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Creative Alchemi with Lisa Murray | Public figure

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Creative Alchemi with Lisa Murray

Phone: +61 404 063 513


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22.01.2022 Being judged as ‘too sensitive’ becomes amusing once you realise the people judging you do not have the awareness you do, and in essence, don’t know what to do with your awareness. In some odd way it threatens their safety mechanisms. The old patriarchal world called being highly sensitive a weakness; in truth it’s the strength they never wanted you to know you have. Used with purity of heart, awareness outcreates virtually everything! Is it time to unfurl the beauty and powe...r of your awareness in its full glory? You’ve been taught to mistrust your awareness as if it’s poison. Imagine what will emerge when you trust you enough to follow it’s unexpected invitations? P.S. Overwhelm is an overflow of awareness. Allow it to FLOW! And share/save this post for the next time you need reminding that you’re MAGIC! *** Want to explore or realign your superpowers so they work FOR you? Book a FlexiCoach session with me. (link in bio) *** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #highlysensitive #hsp #awareness #consciousness #superpowers #trust #overwhelm #strength #intuitive #visionary #creativealchemi #sovereignty #selfleadership #growthmindset #soulawakening #spiritualguidance

15.01.2022 In the past couple of years I've moved from having a word for the year to having themes that weave in and out as relevant. Time is not my barometer, energy is. 2021's first theme has shown itself to be "Boldly innovate in reassuring ways..." Can't wait to see how that shows up Kindly confirmed by my blender that short-circuited last night - On its way out it mentioned it's time to stop blending in... So this morning I put on a fave dress and walked the beach as the glori...ous wild thing I am. That's definitely a way to start the year happy!!! Here's a little early morning beach bliss for you to enjoy too #2021 #beachbliss #undimmable

15.01.2022 Meet FlexiCoach... It's a new way to receive the *exact* support you're seeking. Transform bright shiny possibilities into real life BLISS!... Envision a magical mix of inspired mentoring / co-working / epiphanies / energy clearing / creativity & intuitive multi-dimensional awareness all coming together in a divine melting pot of YOUR choice. FlexiCoach is ALL that. And more!

15.01.2022 Your vision needs foundations!!

12.01.2022 New Year New Hopes New Desires New Beginnings - New Being 2021 - the Year of Reflection, will bring to this world another year of transitional transformat...ions and challenging changes. It can only ever be so as we watch the state of the world move towards its higher and inevitable Divine purpose. It is clear that this last year has seen increasing attempts to hide and bury information from the populace in order to bypass accountability, deny culpability and avoid responsibility. But the sheer blatency used in doing so, is actually aiding the awakening process for many, who can simply see through the smoke and mirrors of alternative facts, false flags, sceptical scripting, misdirected denials, dishonest distractions and embellished emotions. Ignorance WAS bliss, Awareness is Sovereign Now. With increasing online technology using Artificial Intelligent algorithms, much of reality became virtual rather than factual this year. The capability of using Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) can be used to create crowd scenes, individual actions and speech in such astonishing reality that it has become indistinguishable from ‘real’ life. Much of the population relied on the answers they were given by mass media through information technology rather than gain the experience of finding out, discovering and investigating for themselves. Virtual Truth is not Sacred Truth. Within Third Dimensional reality, you have lived within such a limited range of the vastness and abundance of existence by relying merely on the use of light, sound, time and space with which to measure your understanding of the Universe. Such a limited perception of All that is manifest, there is a Higher part of YOU that has a far greater set of skills than those, you have been made aware of in your modern teachings, that exceed the limits of your natural reality. The Universe is teeming with intelligent existence across the wider octaves of infinite dimensional realms. Third Dimension provides a limited spectrum of Cosmic reality. A set of physical senses that experience little more than animal instincts learnt whilst in physical embodiment for less than 100 cycles of your Solar mass - an insufficient life span to master the potential of your creative manifestation. During this time, this can be over-ridden by conditioned mind sets, using teachings of Laws of Science and Religious Doctrine that govern belief systems which dictate what is socially acceptable and what should be ignored and rejected. A system governed by power and money with the strongest Will determining the lifestyle’s goals and material goods that best serve a compliant and conditioned population. To comply or not to comply determines if you do or die. Self-governing through the Egotistical Mind will only seek to serve the Elite, and not the mass populace. The Ego seeks to preserve the individual, that is its designated purpose, but the Ego Mind must be balanced and guided by Divine Intelligence to ensure that it serves All rather than just Self. Words do not serve this purpose, pictures and visual images do not serve purpose - these are artificial constructs and structures containing reality within the mind. Action is the creation of manifestation - the movement and direction of form and substance through intention. Actions created through focused compassion and empathetic feeling and channelled in a fair and just manner to all who would benefit from its meaning and purpose. Authenticity is demonstrated by action, not words, not promises, not Laws and Conditions. There are two Universal principles of Masculine and Feminine that determine the energy of All That is. The form and substance of these manifest with an identity that aids recognition. Promoting the Identity of the Ego will dominate in 2021, ever more so in the words and images as tools used by governments, corporations, marketing, media and individuals to project an illusion of promise, wish fulfilment, entertainment and egotistical flattery and vanity. Actions are the measurement of a physical existence, not words and images which have become the tools of control on this planet. Across all levels of community, Projection of the Ego will become the primary focus during 2021 for those who seek to remain within Service to Self mentality reality. Selfies will become the name of those who are self serving, seeking to create an illusionary virtual image of themselves which they have little hope of maintaining and portraying in reality. Virtual reality and mental projection will create great conflict in those who seek for Others to fit around their internally created world. Many more who cannot embody in real life what they they have created in their minds or online presences will implode inwards. You will recognise those who seek only to protect their delusional identity through self service, not by name or position but by their words and behaviour. They will embody the energies of the shadow emotional entities which will seek to act out as the characteristic personifications of: Hubris, narcissism, arrogance, vanity, pomposity, boastful, belligerent, greed, deceitful, manipulation, hostility, patronising, sneaky, domineering, criticism, cruelty, callousness, defensive, self centredness. For those that have eyes to see, and ears to hear the eternal and sacred Truth, discernment and feelings within the heart will reveal Truth rather than listen to the projected sophistry of Others. The Mind can be fooled and duped and directed - this is the world we have grown accustomed to because this was the Will of its controllers. The Identity Mirror will reflect back all that is projected falsely. All around, Others will act as mirrors to show you how you are to them. 2021 becomes the year of reflection just as 2020 was the year of clear vision - helping to see through the smoke and fog of false projection. The Sovereign Self holds the belief of the Soul Intention irregardless of external opposition. The Ego Self seeks to position itself above the beliefs of others, as its own belief is based on preservation of Self Identity. We are receiving new instructions from our Body Elementals regarding our future reality and the changes that will be taking place in our own behaviour and DNA as a result. As a Guardian of your Mother Earth Body Temple, some may feel drawn to protect their body through the addition of pharmaceuticals, medication and vaccinations. Others wish to protect their body temple by avoiding medication and not wishing to take any form of vaccination. Both choices are valid to the conscious Soul seeking to find harmony within their chosen timeline frequency. Both will create pathways to the future of the individual determined by the choices made. All choices lead to the results of those choices. Ensure the Ego Mind turns towards the Divine Heart for guidance. Divinity only sees that which is divine in all. Discernment will allow us to see into the hearts of Others and view what we see of ourselves within them. Do not expect Others to change for that is not your role at this time, but Be the Change that you want Others to see as who YOU are. Use this time to carve out a new existence for your Self and create a world around you that YOU would want to live within. With Loving Blessings of Light, health and the richness of Spiritual prosperity in 2021 Paul Dobree - Carey / Polaris AB

11.01.2022 We dive deeper into reclaiming your freedom to express yourself in *The Gold* this week. You ready for more? . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #thegold #reclaimyourfreedom #presence #trustyourself #awakening #spiritualpath #awakening #awakespiritual #gowithin #awakeningsoul #highervibrations #lightbeings #lifeforce #spiritualguidance #cosmos #highervibes #spiritualawakening #fifthdimension #innerguidance #consciousness #wayshower #wayflowing #strength #innerpower #stopapologising #freedomisafulltank

09.01.2022 So you’re ready for a different future one that YOU create. Let’s write it into being! Words have energy. The stories you tell make a difference. We’ll be starting 30 days of magical writing on 1 March 2021.... Join the waitlist if you’re ready to write. * Say bye to writers block and procrastination. * 12 co-writing sessions + weekly Q&A + energy/mindset clearings * Intriguing, uncommon writing warm-ups. For: * Leaders who know fables and fiction get the message through faster. * Creative visionaries who need to find new ways to tell their stories. * Intuitives and oracles ready to channel their messages alive. * Dreamers who want to write their own new future into being. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #writersblock #writerssupportingwriters #writersandpoets #writersofinstagram #writersroom #writerstips #writersretreat #writingcommunity #writingtips #writingadvice #writingismyfreedom #writingforlife #writingclass #creativewriting #writingthefuture #writingabook #writethevision #writethefuture

02.01.2022 Writing is a way of expressing the energies our soul desires to bring to the world. When you write the future alive, you bring forth what has not yet existed, so that many others may also have that choice. It’s a creative process that expresses the truth and magic that you are here to bring the world.... Writing your future alive is alchemical. Imagine your wildest dreams coming true. As you write, you imbue them with energy. That energy can take form in surprising ways If you’re not writing, let me know what’s stopping you. I’m going to be talking about some of these creative blocks and what you can do with them over the next couple of weeks. P.S. I SO wanna see your name on the waitlist for our next Writing Alchemi adventure starting March 15 :) Your future is calling!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #writersblock #creativealchemi #lisamurray #amwriting #writerssupportingwriters #writersandpoets #writersofinstagram #writersroom #writerstips #writersretreat #writingcommunity #writingtips #writingadvice #writingismyfreedom #writingforlife #writingclass #creativewriting #writingthefuture #writingabook #writethevision #writethefuture

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