Creative Kids Clontarf | Businesses
Creative Kids Clontarf
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25.01.2022 Dont forget your pjs tomorrow.
25.01.2022 Don’t forget dress-up day tomorrow!
24.01.2022 You may remember earlier in the year our Sustainability Officer, Raea made the front garden her project. Unfortunately we had a few set backs over the last few months but now we are ready to go! Today some of the Big Kids children helped Raea plant a beautiful mix of flowers, veggies and herbs. We are so excited to watch our garden grow and see the children learn as they care for it. ~There are many benefits to participating in nature play as a child, which also resonate into... adulthood. Such outcomes from nature play include achievement, innovation, creativity, positive relationship development, skill development, self-awareness directly related to employability skills planning, organising, decision making, innovation, problem solving, communication and working with others. The connection between these skills and the skills that will contribute to success later in life are clear to see. ~ Nature Play Qld. See more
24.01.2022 Redcliffe Care Networks food drive Wow! What an incredible effort the Creative Kids families have donated all of this to support people in need this Christmas. A huge thank-you to Michelle who organised the drive and donated these items today on her lunch break! What an amazing gesture that we appreciate so much.
24.01.2022 Tomorrow is Early Childhood Educators day - a very special day for our amazing educators and a time for us to celebrate the incredible work they do. We have had to change our celebration plans a little this year, and are holding our awards evening on Saturday night. There is still time if you want to add a little note to add to our display for Saturday night. We have copies of the Educator Day tags near the Kiosks. Thank you to all of the children and families who have written such beautiful messages - these will take pride of place on Saturday night.
23.01.2022 #InThisTogether Watch our Creative Kids children perform their Acknowledgement of Country as part of National Reconciliation Week 2020. Creative Kids would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Land on which we stand. We acknowledge the Gubbi Gubbi people and pay our respects to Elders past and present.
23.01.2022 If you would like to watch the Kindergarten graduation on livestream, you can catch it at The stream will go live at 6.45 with the ceremony to start at 7pm.
23.01.2022 A recent fire in King Street has brought up lots of discussions on what to do if we are in a house fire. Some children weren’t sure what they should do. Regina has come up with a plan to support the children to feel confident in their fire safety knowledge and what they need to do, should they ever need it.... But, we need YOUR help. If your child attends the Outside of hours school care, these little packets will be in an envelope. Ready to go home, be discussed and filled out. We hope these little packets will help everyone feel safe, in case they ever need it.
23.01.2022 Once again, our fantastic OSHC Coordinator Regina has made it her mission for Creative Kids to win the Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Recycling Competition! This year, their display focuses on the future of our environment for our children. On the left you will see a visual representation of our world now along with a recycling box that indicates how we have achieved this beautiful environment. On the right, is another visual representation of how our world may look in 2040... if we don’t recycle or care for our environment in every way possible. Also on this right side, you will see a few green leaves hanging from the bare tree. These are names of families who have already pledged to make a start and create a better future for our children. We are encouraging all of our families to make this pledge, please write your name on a piece of green paper available at both the LDC and OSHC sign-in areas and attach it to the display in OSHC. Let’s make a change together for our children’s future!
23.01.2022 Lexi visits Creative Kids Today Lexi, Chloe’s dog helped Maria in the office today. She gave cuddles, greeted staff and wagged her little tail in excitement. Feel free to come to the office and say Hi!
23.01.2022 Creative Kids have been gathering as much information as we can around the Traditional owners of our Land in order to create a personalised, meaningful Acknowledgment of Country to be permanently displayed in our Service. We have found a small amount of information, however a lot of what is published online we have found to be contradictory and we are hesitant to include anything that may not be entirely true. So, we are asking for your help. The whiteboard is on display in the hallway and we would love your input with any information or local contacts that you may have. There is also a space for you to write what you love most about the Peninsula. We are excited to work together on this important project
22.01.2022 Because Im not emotional enough. Some more families have been added to my naughty list. Thank you so much.
22.01.2022 Thank you to our beautiful community. Here’s some of the delicious dinners prepared for the Symons family. Using the vouchers donated to source ingredients, Matt (Ella & Leo’s Dad) has created some very delicious meal packs for the Symons family. Special mention goes to the Scarlett May foundation for providing the containers and allowing us to use their freezer and also the students at The Institute of Culinary Excellence for preparing the meals. This is why we love our village
22.01.2022 Today marks Shays last day before she starts her maternity leave. We wish Shay and Ty all the best and we cant wait to meet your beautiful baby girl.
22.01.2022 Wunya! (Hello!) Yesterday we were lucky enough to have Christine Stuart from Bulu Yabun come and do a workshop with us. Christine is a traditional owner of the Gubbi Gubbi territory and we asked her to come and speak with us to gain more local knowledge that we can pass onto the children and embed into our educational programs. At the end of the workshop, Christine taught us a song in the Gubbi Gubbi language that we can now teach the children: Warbu, Warbu, Warbu, Warbu (gr...een tree frog) Goong garbble yerramun (likes to sing and dance in the water) Yunga gunga gull (Keep the water clean) Warbu, Warbu, Warbu, Warbu (green tree frog) Goong garbble yawun worai (likes to swim in the water) Yunga gunga gull (Keep the water clean) Listen out for your children using some new words at home!
22.01.2022 Who needs toys when you get a fresh sand delivery!
21.01.2022 #Inthistogether Creative Kids will be sharing and learning all about reconciliation week with our children this week.
21.01.2022 Today we farewelled Courtney as she starts her maternity leave. Courtney is my third staff member having a baby this year with two more to go by the end of the year. . We wish her all the very best and we can’t wait to meet her bundle of joy at the end of the month.
21.01.2022 This week is National Child Protection Week, with the theme of "Putting Children First". Our Creative Kids community is invited to look at how they can prioritise children in their lives and communities and to engage in National Child Protection Week as individuals, and as part of families, organisations, communities and society. Putting children first means prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children. To grow up well children need to feel safe and loved, have a cha...nce to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare. For children to thrive we need to come together as a community and put childrens needs first during National Child Protection Week and every week. Our Educators and Staff this week have also reaffirmed their commitment to play our part in valuing and caring for children to help them to reach their full potential #playyourpart #ncpw
20.01.2022 Back to school today! Don’t forget to add your first day of school photos below. We can’t wait to see them all in their uniforms. Best of luck to all of the children on their first day at school.
20.01.2022 Winner of Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Highly commended recycling award Well done to our amazing educators, families and children for helping to create this amazing piece of recycled art, commuting to a more sustainable future and winning........... $500 ... Thank-you to Karl Winchester and Anita Christian from Moreton Bay Regional council for presenting our award and large cheque!
19.01.2022 What a great day to wear our PJ’s.
18.01.2022 Creative Kids will be collecting for The Breakfast Club Redcliffe's Christmas Appeal again this year after such a huge success last year. What a great chance to clean out the pantry before Christmas! **Donations are appreciated but not expected - we understand it has been a tough year for all!**
18.01.2022 Get your tissues ready ..... here’s the Kindergarten video of their journey at Creative Kids.
18.01.2022 Over the next month, we are preparing the data transfer to a cloud version for our current child care management system. If you have changed your contact details this year, please email us at [email protected] and we can update our system ready for transfer. When it gets closer to transfer time (due October) well be sending families some more information about how the new system will work.
18.01.2022 Happy 17th Birthday Creative Kids. To Maria, congratulations on another wonderful year of Creative Kids. In Creative Kids you have built such a beautiful community, full of love, fun and support. We are all so proud to be part of your Creative Kids family. From your Educators and Staff.
17.01.2022 The dinosaur investigation continues Our Big Kids group are so passionate about dinosaurs and investigating. Today, our dinosaur escaped from his egg! We found footprints on the floor and had to work as a team to find out what type of dinosaur was in our egg! We followed the clues which told us the dinosaur started with a sssss sound and had four toes! ... We can’t wait to keep learning more about dinosaurs!
17.01.2022 Finally....a light at the end of the tunnel (and its not the train heading our way). The great news is that a date has finally been released for the "Child Care Relief" package to end. From 13th July, we will be starting to return to our new normal with the recommencement of parents paying fees and the removal of JobKeeper. The little downside is that we will need to continue with our reduced numbers until 12th July, which is two weeks longer than we had hoped, but will g...ive us time to plan and organise staffing and rooms. Wed like to extend a great big thank you to all of our families who have continued to support us, for being flexible with your bookings and sessions, for checking in on us, for learning from home, and for just reminding us that it will be ok in the end. The next process will take a little bit of time, so please be patient with us as we re-enter bookings, settle in families who have remained enrolled but have been absent over the past couple of months, as we get ready to head back to our new normal on Monday 13th July. Thank you for being our sunshine. Maria ~"It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain". - Roy T. Bennett~
16.01.2022 Today marks Shay’s last day before she starts her maternity leave. We wish Shay and Ty all the best and we can’t wait to meet your beautiful baby girl.
16.01.2022 Think of the BEST pumpkin soup and garlic bread that you have ever had and times that by 1000! That’s how good the soup and garlic bread (on fresh Turkish bread ) was that our beautiful Raea cooked today. Here are some photos of our Senior Tots showing just how much they loved it!
16.01.2022 A glimpse into our play and learning today in the big kids room.
16.01.2022 Dear CK Families, Yeah we made it. What a year 2020 was. As I reflect on this year, it makes me appreciate family and friends so much more. We began the year so strong, then like the rest of the world we were all dealt a horrible blow. There was a time when I thought that maybe this was the end of Creative Kids, but because I have such wonderful and supportive staff and amazing families, we pulled through. From lovely messages of support to deliveries of Pizza, Subway, dou...ghnuts, grape juice and of course all of the Coles and Woolworths vouchers how could we fail. But our true colours shone bright when we lost one of our very own. Our village truly came together and the love was overwhelming . We might of not built our new playground this year, but our doors are still open, and staff are still here. With all the downs we also had so many ups. Babies galore, engagements and a bundle of fresh faces now join our Ck family. So I take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for all the love and support you showed us throughout this year. Thank you for trusting us to look after your most treasured possessions. . I wish you all of you the best start to 2021, please stay safe, hold your loved ones close and cherish the little things in life. Happy New Year Maria x See more
16.01.2022 To our Creative Kids Village, we are putting this call out to you. Last month we shared the very sad news of the loss of Sally, mum to Alex and Elan. Many of you asked how you could help. Weve put a plan together and heres how our village can help. To help Scott, Alex and Elan through the next few months, we will be creating some delicious dinners and meals for them. Through the kind offer of one of our beautiful families, we have access to a chef and commercial kitch...en, all free of charge. For anyone who would like to contribute, we would very much appreciate the donation of any gift cards for Coles or Woolworths. This will help us to be able to purchase the ingredients for the meals so that we can keep their fridge and freezer full of delicious dinners. Once again, thank you to our village, you all help each other through thick and thin. You are what makes Creative Kids a special place.
15.01.2022 Thank you so much to the Dover and Mita family for our special pizza treats today. It was a lovely treat for a chilly day.
15.01.2022 This week is NAIDOC Week. NAIDOC Week 2020 acknowledges and celebrates that our nation’s story didn’t begin with documented European contact whether in 1770 or 1606 - with the arrival of the Dutch on the western coast of the Cape York Peninsula. The very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples.... Creative Kids aims to consistently embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into our educational programs and every day practices. This is demonstrated in the following photos.
14.01.2022 Look at our front garden!!! We have seen an amazing transformation in just a few short weeks! Thank you so much Raea and all the children for their hard work and dedication to create this beautiful space for everyone to enjoy! If you have the time at drop-off or pick-up, please take some time to explore the garden with your children!
14.01.2022 2020 Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Survey. We are inviting all families and community members to complete this short survey to help us to complete our 2020 QIP review. Your feedback and suggestions will help us to create plans and goals for improvement in 2020 and beyond. The survey is open to families of both our Early Childhood and Outside School Hours Care centres. You can find the survey at or paper copies are available in the centre.
14.01.2022 It's that time of year again. All families are encouraged to login to Centrelink to ensure that your Family Income estimates are up-to-date. Make sure to check previous, current and future years are accurate if they show up on your account.
14.01.2022 As part of Senior Tots’ Colour of the Week learning project, today we explored blue slime! Slime (made from corn flour, water and food colouring) is a really unusual texture which can really take some getting used to. Initially, it remains hard so we encouraged the children to scoop it up and when it met the warmth of their hands it melted and ran through their fingers. What a cool concept to explore! While we played we discussed the colour, texture and temperature of the slime also. Happy Friday!
14.01.2022 **REMINDER!** Book Week Dress Up Day on Wednesday! This year’s theme is Curious Creatures, Wild Minds How fantastic is our front door display created by our Tiny Tots Educators! We can’t wait to see all of your curious creatures and wild minds on Wednesday!
13.01.2022 In Big Kids, we learnt a little about Sorry Day. We created this beautiful artwork in recognition of the day. I was surprised by Noras input. How she was going to say Sorry. This inspired a beautiful conversation about how we could all say Sorry. #inthistogether2020
13.01.2022 Our transition to Xplor is almost here. Today families should have received an email inviting you to register for your Xplor ID. The video below will show you through the process. If you didn't receive an email, please contact us at [email protected]. For families that already use Xplor at another facility, it may ask you to merge your profile.
12.01.2022 Because I’m not emotional enough. Some more families have been added to my naughty list. Thank you so much.
12.01.2022 Today, on Early Childhood Educators Day, we celebrate our incredible team. Every day, our OSHC and ECC educators bring joy and wonder to our centre. I am so thankful to have such a dedicated team who constantly look for ways to make our centre, the educational experiences, and the love and are we provide bigger and better. This year, we celebrate six educators reaching big milestones - 15 years, 10 years and 5 years of service. On Saturday night we will celebrate with our ...annual team dinner and staff awards, where our MVE (Most Valuable Educator) awards will be announced. The special messages that families have written will also be shared on a special display. To my team, thank you for always looking on the bright side, for finding the fun in your day at Creative Kids, and for always making the children and families feel like a special part of our community. This is what makes us a Creative Kids Family. ~Maria~ #lovemyECE #earlychildhoodeducatorsday See more
12.01.2022 Kindergarten graduation 2020. These are only a few of the many beautiful photos taken that night. Please, parents of the kindergarten children, see staff re the link for the entire graduation album. Enjoy - Maria
12.01.2022 Please help us to all stay healthy. Parents are asked to please not use fever relief medication to mask fevers before they bring their child into care. This week we have had 7 staff over our centres having to take sick days. Under our increased COVID health measures, any staff who are unwell with sore throats, fever etc are required to seek medical advice, which often means they are ruled out from work for two days until they are medically cleared. We are incredibly limit...ed on relief staff at the moment and need your help. We understand it can be hard to take time off work or to find alternative care for your child when they are unwell, but please, we ask you to think of the big picture and the Creative Kids community that we are trying to keep healthy. If you are in doubt of whether your child is well enough to attend care, please give us a call. See more
12.01.2022 Its that time of year again. All families are encouraged to login to Centrelink to ensure that your Family Income estimates are up-to-date. Make sure to check previous, current and future years are accurate if they show up on your account.
11.01.2022 Congratulations to Courtney & Wade on the safe arrival of Arlo Christopher Cooper.
11.01.2022 Thank you grandparents for joining us for our graduation dress rehearsal. Remember .... mum’s the word
11.01.2022 A huge thank you to everybody that has donated to The Breakfast Club’s 2020 Christmas Appeal so far! We are always so overwhelmed by the generosity of our Creative Kids family We will be dropping off this Thursday (10th) so if you still wish to donate there is still time! We have attached the list of non-perishable and Christmas items that will be accepted
11.01.2022 What a big day for our Creative Kids Team. Today we said farewell to Taleia and Brooke. Taleia starts her maternity leave today and Brooke, who’s been with us for 7 years, is heading off to start her studies in Townsville. We wish Taleia and Brooke all the best. We also had the chance today to say hello to 2 of our beautiful staff babies.
11.01.2022 QUEENSLANDER!!
10.01.2022 At Creative Kids we don’t do things by halves. Today we said some sad goodbyes, some warm welcomes and shared a delicious thanksgiving lunch. Our morning started with a goodbye and good luck to Kellie who starts her maternity leave (that’s right, that’s our last pregnant educator for 2020). We said farewell to Cath, who has been with Creative Kids for 15 years. Cath has worked in all parts of Creative Kids and she will be very sadly missed. Recently we have welcomed Robyn, Amber-Jean, Georgia and Chanelle to the team. And to round off the day, Raea organised a beautiful thanksgiving meal for the children and staff. It was a lovely way to share together as a big Creative Kids family.
10.01.2022 Our debate today. How do our families feel about the relationships we have with your children? Is saying I love you too much? Let us know what you think.
10.01.2022 |Portfolios| Did you know that each individual child has their own portfolio? It has pictures of your child and observations of their learning at Creative Kids. If you have a spare five minutes at the end of your day, take a look!
09.01.2022 Acknowledging Sorry Day in OSHC - 26th May 2020 In the week prior, our OSHC Educators displayed a reminder of the upcoming date. They displayed a picture of the Australian flag and the Aboriginal flag meeting together in the middle to signify Working Together - for change and recognition of our Indigenous heritage. On the 18th May, our OSHC also came together as a group to read a book called, Took the Children Away. This story highlights the stolen generation and what happened to the indigenous children and their families. On Sorry Day, Tuesday 26th May, Regina read Kevin Rudds original Sorry Day speech to the children. We then moved outside to the sandpit where the children placed the Sorry hands that they had made during the previous week and stood for a group photo to acknowledge this day.
09.01.2022 Children’s Christmas Show We weren’t able to have our usual Children’s Christmas party this year. We still found a way to celebrate! A very special Christmas show put on for our children by Jared from Citipointe church. The children absolutely loved it! (We have put a video in the comments of some wonderful dancing ). Thank-you! ... When we came back to the centre, Santa had still come to visit! He turned off the lights and left some wonderful Christmas gifts under the tree! The excitement when they opened their presents was so beautiful to watch!
09.01.2022 Thank you to our beautiful community. Heres some of the delicious dinners prepared for the Symons family. Using the vouchers donated to source ingredients, Matt (Ella & Leos Dad) has created some very delicious meal packs for the Symons family. Special mention goes to the Scarlett May foundation for providing the containers and allowing us to use their freezer and also the students at The Institute of Culinary Excellence for preparing the meals. This is why we love our village
09.01.2022 How lucky are we to have our very own in-house chefs! The children were able to enjoy a yummy Terryaki chicken with honey sesame carrot, Edamame beans, seaweed, rice and avacado for lunch. For afternoon tea, they were served yummy homemade and healthy fruit ice-cream.
08.01.2022 Dear Creative Kids Families, Well we are just about to reach our rainbow . First of all thank you so much for the support and love you have shown us over the past 3 1/2 months. For the many words of encouragement and all the unexpected treats and gift cards that truly made me so humble and glad about a decision I made 16 1/2 years ago to be part of something amazing. It just goes to prove that it does take a village to raise a child. As of Monday the 13th of July, we are to start collecting fees from families. The majority of you have used this time to catch up on any outstanding moneys as well as now being two weeks in advance. For those of you who still need to catch up please do so as soon as you can. There is no greater feeling than beginning with a clean slate. Due to so many changes in attendances can you please make sure that you have responded to our email regarding your childs bookings, so we can all have a smooth transition back to normal. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my wonderful staff, for putting up with me during this challenging time. Not only did they hold it together for me but supported every hard decision I had to make. I am so proud of them as they are the ones that make Creative Kids exceed. Maria See more
08.01.2022 Today the children in our Bambinos Room had fun exploring a beautiful ocean-themed small world that Courtney made for them. Ivy dove straight in, picking the blue rice up in her hands and watching it fall off piece by piece as she opened her hand back up. Eden was a little bit more hesitant to touch the rice at first but she happily explored all the sea creatures and ocean-themed objects before slowly beginning to touch the rice more and more. Archer arrived for the day while... the girls were involved in this experience and Eden immediately invited him to join them by offering him some of the sea creatures. I also invited Archer to explore the rice by putting a small pile on the floor by him, however he was content just with the animals. This experience was intended to be a sensory activity however it turned into so much more. We explored numeracy and literacy as we counted the points on the starfish and the legs on the lobster and we learnt the names of some sea creatures that we don’t hear of very often. Eden also demonstrated strong social and emotional developmental skills as she acknowledged Archer’s arrival and offered him toys as an invitation to join her. What a beautiful, messy learning experience! See more
08.01.2022 Book Week 2020 To celebrate book week, we all dressed up as our favourite story characters. It was beautiful to see the children enjoying and engaging with their characters and using their imaginations. They engaged in book week experiences....... Painting characters Drawing terrible creatures collaging the Gruffalo Lots of reading of our favourite stories from home! If you watch until the end, you’ll be able to see a little of our Gruffalo play that the children enjoyed today.
08.01.2022 So it seems like the fairies visited this morning - I found a little parcel hiding on my chair. To whoever was involved in this special treat, thank you!! I promise to use it for good and not evil. To everyone who has stopped in, emailed, called and messaged over the last couple of months, thank you. These messages of support helped us to get through the tough times. The village has truly rallied around us and I am so thankful to have to all in my village. Maria x
07.01.2022 Finally....a light at the end of the tunnel (and it's not the train heading our way). The great news is that a date has finally been released for the "Child Care Relief" package to end. From 13th July, we will be starting to return to our new normal with the recommencement of parents paying fees and the removal of JobKeeper. The little downside is that we will need to continue with our reduced numbers until 12th July, which is two weeks longer than we had hoped, but will g...ive us time to plan and organise staffing and rooms. We'd like to extend a great big thank you to all of our families who have continued to support us, for being flexible with your bookings and sessions, for checking in on us, for learning from home, and for just reminding us that it will be ok in the end. The next process will take a little bit of time, so please be patient with us as we re-enter bookings, settle in families who have remained enrolled but have been absent over the past couple of months, as we get ready to head back to our new normal on Monday 13th July. Thank you for being our sunshine. Maria ~"It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain". - Roy T. Bennett~
07.01.2022 Did somebody say something about a celebration?!!! #LoveMyECE #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay #ECEDayCountdown #OneMoreSleep
06.01.2022 Look at what Shay started .... congratulations ladies On a side note, Creative Kids is looking to add to our Education Team in 2020 & 2021. Were looking for Early Childhood educators (Cert 3 and Diploma). If you know anyone who would fit our team well, contact us at [email protected]
06.01.2022 What a great day to wear our PJs.
06.01.2022 From our garden to the children’s tummies! These beetroot’s were grown in our very own garden, harvested and a delicious beetroot hummus was made by our talented chef Raea. It was one of many opportunities we use to teach the children about sustainability and some of the benefits of looking after our planet
05.01.2022 Think of the BEST pumpkin soup and garlic bread that you have ever had and times that by 1000! Thats how good the soup and garlic bread (on fresh Turkish bread ) was that our beautiful Raea cooked today. Here are some photos of our Senior Tots showing just how much they loved it!
05.01.2022 Don’t forget to put your sun cream on before you come out to play in the morning The UV index has reached nine this week We have some located in the hallway.
05.01.2022 Don't forget your pj's tomorrow.
05.01.2022 Look at this beautiful traditional Islander outfit worn by one of our Big Kids! A fantastic opportunity to discuss another part of Aborginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culture.
05.01.2022 This year’s Book Week will be running from 17th - 23rd October 2020. On Wednesday 21st October, we would love all children to come to care dressed up following the National theme, Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. Educators will also be performing a play of The Gruffalo for the children on this day. We can’t wait to see all of our curious creatures on the day!
04.01.2022 How beautiful to see our families engaging in our garden area!
03.01.2022 What a night!! On Saturday evening we celebrated Educators Day and our annual MVE awards. With everything that 2020 could throw at us, with lots of helping hands we made it an incredible night. We would like to extend our congratulations to: * 2020 MVE (Most Valuable Educators) - Sam Benci & Karen Boyle * 15 years of Service - Cath Richards & Shay Charlton... * 10 years of Service - Taleia Cooper & Gina Komene * 5 years of Service - Michelle Emmons & Amanda Olsen. This year, Maria was also awarded our Top Banana award - somehow she managed to score every vote in our MVE (Most Valuable Employer) vote. To everyone who helped to make it a special night - thank you! An extra huge thank you goes to Michelle (Peninsula Power Functions) who came in and saved the day last minute by hosting our event. The set up was absolutely amazing!!! ~Jacqui
02.01.2022 We would love if you could take the time to check out our newest learning display underneath our office window! Embedding Aboriginal perspectives into our day to day educational programs has been identified as key to improving outcomes for Indigenous people. It will also enhance the educational experiences of non-Indigenous children as it will give them a richer understanding of Australia’s history and culture and will help them understand how we got to where we are today and how we might move forward together.
02.01.2022 Just a quick reminder to families to please maintain our social distancing guidelines. We also have the little stools and reading area in the hallway for school-ages children. If you are unwell, please feel free to call us on 3284 0739 and we can collect children from the carpark or front door.
01.01.2022 Just a reminder that Creative Kids ECC & OSHC will be closed on Monday, 10th August, for the the Ekka Public Holiday.
01.01.2022 Just a reminder to all families (ECC & OSHC) to make sure that you have downloaded the new Xplor home app and completed your password. If you haven’t completed this process, please check your emails for a message from Xplor that will provide your personalised link. Please make sure to also login to the Xplor Home app once you have created your password. ~Links to app download in comments~
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