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Crab Hollow

Phone: +61 438 004 545


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25.01.2022 How funny is this. I have Bundy with me while I clean Crab Hollow from the weekend guests. He decides to lay in the lounge room while I clean. I couldn’t help think back to when I got him. He use to sleep under the fireplace. He wouldn’t even get his head under there now The pup photo was March #gsdlover #gsdloverstagram #germanshepherdpuppyofinstagram #germanshepherdpuppy #lovemyfurbaby

23.01.2022 Wow, 1st October ..... time for the Spring / Summer bedding @crabhollow hopefully no more wintry blasts. I’m sure the guests will appreciate the cosy but summer look. #potterybarn #bedbathandtable #blueandwhitedecor #coastalliving #beachstyledecor #coastalbedrooms #kmartbyyou #adairslovers

23.01.2022 The most beautiful things you find when walking the beach at Port Clinton. Notice the crab shell as a hat!. #yorkepeninsulabeaches #portclintonbeach #yorkepeninsulaliving #beachfinds

23.01.2022 I have the best neighbours ever. Homemade Anzac biscuits and some in the shape of hearts. Love love love thank you, that made my weekend #bestneighboursever #lovesmalltowns #homemadeanzacbiscuits #ineedtherecipe

21.01.2022 I wish all my weeds were this pretty. I was pulling weeds out (one job I dislike) around Crab Hollow and some how a lovely flower decided to grow outside of the garden bed...... I just couldn’t pull it out. Love Mother Nature #ihateweeding #cottagegatden #seasidegarden #coastalgarden #mothernature

20.01.2022 My eyes adore you (by The Four Seasons) is what came to mind when I captured this photo of Bundy. Nice way to cool down a little after such a hot day. #lovemygsd #portclintonbeach #yorkepeninsulabeaches #yorkepeninsulaliving #portclintonsa #beachdayeveryday

20.01.2022 It’s been a little stressful today on the Yorke Peninsula for this little one. Between the extreme heat and the thunderstorms all he wants to do now is feel secure in his home .....with aircon #yorkepeninsula #portclintonsa #extremeheatwave #lovemygsd #gsdofinstagram

19.01.2022 Mmm, it’s not good when I sit still for too long. I start coming up with ideas for Crab Hollow and I always have to draw them as I’m very visual. So what do we think? I’m thinking of building this for the back of Crab Hollow as its a dead area and needs something. #backyarddiyproject #deadspace #beingcreativeismypassion #iloveaproject #outdoorproject #whatcanibuildnext #backyardproject

18.01.2022 It’s going to be an ice block weekend here in Port Clinton. Stay cool everyone #portclintonsa #hotweather #dontlikethehotweather #iceblockseason #yorkepeninsula #yorkepeninsulaliving

17.01.2022 Our very talented local residents of Port Clinton will be at the Ardrossan Pop-up Markets on Saturday 23rd January from 9am. Come and see their handmade coastal / nautical items. This is just a sneak preview of what’s for sale. I’ve seen majority of them and I know I’ll be there nice and early to buy some goodies for my home or of course for Crab Hollow. Helen and Michelle would love to see you. #ardrossanfarmersmarket #ardrossanshopping #ardrossansa #ardrossanyorkepeninsula #yorkepeninsulashopping #yorkepeninsulatourism #yorkepeninsulavisitorcentre #ardrossanpopupmarkets #yorkepeninsulamarkets #australiadayweekend2021 #handmadenauticaldecor #handmadecoastaldecor

17.01.2022 Bundy and I are playing shop today so come down and say hi if you are in town. Roost Interiors Open till 12 #yorkepeninsulashopping #ardrossansa #ardrossanshopping #seasidedecor #farmhousedecor

16.01.2022 Please see below. I’m not happy with whoever walked by my house and never cleaned up. I have guests and I don’t think they would be too happy if they had stood in it while going for a walk. I will certainly watch out now and maybe Bundy would like to meet you.

15.01.2022 It’s Puppy Love at Port Clinton. Bundy and Miley (best friends) having a great time this Long Weekend #puppylove #ilovegermanshepherds #gsdofinstagram #gsdlove

15.01.2022 Finally a Sunday morning on the deck. No wind, no rain, just perfect. I#sundaymorningsarethebest #beachlife #shacklifestyle

15.01.2022 Perfect gift for any girl / women. Makeup face cloths. Since running the Bed and Breakfast I do get a little upset when I see make up all over the towels so why not have a face cloth purely for taking off your makeup. These retail for $10.00. DM if you want one. #makeupideas #facecloth #embroidedtowels #airbnbaustralia #airbnbsuperhost #thelittlethingssheneeds

14.01.2022 Homemade rock cakes for morning tea. Surprise surprise as soon as I sit down someone appears and is always on his best behaviour as he knows he will get the tiniest piece before I finish. #homemadecakesarethebest #morningteatime #rockcakes #lovemygsd

14.01.2022 Ardrossan Pop-up market is underway and the ladies are doing well. Bundy and I also enjoyed some hot cinnamon donuts. #popupmarkets #ardrossan #handmadeitems #blueandwhitedecor #beachdecor #nauticaldecor

14.01.2022 Now this is a place to visit on the beautiful Yorke Peninsula. Weekends are booked in October but some midweek dates are still available.

14.01.2022 Bundy is one very lucky pup. He received his very own parcel in the mail. Dog treats from @k9mindbody .......all homemade. Bundys favourites are the chicken, turkey and lamb chips (actually look like chips). So many to chose from. Eden who makes them all will be happy to help you. #homemadedogtreatsarethebest #germanshepherdsaustralia #germanshepherdtreats #doggytreats #homemadedogtreatsarethebest #gsdsofinstagram #k9mind&body #lovemydog

13.01.2022 Crab Hollows garden is always full of surprises. I only plant blue, purple, yellow and white as I read that these colours in a plant loves the sea air and no doubt about them. My cornflowers this year are certainly putting on a display along with the pansies, petunias and others. #seasidegarden #coastalgarden #lovemygardens #seasideliving #coastalliving #cornflowers

11.01.2022 Those eyes #gsdlovers #lovemydog #germanshepherdofinstagram

11.01.2022 OMG how lovely are my new mason jar dispensers. Thanks to @honeywerehome and @amazonhome I was able to have these for my very own home. Might need to order a set for Crab Hollow BnB. Love the fact my dish soap looks good #honeywherehome #springdecor #kitchendecor #masonjardecor #masonjars #coastalhomedecor #stylinginspiration

10.01.2022 When we have storms in Port Clinton you will find Bundy and I hiding in the bedroom on the floor. Only kidding, I have to do the motherly thing and protect him from that bad thing called thunder. #ilovemygsd #dogsandthunderstorms #gsdofinstagram #thunderstorms #portclintonsa #iwoulddoanythingforyou

08.01.2022 Some lucky father is getting his own coordinate sign. Hope he likes it. Remember they are all custom made so DM if you are interested #custommade #supportlocalbisinesses #yorkepeninsulashopping #coordinates #shackdecorating #beachhousedecor #beachlife #woodenworddesigns #

07.01.2022 Love love love my new table centre piece. Needed a little change so the basket, three dusty blue candles and checked napkins are from @provincialhomeliving the candle, candle holder and coasters are from @roostinteriors and the table runner is from @tkmaxxau I want to go and do something similar in Crab Hollow before my new guests arrive today. #blueandwhitedecor #provincialhomeliving #roostinteriors #seasidedecor #beachdecor #coastalliving #coastallivingroom

06.01.2022 Beautiful Yorke Peninsula

05.01.2022 Found a little gem at Moonta Antiques. A piece from the Torquay Dartmouth pottery range. I think it goes perfect in this kitchen. #torquaypottery #coastalkitchen #blueandwhitedecor #bluepottery #yorkepeninsulashopping #moontashopping

03.01.2022 We are very lucky here @crabhollow. Fully booked from last weekend till the end of the school holidays. Not one day free. Good position to be in but I’m a little exhausted. Thought I would share Bundy’s pillow for a quick break and all I got was sloppy kisses But I did want to show off my new tank. For people who personally know me know that this is true. #ificantbringmydogimnotgoing #lovemyfurbaby #gsdlover #mybestfriendhaspaws

03.01.2022 The beautiful blue swimmer crabs have definitely arrived on the peninsula. So many places to stay so make the decision today to bring the family and go crabbing.

02.01.2022 Don’t forget people. Ardrossan Pop-up markets are on starting at 9am tomorrow morning. Get in early before it heats up and support our local residents.

02.01.2022 Lovely sunset over Crab Hollow. This little hidden gem has been so popular over these holidays and couldn’t be any happier seeing people leave with such good memories #crabhollow #littlehiddengem #yorkepeninsulaaccommodation #homeawayfromhome #holidayrentals #portclintonsa

01.01.2022 Thank you @roostinteriors for stocking @cat_hammill - I’m in love with the latest items. This is going to me my go to outfit for as long as I can wear it before someone says anything. Ps. Sorry about the dirty mirror which I just noticed. That’s Bundy’s kisses #cathammill #lovemynewclothes #selfieswithmygsd #yorkepeninsulashopping

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