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Cranebrook Little Athletics Centre


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25.01.2022 Some helpful hints and tips for Age Managers

23.01.2022 T O D A Y I S T H E D A Y Registration pack pick up, trophy collection & uniform sales (EFT ONLY! NO CASH SALES!) Please note there will only be one more trophy collection time , date TBA after this date trophies will be recycled for next season. So if you want your trophy please come today ! ... Some things to remember - Adhere to 1.5m social distancing. - Only one person per family too attend. - Come in your allocated time. Thank you all so much for your understanding and co operation! We are excited to see you soon

22.01.2022 Congratulations to all the athletes who represented our club at the Region 6 Championships and to those who then qualified for State. Unfortunately state was cancelled but we are still very proud of each of you for making it that far and you should be proud of your achievement

21.01.2022 REMINDERS FOR TOMORROW -EFTPOS only NO CASH SALES -Please bring PROOF OF AGE if this is your first time registering, we only need to sight this we don’t need a copy. -Please maintain social distancing and if you are unwell please stay home.... See you all tomorrow !!

20.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who came down last night to celebrate our final night of the year. We hope you all had a great time and enjoyed the visit from Santa. CLAC would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !! We will see you all on Friday 22 January !!

19.01.2022 R E G I S T E R N O W Registrations are still open come and join us for the 20/21 season. Competition starts Friday 9 October 6pm at the Greygums oval. If you have any questions please let us know. To register go to, see the link below.

18.01.2022 Please see details below of the LANSW State Qualifying meet for U9-U12. If you have any questions please come and see us Friday night at the clubhouse from 5.30. Thank you Entries must be provided to the club no later then Friday the 20th of December please PM our page privately if you wish to enter. Make sure you have met the qualifying standards as listed below for your age group by checking results HQ. If you have met this standard at another competition please provide details of this.

18.01.2022 ATHLETICS TONIGHT Pending a field inspection later today and any possible late storms athletics will be on. Please watch this page for updates later this afternoon. Age managers please follow the timetable and don’t change the order of events this can impact other age groups and cause long wait times for others. ... *Tonight is Week B* - Please head to your first event. - Don’t forget to sign in using the QR code please see age manager for a copy to scan. - Help where you can and let the age manager know where you are. - Only place card helpers permitted inside the track. - Please no unregistered siblings and one parent or carer per athlete to attend. Please respect this request, we still have a few people not following this requirement. Uniform sales, registration pick up and trophy collection 5.15-5.45 in the clubhouse. Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone tonight

17.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS!! To our 2020/21 Season Club Captain Abby and Vice Captains Rhys and Toby ! You are all great role models for our younger athletes

17.01.2022 ATTENTION AGE MANAGERS SHOT PUT AND DISCUS WEIGHTS Please make sure you are using the correct weights for Discus and Shot Put for your age group. These weights are contained on laminated sheets in your folder. Please do not use the weights at the top of the recording sheets some of these are incorrect.... This week we will also have signs on the crates that hold the shot put and discus that will list the correct weights to be used. Thank you for your assistance week in and week out it’s much appreciated without you the children would not be able to participate!!

16.01.2022 We are looking for some volunteers to help out on Sunday morning from 7:30 to help out line marking so we can get the ground ready for our first night back next Friday. We are hoping to have it finished by 11 but if we can’t get enough people to help out the ground might not be ready for our first night of competition for 2021. If you can help can you please let us know.

14.01.2022 ** U N I F O R M U P D A T E** All athletes attending Friday night competition are asked to wear our official club uniform. Please note we will be CASHLESS this season with eftpos facilities available only. Options available:... Unisex singlets $40 Unisex shorts $40 Girls crop top $35 Girls tights $35 Girls can choose to wear any combination of the uniform example a crop and shorts. These uniforms will be available for sale at our registration pack/trophy collection day. This date is still being confirmed with Penrith City Council should be a Sunday in September. Please try and purchase your uniforms on this day we should have plenty of stock available. Due to limited volunteers and covid restrictions sales of uniforms on club competition nights will be limited. Thank you and if you have any questions please let us know

14.01.2022 ONLY 2 DAYS TO GO Sunday 27 September -Registration pack pick up... -Trophy Collection -Uniform sales EFT ONLY! NO CASH SALES! Register by 12pm tomorrow to ensure your pack is ready for collection on Sunday. Please attend as follows and adhere to 1.5m social distancing. Only one person per family too attend. Surnames beginning with 10-11am A-F 11-12pm G-L 12-1pm M-Z Thank you all so much for your understanding and co operation we are so excited to see you all on Sunday and can’t wait to start the season !! Please see the age manager post there is only a few age groups left to fill, thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered. Let’s hope this season the weather is on our side

14.01.2022 Athletics will go ahead tonight but please bring extra water to keep cool and hydrated. We will be monitoring the temperature and humidity levels so please keep an eye on this page, if we need to adjust the program we will post that here by 5.30 this afternoon. We are short age managers this week in the following groups. Please come to the clubhouse and collect the bag if you are able to help. Without a age manager these groups won’t be able to run. U9 girls... U9 boys U12 girls helper required U10 boys *Tonight is Week A* - Please head to your first event. - Don’t forget to sign in using the QR code please see age manager for a copy to scan. - Help where you can and let the age manager know where you are. - Only place card helpers permitted inside the track. - Please no unregistered siblings and one parent or carer per athlete to attend. Please follow the program in order of events. Uniform sales, registration pick up and trophy collection 5.15-5.45 in the clubhouse. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all tonight !

14.01.2022 ATHLETICS TONIGHT It’s going to be a hot this afternoon so please bring plenty of water, hat and sunscreen. *Tonight is Week B*... - Please head to your first event. - Don’t forget to sign in using the QR code please see age manager for a copy to scan. - Help where you can and let the age manager know where you are. - Please no unregistered siblings and one parent or carer per athlete to attend. Uniform sales, registration pick up and trophy collection 5.15-5.45 in the clubhouse. Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone tonight

13.01.2022 WE ARE ON We have decided to go ahead however we are monitoring the weather closely so please make sure there is a parent at the field at all times with your child/children in case of cancellation throughout the night. Thank you

13.01.2022 U12 GIRLS still need a age manager and a extra parent helper! We have had one volunteer for the 7 Girls but we will still need helpers on the night. Thank you

13.01.2022 WE ARE ON Possible storm coming if you don’t want to get wet then maybe stay home. Ground is in good condition. We will NOT be doing high jump as they are to difficult to pack up if wet.... If Mother Nature decides to hit at 6 or during competition then we will cancel if you don’t want to participate in case of cancellation then please don’t come if your willing to take the chance then see you soon !

13.01.2022 **U13-U17 LANSW Youth State Championships** Date: 27-28 March 2021 Venue: Sydney Olympic Park... -Direct nominations apply for the U13-U17 via the LANSW Registration Portal. - Nominations open Monday, 18 January and close on Sunday, 21 February 2021. Return here on Monday, 18 January for the link to the online nomination form ( - Qualifying Standards must be achieved this season, under the Little Athletics specifications e.g. weights and heights and achieved when competing in their own age group. - Standards (will be posted Tuesday, 22 December 2020). - Top 2 from each Region then next top 8 from across the state will be selected to compete. - Announcement of successful athletes will be posted HERE by 28 February 2021 ( - A cap of 24 athletes per event. - There will be NO relays for the U13-U17 age groups. - Multi-class (Disability) athletes will be required to do a direct entry. If you have any questions please let us know

12.01.2022 Competition will start back on Friday 22 January at 6pm ! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we look forward too seeing everyone back at athletics soon! Our final night for this season will be Friday 26 March.... Regards, CLAC Committee

12.01.2022 Congratulations to our athletes who have been a part of the CLAC family for 5 years and a big congratulations to two of our senior athletes for 10 years continued service

12.01.2022 **Please see information below re date change and PM our page if you are interested. They will not take everyone who qualifies they will only take the best qualifiers and numbers will be based on the Public Health Order at that time, so your times or distances need to be your best. Please come and see us at the clubhouse this Friday from 5.30 for more information** Qualifying Event Date Change Little Athletics NSW Region 6: Littles State Qualifying Meet... Saturday 20th-Sunday 21st February 2021 Blacktown International Sportspark Athletics Centre Full timed carnival COVID restriction of 500 persons in the Athletics Centre may still apply For Athletes aged U9 U12 Athletes may only enter up to four (4) events Qualifying standards are able to be achieved: At your centre At another centre Any gala day/meet hosted in a Zone and Region in NSW in the 2020/2021 season. You will need to notify your centre of any results achieved outside of your centre you wish to use as a qualifying time/distance/height. All qualifying times, distances or heights submitted will be verified. Entries are required to be received by LANSW no later than 5pm, 31 December 2020 by your Centre returning the completed Entry Program. Qualifying times, distances or heights have been reviewed by LANS Championships Committee and have not be changed.

12.01.2022 We are currently monitoring the weather and will you let you know once we make decision. Edit : please don’t PM our page we will post on this page our decision. Thank you

11.01.2022 **All results have now been uploaded for Friday 13th Competition night** It was great to see so many turn up on Friday especially considering the late decision to run because of the inclement weather that was surrounding us and from all of the committee we thank you for your understanding in the delay in making the announcement, but we did need to wait that long to see what the storms were doing. Congratulations to all athletes that beat their Personal Bests There was a of 116 Personal Bests that were recorded. A reminder to all our athletes, it is not where you finish in a race but have you improved on your time or the distance you have thrown/jumped. We look forward to seeing you all again next Friday for another night of athletics A reminder you can login to see your results at

11.01.2022 Please note the following updates to the COVID Safety Plan for CLAC The NSW Government will reopen the border to Victoria on Monday, 23 November. This will allow anyone who has visited Victoria within the past 14 days to attend a Little Athletics NSW centre. Unfortunately, due to the announcement on Monday, 16 November from the Government of South Australia, advising the implementation of immediate lockdown restrictions. Little Athletics NSW will be imposing the following re...striction for all affiliated centres, anyone who has visited South Australia in the last 14 Days will not be able to attend competition including spectators and officials. Thank you

09.01.2022 Athletics is ON *edited* Please note boys shot put A will go ahead but stay away from the wet coned areas ! We have decided to run a modified program tonight. The circular track is mostly dry apart from one small section. - Lane 1 and 8 will be closed on the circular track.... - Long jump PIT B is closed. - Boys shot put A is closed. - Hurdles athletes decision. - Javelin may be cancelled assume if the Javelins aren’t out it’s not on. If you have events in these areas please just move to the next event in the program. Make sure you follow the program in order and only use the allocated pit, shot put or discus area you have been allocated. If your age group is in one of the closed areas unfortunately you will miss that event tonight. The surrounding areas are wet so please be careful. If you are worried about the water, or getting wet shoes or muddy feet please do not bring your children. Avoid the wet areas and supervise your children at all times. With lots of cancellations last season we are trying to allow as many nights as possible to go ahead please be patient and if in doubt then we will see you next week. Thank you CLAC Committee

09.01.2022 F A M I L Y, F U N & F I T N E S S **11 D A Y S L E F T TO R E G I S T E R** - Please register ASAP to ensure you are able to collect your registration pack on Sunday 27 September. - If this is your first time registering please bring proof of age to collect your pack. - Those who have registered by 12pm Sat 26 September will be able to pick up their pack on this day.... - Competition begins 6pm 9th October at Greygums Oval. - Please visit to register. - Please see previous posts for all information about cost, uniform, start date etc. See more

08.01.2022 ** R E G I S T R A T I O N P A C K** ** U N I F O R M P U R C H A S E** **T R O P H Y C O L L E C T I O N** Date/Time: Sunday 27 September at the Greygums Oval from 10am-1pm. ... Surnames starting with: A-F 10-11am G-L 11-12pm M-Z 12-1pm **All new registrations must bring proof of age to collect pack** Please come in your allocated time slot ONLY and adhere to social distancing. If you are unwell please do not attend. Please note if you need a uniform this is the day to come as selling of uniforms will not be able to happen on competition nights. UNIFORM SALES - EFTPOS ONLY Unfortunately you will be unable to try them on. Please see us on this day if you have any questions. Every athlete registered for the 20/21 season will receive a registration number and age patch these must be sewn or pinned on to the athletes uniform to participate in Friday night competition. Please see the photo below for correct placement of patches. ** A G E M A N A G E R S N E E D E D** This year due to covid-19 restrictions we will need to have age managers allocated to all age groups prior to the first night of competition on 9 October. Age managers will need to attend a briefing session on how we need to run the events including the use of hand sanitiser and some cleaning of equipment. If you are able to help could you please private message the page with your name, contact number and child’s age group eg U9 Boys so that we can begin to put a name to a group. Thank you so much and we look forward to seeing everyone soon

08.01.2022 AGE MANAGER UPDATE Calling parents of U12 Girls and U7 Girls !! These age groups still need a age manager, these are 2 of our biggest groups we need a parent or a couple of parents to volunteer to run these groups together otherwise they will not be able to start on the 9th of October.... We are having a briefing Thursday night the 8th of October to advise you of what needs to be done and if you have any questions we are always here to help. An age manager follows the program and takes the children to each event. For field events some instruction on how to do it plus measuring is required. We will have someone the first night at each field event showing you what to do. If you can help please private message the page THANK YOU

08.01.2022 *ATHLETICS TONIGHT* After inspecting the fields this morning they aren’t looking great for tonight’s competition. However we will reinspect them later today in the hope that some of the water will dry up. Please watch this page a decision will be made by 4pm. If we do run we may run a modified program so please look for this afternoons post for instructions. ... TROPHY COLLECTION REGO PACK COLLECTION UNIFORM SALES !STILL ON! even if competition is cancelled from 5.15-5.45 in the clubhouse. If we do run !! *Tonight is Week A* - Please head to your first event. Arrive just in time for competition. - Don’t forget to sign in using the QR code please see age manager for a copy to scan. A manual sign in can be found at the clubhouse. - Help where you can and let the age manager know where you are. - Please no unregistered siblings and one parent or carer per athlete to attend. COVID restrictions still apply so please maintain social distancing. Thank you and fingers crossed we will be seeing everyone tonight

05.01.2022 3 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Can you spare a hour or two this Saturday 3 October at 7.30am to help line mark the field for our first night? We don’t want to delay our start date but if we don’t get any volunteers to help this is a possibility. ... This is a massive job that we will need help with on regular basis this season. Without the line marking we can’t run competition. If you can help please private message our page. Thank you any help is much appreciated

04.01.2022 Finally we will end our online presentation with the announcement of our overall Club Personal Best winner. We hope you have enjoyed the presentation and we look forward to seeing you all back at athletics very soon ** Please note all upcoming dates for trophy collection, registration pack pick up and start of season will be posted next week.

04.01.2022 **COVID 19 UPDATE** Please note although changes were announced to Community Sport restrictions yesterday we are not making changes to our arrangements this season at this stage. We have a COVID plan that has been approved on the basis of one parent/carer per athlete. We are governed by Little Athletics NSW until they advise us otherwise we must adhere to these restrictions.... If there is any change we will let you know. Thank you for your understanding

03.01.2022 **IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ** For all registered athletics for the 20/21 Season. At CLAC you may only bring ONE parent/carer per registered athlete and no unregistered siblings. Thank you for your understanding.

03.01.2022 ** A G E M A N A G E R S N E E D E D ** Edit: See below only 2 age groups to go. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered! We still need age managers for the following groups. These groups will not be able to start on 9 October without a allocated age manager as all age managers will need to be briefed prior to the 9 October with all covid requirements.... Please note the Age Manager will need a parent helper/s to help measure field events so all parents should be willing help on the night. All other parents will need to observe from a distance. Every participating athlete must have only one parent/carer present. U7 GIRLS U12 GIRLS If you are willing do to this please private message the page, if you have any questions please let us know. Any help is much appreciated THANK YOU

03.01.2022 **6 DAYS TO GO** This Sunday 27th September is our registration pack pick up, uniform purchase and trophy collection day. **Please register ASAP if you would like to collect your pack that day. All registrations completed by 12pm Sat 26 Sept will be available for pick up. ... **As we have not yet reached our cap we will keep registrations open for now. Anyone who registers after this date will need to pick up their registration pack on the first night of competition, time to be advised. ** Please adhere to social distancing this Sunday and only one person per family to attend. Time allocations Sunday 27th as follows: A-F 10-11am G-L 11-12pm M-Z 12-1pm All new registrations must bring proof of age to pick up your pack. Please note we still need age managers , since our last post we have had only 2 volunteers. Please note if we don’t get age managers before the first night those age groups may not be able to start. We will be taking contact names and numbers this Sunday so please if you have any questions or would like to volunteer let us know!! Thanks for your co-operation and understanding

02.01.2022 Stay tuned on how you could win this Signed Parramatta Eels Jersey. Details to be announced tomorrow along with some other amazing prizes.

02.01.2022 We would like to thank everyone who supported our raffle this year and we also hope everyone enjoyed our Xmas fun night. The raffle raised over $650 for the club so thank you everyone for your support. Congratulations to the following winners of our raffle prizes Raffle Winners... 1st PRIZE WINNER 2020 Signed Parramatta Eels Jersey Matthew Sawaszenko Ticket Number: #300 2nd PRIZE WINNER - Lunch for a family of 6 or Dinner for a family of 4 @ Pantere Restaurant & Cafe Batt Street Penrith (excludes beverages) Jessica Zammit Ticket Number: #205 3rd PRIZE WINNER - 3 months family membership at Fit4All samantha Archer Ticket Number: #192 4th PRIZE WINNER - 3 months family membership at Fit4All Samantha Warby Ticket Number: #402 5th PRIZE WINNER - 1 Hour full Body Massage at Hairshak and Beauty at Londonderry Melissa Debritt Ticket Number: #364 6th PRIZE WINNER - $50 voucher at Blackman Bicycles Penrith David Camilleri Ticket Number: #322 7th PRIZE WINNER - 1 x Festival Braids (with coloured extensions) at Hairshak and Beauty at Londonderry Damian Griggs Ticket Number: #276 8th PRIZE WINNER - $50 voucher at Blackman Bicycles Penrith Chloe Warren Ticket Number: #29 9th PRIZE WINNER - 1 x Shampoo, Haircut and Blowdry at Hairshak and Beauty at Londonderry FRANCINE Galea Ticket Number: #51 10th PRIZE WINNER - $50 voucher at Blackman Bicycles Penrith Samantha Hogan Ticket Number: #383 11th PRIZE WINNER - $50 Voucher at Sherlock Hair Cranebrook MICHELLE CAMILLERI Ticket Number: #14 12th PRIZE WINNER - $50 Voucher at Sherlock Hair Cranebrook Julie Nagy Ticket Number: #227 13th PRIZE WINNER - $50 voucher at Golden Goddess Beauty & Tanning FRANCINE Galea Ticket Number: #44 14th PRIZE WINNER - $20 voucher at Leaf Café Cranbrook Cristy Whelan Ticket Number: #346 15th PRIZE WINNER - $20 voucher at Leaf Café Cranbrook Brodie Hanson Ticket Number: #95 16th PRIZE WINNER - $20 voucher at Leaf Café Cranbrook Effie Karavas Ticket Number: #234

01.01.2022 Big Congratulations to Dylan who received his trophy on the weekend for the Most Personal Bests at the club last season. It is always very close every season so put your best foot forward this season and maybe it will be your name on the trophy next year

01.01.2022 IMPORTANT INFORMATION STATE QUALIFIERS Please see the link below regarding how to qualify for 2020/21 State Championships!

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