CQID in Rockhampton, Queensland | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Locality: Rockhampton, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4920 0000
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24.01.2022 Family Violence Specialist position available in our Hervey Bay Office. Applications close Sunday 16th August 2020 Enquiries to Lesley Barney 07 4920 0000
24.01.2022 Family Participation or Family Wellbeing Worker position available in our Hervey Bay Office. All enquiries to Maree Simon (07) 4313 1195 or Lesley Barney (07) 4920 0000
24.01.2022 Homelessness Caseworker position available in our Rockhampton Office. Please upload a resume and cover letter, explaining why you are the best person for the role. Applications close - Sunday 20th December 2020... Enquiries to Rochelle Jones or Daniel Yasso (07) 4920 0000 *only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
23.01.2022 Come along to our Child Protection Community Day on Wednesday the 9th of September 2020 at 10am. Details in flyer
22.01.2022 Homelessness to Housing Staff assisted a client after she contacted the CQID office requesting urgent and immediate assistance for herself and her 6 children as they were suffering from chronic homelessness. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Homelessness to Housing client was made redundant and unable to secure private accommodation. Homelessness to Housing supported the client and her family by assisting with emergency accommodation costs and helping her compl...ete and submit her Queensland Housing application. Fortunately after only a short period of time our H2H caseworker Amarah received a call from Queensland Housing that they could offer our client a home in Gracemere. H2H supplied brokerage for a removalist company to assist the client in relocating her belongings to her new residence, in which she was very grateful. In the month of August, Homelessness to Housing Staff Masada and Amarah were successful in securing housing for 5 clients. Keep up the great work H2H Team. Pictured from left is Daniel Yasso (Executive Officer - Wellness) and Amarah Shillingsworth (Homelessness to Housing Case Worker)
22.01.2022 Family Participation Facilitator position available in our Bundaberg Office. Closing date - Sunday 03 January 2021 Enquiries to Kathy Sullivan - 4313 1194
19.01.2022 Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist position available in our Rockhampton Office. Enquiries to Suzi Blair (07) 4920 0000 Closing Date - Sunday 20th September 2020... *only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. See more
19.01.2022 Special Projects Manager position available in our Rockhampton Office. Applications close Monday 30 November 2020. Contact Jason Field on 4920 0000 for any enquiries.
18.01.2022 **** PLAYGROUP TODAY IS CANCELLED DUE TO THE WEATHER. **** A new flyer will be posted when a new date is decided.
17.01.2022 Are you CQID’s first young board member? CQID is calling for expressions of interest from young Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people to become part of the governing board. One young person aged between 18-22 will be appointed. ... Applicants must be eligible for a blue card and reside within CQID’s service delivery footprint to join the board. Please email Jason Field [email protected], outlining your capacity and motivation to make a contribution to Central Queensland’s largest community controlled organisation. EOIs must be received before Friday 23 October, 2020.
16.01.2022 Family Wellbeing Caseworker position available in our Rockhampton Office. Applications close Sunday 20th September 2020. Enquiries to Emma Lennox (07) 4920 0000... *only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
14.01.2022 CQID in partnership with DPAC, Deadly Choices, Playgroups Qld and Child Safety Youth and Women present Child Protection Community Day. Wednesday 9th of September 10am-2pm All Blacks Hall See poster for more information.
12.01.2022 "Putting Children First is Everybody's Business" In recognition of Child Protection Week, Central Queensland Indigenous Development in partnership with Deadly Choices and Playgroups Queensland were asked What does Child Protection mean to you, and "What role can you play, in supporting children and their families? Their responses we recorded and collated into a short clip.... Speacial thanks to our Partners - Deadly Choices, Darumbal Peoples Aboriginal Corporation, Department of Child Safety Youth and Women Rockhampton Service Centre, Playgroups Queensland, Life without Barriers and Hippy Rockhampton. Proudly funded by the Queensland Family and Child Commission - More Than Safe Regional Activity Grants in partnership with Queensland Child Protection Week
11.01.2022 Gandanu Badi (Children Grow) CQID Playgroup All Blacks Hall, Lakes Creek Road Wednesday 11th of November All are welcome to attend a fun filled morning with Naidoc activities, wet play, reading corner and arts and crafts. ... Morning Tea is provided. Happy Naidoc Week
10.01.2022 Gladstone Family Participation Staff Jessy Johnson and Kassidy Leslie alongside our Community Development Officer Kadie Aaskov, attended the Gladstone Naidoc Family Day and Expo. Children that visited the CQID marquee participated in indigenous sand symbols, boomerang painting and flag art. It was a great Naidoc event for the Gladstone Region. Well done to the organiser's.
07.01.2022 Family Violence Safety and Support Officer position available in our Hervey Bay office. Applications close Sunday 8th November 2020 All enquiries to Lesley Barney - 07 4920 0000... *only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
06.01.2022 Check out the deadly children's day resources, they include: Aboriginal Flag hand prints, Didgeridoo, Clap Sticks, Flags, Basket Weaving, Family Kinship Tree and Bush Tucker Recipes. https://aboriginalchildrensday.com.au/activities/
06.01.2022 Next Step Plus Case Manager position available in our Bundaberg Office. Applications close - Sunday 30th August 2020. *only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.... Enquiries to Suzi Blair (07) 4920 0000
06.01.2022 The 2020 Child Protection Week theme is ‘Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business.' CQID in partnership with the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation, Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (Maryborough and Bundaberg offices), Churches of Christ and Act for Kids were successful in securing funding from the Queensland Family and Child Commission in partnership with Queensland Child Protection Week to host an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Planning event to ...explore ways we can support each other to ensure Indigenous children in care have the opportunity to connect to their culture. The key message for our event is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children need strong cultural connection to be safely protected. Currently in Queensland 42.7% of all children in care are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The strong response to attend the Child Protection week event indicates there is a strong shared commitment to a continued joined approach and understanding that we all have a part to play to reduce these statistics and where we can’t, we ensure cultural connection for our Indigenous kids in care. The event was held on Tuesday, 8 September 2020 and was well attended. Forty-six participants attended from 20 different agencies which included key stakeholders in child protection and foster carers in the Region as well as Traditional Owner groups and Indigenous staff members working in the community sector services sector to raise awareness about the cultural resources that exist within the community and to identify barriers that may hinder Indigenous children from accessing these services. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, culture is, or could be, a strong protective factor against abuse if children grow up strong in culture knowing who they are, who their family are, know about their totems, country, songs and dance. They will grow with more self-esteem and resilience. Hosting a forum such as this recognises the essential foundations and positive succession planning for future leaders. Mentoring and fostering strong leaders and continuity of leadership are essential elements of a healthy Aboriginal community. Queensland Child Protection Week
05.01.2022 Our Children's Day playgroup will be taking place tomorrow 28/08/2020 at Kershaw Gardens from 10am to 12pm.
04.01.2022 Children’s Day is a time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities and all Australians, celebrate the strengths and culture of our children. It is an opportunity for us to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child. Children’s Day has been run annually since 1988 and is the initiative... of SNAICC National Voice for our Children. This years theme is "We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice." Due to COVID-19 restrictions, CQID were unable to plan an event for Children's Day 2020 but continues to advocate for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children through our programs and services.
03.01.2022 Please contact Emma at CWAATSICH for more information or to apply.
03.01.2022 Family Wellbeing Caseworker position available in our Emerald Office. Enquiries to Nadine on 4987 4792 Applications close Sunday 4th October 2020... *only shortlist applicants will be contacted.
03.01.2022 Family Violence Accountability Officer position available in our Hervey Bay office. Applications close Sunday 8th November 2020 All enquiries to Lesley Barney - 07 4920 0000... *only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
02.01.2022 CQID welcomes community members of all ages to participate in our Child Protection Week videos. Have your say on what Child Protection means to you and how we can keep our mob safe. If any of you deadly mob are interested, please contact Kadie our Community Development Officer on 4920 0020 or 0436 477 640.
01.01.2022 CQID is delighted to be working with Adjunct Professor Sandra Creamer AM and Dr Claire Brolan from The University of Queensland on a research project about service delivery that strengthens the cultural resilience of young people living in out of home care. Thank you very much to AITASIS for the opportunity. The project will roll out in 2021.
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