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25.01.2022 Yuku Baja Muliku Land and Sea Rangers have been first responders to a stranded 130kg green sea turtle at Finch Bay, Cook Town. Not only does this great ranger team look after turtles, but they have also been monitoring and trapping feral pigs, managing invasive weeds, looking after flying foxes, teaching junior rangers, and maintaining culture! Indigenous Land and Sea rangers like YBM are vital to looking after the stunning country like far north Queensland's coasts. By state... and federal governments supporting groups like these through long term funding and operational support, Indigenous rangers can keep doing awesome work like saving turtles and so much more! Meaghan Scanlon - Member for Gaven - check this out!
25.01.2022 Voting is well underway for the Northern Territory general election, and in the final week Aboriginal rangers have heated up as an important issue. All major parties, as well as some key independents, have publicly announced policy or made a statement on Aboriginal rangers funding for the Territory. We don't advocate a vote for or against any party or candidate. And we think every party or candidate should be clearly backing Aboriginal Rangers and Indigenous land and sea man...agement with real dollar commitments. That is why we are bringing you this info. We've worked really closely with our Territory partners and mates to get these commitments, and we will continue to work after the election, no matter the result, to make sure they are delivered. In the end this has to work for traditional owners of country on the ground as they are at the business end of caring for country. Have a look for yourself at the link below.
25.01.2022 Time for a job change? The Northern Land Council is looking for a bunch of new people to help support traditional owners work caring for country. These kind of opportunities don't come around too often so get your applications in soon! Numbulwar Ranger Coordinator... Located in the Numbulwar Community in South Eastern Arnhem Land, this role is responsible to coordinating the Numbulwar Numburindi Ranger Group in the South Eastern Arnhem Land Indigenous Protected Area. Ganalanga-Mindibirrina Indigenous Protected Area Coordinator Based in Borroloola, whoever gets this job will be working with traditional owners, rangers and other stakeholders to implement the Ganalanga-Mindibirrina IPA management plan. More into here: Garawa/Waanyi Garawa Ranger Groups Coordinator The successful applicant will be coordinating the Garawa and Waanyi Garawa Ranger Groups and supporting the Aboriginal landowners and managers across the Borroloola/Barkly region to maximise their participation in land and sea management. More into here: Caring for Country Contract Administration Officer Located in Darwin, the successful applicant will support rangers and traditional owners across the Top End to care for country. More info here:
25.01.2022 JOB ALERT FOR THE LADIES The spotlight has been shone on Ngadju people in the news recently as we all celebrated the declaration of the Ngadju Indigenous Protected Area ( Today there is more exciting news coming from Ngadju country- they are looking for a Ranger Coordinator for the Ngadju Women's Project! The successful candidate will coordinate a team of young Ngadju women and work closely with Elders in the community. The project scope includes protection and maintenance of cultural sites; enhancement of cultural values; native plant and animal management; seed collection; weed, feral and fire management; and community engagement. This role would suit a person with experience and/or qualifications in natural resource management, working with Indigenous communities, managing small teams and coordinating projects. What a role! Find out more about this awesome opportunity in the link below.
25.01.2022 The Uunguu Life Rangers from Wunambal Gaambera country in the far north Kimberly in WA are doing super important cultural heritage work along their coast line. Check out this story to see how these rangers are monitoring, looking after and protecting Wanjina and Gwion rock art sites for future generations. Really important work not only for Wunambal Gaambera people, but for human history.... Keep up the awesome work Uungu Rangers!
24.01.2022 Last week for #worldrangerday, Ministers Ken Wyatt, David Littleproud MP and Sussan Ley MP all expressed their admiration of Indigenous rangers working day in day out to care for country around Australia. It was great to see another four Ranger groups receive federal funding on World Ranger Day. We know there is so much demand for more ranger jobs around the country, and now more than ever we want to see those jobs on country growing. We always give a shout out to politicia...ns when they are showing their support for the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Rangers across Australia. P.S. Us here at Country Needs People will never tell you who to vote for. We reckon Indigenous land and sea management is something all sides of politics should get behind. But when a group of pollies show their support for Indigenous rangers, we let you know.
24.01.2022 Today, our mates at the Indigenous Desert Alliance hosted the first day of the Southern Desert Ranger Forum. Nice one Nyaparu Rose and LL and all the desert Ranger and Indigenous Protected Area crews. We're really pleased to have a great working relationship with this mob, speaking up for the desert and doing practical stuff right across that huge area. 18 Ranger teams from around Australia's central deserts jumped on to zoom to share knowledge. COVID-19 is tough on everyone ...but it is great to see that desert mob can still connect like this. Rangers will be discussing all things caring for country from feral cat management, new mapping apps, fire management and tackling weeds. Today there was a visit by Minister for Indigenous Australians, Ken Wyatt who reiterated his support not just for Indigenous rangers in the desert but across Australia.
23.01.2022 Ngunya Jargoon Indigenous Protected Area protecting the endangered northern long-nosed potoroo! Read more here:
23.01.2022 Another great news story from the work of Indigenous Rangers, in this case Martu Rangers working with Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa in Western Australia have found a new location for the elusive Night Parrot. A perfect example of state and federal government investment in community based Ranger work benefits every Australian. As senior traditional owner Muki Taylor says All the future generations should be working to look after country, burning the right way, looking after Rock-wall...abies and digging out waterholes, said Mukki Taylor OAM, KJs Senior Cultural Advisor. Exactly! With an upcoming federal budget to approaching, and economic stimulus to boost the economy across Australia being debated, we couldnt make a better case for a major boost to the work of Indigenous Rangers Australia wide. Sussan Ley MP Melissa Price MP David Littleproud MP Ken Wyatt Josh Frydenberg Mathias Cormann
22.01.2022 Good to see Beverley Ratahi: Independent for Nelson, supporting an extension of the successful Northern Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants program. This supports Rangers with funds for worksheds, quad bikes, four-wheel drives and other operational needs as well as funding for weed eradication, feral animal control and fire management. NB: Country Needs People is non-partisan and does not advocate a vote for or against any candidate. We bring you information to help you make up your own mind.
22.01.2022 Another great shot from the crew at Girringun Aboriginal Corporation in Queensland. Looking flash with the new Ranger shirts and all the better to be kitted up to keep a close eye on country. With the approaching Queensland election it's more important than ever that pollies from all sides back stronger funding for Indigenous land and sea ranger jobs and operational needs to keep country and culture strong right across this beautiful statge. We know this will benefit all... Queenslanders ay Deb Frecklington MP Annastacia Palaszczuk MP Leeanne Enoch MPDavid Crisafulli - Broadwater MPSandy Bolton MP Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal CorporationYuku-Baja-Muliku Land & Sea RangersOlkola Aboriginal CorporationYintjingga Aboriginal CorporationNgarang-Wal Gold Coast Aboriginal Association IncorporatedEwamian Aboriginal CorporationBunya Peoples' Aboriginal RangersQuandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal CorporationCynthia Lui MP - Douglas Shire Mobile Office - Mossman MarketsTerrain NRM See more
21.01.2022 Great news! The NT Govs Minister for National Parks and Rangers, Selena Uibo: Member for Arnhem, has announced the latest round of NT Ranger grants. This funding will go towards tackling incredibly damaging weeds like Gamba and Mimosa, protecting country from feral animals like tropical fire ants and buffalo, protecting threatened species like green sea turtles, and funding is even going towards supporting rangers monitor air pollution around Darwin Harbour! ... This is a really great grants program and it was great to see Territory Labor commit to extending it before the election. We will keep you, our supporters, posted about the next round of grants. Congratulations to all of the teams that got funding. Anindilyakwa Land & Sea Rangers, Thamarrurr Development Corporation, Jawoyn Association, Central Land Council, Tiwi Land Council, Arafura Swamp Rangers, Larrakia Nation, Warddeken Land Management, Injalak Arts Gunbalanya, Njanjma Aboriginal Corporation, Northern Land Council.
21.01.2022 It’s concerning if carefully planned burning is made unviable due to insurance costs. This is a key part of careful management of the Australian landscape from the Kimberley and Cape to the Desert. We have to be able to develop a system that encourages people to apply safe precautionary burning to manage biodiversity, hazard reduction, cultural values and other aspects. Time for government to step up and get engaged. We’ll keep you posted as this develops.
20.01.2022 Good to see the NT Greens support extending and growing the Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants program. Managing fire, weeds, feral animal impacts, patrolling coasts for biosecurity, cleaning up marine debris from beaches, managing tourism sites, protecting cultural sites the work never stops. And we know this work is all about investing in the Territory, supporting local jobs, helping the local economy. Thousands of Country Needs People supporters from the Territory have been backing calls by Aboriginal land management and ranger groups to grow and extend this funding. Good to start seeing the response. Footnote: We never tell you how to vote, but when a party, candidate or pollie supports the work of Aboriginal Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas we always give them a shout.
19.01.2022 This work is really important as Torres Strait is home to the worlds largest population of dugong, and they rely on the seagrass meadows of the Torres Strait for their food and survival. - Napau Pedro Stephen, Torres Strait Regional Authority Chairperson
19.01.2022 Good to see Ngaree Ah Kit: Member for Karama backing a funding program to support the practical work that Territory Aboriginal Rangers are doing from the desert to the sea across the Territory. This funding backs practical operational support to tackle invasive weeds like Gamba grass or Mimosa, tackle feral pigs, camels, buffalo and cats having an impact on our wildlife, ensure mosaic patch burning is occurring throughout the year and support local grassroots land and sea management. From the desert to the sea it puts money back into Territory communities and businesses. PS. We won't ever tell you who to vote for, but we make a point of giving a shout out to any party, pollie or candidate who directly backs the requests of Territory Aboriginal rangers to support their work.
18.01.2022 Gamay Rangers - Botany Bay look after country in the heart of one our biggest cities. We’re always impressed by the commitment of traditional owners even when a lot of their country has been developed or heavily built out such as in major capital cities. This great piece takes you through a bit of the journey of the rangers and their efforts to look after country in Sydney. Hats off to Gamay rangers and all those standing up and looking out for country around Australia, including in our cities.
18.01.2022 Nice work, Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area Rangers!
18.01.2022 "What is important for us is that feeling of being on country, of being connected to each other, of being Lama Lama - and we are all equal, we all bring something to the job of looking after land and sea, and passing down our knowledge to the next generations". - Karen Liddy, Chairperson of the Lama Lama Land Trust and Lama Lama ranger. This #NAIDOCweek week we are featuring the thoughts and words of Indigenous land and sea rangers who are working hard every day to continue t...o look after country and culture #alwayswasalwayswillbe #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOC
17.01.2022 Great to see Lynne Walker: Labor Candidate for Mulka backing direct funding to Aboriginal Rangers and Indigenous Protected areas for the next four years by extending the Territory Aboriginal Ranger grants funding program if elected. Country Needs People supporters and partner groups from the desert to the sea right across the Territory have been calling for this. The work of traditional owners caring for country never stops. And all pollies should be backing this work thats good for nature good for people and puts culture at the centre. PS. We will never tell you who to vote for. Thats your choice. But we always give pollies backing direct dollars for Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas a shout out.
17.01.2022 "The trees, the soil, the water, the animals- we're responsible for keeping them healthy. And when we keep country healthy, it sets us right too". - Joelwyn Johnson, Nantawarrina Ranger. This #NAIDOCweek week we are featuring the thoughts and words of Indigenous land and sea rangers who are working hard every day to continue to look after country and culture. #alwayswasalwayswillbe... #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOC Nantawarrina IPA
17.01.2022 Today is World Ranger Day and us here at Country Needs People wanted to remind you of some awesome news from earlier in the year. In March, Ministers Ken Wyatt and Sussan Ley MP announced that the federal government would maintain funding for existing federally funded Indigenous rangers through to 2028. Longer-term funding is important for local organisations to plan and develop their operations. We know that much more needs to be done, there is much more demand for Range...r jobs across Australia from the desert to the sea, there are groups keen to start developing their own Indigenous Protected Areas. Growing these programs directly invests in regional and remote economies. It's about backing local community efforts to step up and take responsibility for looking after the country. We recognise the stability to existing Ranger jobs that the March announcement may bring, but as we look forward to the next fire season we know the work isn't going away if anything it's increasing.
17.01.2022 Farewell, Bubbles!
16.01.2022 Traditional Owners are trying to manage land responsibly. We should all remember that there is a process for accessing and working on country. Trespassing then killing and stealing animals on that land is in no way acceptable. We support our partners from Mimal Land Management in this.
16.01.2022 How cool is this- Bunurong Land Council (from South-Eastern Kulin Nation, Victoria) and Trust for Nature have teamed up to design the Warreen Beek Rangers program. This conservation and land management course is especially tailored to include Indigenous and non-Indigenous land management practices and is for any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people looking to skill up in matters of looking after country. The overall objective is to provide employment within the local communities and provide the skills they need to go out and have a big impact managing land around greater Melbourne. An awesome initiative that is into its third year. We hope that COVID doesn't muck up your plans to get out on country and do this course you guys! Good Luck!
16.01.2022 All the best to Josie Farrer - Member for Kimberley member for the Kimberley in her next move. Josie has said she wont be running again for election. A strong voice for women and the Kimberley we salute Josies support for Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas over her time in parliament and as a strong Gidja woman from the region. ... *** Sussan Ley MP, Ken Wyatt, Ben Wyatt, Stephen Dawson MLC Environs Kimberley, Kimberley Land Council, ABC Indigenous
15.01.2022 We love these stories of the Girringun women rangers getting out and getting it done. Fire management is an important part of managing country. It’s not the only part though and there is so much work to do. Well supported Indigenous Ranger jobs can create more opportunities for women on country. That’s why we’re so excited that we have been able to get the Queensland government to support our key ask of doubling Indigenous ranger jobs across Queensland over the next four y...ears. That means more opportunity for new groups to start up, more opportunity for existing groups to strengthen operations, and more opportunities for women! Great move by Leeanne Enoch MP and Annastacia Palaszczuk MP in delivering this. And we’re really looking forward to meeting with the new Minister Meaghan Scanlon - Member for Gaven to talk about how this will be delivered. Well done leading the way strong Girringun women! Girringun Aboriginal Corporation
14.01.2022 Our Great Barrier Reef is under pressure from climate change, but also from poorly managed catchment runoff churning sediment into coastal reefs. Normanby Station manager and ranger, Vince Harrigan, has installed these fences to keep feral horses and cattle away from waterways. This helps to prevent further erosion of the gullies and streams and really helps improve the water quality. What does this have to do with the reef? Well, the now cleaner water from the Normanby eventually flows out to the Great Barrier Reef cleaner water means less algae and stronger corals. The work of the Normanby rangers benefits all Queenslanders. The problem is, there are only two of them and there is a huge amount of country to manage. In fact, the other bloke helping is Vince’s brother Dylan, he’s volunteering his time and lending a hand. Imagine the good they could do for country if there were even more Normanby rangers! Sign this petition here to your local Qld candidate that you want to see more rangers caring for country. Photo credit. Kerry Trapnell
13.01.2022 Chuffed to have been nominated by Anthony Hopkins as beneficiaries of the profits for his new novel Belonging. Belonging explores the relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory and their respective encounters with the justice system. A thought provoking piece on people trying to make sense of their place in modern Australia. Looking forward to hearing more from Anthony at the book launch which is being held at the ANU College of Law lawns (or via Zoom) on Tuesday the 8th of December.
13.01.2022 Take care, Butchulla crew.
13.01.2022 Awesome job alert! Country Needs People Campaign Supporters, Warddeken Land Management are looking for a new Rock Art Project Officer. The lucky person to land this role will be working alongside rangers and Traditional owners to documents and conserve some incredible West Arnhem rock art. Get it quick, applications close on the 16th of September
13.01.2022 Its awesome to see Rangers being employed to manage fire in NSW. Special shout out to the Banbai rangers who are carrying out reduction burns and educating the community on mosaic burning while theyre at it. By carrying out this important work, not only is the community reducing fire fuel loads, but theyre looking after threatened species and their homes. Check out this article to see how Indigenous rangers, a town council, and a local community are all working together to care for country. Wattle Ridge and Tarriwa Kurrukun IPAs
13.01.2022 We combine culture, knowledge of the environment and science to look after the waters, land and people. - Bianca McNeair, a Malgana Traditional Owner Its great to see another story of Indigenous rangers and traditional owners working with scientists to protect the sea grass meadows in and around the stunning and world heritage listed Shark Bay. ... This is a great example out of WA showing that when traditional owners and knowledge are respected and resourced, it can produce awesome benefits for country.
12.01.2022 The Yuku-Baja-Muliku Land & Sea Rangers are working hard caring for country and some awesome little critters this bushfire season. Head over to their page and show your appreciation.
12.01.2022 A whole lot of First Nations excellent excellence coming out of the NT this week! Territory Natural Resource Management awards were given to the Tjuwaliyn Wagiman Aboriginal Corporation, Larrakia Nation Land and Sea Rangers, Garawa elder Mr Jack Green, Sonya Braybon from Tjuwanpa Women Rangers as well as the youngsters at Manyallaluk School. All these individuals and groups have been working hard and bringing invaluable Indigenous ecological and cultural knowledge, as well... as science, to looking after country. Congratulations again all! The NT is lucky to have you all
11.01.2022 Today is World Ranger Day! Every year we celebrate the hard world Indigenous rangers are doing day in day out to care for country. Tackling feral animals and noxious weeds, managing fuel loads to prevent destructive wildfires, protecting our native species, passing knowledge to young people, cleaning our coastlines and looking after important cultural sites. This work is more important now than ever. Share your appreciation for Indigenous rangers in the comments below.
11.01.2022 "[I] called up the rangers and gave them the news, and there was a lot of applause and a few fist pumps and the rest of it. "People were pretty happy to hear that their hard work had paid off." - Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa Healthy Country Officer, Daniel Johanson... Great news out of the desert last week. The KJ Martu rangers have recorded the presence of the incredibly rare Night Parrot on their country. Well done rangers!
10.01.2022 Good to see Anthony Venes: Labor for Daly backing an extension of funding through Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants if elected. Direct funding of this kind to operational support for rangers means better management of fire, feral animals, weeds, cultural heritage and tourism access and impacts across the Northern Territory. It's something Country Needs People supporters and partner groups have been asking for. PS. We don't (and never will ) advocate a vote for or against any candidate. But when pollies or candidates directly back our key asks we give them a shout out. It's up to you to check all candidates and decide how to vote.
09.01.2022 Over the weekend it was great to see, Lia Finocchiaro MLA and the Country Liberal Party announce their plan to for Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants program. Saying: In the environment space, we will support Aboriginal rangers with training and development and double funding for the Aboriginal Ranger Grants Program. ... * Media Release by Lia Finocchiaro 15th August 2020 Country Needs People has worked hard with our partners and thousands of Territorians who have contacted pollies to make sure all parties and candidates are focusing on the value that traditional owners bring to looking after the Territory. Practical support for the Aboriginal Ranger Grants program is a key way to deliver this and supports management of fire, weeds , feral animals, cultural protection, tourism management and more. We will continue working with our partners and with all parties and pollies after the election to see this delivered. It's a program that benefits every Territorian. PS Country Needs People will never tell you who to vote for. We are a non-partisan organisation that thinks the success of Indigenous rangers is something all sides of politics should get behind. If you would like to see where the other parties stand before the NT election head to our website here:
09.01.2022 A beautiful photo essay showing the steady journey of traditional owners to bring back Wilinggin Aboriginal Corporation Country in WAs Kimberley region. This shows how the establishment of an active Ranger presence on country, development of an Indigenous Protected Area and work on land rights, culture and a sustainable future combine to gradually re-establish the presence and management of traditional ownership that never went away. Its also a reminder of why we work so ...hard to grow and secure funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas. And to ensure that active re-establishment and strengthening of culture is available to traditional owners Australia wide. More investment by the Western Australian state government and the Federal government in Indigenous Protected Areas and Rangers, done in the right way, can lead to more positive stories like this. Stephen Dawson MLC, Mark McGowan, Ben Wyatt
09.01.2022 JOB ALERT Karajarri Traditional Lands Association are seeking a Land and Sea Manager to join their team. This role would be great for someone with community development, leadership and management skills and strong drive to work alongside Karajarri people to look after their country. Good Luck!!
07.01.2022 At Country Needs People were really pleased to announce a new partner and extend a big warm welcome to the Dulabed Malanbarra and Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation (DMYAC) from just South of Cairns. DMYAC are building their presence as active managers on country and having them as the latest addition to the Country Needs People network will help strengthen our work to make sure caring for country is properly recognised and supported by all governments. DMY people are keen to ...set up an ongoing ranger team on country who will work to continue cultural fire management, tackle feral animals and introduced weeds, and restore waterways. The ranger work will play an important role in DMY people maintaining and passing on cultural principles, practices, responsibilities to, and respect for country. Such important work! We will work with DMYAC, as we do with all our partners, to support their plans and aspirations as active managers on country. Dulabed, Malanbarra and Yidinji Corp country needs its people!
07.01.2022 Its World Ranger Day and today like any other day Aboriginal rangers across the Territory are protecting nature, keeping culture strong and making a difference to their lives and those around them. You can show your support for Northern Territory rangers by signing this petition and call on all NT pollies to get behind Indigenous rangers. All parties and candidates in the Territory need to show their support for ranger caring for country by extending and growing the Aboriginal Ranger Grants Program for another four years. SIGN THE PETITION:
07.01.2022 "I've very proud of my community and what we're doing now with the cultural burn, working with the RFS. Now we communicate the fires actually made people stronger," Thungutti man Elwyn Toby. Check out this great piece on cultural burning on Thungutti Country. Really awesome to see the Willawarrin community come together to exchange knowledge and work together to look after country that has had a rough time over the last few years. Keep up the good work all!
07.01.2022 In his recent report to the environment minister, former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission head, Graeme Samuel recommended Australia start using traditional knowledge to care for nature. Yet we have governments presiding over policy regimes that see priceless and irreplaceable human heritage blown sky high. We'd make the observation that unless we expand both investment in community led management that works, like Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Ar...eas and couple that with serious regulatory protections for the environment and cultural heritage that genuinely work for the community we will end up back in exactly the same situation very shortly or worse. Weak protection regimes and under-investment in environment and culture lead to poor outcomes. It's within our power to fix this, most decent minded Australians want it fixed. Let's get on with it.
07.01.2022 The Queensland election is this coming Saturday. We've asked all candidates and parties where they stand on our key ask of doubling Indigenous Ranger jobs through the Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers program. Thousands of our supporters have been asking the same question to their local candidates. Queensland Indigenous Rangers manage fire, feral animals, invasive weeds, threatened species, cultural sites and so much more. Good for nature, good for local jobs, ...great for Queensland. With the Qld election looming, here is how each of the major parties and some key independents have responded to our request for their position. P.S Country Needs People will never tell you who to vote for. We reckon all sides of politics should get behind the success of Indigenous rangers. We have been advocating for the Qld government to double the number of Indigenous rangers for years now and the below article outlines where each party stands.
06.01.2022 Great to see Chansey Paech MLA backing direct operational funding to Territory Aboriginal Rangers and caring for country work through extending Territory Aboriginal Ranger grants program for another four years. Real investments in local grassroots efforts to manage and protect country makes a difference for people and nature and makes sure culture is at the centre. Country Needs People supporters and partner groups from the desert to the sea right across the Territory have be...en asking for direct funding commitments through the Aboriginal Ranger Grants program. When a pollie stands up for Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas no matter what side of politics they are on we always give them a shout. PS. We will never tell you who to vote for. Thats your choice alone. But we always tell you whos backing real dollars for Indigenous Rangers, IPAs and caring for country.
06.01.2022 Breaking: Northern Territory Indigenous Ranger groups call on all Territory parties and candidates to renew and expand Northern Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants program. On World Ranger Day we still aren't sure about the future of this vital funding program supporting jobs and a healthier environment across the Northern Territory. Traditional owners from Thamarrurr Development Corporation West of Darwin at Wadeye/Port Keats and to the East - from Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation at Nhulunbuy speak up about the practical value of the funds to their communities. From the desert to the sea investing in the work of Aboriginal Rangers for the next four years is vital.
05.01.2022 This is an aerial picture Barrapunta (Emu Springs) outstation. With the help of some funding from the Northern Territory governments Aboriginal Ranger Grants Program, this outstation has been revitalised, including the addition of a new solar power array. Since the renovations, this base has supported pre-season fire management coordination, an Arnhem Land womens ranger forum and supports ongoing work by the Mimal Land Management Rangers to care for country around Barrupun...ta which is in remote Arnhem land including a mix of managing fire, feral animals, weeds and cultural sites. Solar power cuts diesel costs too which makes sense. This is just one of the many examples of how the NTs Aboriginal Ranger Grants Program has really gone a long way in supporting Aboriginal rangers to care for country. How much value will we get if we extend these kinds of funding for another four years. Good for country, good for people, great for the Territory. Join us in calling on all candidates in the upcoming NT election to support to extending and growing funding for this hugely successful program. Sign the petition here and make sure your mates know about it:
04.01.2022 The Queensland election is this coming Saturday. We've asked all candidates and parties where they stand on our key ask of doubling Indigenous Ranger jobs through the Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers program. Thousands of our supporters have been asking the same question to their local candidates. Queensland Indigenous Rangers manage fire, feral animals, invasive weeds, threatened species, cultural sites and so much more. Good for nature, good for local jobs, great... for Queensland. With the Qld election looming, here is how each of the major parties and some key independents have responded to our request for their position. CLICK THE LINK BELOW. P.S Country Needs People will never tell you who to vote for. We reckon all sides of politics should get behind the success of Indigenous rangers. We have been advocating for the Qld government to double the number of Indigenous rangers for years now and the below article outlines where each party stands.
04.01.2022 Thats a wrap! Good to attend to Southern Desert Ranger Forum ably run by our mates at Indigenous Desert Alliance this week. Zooming into many of the wonderful desert communities, Indigenous Protected Areas and Ranger groups across our big beautiful country and their big beautiful countries. Nice work you mob. #CountryNeedsHealthyDesert
04.01.2022 So great to see Yingiya Guyula Mla supporting Country Needs People's request to grow and extend Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants program over the next four years. These grants truly support the hard work of community organisations run by traditional owners who are caring for country. It's a direct investment in keeping land and sea in good shape. Tackling feral pigs and buffalo where they cause problems, cleaning the beach of drift nets, managing fire under the guidance o...f traditional owners. Thankyou to all traditional owners and balanda caring for country across the Territory. We always acknowledge candidates and politicians directly supporting our requests to support Rangers and Indigenous Protected areas through programs like Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants. We will never tell you who to vote for, that's your choice, but we will tell you what people are saying and doing that supports Rangers and caring for country.
03.01.2022 "First of all, it’s really just important to know where they are and then look at management requirements. It’s great that we can use this technology to improve our management of these important places." "It’s a great lesson about sustainable development. You can modify the natural landscape, [but] not to the point of destroying it. That’s exactly what these systems were about." - Denis Rose, Gunditjmara traditional own and Chair of the Country Needs People board.
03.01.2022 As landowners, we assert that authority both politically and on a more community-based level at the grass roots. The importance of having the Commonwealth come and participate in that arrangement has been one that we've inherited as a younger generation that's been built by our elders." - Clive Freeman, Booderee board of management chairman. Give a Quoll a home! That's what Indigenous rangers from Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community are doing in around Jervis Bay at Booderee Na...tional Park. Actually, these guys are also bringing back endangered bandicoots, potoroos, Australia's rarest banksia species as well as other endangered plants and even a fungus! How good! This is also a really great story about joint management of National Parks. And an agreement made between Wreck Bay community and the Commonwealth means that traditional owners have a majority say when they work with the Commonwealth matters related to the management of their land.
03.01.2022 Check out the really beautiful new resource by the Uti Kulintjaku Watiku (Thinking Clear Men's) group from the APY Lands - Anangu, Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra Lands. Tjanimaku Tjukurpa (Tjanima’s Story) was written for young men, for their families and communities, as well as for anyone working with Anangu/Yarngangu, seeking to better understand mental health, trauma and healing. It is really awesome to see that part of Tjanima’s healing comes from on, and looking after country as a ranger. Big congratulations on the book to the men, and the rest of the Uti Kulintjaku team at NPY Women's Council for all the great work you do and the beautiful resources you make.
02.01.2022 "We're creating more jobs for other outstations, communities and getting more rangers to work on country and get out bush" - Uriah Crocombe, Thamarrurr Development Corporation Ranger Congratulations to the Thamarrurr Rangers, Asyrikarrak Kirim Rangers, and Wudicupildiyer Rangers on starting their new carbon farming program. The rangers are combining traditional knowledge with modern science to do cool burning and firefighting to prevent and contain large-scale destructive... wildfires. This work is super important to keep country healthy but because by stopping regular late dry season wildfires from burning too much, the rangers can sell the reduction in fires and their emissions as carbon credits. It's these kinds of smart innovations that show why it is important for Indigenous ranger teams to receive stable on-going core funding to build up their skills and develop opportunities like these carbon farming enterprises.
02.01.2022 "It's really important that we keep teaching our kids and also the high school and younger kids that are coming with us every weekend for hunting. They are looking for where they [cats] belong, why they are tracking the cat, getting more ideas from us and learning why it's really important so one day they can grow up and become a fast tracker. Bilbies are important for us to keep protecting. - John West, Kiwirrkurra Ranger Happy belated National Bilby Day! What better way celebrate than highlighting the important work expert Kiwirrkurra rangers are doing by tracking and hunting the feral cats that prey on bilbies. Another great example of rangers using traditional knowledge to protect some iconic species. Good one Kiwirrkurra! Tjamu Tjamu Aboriginal Corporation - Kiwirrkurra
02.01.2022 Country needs the right fire, its a beautiful thing Tremane Patterson, Banbai Ranger Supervisor. This is brilliant to see. Rangers, land councils and shire councils constructively working together to share knowledge and care for country. We reckon this is a pretty good example of how strong, community based Indigenous ranger teams can be a catalyst for change and bring separate groups together to share knowledge. ... Well done Wattle Ridge and Tarriwa Kurrukun IPAs, Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council, National Indigenous Fire Network, NSW Rural Fire Service, Fire and Rescue NSW.
02.01.2022 Big ups to Girringun Rangers who have been conducting nice mosaic burns over their country around Cardwell, QLD. It's awesome to see men and women working together to look after their country and inspire future generations to do the same. Burns like these help protect critters like the endangered mahogany glider (google them, they're pretty cute) who call the Cardwell area their home. Managing cool burns is also a really important way to look after cultural sites. The more In...digenous rangers are supported to do lovely burns like this, the better off the country, its people and the critters are. Congrats again to the Girringun crew! Girringun Aboriginal Corporation
01.01.2022 How good’s this?! Following the Black Summer Bushfires, the Banbai rangers have been caring for the Wattle Ridge and Tarriwa Kurrukun IPA’s and helping country recover. The rangers have been providing nest boxes and shelter for recovering native critters, planting and propagating new trees, tackling feral animals, and monitoring threatened species to make sure they recover.... That's the value of having ongoing ranger funding and an Indigenous Protected Area. Rangers properly resourced that know their country and keen to do the work. We are going to need so much more of this going forward. Well done you mob
01.01.2022 Bininj (Indigenous) elders, kids, community members and rangers have been working with scientists on the Djenj ("fish") Project. This exciting project set out to discover what types of fish local Bininj ancestors were munching on 65,000 years ago, what the environment was like then, and what impacts humans and environmental change have had on fish populations. The Madjedbebe Rock shelter is one of the oldest archaeological sites in Australia, and the Djenj Project has been a... really great example of scientists taking the knowledge and skills of local Aboriginal people seriously, incorporating it into their research- benefitting Aboriginal communities, Country and science! Coming along for the ride have been school kids from Kakadu and West Arnhem Land communities. The Djenj Project has been integrated into a two-way learning school curriculum which incorporates both traditional knowledge and Western education both on Country and in the classroom. Check out this awesome read to see how different knowledge systems have come together to inspire and teach kids, build confidence and capacity in Indigenous ranger teams, utilise traditional knowledge, as well as reinforce the rights of Bininj to engage in the process of water and fish management (actually the list of awesome benefits keeps going, so you’ll really have to read the article now ) . Shout out to the Djurrubu Rangers and the Njanjma Rangers for their involvement in this project, their ranger work, and teaching the kids!
01.01.2022 Great stuff. Selena Uibo: Member for Arnhem and Territory Labor have responded to Country Needs People supporters ask to renew and extend the all important Territory Ranger grants funding for the next four years with a $12m funding commitment. This funding contributes key equipment, project funds and operational support to help make land and sea is looked after. Hundreds of thousands of feral buffalo and camel impacting sensitive wetlands, millions of feral pigs, Gamba ...Grass, Mimosa, and other invasive weeds, fire management, track maintenance, research and monitoring, biosecurity. The list goes on. And all the funding is directed to grassroots community efforts, supporting local Territory jobs where it counts across the Territory from the city to the bush, from the desert to the sea. Thanks to Country Needs People supporters for backing this across the Territory and please share. We won't tell you who to vote for but we make sure you know which candidates and parties are backing Territory Ranger grants funding. See more
01.01.2022 With the Qld election over and the government returned, we here at Country Needs People want to thank all of the 30,000+ Queenslanders who have shown their support for Indigenous rangers. We asked all candidates before the election to support doubling funding for Queensland's Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger program over four years and that is exactly what Annastacia Palaszczuk MP and Queensland's first Indigenous Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch MP committed to do! That's... another 100 ranger positions to be rolled out over the coming four years. More boots on the ground, more traditional owners supported to manage country, better management of fire, feral animals, invasive weeds, threatened species and better management of cultural sites. And of course, more employment created in meaningful jobs where they are badly needed. As we've often said, Good for nature, good for people, great for Queensland. We want to thank every one of our supporters and frontline Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners and network who contributed to this win-this one's for you all! We've never advocated a vote for or against any candidate, but we always back solid commitments to caring for country. To all of our awesome supporters, thanks again and give your-self a huge pat on the back!
01.01.2022 Good to see Joel Bowden MLA - Member for Johnston backing extending funding for Territory Aboriginal Ranger Grants. This work is an essential service for the Northern Territory and key to tackling the threats of invasive weeds like Gamba Grass and Mimosa and others, to dealing with feral animal impacts like buffalo, camel, feral cats and feral pigs, to managing fire across the landscape by patch burning to reduce big wildfires and supporting threatened species, research, bi...osecurity protection around our borders and more. Investing in the work of Territory Rangers through a program that supports management at the community level from the desert to the sea benefits every Territorian. Country Needs People has been working with our many Territory Aboriginal partners and thousands of Territorian supporters to make sure this money is extended. PS. We don't advocate a vote for or against any candidate or party and we never will. We always shout out to pollies or candidates that back sensible policies to protect nature, back local jobs in the bush, and recognise culture. Keep following and we will update you on the positions of all parties on this most important funding question for the Territory.