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AKB Creations

Phone: +61 430 720 178


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25.01.2022 White and LimeGreen Theme Baby Shower Decoration Thanks Kinjal & Ankit to choose AKB Creations #AandKbaby #contactBijalPatel #KirtBijal #eventdecorataffordablecost #welcometotheworld #BABY #madetoorderBalloonGarland #pleasecommentifyoulikeit

25.01.2022 Thanks Riteshbhai and Monabhabhi to choose AKB Creations for Shivays 1st Birthday Decor #birthdaydecorofshivay. #firstbirthday #AKBcreations#contactBijal Patel... #kirtybijal #thankyoufriendsforsupport See more

24.01.2022 Thank you Kaushal Patel and Family to choose AKB Creations for 5th year of little Princess "PEARL" Birthday Decoration at Crocks Play centre Jandakot. #happybirthdayPEARL #AKBCreations #ContactBijalPatel #KirtBijal #thankyoufriendsforsupport

22.01.2022 Thank you Swan Indian Community Group for an opportunity to decor MATAJI backdrop #HappyNavratri #AKBcreations #pujaeventdecor #JayMataji #SICG #lovedoingit #uniqueideas #babyshowerandbirthdaydecor #contactBijalPatel #KirtBijal

21.01.2022 Thanks Kavita for choosing AKB Creations to decor 1st Year Advikas Birthday Celebration. #adorablerincess #unicorntheme #akbcreations #lovecreatingpartytheme #contactBijalPatel #KirtBijal #thanksKunjalShahforreference

20.01.2022 One more Baby Shower Decoration by AKB Creations Thank you Patel Family and Bee Events for an Opportunity #akbcreations #babyshowerdecor #beautifulflowersforcakesmash #birthdayeventsdecor #cakesmashdecor #balloonpillars #anythemedecor #uniqueideas #bijalpatel211 #KirtBijal

19.01.2022 Thank you Dimple & Chintanbhai for choosing AKB CREATIONS to Decor Baby Shower Celebration #AKBCreations #BijalPatel #KirtBijal #PinkandBlueTheme

19.01.2022 Photobooth backdrop at @Maniyaro 2019 Raas Garba by Praful & Ishani Dave organised by Radhe Events (@Kunjal Shah) in collaboration with @BeeEvents #Radheevents #PrafulandIshanigarba #BeeEvents #photoboothbackdrop #janmasthami #janmasthami2019 #garba2019 #creative #creativebackdrop #customisedecoration #eventdecorations #affordableprice #AKBCreations #decorbybijalpatel @Bijal Patel @kirtbijal #contactAKBCreationsforcustomiseddecorations #decorationsforyoureventtomakeitbeautiful

18.01.2022 Ganesha Backdrop created by AKB Creations for Ganesh Chaturthi 2019 Thank you Bansari for an opportunity #believeinganesha #akbcreation #decorforpujas #lovedoingit #contactBijalPatel #kirtbijal #ShreeGaneshayNamah

18.01.2022 One more AKB Creation of Construction Theme photoshoot backdrop for little champs 1 year Shivay and 3.8 year Kenil Thank you Ritesh Patel and Mona Patel for giving us an opportunity. #akbcreations #BijalPatel #KirtBijal #uniquephotoshootbackdrop #proudparentsriteshandmona #cutebrothers #contactbijalpatelforcreativephotoshootideas

15.01.2022 Thank you Kim Salapang to Choose AKB Creations for her Dads 50th Birthday Decoration .#akbceations #happy50thbirthday #uniquebirthdaydecor #BijalPatel #KirtBijal #lovedecorating #razsalapang #kimsalapang #halfcenturyyoungdude #customizeanytheme #contactBijalformoreinfo

15.01.2022 Micky Mouse Theme

15.01.2022 The Golden Chariot - Indian Restaurant Last Saturday with Ritesh Patel Mona Ritesh Patel Bijal Patel Kirt Bijal #Haapy1stBirthdaySHIVAY

12.01.2022 Thank you Dimple & Chintanbhai for choosing AKB CREATIONS to Decor Baby Shower Celebration #AKBCreations #BijalPatel #KirtBijal #PinkandBlueTheme

11.01.2022 Baby shower decorations for Patel Family.. Wish you all the best for the new beginning... #babyshower #babyshowerdecor #babyshowerdecorations #eventdecorations #eventdecor #blackredgoldentheme #soontobe3 #adventureisabouttobegin #creative #creativebackdrop #customisedecoration #affordableprice #AKBCreations @AKB Creations #decorbybijalpatel @BijalPatel @kirtybijal #contactAKBCreationsforcustomiseddecorations #decorationsforyoureventtomakeitbeautiful #darch #perth #westernaustralia #australia

10.01.2022 Thanks Riteshbhai and Monabhabhi to choose AKB Creations for Shivay's 1st Birthday Decor #birthdaydecorofshivay. #firstbirthday #AKBcreations#contactBijal Patel... #kirtybijal #thankyoufriendsforsupport See more

10.01.2022 Baby shower decorations for Patel Family (@Monali Birju Patel & @Birju Patel) in collaboration with BeeEvents. All the best Patel Family for the new beginning... #babyshower #babyshowerdecor #babyshowerdecorations #eventdecorations #eventdecor #yellowgreytheme #babyelephant #motherandfathertobe #littlebundleofjoyontheway #adventureisabouttobegin #decorbybijalpatel AKB Creations #AKBCreations #contactAKBCreationsforcustomiseddecorations #customisedecoration #beautifuldecor #beautifuldecorationstomakeyoureventmorebeautiful #decorationsataffordableprice

09.01.2022 AKB Creations Team on Holiday from 23rd Nov to 25th Dec Sorry for any inconveniences Thanks for supportAKB Creations Team on Holiday from 23rd Nov to 25th Dec Sorry for any inconveniences Thanks for support

08.01.2022 White and LimeGreen Theme Baby Shower Decoration Thanks Kinjal & Ankit to choose AKB Creations #AandKbaby #contactBijalPatel #KirtBijal #eventdecorataffordablecost #welcometotheworld #BABY #madetoorderBalloonGarland #pleasecommentifyoulikeit

07.01.2022 Thanks Riteshbhai and Monabhabhi to choose AKB Creations for Shivay's 1st Birthday Decor #birthdaydecorofshivay. #firstbirthday #AKBcreations#contactBijal Patel... #kirtybijal #thankyoufriendsforsupport See more

07.01.2022 Thanks Megha & Kuldeep to choose AKB Creations for ABHI’s 2nd Birthday Celebration #babysharktheme #doodoodoo

04.01.2022 AKB Creations Team on Holiday from 23rd Nov to 25th Dec Sorry for any inconveniences Thanks for supportAKB Creations Team on Holiday from 23rd Nov to 25th Dec Sorry for any inconveniences Thanks for support

03.01.2022 AKB Creations First Backdrop for the Beautiful Little #akbcreations #backdropdecor #handmadeflowers #skphotografy... #uniquedecorideas #cakemashphotographer #jointventure AKB Creations & SK Photografy #formoreinfoPMonBijalPatel See more

03.01.2022 Cake smash of 6 months old little princess "Aahna" Backdrop by #AKBCreations #BijalPatel #KirtBijal #handmadeflowers #affordablepricedecor #creativeideas #birthdayeventdecor #uniquebabyshowerdecor #contactAKBCreations & Photography by #skphotografy #KartikSuthar #StutiTrivedi

02.01.2022 Thank you Kim Salapang to Choose AKB Creations for her Dad's 50th Birthday Decoration .#akbceations #happy50thbirthday #uniquebirthdaydecor #BijalPatel #KirtBijal #lovedecorating #razsalapang #kimsalapang #halfcenturyyoungdude #customizeanytheme #contactBijalformoreinfo

02.01.2022 Thanks Kavita for choosing AKB Creations to decor 1st Year Advika's Birthday Celebration. #adorablerincess #unicorntheme #akbcreations #lovecreatingpartytheme #contactBijalPatel #KirtBijal #thanksKunjalShahforreference

01.01.2022 Hot Air Balloon Baby Shower Theme decor by AKB CREATIONS

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