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25.01.2022 Юрий Афонин: Режим повышенной готовности фактически стал прикрытием для полицейского произвола Заместитель Председателя ЦК КПРФ прокомментировал инцидент в Пе...нзе с задержанием нескольких представителей местного отделения КПРФ и Левого фронта. Сегодня утром в Пензе сотрудники полиции задержали руководителя фракции КПРФ в городской Думе Александра Смирнова, секретаря Ленинского райкома партии Руслана Бахтеева, второго секретаря обкома ЛКСМ РФ Александра Ермакова и координатора Левого фронта по ПФО Сергея Падалкина. Задержание Бахтеева сопровождалось применением грубой физической силы, у других задержанных отнимали телефоны. Искали и первого секретаря обкома комсомола, депутата гордумы Александра Рогожкина, но не нашли. Приезжала полиция и по месту регистрации лидера коммунистов области, члена Президиума ЦК и руководителя фракции КПРФ в Законодательном Собрании региона Георгия Камнева в дом его родителей. Узнав об этом, Георгий Петрович сам приехал в полицию и выразил недоумение, почему не связались с ним напрямую. На всех, кроме Камнева, составлены протоколы за подготовку к несанкционированному публичному мероприятию. Так полицейские чины расценили предстоящую 23 февраля встречу депутата Александра Смирнова с избирателями у монумента "Росток". Встреча состоится вместо праздничного митинга в честь Дня Советской Армии, который городские власти отказались согласовать. Это уже не первые репрессии в отношении пензенских коммунистических активистов за последние месяцы. В декабре за участие в одиночных пикетах с требованием ввести льготы на проезд для студентов, спустя несколько недель после акции были составлены протоколы на Александра Рогожкина и Александра Ермакова. Суд приговорил их к обязательным работам: Ермакову дали 80 часов, а Рогожкину 160. Завтра пройдут первые суды в отношении задержанных сегодня товарищей, еще один назначен на 24 февраля. Давление на коммунистов усиливается по всей стране, и будет ещ нарастать к выборам потому что власть боится нас, боится растущей народной поддержки КПРФ. Режим повышенной готовности, который вообще-то должен создавать условия для борьбы с пандемией, фактически стал прикрытием для полицейского произвола. При этом провластные флешмобы и другие акции никто не запрещает и не наказывает их организаторов и участников. Власть уже и не скрывает свои двойные стандарты и избирательный подход при толковании закона. Мы решительно требуем прекратить политические репрессии против наших пензенских товарищей и вообще всех левых активистов, в том числе Павла Грудинина и Андрея Левченко, Владимира Бессонова и Ивана Казанкова, Николая Бондаренко, Сергея Удальцова и Николая Платошкина. Мы заверяем: акции устрашения и полицейский произвол не дадут эффекта. Пензенские коммунисты обязательно выйдут 23 февраля отметить наш советский праздник, как и тысячи наших активистов по всей стране. Мы выстоим и обязательно победим! #КПРФ #Афонин #Пенза #полиция #23февраля
24.01.2022 The translation is a bit rough but the message fairly obvious.
24.01.2022 75 years since the A bomb on Hiroshima. A timely reminder of what the 'great' powers are capable of doing.75 years since the A bomb on Hiroshima. A timely reminder of what the 'great' powers are capable of doing.
23.01.2022 >> FIGHT BACK AGAINST MEDIA MONOPOLY << Last month, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced online that he was launching a petition to call for a royal commi...ssion into Rupert Murdoch’s media business. According to Rudd, he wanted the royal commission to investigate the abuse of media monopoly in Australia as well as make recommendations to maximise media diversity ownership for the future lifeblood of our democratic system. The petition has been a tremendous success. The petition received over half a million signatories making it the largest-ever parliamentary e-petition in Australian history and as a result, secured a senate inquiry. The petition has also secured bipartisan support with former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull signing and promoting the petition and in the process attacking the Murdoch media on programs like Q&A. Both Rudd’s and Turnbull’s leadership suffered similar fates, both of which were caused, in large part, by the propaganda efforts of the Murdoch press. Thus, it is easy to view with cynicism their efforts to curb Murdoch’s influence in Australia’s political arena, particularly since they didn’t attempt to tackle the issue of media monopolies in Australia during their prime ministership. However, irrespective of the motives Rudd and Turnbull may have, with the record-breaking number of signatories the issue has struck a chord with the public and rightfully so. Australia lacks a diverse media landscape. In 2016, a major study titled Who Owns the World’s Media? was published on media concentration. The study noted that while the internet was instrumental in the growth of ‘new media’ [...] domestic news consumption is still dominated by traditional media sources, which have come to control some of the most popular domestic online news portals. When it came to newspapers, News Corp’s market share had more than doubled from 25% in 1984 to 57.5% in 2011. In the same period, Fairfax’s market share had grown from 23.7% to 28.5%, and Seven West Media’s market share had remained steady at around 8% (1992-2011). Despite Seven West Media’s lower market share in the newspaper industry it boomed in TV broadcasting, from 1988 where it owned 17% of the market share to 26.4% in 2011. Nine Network had just above 20% and Ten Network around 15%. Since 2011, these monopoly trends have only intensified. As a result, Australia has one of the highest levels of media concentration in the world. By some metrics (such as the Herfindahl-Hirschman index) Australia ranks as high as third in the world. Monopolies, in general, are dangerous because they concentrate a massive amount of wealth into the hands of a few at the expense of further exploitation of the working class. Media monopolies, however, have a component to them that make them even more dangerous than others. As news outlets, these major corporations are responsible for shaping the public narrative around their business interests. Take, for example, Seven West Media. Its largest shareholder is Australian Capital Equity which is owned by Kerry Stokes. Australian Capital Equity is a holding company for many of Stokes’ interests, one of which is mining. One of the newspapers run by Seven West Media is The West Australian. In July the front page read THANK GOD FOR WA with the caption reading As Government set to reveal biggest deficit since WWII they will also say Australia faring better than every other country thanks to the shining light of our mining sector. So favourably was this front page viewed that it was placed on mining tycoon Gina Rinehart’s own website. Thus, while calling for a royal commission into Murdoch’s media empire is necessary, more needs to be done. Under capitalism, bourgeois media will always represent the interests of its own class, making breaking up the monopolies more imperative than ever. The Communist Party of Australia supports the campaign against the Murdoch media monopoly, with Andrew Irving, General Secretary of the CPA stating: All parties of democracy have an interest in driving out this obstacle to democracy.
22.01.2022 Буржуазные конституции обычно ограничиваются фиксированием прав граждан, не заботясь об условиях осуществления этих прав, о возможности их осуществления, о сре...дствах их осуществления. Говорят о равенстве граждан, но забывают, что не может быть действительного равенства между хозяином и рабочим, между помещиком и крестьянином, если у первых имеется богатство и политический вес в обществе, а вторые лишены и того и другого, если первые являются эксплуататорами, а вторые эксплуатируемыми. И.В.Сталин
21.01.2022 We remember Fidel Castro today on his birthday Several of Fidel's historical speeches can be read here
21.01.2022 MESSAGE FROM THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AUSTRALIA FOR ZIMBABWE GLOBAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY Received 25th September 2029 Dear comrade,... We have read with much concern the recent developments in Zimbabwe through your correspondence. These are indeed very troubling times for the working people of Zimbabwe to face such an acute economic and political crisis, a decrease in wages and a murderous persecution of trade unions and their leaders. On the 23rd of September, 2020, in response to the calls by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions and supported by the Zimbabwe Communist Party, the Communist Party of Australia sends this message of solidarity to our comrades. We add our voice in the international arena to the five key demands put forth by ZCP. We also add our support to calls to end the sanctions against Zimbabwe, and an end to all forms of continuing colonialism and imperialism. We wish you success in your struggles. In socialism, Vinnie Molina CPA President
18.01.2022 >> Social Housing Scheme Only a Drop in the Ocean << On 15th November, the Victorian government announced that it will spend $5.3 billion creating 12,000 homes ...for Victorians in need. 1000 of these will be rebuilt existing public housing properties, and 2000 will go directly to Victorians living with a mental illness. 3000 will be affordable rental homes for low- and middle-income families. This is a start, but it only amounts to a ten per cent increase on our current housing supply. This will change lives, says Daniel Andrews, but how many? More than 100,000 Victorians are currently on the public housing wait list. The proposed 9300 new social-housing units are barely a drop in the ocean. The proposed scheme is grossly under-equipped to meet the current housing demand, and this is before counting the hundreds of thousands more in rental stress. Rental stress is defined as more than thirty per cent of one’s income going to rent. According to a 2017 Victorian Parliamentary report on housing affordability, in Victoria as a whole median rent costs 40.6% of household income, way above the threshold. This increases to fifty-two per cent for greater Melbourne. While the government pats itself on the back over its stellar handling of the pandemic, things are only getting worse as the economic impact forces more and more Victorians into insecure work, rental hardship, and homelessness. The commitment does little to address the urgent need for secure housing now, says a worker in the hotels currently housing homeless Victorians. There are currently 1900 people staying in temporary emergency accommodation in the City of Port Phillip alone. This funding is due to end in April, and long-term exit options are thin on the ground [...] the housing crisis for many Victorians is happening right now. By all accounts, the new units will be social housing. Social housing is an umbrella term which encompasses both public and community housing. This term conceals the neoliberal shift that is occurring in Victoria from state owned and managed public housing to NGO-run community housing. We’re relieved that the government is investing in social housing, but it’s troubling that there’s no clear commitment to public housing, says Renters’ and Housing Union (RAHU) media officer Jesse James Frances. The differences between the two are important, and they matter to tenants. The rort in affordable housing is almost imperceptible from the outside but when you’re in it you see the difference, says Aliysha, a member of RAHU and affordable housing resident. It’s no better and in some ways worse than living in a private rental. Public housing is owned and operated by the state government, but community housing is managed (and in some cases, owned) by not-for-profit organisations. This means that community housing conditions are not regulated by the state government any more than the average rental property. Conditions in community houses vary, but the Save Public Housing Collective (SPHC) suggests that they are often inferior to public housing. Public housing tenants usually pay around twenty-five per cent of their income in rent, below the thirty per cent threshold for rental stress. By contrast, in community housing, tenants can pay up to thirty per cent of their income in rent and sometimes extra in fees, putting them above the rental stress threshold. Public housing is the most accessible, secure and stable tenancy for vulnerable people, says Frances, No private housing organi- sation, especially if they’re contracted by a developer, will be able to offer this security. Social housing is a way for the government to offload its responsibility for housing those in need, outsourcing the management and maintenance of these properties to less regulated, more expensive community housing organisations. While we should welcome the new project, we must be clear that public housing ought to be the priority. Victorians and all Australians need affordable housing right now, and much more of it than any state government has ever been prepared to provide. Safe, affordable housing is a human right. Homelessness and insecure housing are crises endemic to capitalism, a system which values property over human life. There are currently around 60,000 vacant homes in the city of Melbourne alone and only 25,000 homeless people in all of Victoria. It is shameful that people sleep on our streets while empty investment properties stand by, gathering dust and lining the pockets of the wealthy.
16.01.2022 КПРФ ВЫСТУПАЕТ ЗА МОРАТОРИЙ НА РОСТ ТАРИФОВ ЖКХ! _ Правительство РФ на днях одобрило прогноз о повышении цен на коммунальные услуги. Тарифы на электричество и г...аз будут повышены с 2021 года. Кроме коммунальных услуг, вырастут цены также на пассажирские железнодорожные перевозки. _ Еще одна приятная новость в коммунальные платежи собираются включить цену умных электросчтчиков. Еще этим летом россиянам сладко пели, что затраты на приобретение, установку и обслуживание новых приборов будут нести гарантирующий поставщик или электросетевая организация. Объяснялось, что им это даже выгодно: понесенные расходы будут в значительной степени компенсированы за счт экономии от уменьшения потерь и роста операционной эффективности от внедрения автоматизации. _ Другими словами, эксперты божились, что экономический эффект от внедрения умных счтчиков позволит покрыть затраты, и клялись, что напрямую в квитанциях потребителей переход на новые приборы учта никоим образом не отразится. Но, как в песне: вот новый поворот. _ Теперь как аксиому преподносят факт, что пришло время платить по счетам, и, конечно, же, нам с вами! Но чиновники у нас добрые и заботливые деньги сдерут не сразу: установку нового типа счтчиков посчитали слишком дорогой для основной массы населения РФ, поэтому стоимость решено включить в платжки, чтобы установку приборов учта дорогие россияне смогли оплатить в течение трх лет. Таким образом, новация, разумеется, приведт не только к росту цены электроэнергии для населения, но и увеличению общей платы за коммунальные услуги. _ Против пока только КПРФ. Геннадий Зюганов после новости о росте цен на электричество выступил с предложением ввести в России мораторий на рост тарифов ЖКХ: У многих россиян на оплату ЖКУ уходит до 40 % семейного бюджета и больше. В Австрии, Венгрии и Польше, например, эти же расходы составляет около 10 %, в Швеции менее 4 %. В этой связи КПРФ предлагает ввести мораторий на рост тарифов ЖКХ, оплата услуг которого должна не превышать 10 % семейного бюджета. _ А вы поддерживаете инициативу Компартии #кпрф #коммунисты #жкх #зюганов See more
16.01.2022 Депутаты фракции КПРФ внесли в Госдуму законопроект о вынужденно безработных. Данный статус предлагается давать россиянам, потерявшим работу из-за запрета дея...тельности их работодателя в период действия коронавирусных ограничений. _ Коммунисты предлагают выплачивать такой категории людей пособие не менее их средней месячной зарплаты и не ниже размера МРОТ. В случае принятия законопроекта работодателя обяжут не расторгать по своей инициативе трудовой договор, но при этом с него снимут обязанность платить зарплату сотрудникам, не имеющим возможности работать из-за коронавируса. _ Инициативу КПРФ одобрила эксперт по трудовому праву, преподаватель РУДН, госинспектор Федеральной службы по труду и занятости Ольга Петрова, отметившая, что законопроект о вынужденно безработных в случае его принятия может стать реальной помощью для субъектов малого и среднего бизнеса. See more
14.01.2022 Г.А. Зюганов: Сплотимся для сражения за Родину!. Обращение к гражданам России 13 сентября в большинстве регионов состоятся выборы в местные органы власти. В о...бщей сложности предстоящее голосование охватывает 59 миллионов избирателей. Им предстоит голосовать на фоне обострения социально-экономического кризиса, нарастающего обнищания граждан. В условиях резкого падения экономики, стремительного роста безработицы и вымирания страны. Нас ждет не просто голосование за то, кому и как управлять регионами. Нас ждет очень важный выбор. Выбор, от которого напрямую зависит судьба Отечества.
14.01.2022 >> Australians Suffer at the Hands of a Poor China Relationship << The term Indo-Pacific, barely heard of in a political context until the last decade, has be...come a buzzword in international relations discourse. Its usage has been propelled by the four governments participating in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (the Quad) Japan, India, Australia, and the US. Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Marise Payne, spoke on behalf of Australia last week, condemning China after four Hong Kong opposition lawmakers were disqualified from the Legislative Council of Hong Kong (LegCo). Australian workers continue to be the victims of this irresponsible condemnation, as China increases restrictions on various Australian trade sectors. Payne stands with a range of government officials who toe the line of the United States rather than seeking prosperity for the Australian people. Payne’s criticisms were in response to a decision made by China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee a far more democratic institution than exists in the West to disqualify the Hong Kong opposition members after they were found to have violated the requirements of their position. For example, one of the disqualified lawmakers, Dennis Kwon Wing-hang supported and covered for the black-clad rioters in Hong Kong and used filibustering tactics to paralyse LegCo meetings for seven months. Others in this gang of four maliciously attacked the national security law for Hong Kong, made pleas for foreign forces to impose sanctions on Hong Kong and encouraged foreign interference in China’s internal affairs. While western media outlets have portrayed the Hong Kong independence riots as rejection of oppression from the Chinese government, the movement was largely funded by US-backed operatives, such as the National Endowment for Democracy an attempt to influence Hong Kong and Chinese internal policy. Many opportunists in the region have taken advantage of the One Country, Two Systems policy, however, the meaning of this is largely misunderstood. Hong Kong maintains a high degree of autonomy from the mainland, but is not independent from Chinese politics. As such, there are no governing political parties in Hong Kong. Legislative matters are largely carried out through the business or professional sectors; and many political parties will officially register under the auspices of a company or business corporation. The politicians who were stood down were not acting in accordance with their responsibilities, and were therefore held accountable. As Global Times reported, [they] severely violated the ethical rules they should observe as lawmakers and the moral obligations they should heed as Chinese people. Minister Payne however, painted the dismissal of these lawmakers as seriously undermining Hong Kong’s democratic processes notwithstanding that democracy in its broadest sense means ‘for the majority’. Curiously, back in July, Minister Payne attended the Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN) with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington. At this meeting Pompeo stated, this isn’t about picking America versus China. This is about choosing freedom and democracy against tyranny and an authoritarian regime basically what he, and other reactionaries, consider to be the description of the US and China. Payne concluded that the US-Australia relations remain to be an integral part of our strategic defence policy. So how do these consultations play out for the Australian working class? Already tariffs and other restrictions have been put on several Australian industries, including barley, beef, coal, wine, and fisheries. Unemployment and underemployment in these industries are sure to rise. The Australian media likes to paint a picture that this is a form of economic ‘bullying’ from China towards Australia, however, it is very clear that any customer in a trade dealership would expect respectful relations. For example, a restaurant would not be respected for long if they treated their customers poorly. It is little wonder why China has decided to move down the path of creating stronger trade agreements with more supportive nations. An olive branch towards improved Australia-China relations could be the recent signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) the biggest free trade deal ever made. It includes Australia and China, as well as Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and the ten ASEAN nations and sets to boost trade amongst the participating countries through the lowering of tariffs. Not surprisingly, within twenty-four hours of signing this agreement, Australia and Japan signed a defence treaty in a move that’s clearly directed at China, despite how Australian politicians have framed it. This will undoubtedly create more tension again between Australia and China. At the July AUSMIN consultations, after Minister Payne was asked if she thought attempting to change the Chinese government was wise, she responded, As my Prime Minister put it recently, the relationship that we have with China is important, and we have no intention of injuring it, but nor do we intend to do things that are contrary to our interests, and that is the premise from which we begin. Whose interests, Marise? If a strong relationship with China leads to greater prosperity for the Australian people, whose interests could sit above this? Perhaps it’s not the Australian people whose interests you really serve. It is imperative that Australians understand the position of our politicians, and work towards creating an independent foreign and trade policy that truly has the interests of the Australian people at its core.
14.01.2022 5-6 сентября состоится Всероссийская акция протеста За честные выборы! За достойную жизнь!. * * * Призывы и лозунги ЦК КПРФ к Всероссийской акции протеста За... честные выборы! За достойную жизнь! 05-06.09.2020 - За честные выборы! За достойную жизнь! - Нет фальсификациям и подтасовкам! - Нет многодневному голосованию! - Фальсификация выборов = измена Родине - Фальсификаторов выборов на нары! - Хаос начинается с майдана, кризис с коррупции! - НЕТ преследованиям ульяновских коммунистов! - Без коммунистов нет справедливых выборов! - За правительство народного доверия! Дорогу красным губернаторам! - Партий много, а с народом одна. За КПРФ! - Антикризисная программа КПРФ выход из тупика! - 1917, 1945. Где коммунисты там победа! - За перемены к лучшему вместе с КПРФ! - Даешь власть трудового народа! - Работу! Зарплату! Уверенность в завтрашнем дне! - 20 миллионов за чертой бедности позор страны! - Молодежь за КПРФ! - Социализму ДА! Капитализму НЕТ! - Диктатура капитала всю Россию обобрала! - Недра достояние общества, а не кормушка олигархов! - Рост цен и тарифов результат работы единороссов! - Нет коммунальному грабежу! - Материнство и детство под защиту государства! - Прогрессивному налогу на сверхдоходы ДА! - Бесплатное образование и медицину для всех! - Голодный пенсионер позор государства! - Нам нужны пенсии, а не подачки! - Путь России вперед, к социализму! - КПРФ за справедливость и достаток! #КПРФ #протест #ВсероссийскаяАкцияПротеста
13.01.2022 Председатель ЦК КПРФ Gennady Zyuganov: 13-14 февраля 1993 г. состоялся II чрезвычайный Cъезд КПРФ - продолжательницы дела РСДРП - РСДРП(б) - РКП(б) - ВКП(б)... - КПСС и КП РСФСР. Тогда, 28 лет назад, мы восстановили партию после ее преступного запрета Ельциным. Убежден, что именно возрождение Компартии позволило сберечь страну в лихие 90-е. Во время дефолта 1998 года, когда распад России казался неизбежным, мы, коммунисты, сформировали правительство Маслюкова-Примакова-Геращенко. Меньше чем за год его работы удалось вытащить страну из пропасти. Считаю, что этот успешный опыт как никогда востребован и сегодня. Нынешний кризис нам не преодолеть без опоры на опыт народных предприятий и красных управленцев - экс-губернатора Иркутской области Сергея Левченко, главы Хакассии Валентина Коновалова, мэра Новосибирска Анатолия Локотя, главы Орловщины Андрея Клычкова. Эти и другие руководители-коммунисты наглядно показали, что КПРФ способна брать на себя ответственность за управление регионами и добиваться впечатляющих результатов. Оглядываясь назад, хочу с гордостью заявить, что только благодаря КПРФ: сохранилось бесплатное очное образование; приостановлены разрушительная оптимизация и коммерциализация медицины; отозван законопроект об изъятии детей в 24 часа; приняты в 42 регионах страны законы О детях войны, которые теперь получают дополнительную поддержку; возродилась армия. Возвращение Крыма домой - также результат нашей борьбы. Мы отправляем гуманитарную помощь Донбассу, независимость которого давно нужно было признать. Мы продолжаем борьбу против русофобии и антисоветизма. У партии есть выверенная программа развития Отечества на основе справедливости и прогресса, по пути социалистического преображения. У нас есть идеология, крепкая структура, сильный интеллектуальный и кадровый потенциал. Поддержка миллионов людей позволяет нам отстаивать интересы народа в законодательных и муниципальных органах по всей стране. Всего в нашей депутатской вертикали - более 11 тыс. бойцов! Партия сформировала блок народно-патриотических сил, которые активно сражаются за власть трудящихся. Идеи КПРФ определяют политическую позицию большинства граждан страны. Коммунисты спасли державу в годы интервенции и гражданской войны, сломали хребет фашистскому зверю, удержали страну от распада в конце прошлого века. Сегодня мы вновь готовы взять на себя ответственность за судьбу Родины! Но нам нужна ваша поддержка! Поэтому призываю всех граждан прийти в этом году на избирательные участки и проголосовать #ЗАКПРФ See more
11.01.2022 Tony Abbott shows where his loyalties lay (Guardian editorial) Former Liberal Prime Minister Tony Abbott will be appointed to the British Board of Trade which w...ill advise Boris Johnson and trade secretary, Liz Truss, on future trade deals and will be a vital component of the UK’s future post-Brexit trade strategy (Guardian UK). Many are perplexed by the choice, with David Lawrence from the Trade Justice Movement sa[ying]: ‘Hiring Tony Abbott to one of the top jobs in UK trade policy is a baffling choice’ (ibid). More concerning than hiring a man who had little to do with the trade agreements during his own tenure as Prime Minister is the fact that our former leader is now working for another government! Furthermore, according to the SBS, based on figures they crunched, Abbott’s pension is roughly $300,000 and is likely to increase. Thus, we will effectively be continuing to pay this man this unseemly figure as he works in the service of Johnson’s government, essentially committing borderline treason. Always the staunch Monarchist, working within the British government highlights in full form where Abbott’s loyalties have always laid. They have never been with the Australian people, but to the ruling class, especially that of England. While this move by Abbott is extremely unusual it is not without precedent. Former Prime Minister George Reid went on to serve in the House of Commons, and as well as former Prime Ministers Stanley Bruce and Robert Menzies who were members of Churchill’s cabinet all members of political parties had contempt for the working-class. Of course our current Prime Minister Scott Morrison has no issue with the appointment qualifying it as a good hire. It seems that Morrison doesn’t have concerns about foreign agents interfering in the government of other governments after all so long as it’s one of our own.
09.01.2022 The CPV Congress in review The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) concluded its week-long 13th National Party Congress on the 1st of February. The Congress, held ...every five years, was attended by over 1,500 Party delegates representing the more than five million CPV members. Also attending were foreign diplomats, representatives of international organisations, and other guests. After a preparatory session the 25th of January, the opening address was delivered the 26th of January by Comrade Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of Vietnam and CPV Politburo member. He began: Today, in the spring atmosphere, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam solemnly opens in the capital city of Hanoi. Our Party is the vanguard of the working class, of the working people and of the Vietnamese people; each party member is a representative loyal to the interests of the working class, the working people and our nation. Later in his speech, he outlined the major tasks of the Congress: In the spirit of looking straight at the truth and speaking the truth, renewing, integrating and developing, promoting the tradition of solidarity, consensus and absolute trust in Marxism-Leninism, President Ho Chi Minh’s thought and revolutionary path that the Party and beloved Uncle Ho have chosen, the Congress is tasked with reviewing the implementation of the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress, the thirty-five years of the Doi Moi (Renewal) process, the 30 years of the 1991 Political Platform, the ten years of the amended Political Platform (supplemented and developed in 2011), and the implementation of the 2011-2020 socio-economic development strategy while setting out socio-economic development orientations and tasks for 2021-2025 as well as targets and directions until 2030 with a vision to 2045. The CPV has a stated aim of making Vietnam a modern industrialised country with upper-middle income by 2030, and a developed, high income country by 2045. Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, President of Vietnam and CPV General Secretary, delivered the report of the outgoing 12th Central Committee on the documents submitted to the 13th Congress. Over the course of the Congress, the attendees divided into groups to discuss these key documents and put forward views. The Congress elected the new 13th Central Committee, and re-elected Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong as General Secretary. Throughout the Congress, the General Secretary stressed the importance of consistently applying Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought as the ideological basis of the Party, and maintaining the socialist orientation and socialist path for Vietnam. He delivered a closing speech, saying: The 13th Central Party Committee pledged to unite, wholeheartedly serving the country, the people, constantly cultivating and improving capacity, qualifications, political bravery, ethical qualities following the example of the great President Ho Chi Minh. [...] The success of the 13th National Congress will be a strong encouragement for the whole Party, the entire people and the army to continue to overcome all difficulties, challenges, taking advantage of opportunities to soon turn our country into a developed country with high income and a socialist orientation. (Report published in CPA's weekly paper, Guardian, The Workers' Weekly)
08.01.2022 "Liquidate spies and saboteurs, Trotskyite-Bukharinite agents of Fascism!", 1937.
07.01.2022 This week's Guardian, the Workers' Weekly, is now out! Articles can be accessed here: Or consider subscribing and get the Guar...dian delivered to your door: Support the Guardian by donating: #auspol #communistpartyaustralia #AusNews
06.01.2022 Commander Fidel Castro lives on! Viva Cuba, down with the US blockade!
05.01.2022 The workers alone, nothing. The workers united, everything. - Vladimir Lenin
02.01.2022 The CPA expresses it's solidarity with striking workers in Iran
02.01.2022 To get a Guardian subscription:
02.01.2022 >> UNION WIN IN REGIONAL VICTORIA << In one of the biggest union wins in Victoria this year, workers at Bendigo Lactalis secured huge improvements when the comp...any caved on 14th November after a ten-day strike. Lactalis Australia, previously known as Parmalat, is a dairy company that produces familiar products including Ice Break, Pauls Milk, Oak, and Lemnos cheese. Lactalis Australia is currently owned by Lactalis group, a French multinational and one of the world’s largest dairy companies with 80,000 workers across ninety-four different countries, 2500 of which are Australian workers. Pauls Milk, which was once Australian owned, was bought out by the French multinational in 1998. It is a story that has become all too familiar across the entire globe: workers fighting for a small fraction of the profits of multinationals. In Lactalis’ case, these mega profits are at almost 20 billion (approximately 34.4 billion AUD). Over 140 workers, represented by United Workers’ Union (UWU), Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU), and Electrical Trades Union (ETU), went on strike at Lactalis’ factory in North Bendigo at the beginning of November, carrying out two 24-hour pickets, taking COVID-19 precautions. After working through Victoria’s COVID- 19 lockdown, workers in Bendigo wanted to increase permanent job positions, close the gap between themselves and workers at other Lactalis sites, and a promise that the factory will continue operating under a different company if Lactalis ever decides to sell. In a statement, UWU said that there have be several cases of large dairy operators mothballing their sites and refusing to sell to other dairy companies as a way to prevent competition. It is more important than ever to fight for secure regional jobs because of the current economic crisis exacerbated by COVID-19. Mothballing the Bendigo factory could mean hundreds of jobs lost, a greater increase in unemployment in the regional town, and ultimately devastation to the local community. UWU organiser Tom Czech said that Lactalis had been using this as a threat. The company had been telling workers that if they want to match their wage with other Lactalis workers, then the company would simply walk away from Bendigo entirely. This is why a win, after ten days of strike, is so massive for the regional town. It’s an inspiring example of workers fighting back and refusing to pay for the COVID-19 crisis. Agreements between UWU, AMWU, ETU, and Lactalis have won workers a significant pay rise, greater than the two per cent per annum pay rise, almost thirty per cent more permanent jobs with existing casuals becoming permanent, electrical and mechanical trades apprenticeships, a future guarantee of permanent jobs, and the promise that Lactalis will not mothball the factory. Dairy workers won an extra $232 per week, a 6.47% pay rise. Congratulations to all workers in Bendigo on a big win and for securing the future of your community!
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