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Address: Southport QLD 4214 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 My fav moment

24.01.2022 . ' ... ' ! ......... 2.5 . . ..... passion fruit, . . ,,.. . .. ... . .... !!!!!!!!!!! ... . . # # # # #404 # # # See more

24.01.2022 . Loving you isn't enough.

23.01.2022 my last 10months on 2020. it was definitely not easy, because I couldn't have my family around me, they are in korea. Missed so many things that I could share with them. Life in AUSTRALIA is good, but sometimes i regret I left my family. I have nice ppl around me, but family is different to friends. Just having a dinner or seeing family face when I was bored or alone is very big thing that I miss most. Being together is just meaningful.... . I am not the person like to go to party or catch up with friends. I am very lazy to go out. I might make myself bored, but I my life doesn't focus on social. I have been busy to survive in Korea and Australia. Getting a job, paying bills, develop myself to be a better person in abroad, being ready to be a mom and prepare settled life for kids. . i missed many things, but it's all my choice. I will miss many things related to my family in Korea as well, so now my dream and goal is, having a normal happy family and able to afford trip to Korea to see my family at least once a year. it may sounds simple to you? sometimes simple things are hard to have in your life. . cus of COVID, mom's flight has canceled and ended up with have tough Life with my first child, I tend to think I am unlucky person. but When I leave my negative thoughts, there are many ppl who is really unlucky than me. When I overcome negative thing, I believe i grow up one more step. See more

21.01.2022 #mealprep . . I ended up making this. With nursing 2 months old baby, House work,... I tend to miss meal many times and ended up eating simple & shit. THIS makes me crave snacks. I didn't feel like meat when I was pregnant and happy to start eating chicken and fish again. it actually tastes yummy I set my mind as NO STRESS just keep my meals healthy. Meal prepping helps me saving time&work&HEALTHY! . . .. , . . !! . . # # # #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnesslife #fitchick #fitmom #fitmother #fitmotherhood #postpartumfitness #postpartum #postpartumjourney #postpartumhealth #postpartumbody #weighttraining #weightlifting #gctraining #gcfitness #gcgroupclass #gcdiet #gpersonaltraining See more

18.01.2022 39w.02.09.20 -6 days . . ...... 41-2 ^^* 40 ? , .... ! . . ?? .. , .. ... . ... (?) .. . 1. () 2. . 3. , , . 4. . 5. . 6. . 7. . 8. .... . 9. ? . . ..... . . ' ' 2 . . #42 # # See more

18.01.2022 10.09.2020 . ... , .. ? .. . i wanna take a selfie with my new born babh . . # #. # # # . .. ...

17.01.2022 photography is always right.

16.01.2022 LONG BIRTH STORY COMING SOON. Name " Lily " 21:21pm 17-Sept-2020 4.67kg... 59cm See more

15.01.2022 40w+1day .09.09.20 . ? , . .. .... . 10 .. . , , , ,, +, . . . , . . .... . 9 . ..... . . ' ' ^^.... ^^* 2,3 .... .... ? 2.3 , , . , , ~~ . . .. 10 . . ^^...... . I was 100% healthy before pregnancy, but now my wrist, back, skin, head, is painful. these are the main reason I was depressed. I have many nice ppl around me here, in AUSTRALIA, but emptiness of Family is big thing to me. This is the reason my whole pregnancy wasn't easy. . The birth system in Korea is way easier than AUSTRALIA, but it cost $. I was disappointed a lot that I can't do few things on my birth in AUSTRALIA, but I totally understand. . My whole emotions of pregnancy was like a roller-coaster. very happy, excited when I found out pregnancy. Depressed during morning sickness, Happy again when sickness disappeared, Anxious, excited when birth is getting close, exhausted, Depressed having uncomfortable body,soreness everywhere. . There is new rule to Dean, @wake_kei Dean Can't talk about Second child unless I mention first But definitely i will have a second or third child. Just not ready NO READY yet. I am not that generous person to be pregnant or making new life as accepting all these soreness. But I love babies and making happy family. . Counting PLUS now. up to 10 days! 40+10 days - I plan to get induction. . . ###40#40weekspregnant See more

15.01.2022 # #lilyluv . @lily_mcpherson . ( ) ~~... . ! . .... ...... .. 4-5 10 ... . . .. .... . . #1 # See more

12.01.2022 . , . " ?" , , "?" .... .. .. .. ..... . ,, ... . #38 #38weekspregnant #11!!!! See more

10.01.2022 41w .15.09.20 . , . (41) .. . .... . 5 ... ~~ .... , . . , . ... .. . ! ... See more

09.01.2022 #Repost @wake_kei (@get_repost) On the night shift #dad

09.01.2022 #gymwhenbabysleeps . Now, try to come at night time when baby goes Long night sleep I Don't like to rush or set time limit on my gym session. it becomes stressful. Although I get 3-4 hrs sleep agter gym, I am happy to have my freedom ... . Even Just 30mins cardio will make my feel so much great. . . . . . . . 3-4 . , 30 . . . . . # # # #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnesslife #fitchick #fitmom #fitmother #fitmotherhood #postpartumfitness #postpartum #postpartumjourney #postpartumhealth #postpartumbody #weighttraining #weightlifting #gctraining #gcfitness #gcgroupclass #gcdiet #gpersonaltraining See more

07.01.2022 18.09.2020 @lily_mcpherson

07.01.2022 38w.24.08.20 . -37 .. ( ^^ .. ) - , ...... - ? - ~ - 2 .. ... - - - .. , ^^* See more

06.01.2022 #gymwhenbabysleeps . Stair master, Stepper . . . ... . I am seeing my glutes pumping again these days. I do Cardio as using Glutes. Yahoo . #deltoidexercises #shoulderworkout #gcfitness #gcgroupclass #gcgym #gcdiet #gctraining # # # See more

02.01.2022 #postpartum +1m14days . ... ~ ! . . 2 . ? refresh ? . . I love putting extra cardio! love to get sweat I couldn't do much during pregnancy cus of heavy breathing. RIGHT after birth my lower back got weak, but I took my time to get better and it works! Everything takes time. . I am not going crazy to get back to my pre pregnancy body, I have only 2 hours for myself during the day and want to use worthily. I was sad I couldn't do much gym stuff during the pregnancy. Exercise was only thing I do in my life. I feel really refreshed after exercise these days. On the way home after sess, I am very happy to see Lily so excited. . Training with music with 100% on, means still I am me, not Lily's mom. . . . .#deltoidexercises #shoulderworkout #gcfitness #gcgroupclass #gcgym #gcdiet #gctraining # # #

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