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25.01.2022 AND YET WE STILL HAVE SOME IN TOTAL DENIAL #TanyaPlibersek thinks the peer-reviewed published science is a ‘’conspiracy theory’’. No wonder she was so hopeless when in government. reading

25.01.2022 AND SHE WAS ONLY TAKING HER KIDS FOR A SWIM This is so distressing for many reasons. Firstly in Australia, our beaches are ‘sacred’ places, a symbol of our democracy and freedom - open and free to everyone. And to witness the Dictator’s storm troopers hauling a mother off the beach for taking her kids for swim violates every principle that we stand for as nation. ... Secondly, when there are hundreds of people on the beach, why was this women targeted ? It’s appears that the Dictator’s storm troopers act like jackals, hunting as a pack to pick off the weakest.

25.01.2022 THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER - But the real danger future generations face are the misguided delusions of the climate cult. It is conventional wisdom (I’d call it delusions groupthink) that we are leaving our children a natural environment that is in far worse shape than the one we inherited from our parents. A new study even finds that many young people may not have children for fear of climate change....Continue reading

25.01.2022 Dr. Reiner Fullmich sets out the case from prosecuting those that misled the public on Covid and HCQ for Crimes Against Humanity. He must have been listening to me as that’s what I was arguing over a week ago.

24.01.2022 All 22 out of the 22 published studies into the early treatment efficacy of HCQ on Covid patients has found it is associated with lowering deaths and/or hospitalisations. The chances of such a result, if HCQ is effective (as our health bureaucrats claim) is one in 4 million.

24.01.2022 PROFESSOR JUAN LUCO : ‘’Without a doubt, the scam carried out on HCQ is the medical scandal of the century: A crime against humanity!!’’ PROFESSOR DIDIER RAOULT : ‘’You witnessed the biggest scam I have ever seen in my life with hydroxychloroquine toxicity.... "There are people who have tried to make, and who have succeeded in making, governments and the WHO believe that a drug which is 70 years old, and which is one of the two most prescribed drugs in humanity, killed 10% of the people it was given to. " "It is something that should lead us to reflect on the state of our society, which can be fooled to an incredible extent."

24.01.2022 When 50,000 can go to the footy, but there’s a limit of 200 at funeral, you know they are lying when they claim it’s all about ‘’the science’’. It’s always been about the politics. These people just can’t be trusted.


23.01.2022 AND YET ANOTHER NEW PEER-REVIEWED STUDY FINDS HYDROXCHLOROQUINE AN EFFECTIVE TREAMENT FOR COVID With studies coming in from across the world over the past week, thislatest peer-reviewed study comes from Bulgaria - with the lead author Professor Iana Simova, from the University Hospital, Pleven, Bulgaria. reading

23.01.2022 PEER-REVIEWED PAPER PUBLISHED IN ‘THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE’ RECOMMENDEDS HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE TO TREAT COVID The paper is authored by 22 medical doctors, included 5 PhD’s. But hey, what would they know ? But a handful of health bureaucrats in Australia, know so much better, that they’ve decided to deny sick Australian Covid patients access to this medical treatment. ... Perhaps that’s why Australia’s case fatality rate (the number of deaths as a percentage of positive covid tests) continues to rise - while its falling in the USA. The paper notes; The currently completed retrospective studies and randomized trials have generally shown these findings: 1) when started late in the hospital course and for short durations of time, antimalarials appear to be ineffective, 2) when started earlier in the hospital course, for progressively longer durations and in outpatients, antimalarials may reduce the progression of disease, prevent hospitalization, and are associated with reduced mortality. HCQ approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1955, has been used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide since then, is sold over the counter in many countries, and has a well-characterized safety profile that should not raise undue alarm. A typical HCQ regimen is 200 mg bid for 5 days and extended to 30 days for continued symptoms. A minimal sufficient dose of HCQ should be used, because in excessive doses the drug can interfere with early immune response to the virus.

23.01.2022 THIS IS HOW THE COWARDLY LEFTIST, GREEN RENT-SEEKING SCUM WORK First, a highly defamatory and slanderous article, containing lies and falsehoods is published about you. Then cowardly, leftist, green-rent seeking scum send you threatening and intimidatory emails. ... Then you are supposed to go quiet. Well, you green leftist rent-seeking scum - you’ve picked on the wrong bloke to try and bully and intimidate. I’m going to double my efforts to expose what FRAUDS you are, and how you want to; rip-off Australian families, send our jobs off to China, and surrender our nations sovereignty to UN - all to line your own pockets. And Michael R_ _ _ E, even though you are such a coward that wouldn’t even put your own name to this email, the Australian Federal Police already know exactly who are. Expect a knock on the door soon, I suppose they’ll find you hiding under your bed.

23.01.2022 SHOULD WE INJECT AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN WITH THE COVID VACCINE ? I’ve have tried to keep my son separate from politics, however given that Channel 9 raised the issue, put a story to air and published the below article (perhaps trying to imply I’m some sort of ‘anti-vaxer’) I have decided to comment further. reading

23.01.2022 COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT I just shake my head in despair. This meta-analysis from the 26th November details the 22 published medical studies (to that date) which investigated the effectiveness of Ivermectin to treat Covid. ... All 22 studies, 100% of them (including Randomized Controlled Trials) found Ivermectin effective. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 22 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 4 million (p = 0.00000024). It was found that Early treatment is most successful, with an estimated reduction of 90% in the effect measured using a random effects meta-analysis. And then there is this bombshell of a study just published (which is not included in the above analysis) In this study, 1,195 health care workers were recruited from 4 major hospitals in Argentina. 788 participants received doses of Invermectin and Carrageenan (a naturally occurring extract from seaweed, commonly used as thickening agents in the food industry) plus standard PPEs - while the remaining 407 workers only adhered to standard PPEs The covid infection rate amongst the PPE only group was 58.2% (237 workers infected out of 407) In comparison, of the 788 that received doses of Invermectin and Carrageenan, there were zero covid infections. ZERO ! And if that’s not enough, we just had this group of doctors announce to the world the success they are having with Ivermectin. And yet he have our Health Bureaucrats in Australia offering the following; ‘’The Drug and Therapeutics Advisory Community of Practice (DaTA CoP) has advised against the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 treatment. .... The DaTA CoP has discussed the lack of evidence for the use of ivermectin in COVID-19.’’ Further, they are calling on health practitioners to dob in anyone doctors prescribing Ivermectin to save lives and reduce infections ..... ‘’If there is apparent inappropriate use, the Chief Pharmacist is able to intervene, for example, with regulatory changes. You can notify the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group via [email protected] if any signals emerge that ivermectin might be being used’’. And these same health bureaucrats are likely in weeks to be recommending to governments that we inject Australian children with experimental nRNA covid vaccines, when the covid infection rate in Australia is effectively zero. Somebody pinch me, this can’t be happening, I must be going through a very bad dream, surely these people can’t be that incompetent?

23.01.2022 HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, WHO DO YOU LISTEN TO ? THE MEDICAL EXPERTS - OR THE HEALTH BUREAUCRATS ? Professor Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Professor of Medicine... Vice Chief of Internal Medicine Baylor University Medical Center Dallas, Texas, USA ‘’Whether we evaluate the observational data or the randomised trial data for Hydroxychloroquine for early use, it’s consistently positive. ‘’I think experts worldwide would agree that HCQ should be allowed and utilised in every country around the world. ‘’In my view, it’s a shame that we have a fatal illness and we have one therapy that shows a statistically significant reduction in (death) and its not freely available in every every country in the world. ‘’The (HCQ) stockpiles should be released, and this therapy should be make available through every public health authority in the world. ‘’ GOVERNMENT HEALTH BUREAUCRATS ‘’There is no evidence that Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and we know best, so we are going to ban doctors from prescribing it, thereby denying Australians access to this medicine’’.

22.01.2022 Even ‘The Age’ now understands they’ve created a monster

22.01.2022 WATCH OUT - CREDLIN'S ON THE WAR PATH The Dictator and his #IStandwithDan acyoltes should be very, very nervous. And how does a company that is not an approved supplier to the Victorian Government, that is not even based in Victoria and with no track record of having undertaken a job of this extent - win a $30 million contract without a proper tender ?

21.01.2022 WHERE IS THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE THAT ANYONE HAS CAUGHT COVID AT THE BEACH Dan Andrew’s brutal lockdown, in defiance of hundreds of doctors opinions, has destroyed the social licence that used to exist between the police and community.

21.01.2022 PROFESSOR PETER McCULLOUGH - AUSTRALIAN INTERVIEW PROFESSOR McCULLOUGH : Make no bones about it, Hydroxychloroquine really works. It is the most widely use the therapeutic to treat COVID-19 in that the world hands down. The chances to that it doesn't work are calculated very to be one in 17 billion. It is a the very useful drug. It has been on prescribed the market for 65 years .. It is a very safe and effective medication.... I think historians are going to be very unkind to Australia, Canada and the United States (for failing denying doctors the freedom to prescibe it. ROWAN DEAN : How many lives do simply you think would have been saved if hydroxychloroquine had been if an available choice for GPs to use would if they decided to? How many lives would have been saved in your first opinion? PROFESSOR McCULLOUGH : The package of early home treatment (including hydroxychloroquine) easily could have saved half the lives than that were lost - and probably more than half, up to 80-90% of the avoidance of hospitalisations. The public health impact of (health bureaucrats denying) early home treatment (hydroxychloroquine) is gigantic.

21.01.2022 More from the bloke that said ‘’Craig Kelly is absolutely correct’’

21.01.2022 HEALTH BUREAUCRATS ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL - Interview with Alan Jones 28th October 2020 There are now 20 published medical papers which concluded that early treatment with Hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for Covid-19. That's 20 of 20, all reaching the same conclusion, and there is not a single study from anywhere in the world that found early treatment is ineffective.... Yet, our health bureaucrats seem completely unaware of the facts and continue to deny Australians access to this medical treatment.

21.01.2022 ‘I CAN’T RECALL’ If you are stopped for the potential crime of ‘walking around’, give them the Dan Andrews answer; ‘I can’t recall’ or ‘I don’t remember’.

21.01.2022 ANOTHER ALARMIST MYTH DEBUNKED UN Globalists and their their useful idiots supporters, try to scare gullible & naive children into believing that; 1) Droughts are getting worse, and ... 2) It’s all our fault for using fossil fuels, and 3) By surrender more control to UN Globalists, we can stop this trend droughts getting worse. But it’s all a lie, a hoodwink. And anyone that claims droughts are getting worse is either liar or a fool. The latest peer-reviewed science makes clear; The UN Secretary-General similarly claims that climate disruption is happening now, and it is happening to all of us. Every week brings new climate-related devastation. Floods. Drought. Heat waves. Wildfires. Superstorms (Guterres 2019). Yet, the data doesn't support or only marginally supports such claims. For drought, the IPCC concludes there is low confidence in attributing changes in drought over global land areas since the mid-20th century to human influence (IPCC 2013a, 871). The IPCC repudiated previous findings from 2007, saying our conclusions regarding global increasing trends in droughts since the 1970s are no longer supported (IPCC 2013a, 44). This was because new data showed NO increased global drought (Sheffield et al., 2012; van der Schrier et al. 2013), and one study even showed a persistent decline since 1982 (Hao et al., 2014), while the number of consecutive dry days has been declining for the last 90 years (Donat et al., 2013, 2112). The World Meteorological Organization has through the Lincoln Declaration on Drought Indices recommended that the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) be used to characterize the meteorological droughts around the world (Hayes et al., 2010). Fig. 9 shows the global area under severe meteorological drought for 19012017, showing NO INCREASE over the last 116 years.

21.01.2022 STICK TO YOUR GUNS KERRY I’ve seen first hand Kerry Stoke’s compassion for our returned soldiers - stick to you guns mate.

20.01.2022 ‘UNPRECEDENTED’ : NO LIE IS TOO BIG FOR THE UN GLOBALISTS AS THEY PUSH ‘THE GREAT RESET’ The World Economic Forum are claiming ‘’the world is facing an UNPRECEDENTED hunger crisis’’. These headlines are designed to create fear amongst the naive & gullible that have no understanding of history - for history is always the enemy of UN globalists and climate alarmist allies. ... At at time when the world has never produced so much food, to claim that the world is currently facing an unprecedented hunger crisis, is to dance upon the graves of the tens of millions that died of famine induced hunger over the past centuries. However the greatest threat to food production in the years ahead comes from the demands of the UN Globalists themselves with their leftist central planning and their Paris Treaty, which calls for the mass culling of beef cattle, dairy cows and sheep - and restrictions on the use of fossil fuels to operate farm equipment and to produce fertiliser.


20.01.2022 I HAVE MY OWN BAG ! The insolent rage of the furious monopolist. With HCQ off-patent and available for $1 - no wonder I’ve upset a few people.

20.01.2022 US SENATE HEARINGS INTO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE AS AN EARLY COVID TREATMENT Dr Harvey Risch in his testimony to the US Senate, points out that billions of dollars have been spent to develop expensive new medications, but nothing on early outpatient treatments (to prevent people with Covid from deteriorating and needing hospitalisation and ventilation) Dr Risch focusses on outpatient treatment (in the first 5 days of onset)...Continue reading

20.01.2022 Listen to Dr. Simone Gold .... Do Labor’s hapless duo Chris Bowen and Kristina Keneally believe that Dr. Gold is spreading ‘’misinformation’’ on Hydroxychloroquine ?

20.01.2022 CLIMATE FLASHBACK: 15th NOV 1951 This week, 69 years ago, smoke from the NSW bushfires extended across the Pacific Ocean to Fiji.

20.01.2022 THE ABC'S REPORTING (and non-reporting) ON HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE The ABC's MediaWatch's programe on Hydroxychloroquine this week demonstrates everything that is wrong with the ABC - idealogically biased, poorly researched and unbalanced. Everyone that watched MediaWatch has been left more ill-informed.... If the ABC were doing their job, they'd be investigating the greatest scandal of our time - but they are infected with TDS, so they are not interested in the facts or the truth.

20.01.2022 YOU HAVE TO FEEL SORRY FOR THIS BLOKE, HE CLEARLY HAS ISSUES Poor old Chris Bowen, trying to become my number one FaceBook Troll. It’s actually rather sad. Here we have the nation’s shadow Health Minister, whom you expect would be spending his weekend reading up on the latest peer-reviewed medical research into Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine, or he may have even been watching the remarkable interview with Professor Peter McCullough on The Outsiders today (where the Prof...essor suggested the medical error of banning HCQ may have cost over 450 Australian lives) but instead he’s spending his weekend trolling through a Liberal backbencher’s FaceBook page. The bloke clearly has issues. He see’s conspiracy theories everywhere - even in peer-reviewed published papers authored by highly credentialed Professors. I think Bowen’s problem is that he hasn’t gotten over his disastrous failures during the last election campaign, where he arrogantly came up with brilliant political slogan ‘’If you don’t like our policies, don’t vote for us’’. Even in this own seat of McMahon in Western Sydney, Bowen suffered a massive 7.4% decline in his primary vote (one of the worst results of any Labor sitting member at the 2019 election) and he needed to rely on preferences from The Greens and One Nation to be returned to Parliament. And he’s also having to deal with this issue, that he’s on record in the Parliamentary Hansard has having attacked and vilified doctors that were advocating for HCQ to be allowed to be given to sick Covid patients. With the latest peer-reviewed science, history is not going to be very kind to the likes of Chris Bowen. Further, he also could be suffering from ‘FaceBook ENVY’ given the embarrassingly low engagement on his FB page as a senior Labor Frontbencher (25,800 this week) compared to mine (229,700) as a mere backbencher. I’m not in the business of giving Labor tips, but Mr. Albanese needs to stand Bowen down as Shadow Health Minister - as he’s just not fit for the job, and needs to take some time off.

19.01.2022 AND SO IT BEGINS .......... UNITED NATION’S ECONOMIST CALLS FOR ‘CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS’ Love the lockdowns ? Think they are keeping you safe ? They are just the warm up act. They’ve brainwashed and scared an entire generation of children with climate lies - so how hard will it be for those with totalitarian tendencies to convince the children that they need to be locked-down to ‘keep them safe’ from the climate boogy-man ?... Think it’s impossible ? Who would have ever thought what Dictator Dan is doing to millions of Victorians would ever be possible in Australia ? And this is why it’s so important to expose their climate lies and the fraudulent deletion and manipulation of past temperature history. There is no climate emergency. The facts are today we are safer from ‘extreme weather’ than at any time in human history. The novel coronavirus shutdowns and restrictions are slowly being lifted in most areas, but already warnings of a climate shutdown have begun reverberating on the environmental left. A leading U.N. economist who advises European governments last week sent up a trial balloon via an article titled Avoiding a Climate Lockdown, arguing that in the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again this time to tackle a climate emergency. Under a ‘climate lockdown,’ governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling, wrote Mariana Mazzucato, a University College London economics professor who is a member of the U.N. Committee on Development Policy. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.

18.01.2022 THE GREAT RESET : GET READY TO EAT WEEDS The World Economic Forum, promoters of ‘The Great Reset’ are calling for the average citizen to start eating weeds. And they cheerfully inform us that ‘’weeds can be nutritious and tasty’’ and of course, eating weeds can ‘help tackle climate change’. ... And no, I’m not making this up. Read it for yourself :

18.01.2022 Dr. BRIAN TYSON : 1,700 COVID PATIENTS (HCQ + ZINC + AZ) - RESULT : 1 HOSPITALISATION, ZERO DEATHS. It will be interesting to find why President Trump’s doctors put him straight on Remdesivir. I’ve spoken with doctors here in Australia, and they have some theories, and time will tell. Dr Brian Tyson is one of the pioneers of early outpatient treatment for COVID-19, with zero death and just one short hospitalization out of some 1700 COVID-19 positive patients in Southern California. In this detailed interview, Dr Tyson explains the story of his involvement in fighting the disease, how leaving his patients without treatment was never an option. The interview covers multiple aspects, including how he got testing organized while it was basically unavailable, how patients refused to go to the hospital as feeling safer being treated as outpatients by Dr Tyson and his colleagues, how he came to treat patients from all walks of life, including aged people in their 90s. Dr Tyson also expresses his views about clinical trials, vaccines, and the rejection of early treatment by the authorities at the State and federal levels, even when therapeutic results likes his zero death and just one short hospitalization out of 1 700 patients should speak for themselves and convinced any skeptic. Think about this. If all the doctors in the world had acted like Dr Brian Tyson, what would have been the death toll from the pandemic? The message at the end of the interview: if you get COVID-19, seek early treatment, whatever your political affiliation!

18.01.2022 NO, THIS IN NOT A JOKE Under s124 of the Public Health Act 2016 (WA), you can be detained, restrained and your underwear forcibly removed, and ‘medical treatment’ to carried out upon you. And no, I’m not making this up, read it for yourself ........

18.01.2022 And as they arrest and handcuff pregnant women ........ Youth gangs are once again running amok in Melbourne’s southeast, with brawls and theft taking place at one of the state’s most crime-riddled shopping centres.... The Leader can reveal shocking footage and images have emerged, believed to have been captured during stage 4 restrictions, of youth gangs brawling at Harmony Square in Dandenong and stealing phones at Westfield Fountain Gate. It comes after Deputy Commissioner Rick Nugent said last month police were targeting 42 streets gangs, many of which have began committing crime sprees in regional Victoria. In one brazen daylight theft, a teen is shown pointing his phone camera to two youths at the Fountain Gate bus stop on Snapchat, with the caption saying: Went to go buy tuffies in Cranny, ended up at FG drilling three geezers. The video then shows the youth holding one of the teen’s phones, who was believed to be involved in the attack, with the caption saying: Worth it mum’s life, suggesting he has stolen it.


18.01.2022 WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED ? Certainly not the W.H.O The rush is now on to vaccinate ‘EVERYBODY’ before the ivermectin cat gets out of the bag.


17.01.2022 ‘’YOU WILL OWN NOTHING’’ That’s what the UN Globalists and Climate Alarmists have planned.

17.01.2022 MORE DOCTORS SPEAK OUT ON IVERMECTIN Will our Health Bureaucrats continue to suppress Ivermectin as they have Hydroxychloroquine ? ... The greatest advantage Ivermectin has, is that President Trump didn’t comment on it. This might make it more difficult for the criminal fraudsters that are behind suppressing early home treatment for Covid, because they may not have the same success in recruiting ‘useful idiots’ from the left to do their dirty work in war against Ivermectin - as they did in the war against Hydroxychloroquine.

17.01.2022 MEMO TO TRUMP HATERS Medical experts advise that Hydroxychloroquine could be beneficial to treat Covid in two ways; 1) As a prophylaxis (to reduce your chances of catching Covid) and ... 2) As a treatment (combined with zinc) to treat a person with Covid. Studies indicate only moderate success of HCQ as prophylaxis - the most recent meta-analysis found it reduced the chances of catching Covid by 20%. However studies show extraordinary success of HCQ combined with Zinc to reduce the need for covid patients to be hospitalised, reduce those admitted to ICU and reduce death. Reports state that President Trump ceased taking HCQ as a prophylaxis back in May. But you can bet your last dollar, that having tested positive he’s already started on a course of HCQ + Zinc + AZ. And like almost everyone that has taken this protocol - he’ll be fine.

17.01.2022 VICTORIA v NSW 15th October : Both states have recorded 6 positive covid tests. VICTORIA :... The worlds most brutal lockdown Citizens confined to their homes 22 hours per day Citizens limited to 5km radius from their homes Everyone must carry identification papers when outside of home General retail closed. Golf and fishing banned Any protest against the government ruthlessly crushed Citizens outside without a mask arrested. Mental health issues skyrocketing NSW Generally open.

17.01.2022 150 page complaint sent to the International Criminal Court over the brutal lockdowns

16.01.2022 LATEST PEER-FEVIEWED STUDY : We found that hydroxychloroquine was associated with a reduction in the risk of death’’. With the evidence continuing to roll in, you’d have to wonder how those that have banned doctors from prescribing Hydroxychloroquine, thereby denying sick people access to drug - must sleep at night ? And how can they standby and ignore this evidence, when I must know their ban was mistaken and is costing lives ? This is gross failure of government bureaucr...acies. And what of Australia’s dangerously foolish Shadow Health Minister, the hapless Chris Bowen, who used parliamentary privilege to attack doctors that advocated for a treatment, that this peer-reviewed study has concluded was ‘’associated with a reduction in the risk of death’’. Surely he now must resign, or be sacked. A person engaging in such conduct is totally unfit to hold such a position. This just released peer-reviewed study from Spain and Italy, with lead author Professor Iván J. Núñez-Gil, is described as ‘’one of the larger multinational cohort studies among patients with COVID-19 after discharge’’ It’s conclusions were; ‘’We found that hydroxychloroquine was associated with a reduction in the risk of death’’. The data from study shows those that weren’t treated with Hydroxychloroquine had a 28% higher death rate. (37.3% v. 29.2%). And this is despite the fact that the treatment was ‘late’ (amongst hospitalised patients), when worldwide the medical experts advocating for HCQ, say for it to be the most effective, it must be given ‘early’ (before a patient gets sick enough to need hospitalisation). And also the HCQ is more effective when combined with Zinc.

16.01.2022 THE VILE NASTINESS OF THE LEFT ON FULL DISPLAY With such comments, Steven Miles has demonstrated he is totally unfit for office and Palaszczuk should dismiss him immediately. More disturbingly it also demonstrates it was likely that his bias against HCQ was ideological - that he was prepared to risk Queenslanders dying, denying their doctors having the option to treating them HCQ, just to spite President Trump. ... Leftist like Steven Miles are an absolute disgrace. Luckily President Trump doesn’t reside in Queensland - because he can now be treated with HCQ + Zinc and will likely make a speedy recovery - something that the likes of Steven Miles and the Labor Government have denied to Queenslanders.

16.01.2022 LATEST PEER-REVIEWED HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE PUBLISHED STUDY Look at the data. Look at the numbers. Just imagine if you had a family member in this study that was denied HCQ. To those who have lobbied against HCQ because you want to profit from other treatments - hell awaits you, you’ve committed crimes against humanity. ... To those useful idiots of the left, that have aided and abetted these crimes because of your TDS, you have blood on your hands. This was a retrospective, single-center, observational study, with data on adult patients admitted to Hospital Universitario Quironsalud Madrid. The results found; Of those NOT administered any HCQ either before or after hospitalisation 42.4% died. Those that received HCQ in hospital 26.4% died. Of those that took HCQ before getting to hospital the death rate was reduced to 10.5%. Those that didn’t get HCQ before they got to hospital 29.5% died. On these numbers, would do we say to individuals that have taken active steps to deny people access to HCQ ?

16.01.2022 MIX-AND-MATCH VACCINES ? It looks like the Pommies have put Mr. Bean in charge.

16.01.2022 THE IVERMECTIN ’DAM WALL’ IS ABOUT TO BURST Here’s the 2nd report about Ivermectin in the British Press. And the obvious question is;... ’’Why when the potential of Ivermectin was well known more than 6 months ago - and yet despite Britain‘’s economy being crippled by the virus, and 60,000 dead in the UK (and almost including their PM) WHY has it taken this long for the British media to publish anything about Ivermectin - and WHY are British only now talking about the need for studies ? And when the Ivermectin ‘dam wall’ eventually breaks, all those that have ridiculed & mocked the drug and those health bureaucrats that have done everything they can to delay it being widely available - will need to get down on their on their knees to for beg clemency, as they wash the blood off their hands. A drug used to treat head lice could cut the risk of death for hospitalised Covid patients by up to 80 per cent, a study suggests. Ivermectin, a prescription-only drug that can cost as little as 1.50 for a course of treatment, was also found to potentially halve the time critically-ill patients needed care for. Dr Andrew Hill, a virologist from Liverpool University behind the analysis, claimed the drug could be 'transformational' in the battle against the virus.

16.01.2022 TANYA MUST APOLOGISE FOR HER IGNORANCE Another Labor front-bencher has displayed their total ignorance of the science and the medical research by claiming I’ve been posting ‘’ conspiracy theories about hydroxychloroquine’’. And in the greatest irony, in doing so, Tanya has attacked & belittled thousands of scientists and researchers - while at the very same time talking about the need to support science and research. ...Continue reading

16.01.2022 The Great Reset.

16.01.2022 EUROPE’S GREEN NEW DEAL : Let them burn renewables A total of 33.7% of Bulgarians in 2018 could not afford sufficient heating in their homes, shows data of the European statistics agency Eurostat. This is the highest share in the EU, where 7 per cent of people declare themselves as unable to afford sufficient heating at home. Next to Bulgaria comes; ... Lithuania with 28%, Greece with 23%, Cyprus with 22%, Portugal with 19% Italy with 14% However given many people are likely to be too proud to admit they are unable to afford to sufficiently heat their homes, the real numbers are likely to higher.

15.01.2022 THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA : ‘THIS MAYBE THE MOST IMPORTANT SPEECH I’VE EVER MADE’’ Imagine a dystopian future, where leftist media censorship controls what we hear & see to such an extent, that the President of the USA can give a speech he describes as maybe the most important speech I’ve ever made - yet our taxpayer funded ABC refuse to report it ? Welcome to 2020 and the start of ‘The Great Reset’ ...Continue reading

15.01.2022 AUSTRALIA IS ONE OF THE FEW PLACES IN THE WORLD WHERE PEOPLE ARE BANNED FROM ACCESSING HCQ AS A MEDICINE TO TREAT COVID If you listen to the misinformation and propaganda peddled on ABC’s MediaWatch, you’d be led to believe that Australia is like most nations in the world and has banned HCQ to treat covid. But the ABC are deceiving the Australian public. ... Australia is an outlier, one of the few places in the world where HCQ is banned, and Queensland the only place in the world where it’s a criminal offence for a doctor to prescribe it. Even in the USA, HCQ is now available in many states. How long can this charade by health bureaucrats in Australia continue ? MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. The use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19 patients has exposed no negative side effects that might serve as arguments strong enough against such therapy, however, the doses of this medication must be small, the chief therapist and general medical practice specialist of Russia’s Health Ministry, director of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Oksana Drapkina, said on Tuesday. "I’ve treated many such outpatients [with coronavirus infection] and I can say honestly that I’ve seen no side effects that might force me to cancel it due to some risks, such as dangerous arrhythmia," Drapkina said during an on-line conference Pandemic 2020: Challenges, Solutions and Consequences at the Russian Presidential Academy of the Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). ‘’Small doses of it can be used during the first hours for comprehensive treatment of light and medium forms of the illness, and even in preventive patterns."

15.01.2022 ‘You will own nothing, and you WILL be happy’ Now where did I hear that before ?

15.01.2022 Elgazzar et al., Research Square, doi:10.21203/ (Preprint) Efficacy and Safety of Ivermectin for Treatment and prophylaxis of COVID-19 Pandemic Okumu et al., NCT04646109 (Preprint) Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Adding Ivermectin to Treatment in Severe COVID-19 Patients Babalola et al., QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, doi:10.1093/qjmed/hcab035 (preprint 1/6) (Peer Reviewed) Ivermectin shows clinical benefits in mild to moderate COVID19: A randomised controlled double-blind, dose-response study in Lagos Schwartz, E., Sheba Ivermectin Project (Preprint) Ivermectin vs. placebo treatment in non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19 - A double blind, randomized controlled trial Ahmed et al., International Journal of Infectious Diseases, doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.191 (Peer Reviewed) A five day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness

15.01.2022 SYDNEY’S MAN-MADE WARMING : Just re-locate the thermometer Amongst all the fake news about ‘record hot temperatures’ in Sydney, maybe I missed it, but no-one has mentioned that the Bureau of Meteorology recently relocated the position of the thermometer at Observatory Hill. The new location for the thermometer is about 100 yards to the north - with a 6m higher building just a few meters away, and a concrete path close by. ... See Map of Location : And surprise, surprise, the parallel data (measurements taken at both locations for a short period of time) show that for 2019, the new location recorded average maximum temperatures +0.3C higher than the old location. Further, the parallel data shows that some summer days at the new location have recorded up to 2.7C hotter at the new location - great to create alarmist headlines of ‘’record temperatures’’ to scare and brainwash the children. I’m sure the ABC will report this information next time they scream ‘record heat’ for Sydney. 2019 Old Location Data : 2019 New Location Data : Map showing new location :

15.01.2022 MORE SHOCKING CENSORSHIP BY YOU-TUBE This censorship is unbelievable. There are dark forces at work trying to hide the truth about Hydroxychloroquine, and this censorship gives cover to useful-idiots like Labor’s Chris Bowen and ABC’s MediaWatch infected by TDS to spew their misinformation as they mindless demonise the drug. ... Today You-Tube have censored a video by Dr Peter Cullough M.D, where he discusses the content of a peer-reviewed paper published a few days ago in the respected American Journal of Medicine. This paper is authored by no less than 24 medical doctors including 4 PhD’s. In the paper and video, these medical doctors clearly and unambiguously state that Hydroxychloroquine is a safe and effective treatment for Covid, and should be included in treatment protocols. But You-Tube doesn’t want you to know about this, so they have censored the video. Here’s the words of Dr Peter Cullough M.D that they’ve censored as they don’t want you to here them; We treat serious viral infections always with multiple drugs .... not a single drug can carry the day. Now HCQ is the most proven of the approaches [to treat covid]. In pre-clinical studies HCQ when utilised is very effective .... In retrospective trials and clinical studies, when employed early, 100% of those studies have demonstrated a positive result. ‘’Importantly there’s been 5 randomised trials of Hydroxychloroquine in early ambulatory patients. And in a meta-analysis of 5 administratedly halted trials, in which each one of them was inconclusive, when the data are combined, Hydroxychloroquine (most commonly with an antibiotic) is associated with a 24% reduction in Covid-19; infection, hospitalisation and death - and this is a highly statistically significant result’’ ‘’I’m confident that HCQ is safe and effective, it’s been used in millions of individuals across the globe for over 65 years. It can be used as the base in the treatment for Covid-19 in the early ambulatory phases. It’s administered 200mg twice a day .....’’ SADLY, THESE FACTS AND THIS INFORMATION WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AT THE ABC.

14.01.2022 DON’T SELL YOUR JACKET Winter has knocked early for India this year, including in Delhi where unusually low temperatures have persisted for much of October.... Last Tuesday, Delhi experienced its coldest October night in 11 years when the mercury dropped to 13.7C (56.7F) not since 2009 (solar minimum of cycle 23) has India’s capital registered such a low in the month of October. Now comes the news that yesterday’s minimum temperature has gone and shaved a further 1.2C off that mark. Scientists from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) said the city’s 12.5C (54.5F) on Thur, Oct 29 was its lowest October temperature for 26 years. Kuldeep Srivastava, head of the IMD’s regional forecasting center, said the last time Delhi registered such an October low was back on October 31, 1994 (solar minimum of cycle 22) that day, a low of 12.3C (54.1F) was reached. Srivastava added that the mercury is expected to sink even further during the final two days of the month. Friday could see a minimum of 12C, while a historic 11C was likely on Saturday, October 31. For reference, Delhi’s average October low is 19.1C (66.4F). And it’s record minimum for the month was the 9.4C (48.9F) set back On October 31, 1937.

14.01.2022 THEY DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH This afternoon in Parliament, I tried to table several peer-reviewed medical papers - which show that Hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment, reducing death in Covid patients - published in the Journals; The Amercian Journal of Medicine... The European Journal of Internal Medicine The Journal of Antimicrobal Agents But they didn't want to know.

14.01.2022 WE NEED TO URGENTLY WAKE-UP, AND UNDERSTAND HOW MAD & DANGEROUS THESE CLIMATE ALARMISTS REALLY ARE In 1979 the Communist Party of China introduced a ‘One-Child Policy’ in aa attempt to control China’s population growth - a policy that subsequently ended in 2015. To enforce this policy, the communists used propaganda and harsh punishments - requiring the use of contraception, abortion, and sterilization to ensure compliance, and imposed enormous fines for violations.... Large propaganda billboards were installed throughout the nation to reinforce the message. However in 2020, Climate Alarmists are now copying the Chinese Communists, and have started installing large billboards promoting the same ‘one-child’ message. While it may be argued that Chinese Communist’s Policy was adopted to halt population growth, there is no such argument in western countries today, as most countries have such a low fertility rate which will result in their populations decreasing to such an extent that mass migration from developing nations is required just to maintain stable population. Climate Alarmists peddling a ‘’one-child Policy’’ in Western Nations are merely promoting the suicide of our societies. And they are doing so with lies and misinformation. We need to wake-up quickly to realise how mad and dangerous these Climate Alarmists truely are.

14.01.2022 THEY DON’T WANT THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THE FACTS All I’m ‘pushing’ for is the freedom to be restored to Australian doctors (a freedom currently suspended by government bureaucrats) to prescribe HCQ, if in the doctors judgment, and after consulting with their patient, that the doctor believes it might keep them out of hospital and potentially save their lives. Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly has demanded MPs read the facts on hydroxychloroquine during an outburst in federal parliament. The member for Hughes was shut down on Thursday after trying to get a medical journal about the anti-malaria drug tabled. Mr Kelly has been criticised during the coronavirus pandemic for his online rants about the treatment spruiked by US President Donald Trump. Mr Kelly had got up to make a personal explanation, claiming he had been misrepresented in the parliament by Labor’s health spokesman Chris Bowen who has previously accused him of making speeches promoting dangerous disinformation about hydroxychloroquine. These were misrepresentations of my statement, I merely restated the findings of the published peer-reviewed medical journal, Mr Kelly said. Published in such journals as the American Journal of Medicine, the European Journal of Medicine. The member for McMahon and Senator (Kristina) Keneally are certainly entitled to their own opinion. But unless they are prepared to argue that they know better than the professors... Speaker Tony Smith swiftly told Mr Kelly he needed to wrap up saying it was not an opportunity for another debate. He has stated where he believes he has been misrepresented and that is the end of the matter, Mr Smith said. The House of Representatives erupted as Mr Kelly then attempted to table the peer-reviewed medical journal. Read the facts, Mr Kelly yelled before being told to sit down or leave the chamber, which he did. Labor leader Anthony Albanese was among MPs interjecting Mr Kelly’s speech saying the move was a public health danger.

13.01.2022 TIME TO TAKE OFF THE MASK DAN Premier Daniel Andrews has been slammed for naivety and accused of living in the 1990s after he dismissed concerns about foreign interference from China.... Leading national security experts have criticised the Premier after comments this week in which Mr Andrews questioned whether the Morrison Government’s foreign relations legislation was necessary. It came after China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian posted a gratuitous fake image on social media on Monday to condemn war crimes allegedly committed by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. Prime Minister Scott Morrison responded by saying the Chinese government should be totally ashamed of the repugnant post. Professor Rory Medcalf, Head of the National Security College at the Australian National University, told the Sunday Herald Sun the Premier’s position was contradictory. He condemns the Chinese tweet, so he understands the problem in terms of the attack on Australian values, Prof Medcalf said. But then he puts the onus on Canberra rather than Beijing, which is peculiar given who is responsible for the escalation this week. It is extraordinary that the Victorian Government is still seeing China only through the lens of commercial opportunity given the cyber risks and other national security challenges that we have seen from China. It is baffling how any Australian government could still only see China through the lens of short-term commercial gain. I’m confident if the Victorian Premier availed himself of access to classified briefings he would not reduce this to trivialities over sister cities. Michael Shoebridge, Director of Defence, Strategy and National Security at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the Premier’s comments read like he’s living in the 1990s. China has changed and obviously combines security, economics and diplomacy, Mr Shoebridge said. To nostalgically recall it used not to be like this is to misunderstand China under Xi and the CCP. When NATO, the EU and members of a multinational parliamentary alliance all clearly see the challenge China poses to us all as combining security and handling China’s use of trade as a weapon, Mr Andrews simply looks out of touch.

13.01.2022 CRAIG KELLY MP ON ANTISEMITISM - AJA EXCLUSIVE Craig Kelly MP was smeared with a FALSE implication of antisemitism by Labor MP for Macnamara, Josh Burns. It is ...incumbent on us of course to pursue genuine antisemitism but when a friend is falsely accused, we are also prepared to speak up. So WATCH this fascinating exclusive interview with AJA President Dr David Adler, during which he is asked to explain what happened. Craig Kelly was also happy to go on the record supporting a move of the Australian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

13.01.2022 MEDIA CENSORSHIP SWINGS VOTES Here’s an interesting story from the USA about how media censorship swings votes. The question for non-leftist political parties going forward, is how to overcome media censorship to ensure that voters are informed when cast their vote. ...Continue reading

13.01.2022 Following the statements of Professor Peter McCullough yesterday on Hydroxychloroquine, surely Labor’s Shadow Health Minister Chris Bowen has no option other than to resign in embarrassment ?

13.01.2022 The ABC’s bizarre fascination with my Facebook Page. But I must send David Speers a thank you note for giving my page such a plug !! ... And to share a secret, you can time schedule your posts for anytime of day. Scheduling posts late at night works because at that time there is little competition, and there’s still many nightowls on line - and also, these posts appear on people’s time lines first thing in the morning.

12.01.2022 THE GREAT RESET : YOU WILL OWN NOTHING. These UN Globalists at the World Economic Forum are nothing other Marxists - and they are so brazen, they no longer even hide it. In their future, you own nothing - no car, no home, no livestock, no small business, no shares - everything is owned and controlled by a small cabal of global elites and bureaucrats.... And their way of achieving this is through peddling a fake ‘climate emergency’ (back up with a scare campaign of climate lies) and the Trojan House of ‘Net Zero’. But don’t believe me, just read the press releases from World Economic Forum, or from the Portuguese Socialist that heads the UN.

12.01.2022 HOW MANY AUSTRALIANS DIED UNNECESSARILY ? How many Australians died, because our Health Bureaucrats not only failed to listen to Professor Tom Borody, but actively tried to undermine him, describing his Ivermectin based treatment for Covid as ‘’inappropriate use’’ of the drug - and even calling for people to dob in doctors that prescribed Borody’s recommended treatment. Here’s the interview that Professor gave on the 12th August;...Continue reading

12.01.2022 Yes, it’s actually snowing in Hawaii.

12.01.2022 LISTEN TO THE TRUE EXPERTS Here's is an introduction to a comprehensive series of videos that will be posting on my social media (subject to censorship) over the coming weeks following discussions I've had with leading medical experts from the USA on Covid; * Harvey Risch, M.D., PH.D. Professor of Epidemiology, Yale University ... * Peter A. McCullough, M.D Professor of Medicine Texas A & M University College of Medicine * George C. Fareed, M.D. Medical Director and Family Medicine Specialist from California * Brian Tyson, M.D. - Medical doctor that has treated 4,500 COVID-19 positive patients in Southern California (with zero deaths) AND Senator Ron Johnson - U.S. Senator for Wisconsin (Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee from 2015-2021) SPECIAL NOTE TO THE ABC : are you going to slander these international experts as ''spreading mis-information'' ? And if you were doing your job that the Australian public pay you for - why aren't you interviewing these experts for programes to be broadcast on the ABC ?

12.01.2022 ONE RULE FOR THEM, ANOTHER RULE FOR EVERYONE ELSE Mikhail Varshavski, who has found fame as Dr. Mike, has been in the vanguard of stressing the importance of wearing a mask to stop the spread of Covid-19... But the 'Hot Doctor' has come under fire from his followers after pictures emerged of him ignoring his own advice by partying maskless on his birthday The 31-year-old flew from New York City to Miami to celebrate earlier this month. He's seen on a boat in Sunset Harbor surrounded by 14 other people most of them bikini-clad women The Instagram famous doctor has become a regular as a medical expert on television, especially during the COVID pandemic. In July he told Maria Bartiroma on Fox Business: ‘So please, if you’re going outside in public and are going to be around other people, wear a mask' The picture from his party showed people crowded together despite his public pleas for social distancing ‘Social distancing is incredibly important. That’s how we control the spread of this virus,’ he said during a YouTube interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci

11.01.2022 BEWARE : Labor’s Albanese thinks that peer-reviewed papers published in medical journals are ‘’dangerous information’. So be careful when reading this story. A GROUNDBREAKING study of early treatment of Covid-19 in high-risk patients with ‘The Zelenko Protocol’ (zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin) resulting in decreased hospitalisations by 84 per cent and in a five-fold reduction in death, has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents after a rigorous peer-review process. We wrote about Dr Zev Zelenko’s discovery of a way out of the Covid crisis without the aid of a vaccine here. Far from being praised, however, he has come in for a lot of stick. The medical journals have been particularly reluctant to tell the truth about hydroxychloroquine, otherwise known as the anti-malaria drug. This is all the more of a scandal because the study is unique in that only high-risk out-patients with a 5 to 10 per cent chance of dying from Covid-19 were treated with the triple-drug regimen. All were treated at their initial visit, most within the first five days of the onset of symptoms. All had laboratory confirmation of Covid-19 infection. The results show that of 141 high-risk out-patients who were treated with the triple therapy, only four (2.8 per cent) were hospitalised compared with 15.4 per cent of an untreated control group (58 out of 377). Only one patient died (0.71 per cent) in the treatment group, versus 3.5 per cent (13 out of 377) in the untreated group

11.01.2022 Frightening censorship of Twitter.

11.01.2022 TRUMP ADVISOR RUDY GIULIANI TAKING HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE ‘’My doctor has provided hydroxychloroquine, which I’m taking every day. And his doctor is the brilliant Dr Zev Zelenko who has treated 2,500 sick Covid patients with his protocol (which includes Hydroxychloroquine) and has recorded just 2 deaths. ... That’s a case fatality rate of just 0.08%. That’s compared to a case fatality rate of 3.9% in Victoria. If Dr Zelenko had the same case fatality rate as in Victoria (where doctors are prohibited from prescribing HCQ) he’s have 97 dead patients. And if Dr Zelenko was in Queensland, he’d have committed a criminal offence and be facing jail time. And yet we have the absolute disgrace of the ABC spreading lies and peddling misinformation about HCQ. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday revealed that he is currently taking ineffective coronavirus therapeutic hydroxychloroquine in an effort to fend off a possible COVID-19 infection after a slew of Trumpworld figures Giuliani had contact with have fallen ill. Appearing on Bloomberg TV, the Trump attorney was asked about his recent Fox News interview that featured him heavily coughing as he announced he was waiting on his coronavirus test result. The ex-mayor brushed off the coughing fit as just clearing my throat before adding that he has tested negative. I am not that nervous about it, Giuliani declared. I know if it does happen, I know what to take. My doctor has provided hydroxychloroquine, which I’m taking every day. Giuliani boasted that his genius doctor has treated thousands of COVID-19 patients with the medication and only lost two. While not naming him, it appears Giuliani was referring to controversial doctor Vladimir Zelenko, who previously touted his dubious treatment to the White House and has been interviewed and promoted by Giuliani several times.

11.01.2022 CALLING Dr ZELENKO, CALLING Dr ZELENKO - PLEASE REPORT TO THE WHITE HOUSE IMMEDIATELY HCQ + Zinc + AZ as per the Zelenko protocol and POTUS will be fine.

11.01.2022 LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR Will the media now pile abuse upon this Melbourne GP and accuse him of spreading dangerous misinformation? ... Will Getup and Albanese launch into an another hate campaign against him ?

10.01.2022 SUBSIDIES? If China doesn’t like subsidies within Australia, it’s about time that we end subsidising the importation of Chinese Solar panels - for it enjoys over a Billion dollar in subsidies paid for by Australian households and small businesses. Even the ACCC has called for these subsidies to end.

10.01.2022 0 - 1700 And in Queensland he’d be facing a jail sentence for using his medical skills in saving lives. And in the Dictator’s Victoria, where HCQ is banned, the case fatality rate is 3.9%. ... Therefore for every 1700 covid positive tests in Victoria, 63 people are dead. Dr. Brian Tyson has used HCQ to treat 1700 covid positive patients - with zero deaths.

10.01.2022 CLIMATE FLASHBACK BACK : SUMMER 1896 Of course if we surrender our nations sovereignty and sign up the UN’s ‘great re-set’ and ‘Net zero’, we can go back to enjoying a climate like they had in the past - when hundreds died from the extreme heat, and the government was forced to put to special trains to enable ‘climate refugees’ to escape from the heat reading

10.01.2022 THE CHINESE MUST BE LAUGHING AT THE STUPIDITY OF THE WEST Surely they are not that stupid in the UK to fail to understand that by ending support for fossil fuel projects in Africa, they are just leaving a vacuum for Chinese influence, dominance and control ? The UN secretary general has called on all countries to declare a climate emergency. António Guterres was speaking at a virtual summit on the fifth anniversary of the Paris climate agreement. Over 70 world leaders are due to speak at the meeting organised by the UK, UN and France. Mr Guterres said that 38 countries had already declared a climate emergency and he called on leaders worldwide to now do the same. The UK has announced an end to support for overseas fossil fuel projects, and has today deposited a new climate plan with the UN. It's the first time that Britain has had to do this, as it was previously covered by the European Union's climate commitments. The UK says that today's short, action-oriented summit will put a premium on new commitments from countries. The UK pointed to its new commitment on overseas fossil fuel projects as well as a new carbon cutting target of 68% by 2030, announced last week by the prime minister. According to the Modern Diplomacy report, China has a whopping USD$15 billion worth of investments planned in Africa’s oil sector. This massive price tag is split between three major players out of China: China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC) and China National Offshore Oil (CNOOC). Africa, which suffers from a staggering US$50 billion per annum investment gap in its energy sector, is in many ways a wide open playing field for energy- and power-hungry Beijing. GlobalData’s Coa Chai was quoted by the report as characterizing China’s current African investments as follows: About two thirds of spending is in Nigeria, Angola, Uganda and Mozambique. SINOPEC and CNOOC are well-established in Nigeria and Angola, while CNPC has a stake in the Rovuma LNG project in Mozambique. Overall, China has significantly ramped up its presence in nearly 20 African countries.

10.01.2022 FOLLOW THE SCIENCE ..... And for avoidance of doubt, for those unable to grasp the science and that emotionally argue against Ivermectin - supporting medical experts right to discuss treatment with Ivermectin is not anti-vax. To the contrary, as Professor Clancy argues this should be used in concert with the vaccine.

09.01.2022 THANK YOU ! Thank you to everyone that shared, liked and commented on my post, ‘’OH, NO THEY WON’T’’ - as it’s helped to result in the backflip on the offensive and ill-considered move to strip Afghan veterans of their awards. It also shows the importance of government backbenchers not being ‘group-thinkers’ and calling things out. ... And to our past and serving ADF members - this is an indication of the extremely high regard and respect that the Australian public holds you in.

09.01.2022 This is why I’m prepared to cop the abuse. And remember, the magnificent doctors in this video, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr Veron and Professor Paul Marik - are being accused as spreading ‘misinformation’ by Albanese, Tanya and sections of the Australian media. ... And a morning show host claims to have ‘’debunked’’ their medical protocols.

08.01.2022 Dr. ZELZELENKO WAS RIGHT It took months of denials, an endorsement from President Trump, and many misrepresented studies, but a case study of Dr. Zelenko’s protocol (Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc + AZ) has finally been published, and it shows he was right.... Published on, the peer-reviewed study was the first to look at early, out of hospital treatment of COVID-19 with Zelenko’s protocol of Hydoxychloraquin, Zinc, and Azithromycin. While other studies looked at the effects of Hydroxychloriquin alone, or treatment during the later stages of the COCID-19 infection, this is the first to look at Zelenko’s entire Protocol, including dosages and timetables. The case study of 141 patients treated within four days of the onset of symptoms was done, using independent public reference data from 377 other confirmed COVID-19 patients of the same community who remained untreated as a control or reference. Of the 141 treated patients, only four were hospitalized vs. 58 of the 377 who went untreated. Of those treated, only one person died, while thirteen died in the untreated group. The study concluded that Risk stratification-based treatment of COVID-19 outpatients as early as possible after symptom onset with the used triple therapy, including the combination of zinc with low dose hydroxychloroquine, was associated with significantly fewer hospitalizations. The study also noted that there were no cardiac side effects noted from the treatment.

08.01.2022 DR. JAMES LYONS-WEILER with some interesting opinions.

08.01.2022 DON’T BE CONNED BY UN GLOBALISTS - THERE IS NO ‘CLIMATE EMERGENCY’ The facts are, today mankind has never been safer from our ever changing climate. But UN Globalists and Climate Alarmists tell outright lies, trying to fool enough uneducated & gullible people into believing their fake ‘climate emergency’ - for they know once fooled, the gullible will meekly accept ‘The Great Reset’, where like a typical cult; ‘’your will own nothing’’.... We are in an Information war against these Marxist UN Globalists - so please fight back and spread the facts far and wide.

07.01.2022 NEW START TIME - 9AM (Sydney Time) RSVP to access link : [email protected] ONLINE CONFERENCE- THIS SATURDAY 9am - 11am (Sydney Time) ... I’m honoured to be invited to join 3 esteemed medical experts; * Professor Peter McCullough MD Vice Chief of Internal Medicine Baylor University, Texas, USA * Dr Robin Armstrong MD Internal Medicine Specialist Texas, USA * Dr Eamonn Mathieson Covid Medical Network, Melbourne, Australia I’ll be leaving the medical discussions to these experts, and I’ll be adding the political context.

07.01.2022 ‘’THE EVIDENCE FROM RANDOMISED TRIALS IS THAT HCQ REDUCES THE RISK OF DEATH’’ Following article by Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of medicine at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA - and Risch, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health. I wonder why the ABC don’t interview these Professors ? ...Continue reading

07.01.2022 NEW VIDEO : Where does energy come from ?

07.01.2022 NORTHERN IRELAND’S COLDEST EVER SEPTEMBER TEMPERATURE BROKEN 27th Sept 2020 saw Northern Ireland’s coldest September temperature on record broken. The mercury in Katesbridge, a small hamlet in County Down, plunged to a bone-chilling -3.7C (25F) in the early hours of Sunday morning the lowest minimum temperature ever recorded in September in Northern Ireland.... And just think how colder it could have been if we’d listened to the children and sent billions more of our nation’s wealth off to China in exchange for solar panels - to take real action to stop global warming.

07.01.2022 Never forget that these academic fraudsters have been aided and abetted by the likes of Labor’s Chris Bowen.

06.01.2022 AUSTRALIANS FORBIDDEN TO ACCESS THIS MEDICAL TREATMENT The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons have produced a Covid treatment guide called a ‘Step-by-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life’. The Senior Editor is Dr. Jane Orient, MD, Internal Medicine Physician, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and President of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. The Consulting Editor is Professor Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP, FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA Internist, Cardiologist, and Epidemiologist, and President of the Cardiorenal Society of America. Interestingly Professor Peter A. McCullough recently contracted Covid, and used this treatment to cure himself. However, Health Bureaucrats in Australia know so much better, that they have banned Australian doctors from prescribing this treatment. And in Queensland, Dr Janette Young has made it a criminal offence, whereby Professor Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP, FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA would be facing 6 months in jail.

06.01.2022 1 in 2 TRILLION That’s the probability that an ineffective treatment would generate results as positive as the 150 On HCQ studies (p = 0.00000000000044). Early treatment is most successful, with 100% of studies reporting a positive effect and an estimated reduction of 63% in the effect measured (death, hospitalization, etc.) using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.37 [0.29-0.47].... 100% of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for early, PrEP, or PEP treatment report positive effects, the probability of this happening for an ineffective treatment is 0.00098. But Labor’s Shadow Health Minister still thinks it’s all a conspiracy and HCQ is unproven.

06.01.2022 THE GREAT RESET ‘’There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always, do not forget this, always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler ..... If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. GEORGE ORWELL 1984 ...

06.01.2022 LISTEN TO THE MEDICAL EXPERTS Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, CEO and medical director of Western Medical Assessments, recently spoke at the Edmonton City Council Community and Public Services Committee meeting on Nov. 13 about the city’s move to extend its face-covering bylaw. Here’s an audio of his testimony;...Continue reading

06.01.2022 PROFESSOR ZHARKOVOA : GLOBAL COOLING HAS STARTED What if the Professor is correct ? Three decades of global cooling (2020-2050) will be devastating, and it would wipe away all the benefits the world has enjoyed from moderate global warming since the late 1970’s (when there fears on a new mini ice-age).... Will the climate alarmists call from the construction of hundreds of new coal fired power stations as a way to ‘’take real action on global cooling’’ ? Professor Zharkova’s latest published analysis suggests that a repeat of a Maunder Minimum-style spell of global cooling will run through the next few solar cycles (20202053). The Professor writes that this will lead to a drop of the terrestrial temperature by up to 1.0C from the current temperature during the next three cycles (2527) to only 0.4C higher than the temperature measured in 1710.’’ And the Professor warns; The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres. ‘’This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum (20202053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.

05.01.2022 WHAT DAMAGE HAVE THEY DONE TO THE CHILDREN ? In Queensland, school children were used as polticial pawns by Anna Palaszczuk, when she closed down schools, not for any health reason but for political ‘’messaging’’. This evil was admitted by Queensland’s Chief Health Bureaucrat, when in an interview she let slip; ...Continue reading

05.01.2022 UK BRACES FOR ‘COLDEST EVER’ DECEMBER THIS December could end up the coldest in history as the Met Office warned the current cold snap could last a month.... Temperatures are set to plunge to -10C - lower than Moscow - with more snow predicted on higher ground.

05.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENTS’ DEBT TO HIT $1.3 TRILLION It’s hard to even get your mind around $1.3 trillion. That’s $1,300 billion ($1,300,000,000,000.00)... Or $1.3 million million. And to think John Howard paid off all of Labor’s $96 billion debt and in 2007 he had even $25 billion saved for a rainy day. Now the debts going to blow out $1,300 billion.


04.01.2022 PETA HAS DODGEY DAN AND HIS CRONIES IN HER SIGHTS You can almost smell the fear coming from Dodgy Dan and his cronies as they are finally asked some hard questions.

04.01.2022 THE GUARDIAN’S RACIST INSULT TO INDIA’S PEAK MEDICAL ORGANISATION. In an attempt to slander me, THE GUARDIAN have today published an article full of misinformation that makes RACIST and IMPERIALISTIC insults to India’s top medical professionals and their peak medical organisation; The Indian Council of Medical Research (IBMR) The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is based in New Delhi, and is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of b...Continue reading

04.01.2022 CLOTH MASKS : DANGEROUS TO HEALTH ? A just released study by School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University of NSW has concluded that cloth masks could be dangerous to health and that their global use should be discouraged. So the mad dictator, demonstrates yet again he’s sociopath and will force year 12 students to wear masks during their final exams. Like everything the Dictator does, he ignores the medical evidence and catastrophic damage he is inflicting - and everything is done to satisfy his lust for power and control.

03.01.2022 BY GEORGE, HE’S GONE COMPLETELY POTTY !! It pains me to say this, but Prince Charles has completely lost his marbles. What else explains his delusional rant about a ‘’military style response to global warming, based on ‘the unprecedented number of fires’’ in the Amazon. ... The bloke doesn’t have clue what he is talking about. Claims about an ‘’unprecedented number of fires’’ in Brazil and the Amazon are simply lies. Data from the Global Fire Database for the Amazon, shows that the total number of fires for 2019 was around about at the average for past twenty years, well below the number of fires during the years in 2004, 2005 and 2007. And Prince Charles particularly refers to the Pantanal, which is an area of Mato Grosso. And in this region the number of fires in 2019 were actually substantially below the average of the past twenty years. Sadly, Prince Charles has his facts completely wrong. He is peddling misinformation. And even more concerning, is given the British Empire has spent the past century fighting for freedoms, that he’d call for a ‘’military style action’’ (enforced ‘climate’ lockdowns) taking away people’s freedoms. And so concerned is Prince Charles about ‘’emissions’’ is that he recent spent 210,345, to fly to Oman for 2 days.

03.01.2022 ABSOLUTE BOMBSHELL : Just published study finds Invermectin more effective than any of the experimental vaccines in preventing Covid infections. This is huge. ... Months ago Australian Professor Tom Borody told the world that Ivermectin was super effective against Covid. Then our health bureaucrats went after him and silenced him. This study looked at ‘IVERCAR’ which was a combination of Carageenan and ivermectin Carrageenans are naturally occurring extracts from the Rhodophyceas seaweed. They are commonly used as thickening agents in the food industry with FDA approval for this indication. Now look at the results of this study; ‘’A total of 1,195 health care workers were recruited from 4 major hospitals in Argentina ..... 788 participants received IVERCAR and PPEs, while the remaining 407 simply adhered to standard PPEs. RESULTS : ‘’The overall infection rate in health care workers recruited for this study was 20% with 237 testing positive for CoVid 19 during the 3 month study recruitment. ‘’Of those infected, all patients were from the comparator group of using PPE alone. This represented an overall infection rate of 58.2% ( 237 of 407) in the PPE group. ‘’No patients of the 788 treated with IVERCAR tested positive for CoVid 19 during the study.’’ That’s not a misprint - out of the 407 hospital workers that used PPE only - 58.2% became infected with Covid. And in comparison, of the 788 hospital workers that took Ivermectin - there was not a single Covid infection - 0%, zero, none, zip. Incredible. Not even the experimental mRNA vaccines are reporting such results. How many lives and how much economic destruction could have been avoided, if only our Health Bureaucrats looked at the evidence and listened to Professor Borody, instead of shutting down free speech and open debate and hounding him into silence.

03.01.2022 MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ RECEIVES ITS EARLIEST SNOW EVER (IN 127 YEARS OF RECORD KEEPING) Monmouth County, NJ is one of many regions in the U.S. copping yet another early blast of winter. More than two-thirds of the CONUS is currently suffering temps 4C to 14C below the norm, and now even some all-time, record-busting, early-season SNOW has been added to the mix. Monmouth County hasn’t received accumulating snow this early in the season since record-keeping began some 127 years ag...o.

03.01.2022 I’m sure the ABC will report on how global warming is wrecking havoc just in time for the US Presidential Election

03.01.2022 MORE UNTRUTHS : WHERE ARE THE FACT CHECKERS ? Mark Carney is a big end of town banker from central casting. A former Bank of England governor up until last year, and the head of the Bank of Canada before that, is now the United Nations envoy for climate action and finance.... The BBC reports his claim that ‘’the world is heading for mortality rates equivalent to the Covid crisis every year by mid-century’’ unless untold billions are spent on climate change. But the data shows the exact opposite (as it almost always does to debunk the alarmists’ claims). While we supposedly been having a ‘climate emergency’ over the past 25 years, world mortality rates from climate disasters have plunged. The data evidences that the world is heading for mortality rates close to zero from climate disasters. Mr Carney is speaking complete unmitigated BS. It’s just another scare campaign designed to hand more power to the global elites and the big wbankers.

02.01.2022 A must watch : Ivermectin works. The denial must end. Listen from 12.30 onwards

02.01.2022 EXACTLY The stupidity of these climate zealots, thinking they are reducing ‘emissions’ (and stopping bad weather) - but all they have done is close down industry in western nations, and move the production to China. End result is wealth and emissions transfer to China. ...


02.01.2022 NEW DUTCH HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE STUDY : I wonder if the ABC will report in this ? reading

02.01.2022 CLIMATE FLASHBACK: 17th NOVEMBER, 1951 Sixty-Nine years ago today, after two days of fire terror, hundreds of square miles around Sydney was still aflame. The fires in the south last night extended from Sutherland to Bulli, and about 20 miles inland, almost to Liverpool. ... At Menai, in the afternoon, the smoke was so dense that the sun was barely perceptible.

01.01.2022 FOLLOW THE SCIENCE : ‘SINKING’ ISLANDS CONTINUE TO EXPAND Children have been tricked and brainwashed into believing the islands in the Pacific are going under because of ‘climate change’ . And only by sending more money off to China to buy solar panels can we stop this. But as usual, the science and the facts are the exact opposite of the preachings of the climate cult. ... I wonder if the ABC will report this ........... A low-lying inhabited island in the Pacific thought to be at risk from rising sea levels has actually increased in size since 1943, scientists say. And the new research from Auckland University researchers and their Canadian counterparts suggests the island isn't alone. There are 29 low-lying coral reef atolls making up the Marshall Islands, called the most endangered nation on earth due to the potential effects of sea-level rise. They are made up of sediment from reefs deposited in the last 5000 years, but the way this sediment collects and forms on atolls isn't very well understood. In a new study, Dr Murray Ford from the University of Auckland and Professor Paul Kench from Simon Fraser University in Canada compared aerial photographs from 1943 and used satellite imagery and radiocarbon dating of sediment deposits on Jeh Island, on Ailinglaplap Atoll. This shows the island has increased in land area by 13 percent since 1943 to 2.28 sq km by 2015 and is continuing to grow. "This study has found that the expansion of islands through sediment generation under conditions of sea level rise is possible," Dr Ford says. "The coral reefs which surround these islands is the engine room of island growth, producing sediment which is washed up on the island shoreline. Healthy coral reefs are essential for this process to continue into the future. "In this work and in previous studies, we have found islands are resilient in the face of rising seas and that sediment supply to some atolls is out-pacing sea level rise. "What we don't know is how that will play out in coming decades but studies of low-lying reef island formation do need to take these findings into account."

01.01.2022 All those lockdowns, all those cancelled flights, all that decline in economic activity - and not a dam change in the rate of increase in CO2 as measured in the atmosphere.

01.01.2022 THE EVIL OF PALASZCKUK AND HER HEALTH BUREAUCRATS : They prevent a father from seeing his autisic son receive a school award 'because of Covid restrictions' - but allow 50,000 to fill a football stadium. Its all about the politics - the poltics of fear, because they need to keep the fear going so the sheeple will praise Anna for ''keeping me safe''. So a loving Dad is denied the opportunity seeing his autistic son receive an award at his school.... These people are pure evil, they don't care about the pain or suffering they inflict upon people so they can gain some polticial advantage. And they have the hide to tell you they are acting on the 'health advice'.

01.01.2022 INCOMPETENT OR WORSE ? 5 months ago, Australia’s Professor Tom Borody stated; ‘’We have a therapy that can fight COVID-19. The medications have been around for 50 years, they are cheap, FDA and TGA approved, and have an outstanding safety profile. To save lives we should be using whatever is safe and available right now. We could lead the world in this fight.’’... Professor Borody further said; No trial has shown Ivermectin-based therapy to be ineffective. In fact, international data reports an almost 100% cure rate and a symptom improvement within 4-6 days. We should share Australian findings from this triple therapy with the world.’ "An Ivermectin tablet can cost as little as $2 - which could make it by far the cheapest, safest, and fastest cure for Australians and the Australian economy. This needs to be available for aged care facilities and frontline health workers today. ‘’This could be the fastest and safest way to end the pandemic in Australia within 6-8 weeks ...... Why are we just waiting around for a vaccine?’’ But Professor Borody was threatened into silence by our Health Bureaucrats. To date, 5 months after Professor Borody’s statement, there are now 28 Ivermectin/Covid controlled published studies, including 10 Randomised Control Trials. All of them have found Ivermectin effective against Covid, and support Professor Borody’s recommendations. But amazingly, in continuing to recommendation AGAINST Ivermectin, our Health Bureaucrats at the National Covid-19 Evidence Taskforce admit they have ONLY looked at 3 of these studies. Are they just incompetent, or are they purposely holding back the inevitable (that Ivermectin will be widely acknowledged as an effective prophylaxis and early treatment for Covid) so that the vaccine gets widely used ?

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