Rotary Club Of Cowra in Cowra, New South Wales, Australia | Community organisation
Rotary Club Of Cowra
Locality: Cowra, New South Wales, Australia
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25.01.2022 Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Annie Crastie from Cowra Region Suicide Awareness Group & Di Gill Rural Adversity Mental Health Program This amazing group presented to Rotary this week, highlighting the issue of mental health and suicide and the role that everyone can play to reduce the rate of suicide in our region....
24.01.2022 Pride of Workmanship 2019 - 2020 The Rotary Club of Cowra would like to thank our 2019 - 2020 sponsors: Railway Hotel
24.01.2022 Take Time Magazine Stories of hope and courage from across NSW The Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP) connects rural people to the help they need
22.01.2022 Border Puppy The support puppy sponsored by Rotary Club of Healesville and Cowra Rotary is on his way to Victoria soon! Rotary Club of Healesville
22.01.2022 The Cowra Rotary Club supports Soap Aid Australia, and this year collected 75kgs of soap and shipped it to Melbourne to be reconstituted into soap bars to be sent to overseas communities to aid in better hygeine. Due to COVID, Motels, etc have been quiet, so there will be no collection till September. Cowra Rotary thanks Philip Beer of Cowra Freight for his help in this, and his ongoing support for the club.
22.01.2022 Bob Griffiths, was Chair for Cowra Rotarys 82nd Changeover Meeting on Sunday, held at the Cowra Golf Club. Cowra Mayor, Cr Bill West spoke on behalf of the Cowra Council.
21.01.2022 Cowra Festival of International Understanding Launch On friday night our 2021 guest nation, New Zealand, represented by NZ High Commissioner Dame Annette King shared the ringing of the Peace Bell and the 2020 Youth Ambassador dinner at the Civic Centre. One of the many highlights of the night was a personal video message from NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Looking forward to March 2021!
20.01.2022 Sally from Cowra Cheese spoke at the club this week sharing some of her wonderful products with us. You can see her products here:
20.01.2022 Step up to reduce diabetes with Cowra Lions on Saturday Diabetes is one of Australia's National health priorities, come help the Lions and support this great cause.
19.01.2022 COWRA ROTARY CALLS FOR COMMUNITYS HELP Did you know that the Cowra Rotary Club has been in Cowra since 1938? Rotary does not just support one group in Cowra, it helps many different organisations. If you have had a baby born in Cowra Hospital in the last decade you will have received a book from Cowra Rotary. If you have been in the Eisteddfod, Rotary has helped. Did you or any of your kids go to the RYDA day of Driver Education at the airport? PCYC and many more organisations based in Cowra have received donations from Cowra Rotary, this is our mission and what we do! For the last few years we have sent a bus full of Cowra High School students to the Canberra Careers Expo. This year we provided lunch to all students that attend the first Cowra Try a Trade Day. We send a bus full of Cowra High and St Raphael students to the Science and Engineering challenge in Young. We have supported Riding for the Disabled, Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre, Head Space, PCYC, Cowra Hospital Ladies Auxiliary, Cowra Food Hall and many other groups. Have you been to Europa Park, have you used the facilities there? Did you know that Cowra Rotary Club built this from club funds and from collecting and recycling batteries for the project? We need your help so we can continue the community work that we do. All we are asking is that if you have a car, bike, tractor, boat, etc. Battery, give us a call and we will come and pick it up from anywhere. Alternatively, batteries may be dropped off at All Service Motors, corner Redfern Street and Lachlan Street, during business hours. The other way you can assist us is with the Return and Earn bottle and can recycling. Cowra Rotary will drop off wheelie bins to any business in Cowra and all you need to do is call, text or email us and we will come and pick them up. Cowra residents can contribute by dropping theirs off on a Saturday morning at the Rotary Shed (at the back of the Target carpark) or call us to arrange collection.
17.01.2022 With the assistance of Cowra Council we have four new flags at Europa Park which went up today. Council will provide further support in purchasing other flags to replace old ones. The flags are an important part of the park which acknowledges and commemorates the 17,000 Migrants from 27 European nations who passed through the Cowra migrant centre between 1948 - 1955. The park is a tribute to their courage, resolve and invaluable contributions to Cowra And Australia. The new flags (right to left) are Hungary, Austria, Poland and Italy. If there are any vexillologist’s out there, please feel free to confirm!
17.01.2022 Rotary Business Membership
16.01.2022 Cowra Rotary Golf Tournament Friday 4th December Entries to [email protected] or drop off at Cowra Golf Club Pro Shop
16.01.2022 Richard Clarke was announced as, Rotarian Of The Year. He is presented with the award by Brian Marsh. Richard filled the roles of Secretary for the club, Bulletin Editor and organised Zoom meetings during "lockdown" and helped members to be savvy with the new technology. In the wider community, Richard has been very involved in helping to settle Congalese families into Cowra.
16.01.2022 Rotary Return and Earn Just have to thank one very good Rotarian. Please keep up the good work!
16.01.2022 Monster Wood Raffle winners announced. Congratulations to our winners, Peter Ford and Tom Downing who will both be warm over the rest of winter! Big thank you to Royces Bakery, Elders Insurance and Uptown Takeaway who all assisted with ticket sales.
15.01.2022 How much sugar in your favourite drink? You might be surprised! Big thanks to the nurses from Cowra Hospital who took time out today to celebrate World Diabetes Day and share their knowledge at the Prisoner of War camp site.
14.01.2022 What an amazing night! Our International Festival of Understanding Youth Ambassador Emily Beath-Pearce ably assisted by Rotary’s Katie McVicar and Shane Budge ran a fabulous Quiz Nite. With 22 tables and a continuous stream of raffle prizes donated by the generous businesses of Cowra and surrounds being won, it was a fabulous night, topped by the live auction run by Peter and Ross Chivers. The generosity of the crowd in bidding for the donated items was outstanding and was over $6,000 raised for the Black Dog Institute across the night. This event would not have happened without the hard work and enthusiasm of Emily (and her supportive family), Katie and Shane and is a testament of how Cowra and surrounds (special shout out to Gooloogong) come together to support each other and a good cause. A good night was had by all, we even laughed at Quiz Master Scott Vickary’s jokes See more
13.01.2022 Books for Cowra Babies The Rotary Club of Cowra gives a children's book to the Mother of each child born at Cowra Hospital. The Club started this in 2007, at that time there were between 380 and 400 books gifted annually. More recently the yearly number is about 180 to 200. The staff have over 30 Mum’s booked in for March and April is setting out to be similar.... The purpose behind the gift is to encourage parents and their families to read to infants thus exposing them to word sounds and sharing of pictures and emotions that stories contain. The starting point of literacy for us all. See more
13.01.2022 Big shout out to all of our amazing sponsors for the Quiz Nite! Lots of great prizes available so get your tickets (available from Royces Bakery)
13.01.2022 World Diabetes Day The International Diabetes Federation’s theme for World Diabetes Day 2020 is Nurses make the difference for diabetes. It highlights the role of nurses in the prevention and management of diabetes. Nurses play a key role in supporting people with diabetes as well as those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.... Around 85% of Australia’s Credentialled Diabetes Educators are nurses, so many people with diabetes work closely with nurses to manage their diabetes. This World Diabetes Day take a minute to say thank you to our nurses and the important role they play supporting people with diabetes.
11.01.2022 Past District Governor Peter Chivers, has not only been a dedicated Rotarian for 50 years, he has been a very distinguished Rotarian from the year of his induction, fulfilling both Club and District in many positions, including Assistant District Governor and District Governor, and continues to be actively involved in the activities of the Rotary Club of Cowra.
10.01.2022 COWRA ROTARY CLUB recognised for Excellence in Social Enterprise. Hours fundraising for various causes across the Cowra community has paid of for the Cowra Rotary Club, who were named the winners of the Cowra Guardian Excellence in Social Enterprise Award. Accepting the award at the Cowra Business Awards on Saturday night, Cowra Rotary President Brian Marsh said the group work hard for the betterment of Cowra. "All the hours we put in, just in front of Woolworths, suppose y...ouve noticed us over the years," he said. "Its all money raised and basically all spent in town." Mr Marsh also thanked the Cowra Business Chamber for their support of the club, particularly with the re-launched Pride of Workmanship Award. "Thank you to the Cowra Business Chamber on behalf of Cowra Rotary Club," he said. See more
10.01.2022 Pride of Workmanship 2019 - 2020 The Rotary Club of Cowra would like to acknowledge the partnership and support of the Cowra Business Chamber that makes these awards possible
10.01.2022 RETURN AND EARN Cowra Rotary would like to thank the Railway Hotel for all their support with cans and bottles for our Return and Earn Scheme, and today we received a number of batteries. Thanks Ian & Kate.
09.01.2022 Cowra Rotary Golf Tournament 9 Hole Ambrose - Cowra Golf Club Friday 4th December $50 per player 1st Prize $500... 2nd Prize $300 3rd Prize $200 Cowra Golf Club Sausage sizzle afterwards Email entries to: [email protected] or drop off at Cowra Golf Club Pro Shop 6342 1211 or contact Ian Docker 0437 672 229 or Bob Griffiths 0412 458 443 (as soon as possible to confirm numbers)
09.01.2022 Details of Rotary 2019 Christmas Raffle Results 1st Prize: Janine Robinson (Wyangala) # One Weeks Holiday @ Lake Sea Holiday Park South Durras, Sth Coast NSW... 2nd Prize: Lucy Godfrey ( Granddaughter of Kit and Di Chambers) # HP Laptop Computer 3rd prize: Dianne Ebdon (Cowra) # $250 "Cowra Cash" Vouchers See more
08.01.2022 Happy Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day occurs every February 14 and across the world, chocolates, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and where did these traditions come from? Honestly, who really cares? While today might be an over commercialised day, if nothing else it is a time to remember the ones we love and spend time with them (gifts are just a bonus!).
08.01.2022 In this period of lockdown and social distancing, the Cowra Rotary Club, has continued to hold its meetings. With the computer knowledge of our Secretary Richard Clarke, the club has held 2 online meetings via a Zoom Conferencing link. These meetings have been well attended, considering the technology, with 14 and 19 members participating. Thanks to Richard for organising and managing these sessions. The Club is still wanting to maintain its presence in the community during this time and are working to meet these goals.
08.01.2022 Rotary Monster Wood Raffle Two chances to win 1st and 2nd prizes, each a large trailer load of wood Tickets $5 each Tickets available at Royces Bakery, Uptown Takeaway and Elders Insurance
07.01.2022 ADG Julie Poplin presented "The Graham Barber District Vocational Service Award" to Cowra Rotary Club, at its recent Changeover Meeting. The award was accepted by Ian Docker, on behalf of the club. "Awarded to the club, that through the Rotary year has significantly upheld the second objective of Rotary ie. encouraged and fostered high ethical standards in business and profession, the recognition of the worthiness of all occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarians occupation to serve society. The winning club must be able to demonstrate the upholding of the second objective in a practical and observable way that it has involved the local community." Rotary Club of Cowra
07.01.2022 COWRA ROTARY CALLS FOR COMMUNITYS HELP Continued . Like to help? Join Cowra Rotary Contact: Bob Griffiths 0412 458 443... Ian Docker 0437 672 229 Brian Marsh 0459 574 781 [email protected] See more
07.01.2022 The Cowra Duck Race is returning! Join in the fun at the Cowra Festival of International Understanding Saturday the 27th of March 2021 Race Time 5.30pm
06.01.2022 BATTERY DONATIONS Cowra Rotary would like to thank the Cowra Fire and Rescue for donating a number of batteries to support our fundraising for community projects.
06.01.2022 Come join in the fun and help our Rotary Youth Ambassadors raise funds for the Black Dog Institute.
06.01.2022 Pride of Workmanship 2019 - 2020 Congratulations to all of the nominees and individual award winners. Denise Makin from Cowra/Grenfell Meals on Wheels was the overall winner for the 2019 / 2020 year, with the award presented by Mayor Bill West. Pride of Workmanship 2020 - 2021 will commence soon (details coming)
05.01.2022 2021 Cowra Rotary Golf Tournament Back by popular demand, save the date (Sunday 11th April 2021) and come join in the fun. Some great sponsored prizes and a chance to shine on the green!
05.01.2022 SEEKING OLD AUTOMOTIVE BATTERIES We need your help so we can continue the community work that we do. All we are asking is that if you have a car, bike, tractor, boat, etc. Battery, give us a call and we will come and pick it up from anywhere. Alternatively, batteries may be dropped off at All Service Motors, corner Redfern Street and Lachlan Street, during business hours. Or, contact: Bob Griffiths 0412 458 443 Ian Docker 0437 672 229 Brian Marsh 0459 574 781 ... [email protected] See more
05.01.2022 COWRA PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP AWARDS Cowra Rotary would like to congratulate Rachel Moore on being awarded the last finalist trophy. Rachel works for Raine & Horne, Cowra and was nominated for her outstanding customer service. Well Done Rachel! (Pictured with; Brian Marsh, Rotary President and Jordan Core, President of the Cowra Business Chamber)
04.01.2022 Pauline Gill from Tapua Labradors shared a fascinating insight into the world of training a range of service dogs and the amazing outcomes Recently the Rotary Club of Healesville funded a service dog trained by Pauline to support a child in need and Cowra Rotary funded the air transport.
04.01.2022 One last big thank you to our many sponsors for the Quiz Nite - your support made a good night great! A special thanks to those that made the night so great, including Emily Beath-Pearce whose idea it all was. So special thanks to; Toni Cartwright Myree Beath and Chris Pearce ... Scott Vickary our Quiz Master And Ross Chivers our Auctioneer. See more
04.01.2022 Europa Park Bike Track Work has commenced on the new concrete kids bike track at Europa Park. This Rotary project could not happen without the Cowra Council's ongoing support. This is going to be a wonderful new resource for the community.
03.01.2022 September is Basic Education and Literacy Month Consider these facts: If all women completed primary education, there would be 66% fewer maternal deaths. A child born to a mother who can read is 50% more likely to survive past the age of five. If all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, which would be equivalent to a 12% cut in world poverty....
03.01.2022 This week Cowra Rotary club assisted Daniel Millar representing the Gooloogong Football Club to distribute 120 half hams and 60 chickens, purchased through a remembrance fundraiser, to drought affected families in Bourke, Brewarrina and Tottenham. Rotarys Ian Docker and Ray Harris delivered 60 hams to residents in and around Bourke and Brewarrina with the assistance of the local CWA. Daniel delivered 60 hams and chickens to Tottenham and with the help of Geoff Chase, a Rural Councillor, they were distributed to local farmers and farm workers. In early January Daniel will have several hundred kilos of sausages that will again be distributed to support rural communities impacted by the drought.
03.01.2022 COWRA ROTARY RE-BOOTS FOR 2020/2021 COWRA ROTARY BOARD: Bob Griffiths (Treasurer), Ian Docker (President), Graham Parker (Youth), Ava Livne (International Foundation & RAWCS), Ian Donges (Club Service & Membership), Ian Brown (Public Image), Peter Chivers, Shane Budge (Community Service), Ray Harris (Secretary), Brian Marsh (Immediate Past President)
03.01.2022 Looking forward to our Quiz Nite, hosted by Quiz Master Scott Vickary. All funds raised donated to Black Dog Institute. Lots of prizes on the night from our generous sponsors including; Welder kit including welder, gloves and helmet donated by Lachlan Engineering Services - LES Fly Oz Scenic Flight Railway Hotel Vouchers... Home package including; o Lawn Mow by A & R Mowing o Carpet Clean by Cowra Carpet Cleaning o House pest spray by Jim’s Pest Control There will also be another auction prize which will be revealed on the night Further games and prizes, plus raffles throughout the night Tickets available from Royces Homestyle Cake Shop See more
03.01.2022 COWRA ROTARY CALLS FOR COMMUNITYS HELP We need your help so we can continue the community work that we do. All we are asking is that if you have a car, bike, tractor, boat, etc. Battery, give us a call and we will come and pick it up from anywhere. Alternatively, batteries may be dropped off at All Service Motors, corner Redfern Street and Lachlan Street, during business hours. The other way you can assist us is with the Return and Earn bottle and can recycling. Cowra Rotary... will drop off wheelie bins to any business in Cowra and all you need to do is call, text or email us and we will come and pick them up. Cowra residents can contribute by dropping theirs off on a Saturday morning at the Rotary Shed (at the back of the Target carpark) or call us to arrange collection. Like to help? Join Cowra Rotary Contact: Bob Griffiths 0412 458 443 Ian Docker 0437 672 229 Brian Marsh 0459 574 781 [email protected] See more
02.01.2022 Bob Griffiths accepted on behalf of Cowra Rotary, a certificate in recognition of the work our Club has done in the Return and Earn Scheme over the past twelve months. The Award was presented by Councilor Judi Smith. Pictured here with Cowra Rotary President Brian Marsh.
02.01.2022 Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre Fran Stead and Helen Horton from CINC recently attended a Rotary meeting, providing an outline of what services they offer, illustrating their amazing support of a wide cross section of our community.
02.01.2022 Peter Chivers gave the Toast to Rotary International. ADG Julie Poplin gave Rotary International Response
01.01.2022 Outgoing President Brian Marsh presented Bob Griffiths with "The Fred Arnold Trophy" for his immense help and support to the Club Board during the year. Whilst fulfilling his role as Treasurer in the club, Bob has been on the Pride of Workmanship Award Committee, the National Youth Science Forum Committee and has been the instigator of the Return and Earn Scheme for Cowra Rotary Club. CLUB DONATIONS: The Club has distributed over $30,600 to various local and international projects and charities during the year.
01.01.2022 REMINDER: Cowra Rotary Return and Earn Program. Cowra Rotary will drop off wheelie bins to any business in Cowra, all you need to do is call, text or email us and we will come and pick them up. Cowra residents can contribute by dropping theirs off on a Saturday morning at the Rotary Shed (at the back of the Target carpark) or call us to arrange collection. Like to help? Contact: Bob Griffiths 0412 458 443 Ian Docker 0437 672 229... Brian Marsh 0459 574 781 [email protected] Help us to give back to the community. #returnandearn See more
01.01.2022 Cowra Rotary Club Golf Tournament Friday 4th December, from 1 pm Cowra Golf Club Sausage sizzle afterwards Fundraising for Cowra Community... Email entries to: [email protected] or drop off at Cowra Golf Club Pro Shop 6342 1211 or contact Ian Docker 0437 672 229 or Bob Griffiths 0412 458 443 (as soon as possible to confirm numbers) Pay on the day (tap and go or cash)
01.01.2022 CANS AND BOTTLE RECYCLING The Cowra Rotary Club is collecting eligible drink cans and bottles as part of the NSW Return & Earn Scheme to raise money for local causes and community projects. Cans and Bottles can be dropped off at the Rotary Shed, located at the rear of the Target Car Park, EVERY SATURDAY between 9am and 3.00pm Eligible containers include soft drink, water, beer and mixed spirits, fruit juices, flavoured milk etc in bottles, cans or cartons ( eg. Poppers), bet...ween 150ml and 3 Litres. Wine bottles and casks, concentrated cordial and household milk containers ARE NOT eligible. Containers MUST NOT be crushed. The Rotary Club would also like hear from any business, hotel, club, restaurant or School that may wish to donate their eligible containers to Rotary. Rotary members would be happy to arrange regular collection. For further information please contact Rotarian Bob Griffiths on 0412 458 443, or any Rotary member. Members of the public can also donate their 10 cent container refunds to Rotary by picking up a Rotary Return & Earn card from Bendigo Bank, Kendal St Cowra, scanning it at the reverse vending machine in the Woolworths Car park, insert the containers, select the Pay Pal button and the funds will go into the Cowra Rotary Account. See more
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