Peace on Earth through Arts & Creative Empowerment (p.e.a.c.e. Inc.) | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Peace on Earth through Arts & Creative Empowerment (p.e.a.c.e. Inc.)
Phone: +61 3 5443 2162
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25.01.2022 Two young change makers have an innovative way of leveraging the advertising and marketing budgets of large corporations to impact change for social good by supporting organisations like P.E.A.C.E. Support us to make this a reality.
24.01.2022 PS.... thanks to the wonderful volunteers: Luisa, Cata, Claudia, Katja and to Chanuka for his fabulous magic!
24.01.2022 Come and support PEACE at the colombian independence day festival this Saturday 19th of july. 12 - 7pm. Free event. Brunswick town hall. Family friendly event. Music, food, dancing with Cata Gonzalez and Juan Carlos Ospina . Kids activities at the Peace table. Gold coin donations are appreciated!
24.01.2022 Fire at the Mae Tao school accommodation! This is where were were just a few weeks ago!!!! Terrible!
24.01.2022 Dear beautiful people, It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams. Gabriel Garcia Marquez My work has now taken on another exhibition in Melbourne Australia to celebrate the Colombian Independence Day a selection of my shots from my motherland Colombia. Its that time of year when you realize life is beauty and the beauty become happiness.... I am doing a special offer a Digital Downloads for my Colombia Limited Edition Photos only one month, for a really cheaper price. One image: US$1.20 All Collection: US$12.80 In the link below you can see and buy my photos: I truly believe in support human, animal and environment issues is an amazing way to make change. I will donate 10% of all the sales to P.E.A.C.E a NGO which work to heal the hearts of child survivors of war and terrorism through the power of creative arts. Check their web site and make donation if you like. We all can change the world even with little things. Dont let this unique offer pass! I feel extremely grateful to be able to share this work with you. Have fun and good luck! Nel [email protected] 0416413131 *Please note this photos have a Personal use License not Commercial use License. This means This license is for personal use. ( for commercial use please contact me) More info: Nelson Gomez
21.01.2022 An innocent infant, little baby Sheymar was an orphan before being born. She was delivered by doctors in Gaza despite her mother being killed in an Israeli air strike, along with her father and all of her siblings. A doctor at the hospital said the pregnant mother's body was brought to hospital and the foetus was found to be alive.... Read more at
20.01.2022 Gaza... the death toll continues to mount... another UN school/refugee hit. More Israeli soldiers have died and their families grieving and Israel has hit yet another UN school in which civilians had been taking refuge. The UN had told Israel of the coordinates of the school 33 times, including just an hour before it was hit. There are now over 1,800 Palestinians dead, almost 9,000 injured and 250,000 displaced. All because Hamas terrorist rockets have killed TWO Israelis ...Continue reading
19.01.2022 From the PEACE Table at the Colombian Ind. Day event, Fitzroy Town Hall, July 16, 2106
19.01.2022 Sadly, after a few days in a prem incubator, baby Sheymar passed away yesterday, so this whole family was wiped out. All this due to the Hamas rocket fire into Israel that up until that day, had killed a total of ONE single Israeli civilian! Most rockets (over 2000 fired), fall in the middle of nowhere or are intercepted by the anti-rocket defense system. Hamas are religious zealots with an ideology of violence and shouldn't be firing rockets to Israeli towns (deliberately t...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Please support this great event!
17.01.2022 Captions coming soon!
16.01.2022 The best of the best voices from Colombia united to sing for peace Share it so the whole world can see our amazing talent
16.01.2022 baby Shayma (or Shima), who survived for 6 days after her 23 year-old Mother had been pulled dead from rubble after an Aerial bombardment.
16.01.2022 Just returned from the NuPo refugee camp! All went really well! PHOTOs coming shortly!!! (hundreds to edit!)
15.01.2022 PEACE will have a table at the Colombian Independence Day event in the Fitzroy Town Hall, Sunday July, 12 midday until 6:00pm. There will be kids and family activities, Colombian food, info stalls and MORE! This is a free event, but after 6, there is a ticketed live concert with two local Latin Bands. See you there!
15.01.2022 Having moved from Bendigo to Melbourne, PEACE is re-establishing itself in Melbourne. New updates coming soon!
15.01.2022 Anniversary of end of WW1. This is a GREAT song reminding us of the waste of life and the horror for the young men who died needlessly.
13.01.2022 The media in our Western countries seem to mostly care when a fellow Westerner is killed or beheaded. In Mosul (Iraq) a few days ago, a female Moslem Human Rights Lawyer was publicly beheaded by the brutal psychopaths who call themselves the 'Islamic State', No news about her here. These so called 'Islamic' Extremists have killed more Moslems than the US or the 'West' ever will in a hundred years. ISIS are not Islamic and do not stand for Islam. They are using Islam as an ex...Continue reading
11.01.2022 100 Anniversary of the start of the First WW a few days ago. In the light of the shocking events in Gaza, here some words from Australian's greatest folk singer (even though he was born in Scotland!) Eric Bogle: A note of the Australian death figures for WWI. About 60,000 died (1 percent of the entire population). Tens of thousands more were wounded or became insane ('shell shock'). Our population was then around 6 million. In Vietnam, around 54,000 US soldiers died... with a... population of about 2000 million!! (0.027%) ______________________ "They told all the fine young men of when this war is over There will be peace and the peace will last forever In Flanders Field, at Lone Pine and Bersheeba For king and country, for honour and duty The young men fought and cursed and wept and died They told all the fine young men of when this war is over In your country's grateful heart we will cherish you forever At Tobruk and Alamein, at Bhuna and Kokoda Like their fathers before, in a world mad with war The young men fought and cursed and wept and died For many of those fine young men all the wars are over They have found peace, it's the peace that lasts forever When the call comes again they will not answer They're just forgotten bones lying far from their homes As forgotten as the cause for which they died Ah young men, can you see now how they lied"
10.01.2022 Thank you Aiso Australia for donating the proceedings of the "juego de aros" at the colombian independence day festival to peace.
09.01.2022 Believe there is good in the world. And be the good!
09.01.2022 Over 100 children massacred by the Pakistani Taliban in a school yesterday!! And three children under 8 without a mother in Sydney... WHO are these psychopaths!? How can they carry out murder and mass murder in the name of any God? They mass murder Children and shout Allahoakbar (God is Great!) Are they not real humans? How are their hearts so dark and evil? Christian missionaries did awful things as part of the 'discovery' of the New World and we had the Crusades etc... bu...t these evil acts in the name of Christianity were hundreds and hundreds of years ago. The nearest thing in recent times is perhaps the mass sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests all over the world. Perhaps one of the problems is the Koran itself, which states 'There is ONLY ONE God' (Allah) with Mohammad his messenger. This leads lunatic extremists to therefore justify killing anyone who doesn't believe in the 'only' true God. Even other Moslems are killed if they are of the WRONG Islamic denomination. The other week in Afghanistan, there was a THEATRE play about Suicide bombings... Guess what happened?!?!?! It was ATTACKED by a suicide bomber!! See more
08.01.2022 I have just written a submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual abuse, although mine focuses on Out of Home Care in general... not focused on sexual abuse. They are looking at all aspects of Out of Home Care, so they can look at time within their terms of reference. (Phil W)
07.01.2022 My daughters wedding on Saturday... perfect day: 23oC not a cloud in the sky. The little children who were the flower girls... so cute and happy. Hard not to compare their existence on such a peaceful, loving day with the horror being imposed upon so many millions of children around the world due to wars and poverty. ISIS are threatening mass murder, beheading and mass enslavement on women in Kobane in the name of Islam and Ebola is wrecking havoc in parts of Africa like the plague in the 14 century. However, the 'other half' of the rich people in the world (which is not half but only about a third), indulge is mindless shit about celebrity weddings or the Kardashian's shoes. And, people who can kick a round ball are 'traded' for over $100 million, actors of the Big Bang earn $1 million an episode (ie for about one weeks work - so around $25,000 an hour). F1 teams waste the earth's resources flying their drivers, cars, chefs and mechanics to a different country each 2 weeks to drive cars around in circles, spending a combined hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Selfish imbeciles in the rich nations (and the elite in poor countries) indulge themselves with buying a ticket on the planned first passenger space-craft trip being organised by an aging, sexist millionaire (Richard Branson). Also...Saudi Princes, the new Chinese billionaire club members (yes..! billionaires in 'Communist' China!), football stars and Russian oligarchs plus movie and rock stars (the latter who often espouse concern for poverty) have private jets OR, in the case of an increasing number - private 747s (eg John Travolta). Meanwhile, back on earth, there are millions of refugees living in makeshift tent/homes escaping the conflicts in Syria etc, hundreds of refugees from Africa die at sea between Africa and Italy each month and our Government will ADD to misery and despair in the world by sending some Asylum seekers to Cambodia! This is a country that our self same government condemned in the UN security council in January with Australias representative stating that Australia is concerned about restrictions on freedom of peaceful assembly and of association in Cambodia and violence against protestors and the detention without trial of protestors. What has changed since January?? Oh... well, Here are a few photos related to this 'blog' post as food for thought: A: billionaire private jumbo interiors, B/ kids at Caity's wedding and kids from Syria, C: the self-indulgent, aging, sexist millionaire 'Sir' Richard Branson - planning to fly fellow self-indulgent, idiots into space... just for the excitement of it while hundreds of millions live in misery on this planet. Just for good measure... the final photo shows a modern child slave from Mizapur India... making goods for us, so we can buy nice cheap products here to make sure we have enough left over to attend the Melbourne Cup or buy our new TV or i-phone 6.
07.01.2022 It was a great day last Saturday at the Colombian Independance Day festival! Thanks to the guys from Casablanca Events for supporting PEACE!
06.01.2022 Just finalising the report on the trip to the NuPo refugee camp! Just writing reports of late!
04.01.2022 Hopefully now peace can come to Israel and Gaza. The bombs have stopped falling and the rockets being fired. Gaza is in ruins with around 1800 Gazans dead (about 1,500 of these civilians - including over 300 children). Over 60 Israelis have died - two of these civilians. For peace to come, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad extremists must recognise Israel's right to exist and stop firing rockets into Israel. And Israel must recognise the suffering the Palestinians have endured sinc...e 1948 - forced off their own lands and out of their homes to make way for the establishment of Israel. Not easy... but it is unfortunately easier to send shells from a tank to people you can't see (or fire rockets over the border) than it is to sit and talk. How ridiculous! At least this is the case for the stupid militarist political leaders from both sides. Let's get some artists and humanitarians involved from both sides (AND some WOMEN!) and maybe people could start to talk in a civilised way! Unfortunately when Israeli President Rabin was doing the hard stuff and negotiating a long lasting peace, he was assassinated by a zealous Jewish religious extremist. That was 20 years ago. Rabin stated: "We must think differently, look at things in a different way. Peace requires a world of new concepts, new definitions". And here's a photo of the famous handshake between Rabin and then PLO Chairman Yassar Arafat.
01.01.2022 Three PEACE vols off to the Nu Po Karen refugee camp on Jan 8th!
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