Creating Space Natural Therapies in Hawthorndene | Medical and health
Creating Space Natural Therapies
Locality: Hawthorndene
Phone: +61 450 676 990
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24.01.2022 #planterandloft #happyfathersday #familytime #dadlife #Adelaide #family
23.01.2022 The best medicine for kids is to show them unconditional love
23.01.2022 Very moving Our limiting beliefs are often engrained in us just like that by close family members, teachers, TV, friends... One sentence that sticks with us until one day something clicks, our perception changes and we decide to finally honor the beauty we are inside and out.... A powerful reminder that we are never others people opinions of us. Their judgments are the mirror of their own internal fears.
21.01.2022 Hi, I have a last minute reschedule tomorrow at 9am at Integrative Health Solutions so the appointment is now available for grab. Pm me know if you are interested. (Last appointment is a while as im booked out after that and going on leave next friday)
19.01.2022 Message of the day!! Say "yes" if this resonnates with you
19.01.2022 I got a last minute reschedule so this appointment is up for grab if you feel called. . #kinesology #nlp #energymedicine #energyhealing #soundhealing #muscletesting #balance #alignment
18.01.2022 . For what its worth... its never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. Theres no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things youve never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life youre proud of, an...d if youre not, I hope you have the courage to start over again. F.Scott Fitzgerald . #transformation #kinesiology #NLP #coaching #courage #change #feelings #itisnevertoolate #adelaidehills #adelaide #onlinekinesiology #releaseyourfears See more
18.01.2022 ? I have a last minute appointment tomorrow 11am at Integrative Health Solution, PM me if interested.
18.01.2022 Does this feel familiar to you? These are all forms of anxiety. You are not alone.... It does not need to stay like that. Book a free 30min trial: #kinesiology #nlp #selfcare #anxiety #healing #adelaide #onlinekinesiology
17.01.2022 Energy flows where attention goes so focus on what you want, rather than on what you dont want. Get clear and specific on your goals and what you d like to manifest in your life. #goalsetting #nlp #kinesology #manifestation #lawofattraction
16.01.2022 Kinesiology appointments available Friday 15th of August at Integrative Health Solutions. Book online or PM me.Kinesiology appointments available Friday 15th of August at Integrative Health Solutions. Book online or PM me.
16.01.2022 Some wise words...
16.01.2022 Do you find yourself thinking about past or future events too much? Is it hard to get out of your own head? Do you have a tendency to overanalyse everything? . Overthinking involves dwelling on a problem and is often a by product of anxiety and depression.... . It may take many forms, from analysing all possible outcomes or rehearsing the situation in your head to ruminating past events, wondering if how you behaved and what you said was appropriate. It usually involves negative self-talk, "what ifs" or "should have" and mind-read. . In a way your overthinking becomes your protector. It is a way to be prepared and control fear. . Overthinking is highly draining and may prevent you from sleeping too. Sometimes we can get so caught up that we cannot even see what is around us. . The first step to stop overthinking is to realise you are doing it! Say the word "STOP" when catching yourself and bring yourself back to the present moment using your 5 senses (what you can see, feel, hear, taste, smell). . Replace your overthinking with the following affirmations: "It is safe for me to live in the present moment" "I let go of self-defeating thoughts and reclaim my power" "It is safe for me to allow my mind to rest" "My energies are grounded into the energies of the now". . practice cutting the energetic cords with the subject of your overthinking. . Also here are 2 acupoints that a great with clarity of thinking and calming the mind. Hold with the thumb or 2 fingers until a gentle pulse is felt. St8 is also great for frontal headaches. . Since fundamentally overthinking is protecting yourself from other people seeing YOU, if you deal with your vulnerability and underlying fears, there is no more to hide and you can drop overthinking. . #overthinking #stopoverthinking #acupressure #grounding #hereandnow #anxietyrelief #powerofnow #kinesiology # #adelaide #empoweringyou #youareworthit #healingyourself See more
16.01.2022 . Suppressed emotions can lodge anywhere in the body and disrupt the normal flow of energy affecting our physiologic responses. . What are you holding on to? .... Where can you feel it in your body? . #mindbody #mindbodymedicine #energymedicine #kinesology #nlp #healing #traumarelease #suppressedemotions #emotions #adelaide #onlinekinesiology See more
15.01.2022 . Nature is my medicine. . My heart sings everytime Im by the beach or in a forest. .... It really helps me grounding, releasing energies after my healing sessions and changing my own negative thoughts. After one hour, I always feel clearer with new perspectives. . What is your favorite place to recharge? #restoring #rainydays #cyclingintherain #clearing #grounding #energymedicine #belairnationalpark #naturefix #figtree #adelaidehills #adelaide
15.01.2022 . Mind and body are deeply intertwined and connected. Every psychological imbalance has a physical imbalance and vice versa. . The central nervous system and peripheral nervous system are interconnected and encompass the whole body. The brain (being part of the central nervous system) influences the body via hormones, neuropeptides, sends signals to the whole body via the nervous systems and processes the information received from the peripheral nervous (sensory neurons).... . The information received through our 5 senses is constantly filtered through our belief system, values, memories etcthrough these we form an internal representation through pictures, sounds smell, taste and self-talk. . This internal representation puts us into a state of mind. That state of mind is associated to a cascade of nervous response, chemical release, hormones, neuropeptides and so impacts our physiology. . For example, when our internal representation is causing stress we release the chemical associated to a stress response. . In the same way, all emotions have their specific chemical blueprint in our body. . Our state of mind would then have a direct impact on our behaviour: what we say and do and our future experience. . Therefore by exploring your belief system, changing the meaning we associate to events and focusing on releasing emotional stress we can directly impact our body. . This especially applies to chronic conditions or pain felt even when no physical issues can be detected. . By learning the language of symptoms and illness we can discover what is being repressed or ignored in our psyche and emotions, and how this is influencing our well-being. . Some example: Lower back pain might mean youre lacking in emotional support or that you are worrying about money and how to support yourself financially. . There are many books on mind-body interpretation and even if sometimes their interpretation differs, they all offer a good starting point for deeper understanding of the root causes of our imbalances. . #mindbodyconnection #healing #NLP #kinesiology #transformation #releasingstress #creatingspacetherapies #mindset #values #limitingbeliefs #emotionalbalancing #stress See more
14.01.2022 From 0 to 7yo, whatever a child hears, sees, feels goes directly into their subconscious mind without analysis, and is accepted as fact. During these years, our children will spend most of their time in Alpha and Theta brainwave cycles, which is the same state that a person is in, when they are in hypnosis or meditation. This states bypass their critical thinking. This is why positive reinforcement at that age is so important. #consciousparenting #nlpcoach #adelaide #kinesiologyforkids #adelaidehills #raisingempoweredkids
14.01.2022 . . #mirroring #unconsciousmind #kinesology #nlp #healingyoursoul #selflove #selfdevelopment #knowyourself #energyhealing #energymedicine
14.01.2022 . We attract in our life people and relationships that instigate and perpetuate the emotional dynamic that is already within ourselves. . Observe a relationship that is currently causing you some issues from a 3rd person point of view, someone neutral...observe tbe dynamic in this relationship. .... What can you see? What emotions are present? . Does it remind you of a past experience? . What can you learn? #lawofattraction #mirroring #selfdiscovery #shadowwork #lifelessons #souljourney #NLP #observing #perspective Image from #realfunwow
14.01.2022 Not to mention impact of processed sugar on child behaviour. Time to descrease your sugar intake? Start by removing sugar in teas, coffees, cutting on sweets (better not to buy them anymore so you wont feel tempted).... It will feel different at first but once you get used to a low sugar diet you will find that you dont enjoy sweets as much anymore. It is all about recreating new habits for yourselves and your kids. This does not include all those beautiful fruit that mother nature has made naturally for us which are highly beneficial for our health.
13.01.2022 Join me for a group healing focused on the energies of the sacral chakra. Hope to see you there
13.01.2022 When is the last time you focused on YOU. Time to brush some negativity off your shoulder? I have an appointment that opened up this friday at 9am at Integrative Health Solutions...please PM or book online if interested
10.01.2022 I just got back from holiday and as usual Im full of new ideas and intentions after a break. Tonight I tried to cook falafel for the first time. Im mostly pescatarian these days and Im always on the look out for new recipes.... Im actually very proud of them as they turned out delicious. It is a great dish full of proteins great to regulate the moods of our little ones (help with the sugar cravings) and is quite filling. So a good option for the kids lunchbox. Im happy to share the recipe if interested and please share your favorite veggie dish #nutritious #naturaltherapies #proteinfood #falafelrecipe #kidslunchbox
10.01.2022 The next added 6 weeks are going to be the killer. 100 people in the first lockdown committed suicide in the first week alone. That was only in Victoria too. The mental health issues related to lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. The wonderful charity MIND have a 24 hour helpline for carers: 1300 554 660 If you want to speak to someone Beyond Blue offer wonderful support: 1300 22 4636... As do Lifeline: 13 11 14 Please share to your page. See more
08.01.2022 #HappyFathersDay To all caring, loving, supportive fathers out there!!
08.01.2022 One of the fundamental principles of kinesiology is that the body has natural healing abilities that is always trying its best to take care of itself. Sometimes that healing energy can become blocked or trapped and it needs to be helped. Kinesiology allows the body to bypass the conscious thinking processes and allows your body to do the talking so that you can uncover and clear what causes "stress" and restore its natural healing abilities.... #kinesiology #naturaltherapies #energyhealing #energymedicine #nlp #mindbodymedicine
06.01.2022 Appointments available tomorrow at Integrative Health SolutionsAppointments available tomorrow at Integrative Health Solutions
06.01.2022 95 percent of your life is dictated from your subconscious programs. Your life is a printout of your subconscious programs. If you want change in your life, you first need to be aware of your programming. Kinesiology uses a natural biofeedback mechanism, muscle monitoring to access information from your subconscious. Once up to the surface you can instill more empowering and supporting ones.... #kinesiology #beliefsystem #subconscious #beliefwork #adelaidehills #nlpcoach #adelaide
06.01.2022 . I have been guided lately to further explore, follow and embrace all my quirks. . Conformism is a slow death of self. .... Embrace your true self . If you are on that path, i hear you #authenticity #shineyourlight #raiseabove #raiseyourvibration #embraceyourquirkyside #embraceyourquirks
06.01.2022 Time to rest and recharge... . From my family to yours. . See you soon in clinic.... #rainydays #mermaidbeach #familytime #holidays #rainbow #queensland #restoring #recharge #break
06.01.2022 . Your body never lies. . It stores all of your emotions and will usually showcase them center stage without your consent. .... If you want to deal with whats going on in the mind you have to look at the body. . #kinesology #mindbody #mindbodymedicine #interconnected #muscletesting #biofeedback #subconsciousaccess See more
05.01.2022 Response versus reaction... You know you are on the right track when things that use to trigger you no longer do or you are able to distance yourself from them and adopt a new behaviour. #healingjourneys #kinesology #kinesiologyforkids #onlinekinesiology #adelaide #growth #selfdiscovery #healing #lettinggo
05.01.2022 Less than 2 weeks to go, register now ! (lots of info and processes packed in an hour)
04.01.2022 After the octonauts obsession we are entering a pjmask era...building our own toys. What are you up to with your kids today?
03.01.2022 When is the last time you felt balanced? Kinesiolgy appointment this friday 10am at Integrative Health Solution. PM me for bookings.
02.01.2022 Autobiography in Five Short Chapter . "I I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk... I fall in. I am lost ... I am helpless. It isnt my fault. It takes me forever to find a way out. . II I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I dont see it. I fall in again. I cant believe I am in the same place but, it isnt my fault. It still takes a long time to get out. . III I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in ... its a habit. my eyes are open I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. . IV I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. . V I walk down another street." By Portia Nelson . This is a beautiful metaphor of ones journey of awakening and transformation... . Most people live in chapter 2, awareness is the first step toward change. . Which chapter are you currently in? Are you ready to change this? #awakening #transformation #habits #kinesiology #survivalstate #nlp #adelaide #healing #awareness #traumarelease #muscletesting #coaching #selfconfidence #selfdevelopment
02.01.2022 You are the only one attaching the meaning... Big Adelaide.
02.01.2022 It has been a bit of an unsettling week for people in SA and I have felt myself not very grounded through the various announcements. What always gets me is seeing the worse behaviours in our community, people quick to judge, name calling, the panic buying all led by fear...fortunately it is not everyone. Lockdowns can bring a sense that we are not in control of what is happening around us and feelings of powerlessness. Whenever I feel like this I go . ... More than ever having a daily routine of checking in, , connecting with our body is essential. Most of yoga studios have gone online which is great and a way to support our local community. My favorite resource at the moment is it offers high quality videos and various of times and styles of yoga, meditation, pilates etc.. The app has guided meditation some are free. There are varieties of out there and a leader in the field is Wim Hof: Going within helps us feeling calm, grounded, more in tune with ourselves and move into our heart space. When we connect with our heart, we are more connected to our true essence and our purpose. : Find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes. Take 1 long deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat 2 more times. Shift your focus from your head to the physical center of your heart and start sending your breath in your heart space. Rest your attention on your heart area and see what you discover there. Try to see, hear, and feel from your heart. When thoughts and emotions pull you away, just bring your energy back to your heart. You can hold the acupoint () at the center of your chest. It is a great mind-body balancing point that assist with stress and anxiety. It helps opening the chest. Hold with 2 fingers or the thumb until a release is felt (gentle pulse, sigh, yawn). Don't hesitate to reach out if you are concerned about your inner state.
02.01.2022 . To all the beautiful soul I get to work with . Forever grateful for the work I get to do .... #empoweringyou #riseup #kinesology #transformation #transformationalcoach #nlp #shadowwork #adelaide #adelaidehills #rise #lightworker #empoweryourself See more
01.01.2022 Date locked in! This session is limited to 10 people so that it can be more interactive. If you are interested but this date is not suitable please contact me: [email protected], I may open an evening time too.
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