Cherwood Park Purebred Poultry in Framlingham, Victoria, Australia | Product/service
Cherwood Park Purebred Poultry
Locality: Framlingham, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 488 403 406
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25.01.2022 12 week old Standard Coronation Cockeral. PM for more information.
25.01.2022 Lavender Belgiun D'uccle pullets available... 12 weeks old Inbox for more info
25.01.2022 Sorry to anyone who has been trying to contact me and have had a lack of response. I am currently in hospital having had emergency surgery..I will be back on board as soon as possible..Thank you so much for your patience. Shari x
24.01.2022 Pullets Approximately 12 to 14 weeks No holds. 3 x Lavender Sussex 3 x Buff Sussex ... 3 x Red Sussex Pickup is Framlingham or happy to meet transport...See comments for further information. Inbox if interested! PIC 3MYSY466 See more
24.01.2022 *****SOLD***** Gold laced Wyandotte pullet available....
22.01.2022 Big Bob. . One of our lovely Belgiun D'Uccle roosters! He is hilarious and currently resides with all of our free range Isa Brown hens until we can find him some lovely ladies of his own.. We love Bob!
22.01.2022 Assorted Belgiun D'Uccle pullets available...
20.01.2022 Hmmm...I think the second?
20.01.2022 Belgiun D'Uccles One dozen available ..... Posted in Eggspress Safe cartons PM for more details
20.01.2022 Coronation Sussex pullets available...
19.01.2022 We have retained the nicest well bred cockerals to grow out and offer for sale.. Lavender Sussex Buff Sussex Speckled Sussex Buff Orpington ... Bantam Sussex in the following colours - Speckled, Light and Red. Inbox for more information See more
19.01.2022 Our beautiful Buff Orpington rooster rules the roost... The fertility in this pen has been absolutely amazing too! Our hens are back laying so we are now taking bookings for eggs..
18.01.2022 Bantam Sussex Cockerals...information in comments!
18.01.2022 Late cancellation of fertile eggs. Standard Buff Sussex x 24 Ready to go tomorrow. Express posted in Eggspress Safe packaging. PM for more details
17.01.2022 Eggs ready to express post tomorrow Australia wide.. See commentsEggs ready to express post tomorrow Australia wide.. See comments
16.01.2022 Interesting read!
16.01.2022 EOI Belgiun D'Uccle breeding stock. We have some top quality hens available in black, black mottle and blue. Approximately 10 hens and 2 roosters. Fertility has been amazing, often having a 100% hatch rate from these birds. ... Will split or as a bundle. Great opportunity to add to your flock or start a breeding pen. PIC 3MYSY466 Inspection welcome! Located in Framingham, South West Victoria. Please send a PM as I won't risk my page by discussing further on this post
16.01.2022 Love this old girl...
15.01.2022 These are fantastic for posting eggs! Wouldn't use anything else now.... Eggs arrive safely every time...
14.01.2022 Lavender Belgiun D'uccle pullets available
14.01.2022 Standard Buff Sussex Trios x 3 2 Laying Hens + Rooster Pen dispersal PM for more details... PIC 3MYSY466
13.01.2022 We feed fermented wheat every day...from 2 weeks of age through to our breeding pens
13.01.2022 Taking bookings now! Buff Orpingtons Speckled Sussex Buff Sussex Belgiun D'uccles (black, mottled, blue)... Lavender/Silver/Coronation Sussex (mixed pen) Inbox for more information. Express posted in Eggspress Safe cartons. See more
13.01.2022 We have a lovely small selection of quality young roosters in our grower pen . STANDARD buff Sussex, Lavender Sussex and Speckled Sussex BANTAM light sussex, red sussex, silver sussex and Speckled Sussex Several quality SILKIE - partridge, black and splash. BELGIUN D'UCCLES - blue, black, black/mottled, mille fleur ... ORPINGTON- buff PIC 3MYSY466 See more
12.01.2022 ALL PULLETS ARE NOW SOLD Very limited number of young pullets available. Buff Sussex x 2 (SOLD) Silver Sussex x 2 (SOLD)... Buff Orpington x 4 Lavender Sussex x 5 Speckled Sussex x 3 All approximately 12 weeks See more
12.01.2022 Oh my lordy......BABY D'UCCLES They are the most precious little things....
12.01.2022 Cockerals....almost all gone so be quick if you would like one of our lovely well bred boys! Info with each photo...
11.01.2022 I love this....
09.01.2022 I have 2 dozen speckled sussex eggs ready to go (cancelled order) if anyone would like them..oldest egg is 3 days today! Eggs are $65 per dozen Can express post tomorrow morning using Eggexpress Safe cartons $30 for 1 dozen or $35 for both!
08.01.2022 We are slowly getting together a breeding pen of bantam Sussex. (Lavender, Silver and Coronation) Our young lavender Cockeral is growing out beautifully...
08.01.2022 Our lovely Speckled Sussex breeding pen..(please excuse the pink tail paint as we have just treated our entire flocks with cydectin...ha!)
08.01.2022 Austalorps 1 dozen fertile More information in comments
07.01.2022 Fertile Eggs available for express postage or pick-up tomorrow Lavender Sussex x 36 Buff Orpington x 36 Buff Sussex x 12 Belgiun D'Uccle x 12... All sent in Eggspress Safe cartons. Prices listed on page.. Located in Framlingham See more
07.01.2022 An interesting video if you have your eggs posted...I am going to try the egg cartons with my next posted eggs! I have 2 dozen blue splash Orpingtons from WA and 3 dozen Splash Silkies from QLD which I had posted and all eggs have varied degrees of detached aircells. I have always candled prior to popping eggs in but have never hatched upright before...I will keep you updated if anyone is interested!
06.01.2022 Fertile Buff Orpington Eggs $70 per dozen Express postage is available Australia wide using Eggspress Safe cartons. Some ready to go tomorrow!
05.01.2022 I have just had a warning from Facebook in regards to selling on this page... Sadly from now on I will just post photos so you will need to inbox me for any information......
05.01.2022 Australorps Standard Anconas Advertising for a friend who isn't Facebook savvy I am more than happy to post these in Eggspress Safe cartons Australia wide...
05.01.2022 This is a great read...going forward I will ask anyone who is buying fertile eggs off us to read this as it has some great information in a simple format.
05.01.2022 I have one dozen fertile Eggs of the following Belgiun D'Uccles-lavender, black and mottled. Standard Buff Sussex Express Postage available Australia wide using Eggexpress Safe cartons.
03.01.2022 Our beautiful flock of Buff Orpingtons...
03.01.2022 SOLD Expressions of Interest Buff Sussex Trio We have decided to decrease our Buff Sussex breeding pen. 2 x 2nd years hens. Both laying.... 1 x 1st year working rooster. He has given us quality chicks and excellent fertility. Can be a little aggressive. See more
03.01.2022 Blue Red laced wyandotte cockeral available....
02.01.2022 Late cancellation of fertile eggs Standard Lavender Sussex x 24 PM for more details. Ready to be express posted in Eggspress Safe cartons tomorrow (Monday)
02.01.2022 Lots of D'uccle eggs available for express postage tomorrow...
02.01.2022 One dozen Standard Ancona fertile eggs. Ready to be express posted tomorrow in Eggexpress Safe cartons...
02.01.2022 Benjamin with one of his favourite hens....
01.01.2022 Belgiun D'Uccle fertile eggs. Photos of breeding pen. One dozen ONLY available Express postage available Australia wide using the Eggspress Safe cartons. $70 plus postage/packaging