Creative Balance Healing in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Creative Balance Healing
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 488 880 077
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25.01.2022 The therapy room... the power of healing, transformation & neurological change. ..... #transformation, #traumaremoval, #thewellbeingpractice, #thewellbeingpracticecanhelp, #hallyrhiannonnammu, #therapy, #healing
25.01.2022 Late night distant healings done. The quiet of this time & the dimensional veils make it better to connect.Late night distant healings done. The quiet of this time & the dimensional veils make it better to connect.
25.01.2022 Have a read "Possessions & Mental Health"
24.01.2022 Been working on a super-secret "New Project" one that's close to my heart & something that's got me truly excited PM me...Been working on a super-secret "New Project" one that's close to my heart & something that's got me truly excited PM me...
23.01.2022 "The essence of the elusive Twin Flame starts within. Understand, heal & connect here to create the vibration to align to your Twin Flame... Refrain from the gossip of limitations, trust and be..." What are your thoughts on this????
23.01.2022 Spirituality isnt about religion, its being aligned & connected to you & all there is in synergy. But it starts with you...Spirituality isnt about religion, its being aligned & connected to you & all there is in synergy. But it starts with you...
22.01.2022 There are many, many!!! essential oil companies out there & Ive tried most of them. They promise a lot & deliver so much less. The reason I like DoTerra is no...t for the marketing rather for the oils, the vibration of the oils & most importantly, they work. The Lavender will heal a burn, the others that I tried didnt. Now - I prefer my own blends except for these 3. The clary calm helps with endometriosis pain, the ice blue (prefer the cream), has saved my ankles countless of times from sprains & lavender peace - I simply like. When looking for an essential oil, look for what works & feel right. Our vibration is constantly changing so having oils that align to this is important. Forget the marketing & trust you. ...... #trustyou, #changingvibrations, #forgethype, #whatworks, #essentialoils, #aromatherapy, #hallythearomatherapist, #thewellbeingpractice
22.01.2022 NARCISSIST RECOVERY THERAPY As many are aware, I specialise in Narcissist Recovery Therapy. Having experienced the trauma of this throughout my life, I decided... to research this at length to now use what Ive learned, overcome & added to my attributes as a therapist, to help people like you. I run the group "Reclaim Your Power from Narcissists" & have 2 incredible programs I have developed irrelevant of what stage youre at. I am also in the process of developing 2 more powerful tools to help with this increasing epidemic! Awareness is great to have however, knowing what to do next is where I come in. Contact me to chat about how to reclaim you, find your purpose & look forward to feeling that sensation of a free, happy smile again.
21.01.2022 Dont get caught up in the jargon or hype; the best only comes in 1 form - authentic, with integrity & talent. Hence CBH... Dont get caught up in the jargon or hype; the best only comes in 1 form - authentic, with integrity & talent. Hence CBH...
21.01.2022 Families come in many shapes & sizes. Some are blood related & others arent. Whatever they are for you ensure theyre right for you - this includes love, fun, connection & loyalty... . Knowing a lot of people isnt connecting. Having value in the heart is. Thats what matters the most. Its never about how many but the ones that are there. ..... #family, #connection, #unconditionallove, #thewellbeingpractice, #hallyrhiannonnammu, #value See more
21.01.2022 Many are told that hearing voices & psychosis is purely a mental health issue. Now, what if it isnt? . What if it is purely metaphysical & you dont have a me...ntal health issue at all? . I have dealt with hundreds of cases similar to this & about 90% werent mental health in their cause. And yes, most are demons or a form of parasitic spirits. . What difference does this make to your own sanity, interpretation & attitude to know that this can be healed, removed, resolved without ending up in a straight jacket? ...... #posessionremoval, #notinsane, #awayout, #thewellbeingpracticecanhelp, #hallycanhelp, #hallytheshaman, #mentalhealth, #hearingvoices See more
20.01.2022 What will you choose...
20.01.2022 THE THING ABOUT POSSESSIONS... There are many possessions at the moment however, the complexity of them is that where they once where simple minions misbehaving, they have become considerably more layered & not all originating from the same dimension. Possession can entail base of neck sensitivity, ear & eye issues, feeling like there's a gentle breeze to one side of the head, incessant contradiction in thoughts, stomach sensitivity, nerve sensitivity, as well as mood swings ...& energy fluctuations to mention a few. A lot of cases can be defined as "hearing voices" however, possession is not a mental condition, it is a full body violation. While all possessions can be removed they cannot be done through exorcisms or simple healing. The complex cases can take a few months if following the process to the letter. But you will be free permanently. This process is dangerous & not easy. Fortunately I know how to help. So, during this trying time check in with yourself, make sure you're ok & if you feel that you have unwelcome attachments contact me - [email protected]. Stay safe, stay strong & know, your mind, body & soul is yours & yours alone!!
20.01.2022 As my essential oil collection grows so too do my blends. While I am a big fan of the Lavender Peace (previously Serentity) blend, I usually make my own. For a ..."Feel Good" try one of mine: Bergamot, Lavender & Patchouli. .... #essentialoils, #hallysblends, #collection, #aromatherapy, #hallythearomatherapist, #thewellbeingpracticecanhelp, #thewellbeingpractice See more
19.01.2022 The reason why demons, ghosts, spirits, entities, etc dont like it when Im on the job - they get very scared... #paranormal, #respect, #scared, #banish, #creativebalancehealing
19.01.2022 Need to Chat? This week I will be running an Online Chat Group. Will be on from 1pm Friday. Look forward to chatting with you
19.01.2022 A reminder that the FIRST Online Support Group is THIS Friday 5th at 12pm. Be sure to secure your place! . #gethelpnow, #somethingdifferent, #helpthatworks, #thewellbeingpracticecanhelp, #thewellbeingpractice
17.01.2022 With all the darkness, negativity, demons, ghosts, etc; you always have a choice to heal, but when will you choose you & get help?With all the darkness, negativity, demons, ghosts, etc; you always have a choice to heal, but when will you choose you & get help?
14.01.2022 Consider the Light in the Dark... There's light and then there's light. There's dark and then there's dark. Light can convert dark as dark can convert light. T...he difference is the vibration, the frequency to create the change. Only the absolute light doesn't ever actually change. Dark always changes. When light is love and dark is evil, notice the delusion of light in those that pretend to exist in light and those that are light subjected to the pain of dark, yet, their purity, their brilliance of unconditional light never waivers. This is our world. Notice which surrounds you.
13.01.2022 Families come in many shapes & sizes. Some are blood related & others aren't. Whatever they are for you ensure they're right for you - this includes love, fun, connection & loyalty... . Knowing a lot of people isn't connecting. Having value in the heart is. That's what matters the most. It's never about how many but the ones that are there. ..... #family, #connection, #unconditionallove, #thewellbeingpractice, #hallyrhiannonnammu, #value See more
13.01.2022 Going Through A Rebirth? Highly unlikely. Behavioral transformation, energy shifts, coming into gifts are not part of a rebirth. These are rare. Most experience energy i.e. vibrational shifts which cause sensitivity, often specific to certain senses which can last a couple of days to a couple of months. ... A rebirth only occurs when the old parts (often highly traumatic) that have been dealt with must be released to move & align to self. Most dont require this. A rebirth can take 12 months to a number of years. It usually entails serious illness, pain & eventually extreme awakening. Only an older soul can cope with this intensity. Be grateful for a transformation, for an energy shift or your gifts reaching your conscious awareness. Do not wish for a rebirth as they are not easy, pleasant & as such, not for everyone. Honor your path for what it is. It will be exactly what it needs to be for you. xx
13.01.2022 Hearing voices? 9/10 this is metaphysical not psychological. Finished helping another case find peace. Need help?Hearing voices? 9/10 this is metaphysical not psychological. Finished helping another case find peace. Need help?
12.01.2022 All medicines used today are based & taken from herbs. Allopathic medicine was also based on homeopathy. Yet, its suggested that there is no proof. Id say a b...illion dollar industry suggests otherwise. But natural would cut into this given it has no side effects & would actually fix the problem... . . . #herbswork, #traditionalisherbs, #nosideeffects, #thetruth, #thinkagain, #thewellbeingpracticecanhelp, #thewellbeingpractice See more
11.01.2022 Whatever metaphysical situation you have it can ALWAYS be reversed. BUT it wont take five mins... In the past couple months I have come across a couple that have incredibly dire situations & yet refused help, however still wanted me to assist against their freewill. Freewill is the one variable of the universe & because I work in light I will never force any healing, exorcism, clearing, etc on anyone without their spiritual commitment. ... I have brought back many souls thought lost to the myriad of versions to hell but only because they "wanted" to. No matter how weird, out there, complicated, dark, evil, etc - If you want help & will commit to you then I can bring you complete peace & balance. You simply must want to... the fine line to how energy in light works. PM Me if you want to talk about your situation.
11.01.2022 There is a lot of combined energetic anxiety in the air right now. Whether it's from TV, social media, supermarkets, etc, so be sure to check in what is yours &... what is something you have picked up. A simple trick I devised, as sage isn't my go to for anything serious, is to place your hands on a salt lamp, take 3 deep breaths & release all the energy that is not yours. Excellent for cleansing & grounding. Do this every time you come home or after being online too long. Stay safe, stay you & remain connected to what's important, not what's noise. #anxiety, #thewellbeingpractice, #stayconnectedsafely
10.01.2022 Over feeling trapped in Narcissist Prison? PM Me on the two programs I have developed especially to help you...Over feeling trapped in Narcissist Prison? PM Me on the two programs I have developed especially to help you...
09.01.2022 What will you choose????
08.01.2022 Wishing everyone an incredible Xmas... Also wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of my incredible clients for taking their important transformational journey with me. Always an honour & a privilege. xx #xmas, #clientsrock, #thankful, #festivewish, #thewellbeingpractice
07.01.2022 How much fun & joy do you have in your day? How often do you listen to the whispers of your soul? When will you let yourself shine? . We create limits, pressure...s, expectations on ourselves yet forget & overlook that this life is ours, not anyone elses. Do what makes you happy & live freely. ...... #free, #tired, #soul, #listening, #fun, #thewellbeingpracticecanhelp, #expectations, #expression, #lovefreely, #hallyrhiannonnammu See more
07.01.2022 An interesting time with energies & those caught in dark forces. Do not succumb to the lure of aggression, find the hope in light.An interesting time with energies & those caught in dark forces. Do not succumb to the lure of aggression, find the hope in light.
07.01.2022 I was thinking today-"Some Actions Are Not Lessons" Many have the belief that anything bad that happens is for a lesson or to teach us something. This however i...s not always the case. Sometimes the person, the situation just sucks! Sometimes it is simply wrong. Sometimes there is no lesson or reason other than theyre horrible. This is because free will is a variable. It will be as it chooses & this means being able do some exceptionally deplorable things to others. It could be drilled down into universal purpose but really, there is no lesson. There are some things that happen which are & always will be unforgivable. This is ok. The important part - always forgive yourself. The other is optional. There is a great sense of relief in this because its honest. ..... #honesty, #bereal, #forgiveyourself, #notalwaystrue, #somesuck, #freewill, #thewellbeingpractice, #hallyrhiannonnammu, #narcissists
07.01.2022 Details of whats going on...
06.01.2022 Crystals are one of the most under used tools available in healing. I have found many ways where they can do things Drs cant even work out... Recently I gave a... crystal to a client, with a problem no one could solve, with specific instructions. Now a few weeks later theyre completely healed. Funny that... #crystalswork, #morethanrock, #healingpower, #mysecrettools, #lovecrystals, #thewellbeingpractice See more
06.01.2022 There is a lot of combined energetic anxiety in the air right now. Whether its from TV, social media, supermarkets, etc, so be sure to check in what is yours &... what is something you have picked up. A simple trick I devised, as sage isnt my go to for anything serious, is to place your hands on a salt lamp, take 3 deep breaths & release all the energy that is not yours. Excellent for cleansing & grounding. Do this every time you come home or after being online too long. Stay safe, stay you & remain connected to whats important, not whats noise. #anxiety, #thewellbeingpractice, #stayconnectedsafely
06.01.2022 Been working on a super-secret "New Project" one thats close to my heart & something thats got me truly excited PM me...Been working on a super-secret "New Project" one thats close to my heart & something thats got me truly excited PM me...
05.01.2022 A testimonial I recently received: Hally is a major godsend. Someone put a spell and entity on my boyfriend and me. After a desperate cry to the universe for help, I found Hally and it was a huge blessing. Hally diagnosed the problem right away and offered a solution I jumped onboard with. After two months of working with her, the spell and entity were successfully removed and I am so thankful! Hally is expertly skilled, as well as trustworthy, honest, compassionate, encoura...ging, knowledgable, warm, giving, patient, supportive, and filled with integrity. She is like a great friend, spiritual surgeon, compassionate helper, and expert guide rolled into one. I couldnt have asked for a more perfect healer to walk into my life. Hally held my hand throughout the whole process which made it a lot less scary and even fascinating. I absolutely trust her and appreciate all the time and effort she provided to take care of me and my boyfriend. I feel safer in the world knowing Hally is here to help us protect ourselves and release any kind of darkness we might encounter. She has taught me so much about how energy works and helped me transform what felt like a negative situation into a positive learning experienceand one Ill always remember. Thank you so much, Hally. You are truly a blessing in the world and I cant thank you enough! Ana C.
04.01.2022 The webinar is fast approaching - it is NEXT WEEK!! This is the first part of an amazing journey into reclaiming your power & will be followed by an online workshop not long after to give you some excellent tools. I will talk about this more in the webinar. And there will be more after this. Super exciting!! ... I will post the webinar link this week to make it easier to register. I know theres been an issue with the event link & hope no one misses out because of this. Feel free to PM me with any questions or if you have trouble registering. xx
03.01.2022 The new website is underway... going to be awesome! Stay tuned The new website is underway... going to be awesome! Stay tuned
03.01.2022 The WellBeing Practice will be closed from 24th December until 6th January. Thanking everyone for an incredible year of transformations & life changing tra...nsitions. It has, as always, been an absolute honour to be part of your journey. Heres to a new year of putting all that work into dreams that are your reality! And for those we look forward to helping. Have an excellent Festive Season from the WellBeing Practice team.
02.01.2022 My gorgeous cards used in readings - by phone, skype or in person. Need some help before Xmas arrives?
02.01.2022 Aromatherapy has the power to heal, invigorate & improve life. Why not give it a go? Feel free to ask me. I am an Aromatherapist after all.
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