strong with the first five lots averaging $16,000. Chris and Elisa Fox, Cooinda Santa Gertrudis, Proston, were on their way home from North Queensland where th...ey had been delivering their own bulls, when they decided to call in to the sale instead of following it online. In doing so they became the top purchasers of the day and took home Gyranda Quokka for $22,500. Shaun and Jo McGuigan, Cree Pastoral Co, Thangool, locked in the second-top price bull, Gyranda Quicksilver, for $20,000. They had researched this particular bull thoroughly and were able to base their decision making on the data and history gathered. The Mahony and Joyce families were excited about the result on Saturday which saw the entire draft being sold to average $10,282. Mr Mahony commented that it had been one of the biggest crowds he had ever seen at Gyranda. Coulton’s Country Photography was there to take pictures and record the day as it unfolded. Make sure you keep an eye out for this week’s edition of the Queensland Country Life where some of CCP’s social images will end up. Last but not least, congratulations to the Gyranda team, the agents, bidders, volunteers and visitors in what was a successful day. Santa Gertrudis Australia
01.01.2022 ~ A SUNBURNT COUNTRY ~ "I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. I love her far horizons, I love her jewel-sea, Her beauty and her terror - The wide brown land for me!" ~ Dorothea Mackellar.
01.01.2022 BRAHMAN WEEK Nutrien Livestock stud stock auctioneer Mark Scholes, Rockhampton, sells the first lot of Red Brahmans on Day 3 for $7000.
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