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Creativity Dance Studios | Dance studio

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Creativity Dance Studios

Phone: +61 447 999 458


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25.01.2022 Term 1 kicks off January 28th!!! #welcome2020 #newmoves #loveyourstudio #creativedance

25.01.2022 Competition time!!! Guess which teacher this is at their first end of year show. A) Larissa B) Michaela C) Nicole. Follow CDS on Facebook or instagram and enter your answer in the comments below, if you guess right you will go in the draw to win a week free in the school holiday program coming up! #whoisit #keepdancing #loveyourstudio #cantwaittilltheshow #seeyouallsoon

24.01.2022 We have something to brighten your day!!! The CDS school holiday dance program is going live next week! Be sure to check your emails for further information and how to enrol. #weareallinthistogether #loveyourstudio #creativedance #dancingonline #letsusethetechnologywehave #keepdancing #keepsmiling #keepbusy

19.01.2022 Happy Australia Day! Wishing everyone a lovely long weekend in this beautiful country!! #livewhereyoulove #thegreataustralianbush #kookaburasitsintheoldgumtree

19.01.2022 Show your true colours!!! @creativitydancestudios we create an environment where everyone can be themselves! #beyourself #creativedance #loveyourstudio #jazzdance #expressthroughdance #contemporarydance #balletthatisfun

18.01.2022 Happy international dance day!!! #loveyourstudio #creativedance #keepdancing #lovetoleap #joyofdance #seeyouallsoon #weareallinthistogether

18.01.2022 Jazz is here for 2020!!! #loveyourstudio #trysomethingnew #jazzhands

18.01.2022 Dancing is still on this weekend despite the long weekend!! @creativitydancestudios #loveyourstudio #creativedance #letsmove #lovingterm1 #letsdance

17.01.2022 And we are off term 2 online begins today!!! Cant wait to see you all!! #somuchexcitement #loveyourstudio #keepdancing #weareallinthistogether

16.01.2022 Couldnt be prouder of all the CDS dancers who have embraced term 2 online!! You are all doing so well. #loveyourstudio #somuchprogress #creativedance #keepdancing

16.01.2022 A fun one for the family by a very talented choreographer Matthew Bournes Nutcracker is streaming for free on YouTube!!!! #classicballetsmademodern #lotsoffun #keepdancing #matthewborne

15.01.2022 Term 1 has started!!! Welcome to all our new students and welcome back to our CDS dancers. #loveyourstudio #schoolholidaysareover #welcomeback #creativedance #sogoodtoseeyouall #letsleap

14.01.2022 Stay safe everyone!!! #keepdancing #weareallinthistogether #stayhomestaysafe #loveyourstudio #seeyouonline #youarealldoingsowell

13.01.2022 School holiday program for term 2 holidays is now open for enrolments! #loveyourstudio #keepdancing #isodancing #practise #schoolholidayfun #dancingwithfriends

13.01.2022 Leap into 2020 with Dance!! Email [email protected] for enrollments #loveyourstudio #dancemooneeponds #creativedance

13.01.2022 I know everyone is stuck inside and looking for things to do!! So kids why not try dancing bingo. The task is to try complete three things off the bingo sheet in under 30 minutes!! Or see how many you can do this week to keep busy and keep dancing! You can print the chart to cross off or feel free to video yourself and email it to CDS #lovetomove #loveyourstudio #stayhome #dontstopdancing #wewillbebacksoon #staysafe

12.01.2022 Jump on zoom for our live studio update! All questions around lockdown and term 3 answered!! Wednesday 8th at 1pm and Thursday 9th 4.30pm. Hope you can all make one!! #weareallinthistogether #keepdancing #theshowmustgoon #wegotthis #backupplans

10.01.2022 Happy Easter to all our CDS families!! Hope you are enjoying your time together. #stayhome #hopintoisolation #chocolateforbreakfast #seeyousoononline #weareallinthistogether

09.01.2022 Learning new moves and perfecting old favourites!!! Thats what we are doing for term 3! #keepdancing #weareallinthistogether #creativedance #loveyourstudio #onlineclasses #betterwhenimdancing

08.01.2022 Still enjoying our Easter treats thanks to @burntbuttercakes #easteriniso #stayhome #supportlocalbusiness #handmade

07.01.2022 Keep dancing everyone!!!!!

06.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to our amazing mums!! Thank you for all you do and all the picking up and dropping off to dancing it is really appreciated even if we sometimes forget to say it!!! #mumsareawesome #thanksmum #spoilyourmum

06.01.2022 We are dancing online this afternoon!!! See you there! #onlineclasses #keepdancing #loveyourstudio #creativedance #comeandtry #seeyourfriends #stayhome

06.01.2022 Important update - Due to increasing risks of Covid-19 it is with heavy hearts that we are closing the studio after the classes finish today. Meaning we will be cutting term 1 short a week. We thank you for your understanding and support. Stay tunned for further updates across the holidays. Stay safe

03.01.2022 We will keep dancing!! Term 3 online......for now. #loveyourstudio #weareallinthistogether #keepdancing #wecandothis #danceyourway #couldntbeprouder #youalldidsowell

02.01.2022 Lets dance through this!! School holidays options being created to bring dance to you! Check your emails for details! #loveyourstudio #keepdancing #bringingdancetoyou #creativedance #danceinyourhouse #lotsoftimetopractice #getintosplits #whosin

02.01.2022 Jump online and check this out!! Free streaming of musicals!

01.01.2022 We are working around the clock to bring you CDS online for term 2!! If you havent already please complete the 3 question survey which has been sent via email to help us!! #keepdancing #stayhome #loveyourstudio #welovetodance #weareallinthistogether #dancinginthelivingroom

01.01.2022 The next free Andrew Lloyd Webber musical available for 48 hours!! #stayhome

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