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Cranfield Geological Services International
Phone: +61 498 259 376
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25.01.2022 Good afternoon friends of CGSI. I have finished a draft of my new book ‘Custodians’ - Taking care of our earth. It is a geological and scientific perspective of the major issues of the 21st Century and ways to address solutions to them. This year the corona virus has been first and foremeost in all our minds. Pandemics, water and mineral resources and power generation and the well being of our ecosystem are major issues that need to be addressed. It is the responsibility of all humanity to deliver a biodiverse sustainable ecosystem for future generations.
24.01.2022 This is the Springbok Sandstone. This unit and the one below it the Walloon Coal Measures are the two coal seam producing units in the Surat Basin. Exploration to 2019 has created considerable gas resources in these units. The Surat basin has been a source of oil and gas since the 1960s with convention oil and gas discovered initially near Roma. Coal seam gas or unconventional as it is termed is a relatively new form of energy resources. If you want to know more about the Springbok Sandstone and the Walloon Coal measures check out reports on the Surat Basin on the internet or subscribe on this site.
23.01.2022 I spent the last 4 days at a Tony Robbins event - Unleash the Power Within. It was a great experience and one I would recommend to everyone who wants the energy and focus to achieve anything in their lives. Check out Tony and his courses online and attend at least one of them. Its an experience that I thoroughly recommend!!!
23.01.2022 Hi everyone I hope you are all well and moving ahead with your passions in life. Since I started working in geology many years ago it has been my passion. I have enough experience to know that I can solve your problems and I enjoy solving problems at this stage on my life. Its a great space to be in. Let me know how I can assist you through my business through a first time free consultation.
22.01.2022 Good day everyone I have just received qualifications as a web master and digital marketing today. It has been a very interesting and challenging year. In 2019 I would like to work on web sites and digital marketing in the Minerals and Energy projects, help businesses with web sites and work on creating Geohistory tours. I look forward to Christmas relaxation and a great 2019 which I also wish for you all.
22.01.2022 I'm continuing my series of posts on Geohazards. Today's topic is on Landslides. Landslides - local GIS data in southeast Queensland As noted in yesterday's post landslides occur on steep slopes and in the southeast Queensland region are most prevalent on steep slopes in basalt terrain in regions north and south of Brisbane. Maps were compiled in a series of hard copy publications of the Geological Survey of Queensland given below:...Continue reading
22.01.2022 I have just embarked on a new direction to work with Cravern Group of consultants in delivering new projects in Australia and globally. The increase in knowledge about mineral systems and their extent is fertile ground for considering how to develop intelligent systems to cover the whole process from identifying potentially interesting ground for exploration through the process of targeting, drilling, resource evaluation mine planning, development and sale of product.
22.01.2022 Good Morning to all my friends, I am now getting stuck in to my websites. The focus behind these websites is demonstrating how geological services and geohistory tourism link to a better understanding of the evolution of human societies and to identify deliver products that promote good health, improve mobility and create a feeling of well-being for current and future generations. These sites include... 1. my Geological consulting page - https// 2. Geohistory of the world through geological processes, ecological and climate change and human history https// 3. Sporty trends for all, but concentrating on fun stuff and mobility for Baby boomers https// 4. Special Gifts for for men women children and new babies https// 5. Health through a plant based diet and medicine for all ages 6. A shopify store based on delivering evergreen products to interested customers . This site has not commenced as yet. Let me know if these sites are of integrest to you and I'll include you Leonard
21.01.2022 We are on a wonderful holiday to South America visiting Chile and Peru. The landscape of the Andes is spectacular. We went up to 3700m above sea level and the range of volcanic landforms was amazing. I include a number of these photos. On the way to the major ski resort in the Andes was the turn off to the Bronze wing mine. At Maccu Picchu the landform is almost vertically jointed granite. Hope you enjoy the photos.
21.01.2022 The change of my cover photo to A view of Rabaul Harbour, PNG with the smoking TAVURVUR Volcano in the vackground
20.01.2022 Do you have issues with natural disasters such as Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic eruptions and landslides? I will be delivering a series of posts on examples of natural disasters with today's example being Landslides and Volcanoes. Landslides... Landslides are a geological activity in which movement of a mass of rocks and soil occurs down a slope of land. Heavy rains, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and human activities including mining, construction and quarrying all contribute to the severity of landslides. The driving force is movement of soil and rock under gravity. The movement of soil and rock away from a basal solid rock foundation can generate large concentric cracks in the soil mass. Failure of a slope accompanied by a decrease in ground water level and movement of a combined mass of rock and soil downslope are indication of land slips and landslides. The main areas prone to landslides are A. Regions of steep slopes B. vertical or sub-vertical cliffs. C. Places where landslides have been known to occur previously exits in older times. Removal of trees and shrubs from these areas accompanied by heavy rainfall can cause catastrophic mudflows in areas of clay and silty soil masses Volcanic eruptions Volcanoes are actually an conduit for the tapping of molten material from the inner part of Earth to the surface. There are basically three main mechanisms for generating volcanic eruptions at the surface of the earth. A. At the collision of oceanic and continenal plates (e.g The west coast of South America incorporating the volcanoes of the Andes, Volcanoes, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea) B. At the extension of oceanic and continental plates (eg mid Atlantic Ridge) C. When a oceanic or continental plate moves over a hot spot in the mantle (e.g. Hawaii island chain). Material from volcanoes includes ash clouds, volcanic bombs hot lava and poisonous gases. A volcanic eruption happens when the pressure on magma chamber inside Earth increase and push magma to surface through vertical and sub-vertical pipes ( volcanic vents). Volcanic eruptions will destroy the surrounding areas, aircrafts, also heat up the atmosphere. Volcanic tremor, small earthquake near volcano, ejection of steam and gases are the indication of volcanic eruptions. Most active volcanoes in the world 1. Erta ale, Ethiopia. 2. Mt. Merapi, Indonesia. 3. Mt. Yasur, Vanuatu. 4. Volcan de Colima, Mexico. 5. Mt. Erebus Antarctica. 6. Mt. Cleveland, Alaska. 7. Kilauea, Hawaii. 8. Sakurajima, Japan. 9. Mt. Stromboli, Italy. 10. Pacaya, Guatemala.
19.01.2022 Hi - I've been working in a phone app for Brisbane CBD tourism with others - check it out Konect tourism. Also assisting with sites for Australia's first geopark in Etheridge Shire in north Queensland.
17.01.2022 My Web site is now being developed and most new information about my business will be on the site
17.01.2022 Convergent margin volcano - Mount tavurvur, Papua New Guines
15.01.2022 Tavurvur volcano , Rabaul
15.01.2022 Good morning everyone. I havent been on this site for a while. I have been busy creatin a website - Cranfield Check it out and give me comments and put a like here if you enjoy the site. I am learning how to create websites and am interested in creating better sites for mining companies and for local businesses and in perticular creating Geohistory tours. These tours basically tell a story about a place from its geological origins, plants and animals through time and the human story of its culture and civilisation. This will be included in my next site If you are interested to get involved please contact me. Look forward to hearing from everyone
14.01.2022 Good afternoon friends I thank you all who liked my post. If you liked it recommend it to your friends. I will be posting more regularly on this site. Let me know what topics interest you about geological processes, Natural hazards or any things that interest you about our precious earth, its resources, geological history inked to your area and the uses of different natural Resources in enhancing your community.
13.01.2022 Another beautiful day in Brisbane with the temperature in the low 20s - can there be anywhere better at this time of the year? Still working on how to make the idea of geotourism work to be a onward direction. For a directed phone app to encourage tourists there is a need for much more photographic evidence to go with descriptions of rocks. LET US ALL WORK ON THIS TO CREATE SOMETHING WONDERFUL AND BE PROUD TO OUR WORLD.
13.01.2022 Yesterday I attended a marketing blast off work shop by basic bananas and can thoroughly recommend it to any business- it was fabulous and Christo was a great presenter - go basic bananas #basic bananas#cranfieldgeologicalservices@leonard Cranfield
13.01.2022 Good afternoon to everyone reading this post. It appears that L will be returning to my first work as a geologist - geological mapping of coal areas in the Bowen Basin next year. I wish you all the best for Christmas and new year celebrations.
12.01.2022 Geology of Inner Brisbane >297 my in the making - A GEOHISTORY The concept of geohistory tourism is that choice of the location for Brisbanes CBD is linked to its geological history, ecology and human interactions. Important in this are: ... 1. Geological processes, landscapes formed and how these change with time 2. Plants and animals in geological and human time frames 3. The traditional local indigenous inhabitants, their life style prior to European settlement 4. Geological processes, landscapes formed, 5. Plants and animals in geological and human time frames 6. The traditional local indigenous inhabitants, their life style prior to European settlement 7. The initial setting up of Brisbane city and its effects on local environment and inhabitants 8. Conflicts between indigenous inhabitants and European settlement 9. Developing water resources and sources of building stone 10. Reference to the early building stone of Brisbane city 11. The changing scape of the city 12. Current and future directions To understand the geological processes and landscape evolution it is necessary to be aware of the age of the rocks in the CBD ROCKS IN THE CBD Two Rock Units The Neranleigh-Fernvale beds (NFB) and the Brisbane Tuff The age of NFB was unknown until 1974 they were thought to be Pre-Cambrian as no fossils had been discovered. The first fossils found in the South DAguilar Sub Province along the Mount Nebo-Mount Glorious road were poorly preserved brachiopods, bryozoa and crinoid. Follow up zircon dating showed an age of 351 Ma from the enclosing sediments. Radiolarian fossils from cherts at Lake Manchester are Devonian or younger The age of the Beenleigh SubProvince is similar and is determined by Dating of granite clasts in conglomerate these range by different methods from 334-360 Ma. Below is a chart of consolidated rocks in the CBD The Neranleigh Fernvale beds were deposited in the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous (about 360-320Ma) and underwent deformation from the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian (to about 297MA) in two distinct compressional events (Kanimblan and Hunter-Bowen Orogeny)and the Brisbane Tuff was deposited in the Late Triassic (230Ma).
12.01.2022 continuing the theme of landslides and landslips
12.01.2022 Good Morning to all my friends, I am now getting stuck in to my websites. The focus behind these websites is demonstrating how geological services and geohistory tourism link to a better understanding of the evolution of human societies and to identify deliver products that promote good health, improve mobility and create a feeling of well-being for current and future generations. These sites include... 1. my Geological consulting page - https// 2. Geohistory of the world through geological processes, ecological and climate change and human history https// 3. Sporty trends for all, but concentrating on fun stuff and mobility for Baby boomers https// 4. Special Gifts for for men women children and new babies https// 5. Health through a plant based diet and medicine for all ages 6. A shopify store based on delivering evergreen products to interested customers . This site has not commenced as yet. Let me know if these sites are of integrest to you and I'll include you Leonard
11.01.2022 A great way ahead
09.01.2022 Good afternoon friends of CGSI. I have finished a draft of my new book Custodians - Taking care of our earth. It is a geological and scientific perspective of the major issues of the 21st Century and ways to address solutions to them. This year the corona virus has been first and foremeost in all our minds. Pandemics, water and mineral resources and power generation and the well being of our ecosystem are major issues that need to be addressed. It is the responsibility of all humanity to deliver a biodiverse sustainable ecosystem for future generations.
09.01.2022 NEW BOOK - CUSTODIANS - 'a vision for taking care of our earth I am the author of upcoming book CUSTODIANS - a vision for taking care of our earth. I have had more than 40 years experience in working in the mining industry and the As the Covid-19 virus is a current major global issue in 2020, I have added information on major pandemics and other events that could destroy all human life on earth and possible solutions that could be implemented to counteract these issues. My ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 New Websites If you haven't seen my business website - here it it I have also started building and three other websites that I will let you know about. Im looking for contributors as guest bloggers who are interested in geotourism, ecotourism and human culture which are the cornerstones of geohistory tourism. Contact me if you are interested in one of these three areas and you have ideas for a tour or have created one. Leonard
07.01.2022 Hello I’m offering guest posts for this site and https: // and https://global Let me know if you are interested in putting in articles about the geology Of places in Australia, Papua New Guinea for Cranfieldgeoservices or geology of places globally that you have visited. I look forward to seeing your contributions that I will post
04.01.2022 As it is Christmas Im reflecting on 2018. Its been a year of change and learning the mechanics of creating websites in Word Press and training in how to market websites as the major form of business to customer and business to business communication, If we reflect about how we as a society use our mobile phone to shop,get directions, apply for jobs search the internet, connect on social media and link to communities it is an amazing transformation of the way society opera...tes. A qualification as a web master allows me to assist business and people who would like to promote their business or business idea, as a person who loves to see natural landscapes I would like also to promote geohistory 9linking the geological evolution story to landscapes, ecology and human history. Let me know about your special places and I will assist you to promote them. Wishing everyone a great 2019
04.01.2022 Current website builds
04.01.2022 Hi Everyone Just did some updates on my website following an audit. Hope you like the changes. Check out Cranfield
04.01.2022 Hello again to readers on this site> Its been a while since i posted anything and I apologise for my lack of information. At the moment I am looking at a strategic view of the mining industry in Australia, company website and have today had a new email created for this site and my website Cranfield Today Id like to show some field site from Bluff Knoll, the highest point in Western Australia. Bluff knoll Has granite at its base and the panorama one can see from the top looking south towards Albany is breath taking. The walk is challenging for over 60s legs but the view from the top is breath taking. There are shallowly dipping serdiments forming the uppermost past of Bluff Knoll indicating that it is most likely a roof pendant of older sediments on top of the granite.
03.01.2022 NEW BOOK - CUSTODIANS - 'a vision for taking care of our earth I am the author of upcoming book CUSTODIANS - a vision for taking care of our earth. I have had more than 40 years experience in working in the mining industry and the As the Covid-19 virus is a current major global issue in 2020, I have added information on major pandemics and other events that could destroy all human life on earth and possible solutions that could be implemented to counteract these issues. My ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Hello Im offering guest posts for this site and https: // and https://global Let me know if you are interested in putting in articles about the geology Of places in Australia, Papua New Guinea for Cranfieldgeoservices or geology of places globally that you have visited. I look forward to seeing your contributions that I will post
02.01.2022 Today is another fine one in Perth. Im over here for a few weeks to do a range of work for CGSI. Since completing my training to be a webmaster and create digital marketing for business I wish to engage with mining companies to improve their websites. The mining industry provides almost all of the raw materials that allow the technological advances that shape our world. These encompass the fossil Fuels to create traditional and green energy, Battery minerals to power cars..., phones, and stationary storage devices. It is vital that the most effective projects for advancement of civilisation and conservation of the environment are well managed, promoted and supported by investors and governments, hence my interest in delivering the best information about these projects through website content, design and effective digital marketing. Recently I went to the Mount Coot-tha Botanical Gardens in Brisbane and I include photos of the workings of the adjacent quarry. The rock is a dark grey hornfelsed metasediment in the contact aureole of the Enoggera Granite. The rock is Late Devonian in age (greater the 300million years old) and was intruded by the Granite in the Triassic ( about 210 million year ago). The rock is used around the city for road screenings and pitch stone walls.
02.01.2022 I'm continuing my series of posts on Geohazards. Today's topic is on Landslides. Landslides - local GIS data in southeast Queensland As noted in yesterday's post landslides occur on steep slopes and in the southeast Queensland region are most prevalent on steep slopes in basalt terrain in regions north and south of Brisbane. Maps were compiled in a series of hard copy publications of the Geological Survey of Queensland given below:...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Im doing a SEO audit on my Website and will let you know when its finished for your comments. Hope you areal well.
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