Crazy Critterz Training and Pet Services in Tarragindi, Queensland, Australia | Dog trainer
Crazy Critterz Training and Pet Services
Locality: Tarragindi, Queensland, Australia
Phone: 0466984778
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25.01.2022 Today I had the pleasure of talking about body language and group dynamics with the team At Paws And Relax! We had such lively discussions and it was great to see the enthusiasm and passion that sets them apart from the rest! . . #Pawsandrelax #doggydaycare #positivereinforcement #crazycritterz
25.01.2022 Today I met the gorgeous Kingston for some in home training! . . He's the cutest bouncy puppy! .... . We ran through some mat training and some strategies for mouthing. . . He also lives with a cat who he loves to play with but his puppy teeth get a bit much for the cat. The cat has lots of safe places to go to when he's had enough and we added some recall and station training to the mix. . . Have I mentioned I love my job?! . . #dogtrainer #puppytraining #positivereinforcement #dogtrainingbrisbane #goodpuppy #cleverpuppy #dogtraining #sciencebasedtraining #crazycritterz See more
25.01.2022 Last week I met these two gorgeous creatures and their family ! . . Spencer and Shelby are quite the gorgeous pair! .... . Spencer is very worried about meeting people and dogs so we ran through some strategies for appropriate meets and we will meet again in the new year to introduce him to dogs at a distance. . . They were such a joy to meet and I look forward to seeing them again! See more
24.01.2022 Today's snuffle boxes contained very little food but loads of boxes in boxes in boxes!! . . Motivation was high!!! .... . #snuffleboxes #goldenretriever #blacklab #dogenrichment #enrichment #play #snuffle #makeamess #partytime #crazycritterz #whatsinthebox See more
24.01.2022 Rosie picked up the pace this morning! . . #pt #rosie #lowchen #personaltrainer #dogwalking #wewalk #crazycritterz #steppinout
24.01.2022 Rosie and I just walking our magpie this morning! . . #rosie #lowchen #magpie #walkies #crazycritterz
23.01.2022 I had the best morning with the three Amigos!! . . We opened presents and got right into the festive mood!! .... . I think they have the best costumes ever and they just love wearing them!! . . Thank you for a wonderful year my three amazing little amigos xxx . . Have a great Xmas and I will see you in the new year! . #threeamigos #xmaseve #whatagreatyear #thankyou #xmasspirit #gooddogs #merryxmas #xmasparty #dogwalkerslife #dogwalker #crazycritterz
23.01.2022 I started my week walking with these three fabulous ladies!! . . Smilies all round! .... . #bernesemountaindog #bernersofinsta #theladies #gooddogs #walkies #mondaymorning #crazycritterz See more
22.01.2022 Last week I caught up with the Lovely Ginny and her family to work on her On lead reactivity. . . Big Frank and @thenaughtypuppynanny kindly came along to help us as we all learned the Look at That game. .... . We started with a football field of space between us and ended within earshot of each other. Ginny kept her cool and her body language by the end was soft and goofy ! . . We ended on a high note without a close up meeting and Ginny was so happy she threw herself down for a roll in the grass! . . Big Frank was pretty happy with his payment from @crazycritterztoybox too! . . #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingbrisbane #positivereinforcement #reactivedogs #ginny #bigfrank #bigdogsrock #bigdogsaremyweakness #crazycritterz #crazycritterztoybox See more
22.01.2022 #walkandtrain with Bella today! Small kids have always been a big trigger for Bella . . . Today we worked in close proximity to the playground and even when we had a child run towards us she stayed with all 4 paws on the ground and responded to cues.... . . Well done young lady! . . #bella #walkandtrain #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingbrisbane #dogs #dogsofbrisbane #calmdog #gooddog #reactivedog #exciteabledog #positivereinforcementtraining #crazycritterz #brisbanedogs #qld See more
22.01.2022 School holidays means more kids in scooters and bikes ... . . Which means trigger stacking for Ben.. .... . However we have been doing a lot of work with his triggers and you may remember Ben looking at me when he hears a train.. . . He now does this when he sees a bike! . . So instead of me having to cue him to look he does it himself because he has been so heavily reinforced for it! . . In this video we had just seen 6 young noisey boys riding around in circles past us..we had enough space to be comfortable and Ben was reinforced for looking.. . . Then we saw this bike pass us much closer and faster and Ben was cool as a cucumber ! . . This guy just keeps moving forward in leaps and bounds and not just with me! His mum reports the same improvements with her! . . Good boy Ben! . . #ben #springerspaniel #springersofinsta #springer #dogtrainer #dogtrainingbrisbane #dogtraining #reactivedog #walkandtrain #positivereinforcement #trainwithoutpain #crazycritterz See more
21.01.2022 Jake and Lila are just the best!! . . They were all smiles today as they waited for me to prep their treats! .... . Jake walked well and we all had cuddles when I got back. . . Merry Xmas you gorgeous creatures! . . Jake definitely gets my GOLD Star for most improved this year! . . Looking forward to seeing what next year brings! . . #jake #lila #blackandwhitedogsrule #xmas #xmasdogs #happysdogs #walkies #dogwalker #dogwalkerslife #dogtrainer #dogtrainingbrisbane #crazycritterz #lovemyjob See more
21.01.2022 One of the best courses I have ever done! Many thanks Michael Shikashio . . #neverstoplearning #aggressivedogs #dogtrainer #crazycritterz
21.01.2022 This weekend was my first whole weekend off in months and Phatso and I had some quality time together! . . We walked.. We talked..... We sat in the sun.. We sat in the shade.. We slept in and went for drives in the car!! . . Time spent with my Critterz is always quality time . . . @mrphatso #bullarab #bestdogintheworld #walkies #talkies #chill #qualitytime #crazycritterz See more
20.01.2022 Ben and I are on the right track for a great week! . . #ben #springersofinsta #springerspaniel #therighttrack #positivepups #walkies #dogwalker #dogsofbrisbane #gooddog #happydog #crazycritterz #positivevibes
19.01.2022 A chill walk with Wombat today.. . . We perfected our selfie game .. Watched the other dogs..... Found treats and treasures.. . . #wombat #chill #selfies #walkies #chillin #dogwalkerslife #crazycritterz See more
18.01.2022 Show us your DINOS! . . Phatso is a DINOS .... . Dogs In Need Of Space! . . #DINOS #crazycritterz See more
18.01.2022 C'mon on Seven.. . . Toy time right !! .... . #toby #havanese #walkies #sniffer #dogwalking #toytime #happytime #gooddog #crazycritterz See more
17.01.2022 The Sea was angry that day my friends... . . But Charlie wanted to jump in anyway!! .... . #charlie #blacklab #waterdog #beachruns #happydogs #gooddogs #dogwalking #beachwalking #dogwalkerbrisbane #dogwalkerslife #crazycritterz See more
17.01.2022 This is Mikey’s favourite enrichment!! . . Shower time !! .... . #majormitchell #cockatoo #showertime #spraydown #partytime #goodbird #enrichment #crazycritterz #sopretty #lovethatguy See more
16.01.2022 Toby was all smiles on our walk today! Such a sweet little man. . . He really loves hanging out with his magpies!! .... . #toby #havanese #magpies #friends #walkies #happydog #foragingfriends #gooddogs #dogwalker #dogwalkerslife #dogsdoingthings #thisguy #dogsmiles #smilesfordays #crazycritterz See more
16.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all of my wonderful clients - be they Furry or two legged!! . . It's been a challenging year for everyone and I thank all of you for your support. .... . I've definitely grown and learnt a lot alongside all of you. . . I hope your break is relaxing and enjoyable and I look forward to working with all of you again in the new year! . . Stay crazy ... Cause we all need a little bit of crazy in our lives . . Merry Christmas! . . #timetosloth #merryxmas #sloth #relax #chillax #chill #crazycritterz #animaltrainer #dogtrainer #slothout #positivevibestoall See more
14.01.2022 Charlie looking as pretty as a picture amongst the flowers today! . . We accidentally came nose to nose with a dog as Charlie stuck her nose in an open gate!! .... . Charlie moved away with me as quick as a flash with no issues from either dog!! . . Go Charlie ! . . #charlie #blacklab #labrador #labsofbrisbane #brisbanelabs #aussielabs #gooddog #reactivedog #walkies #dogwalking #dogwalker #happydogs #crazycritterz See more
14.01.2022 This week I met Ollie to help with his on lead reactivity. . . Ollie has no issues with dogs when playing off lead but when on lead he is reactive. .... . This is quite common as the lead takes away the flight option when a dog sees something that worries them- in this case dogs. . . Ollie already has some great manners trained up both at home and while walking so we just added some focus games and started with LAT. . . Both Ollie and his mum picked it up super quick and I'm told Ollie is already doing much better! . . Well done little fella! . . . . #dogtraining #cavoodle #dogtrainingbrisbane #dogtrainer #dogs #dogsrock #doggos #positivereinforcement #reactivedogs #crazycritterz See more
14.01.2022 Nelson came out to play today!! . . This Batabout was a hot favourite!! .... . Such a smoochy boy! . . #batabout #cats #catenrichment #happycat #smoochycat #smooch #crazycats #crazycritterztoybox #crazycritterz #nelson #lilabet @nelson_and_lillabet @crazycritterztoybox See more
13.01.2022 Bella just Rollin' around town.. . . .... . #bella #littlewhitefluffy #rollin #itshowweroll #gooddog #walkies #dogsdoingthings #dogwalking #crazycritterz See more
13.01.2022 Jake didn't choose the model life.. . . The model life chose him! .... . #jake #modellife #thisguy #bluesteel #gooddog #strikeapose #modeldog #dogwalkerslife #crazycritterz #dogwalkingbrisbane See more
11.01.2022 Clearly Bella got the memo for rolling around today from our other Bella! . . Doesn't she look totally happy with her wet dirty coat now!! .... . Great Bellas think alike! . . #bella #goldenretriever #rolling #walkinintherain #walkandtrain #dogwalking #dogwalker #dogtrainer #crazycritterz See more
10.01.2022 This week I caught up with Henry and his family again! . . Seriously butter wouldn't melt in his mouth! .... . He has been having some biting issues when some of the family try to put him to bed at night.. This kid likes to stay up and wait for his mum to come home! So we worked through some strategies to help move him without picking him up and making it more into a game. . . The whole family picked up all the cues and games as fast as Henry did! . . We also worked on door manners and I am pretty sure he will be top of the class in no time! . . #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingbrisbane #dogsofbrisbane #dogs #positivereinforcement #sciencebasestraining #fearfreetraining #gooddog #crazycritterz See more
06.01.2022 Tracker Ben back in action today!! . . We spent at least 10mins sniffing this area! .... . Someone really interesting was here! . . #snifferdogs #sniffit #sniffer #ben #springer #springerspaniel #springersofinsta #enrichment #dogenrichment #dogs #doggos #dogsofbrisbane #brisbanedogs #dogtrainer #dogtrainingbrisbane #dogwalkerslife #dogwalking #dogsdoingthings #crazykid #crazycritterz See more
05.01.2022 This short video is well worth watching. In and unregulated industry it is hard to cut through the noise and find which methods work. Science based training works! When looking for a trainer a focus on building trust and communication should be paramount- not corrections and punishment!
04.01.2022 3 . 2 . 1... . Engage sniffers... . . Archie and Gracie are on the case!! . . #snifferdogs #blacklab #goldenretriever #sniffit #findit #happydogs #enrichment #dogenrichment #dogsofbrisbane #dogtrainer #dogtrainingbrisbane #crazycritterz See more
03.01.2022 Treat prep day! . . Whether you are training your own dogs or other people's dogs it's important to have high value treats on hand.. .... . When you are competing with the big wide world for your dogs attention, be sure you are bringing your A game when it comes to your treats! . . I make big batches and freeze them. . . Today's batch includes roast chicken, sausage, chunkers lamb puffs and kibble ! . . What's in your treat pouch? . . #treats #treatparty #whatsinyourtreatpouch #treatpouch #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogtrainingbrisbane #dogtrainingtips #positivereinforcement #crazycritterz #crazycritterztoybox #lambpuff from @crazycritterztoybox #eatit #goodstuff See more
03.01.2022 My study buddy .. . . Banana has her eye on this one! .... . #aggressivedog #study #ragdoll #crazycritterz #neverstoplearning See more
03.01.2022 Teach a dog to fish.... . . . Not quite ... . . #ben #springerspaniel #springersofinsta #waterdog #happydog #swimming #fishing #playing #dogwalking #dogwalkerbrisbane #crazycritterz See more
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