Crisp Copy in Stoneville, Western Australia | Coach
Crisp Copy
Locality: Stoneville, Western Australia
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25.01.2022 Legend has it the long-tail keyword has the ability to bring you traffic that converts. So, what in the world is a long-tail keyword? Oh dont worry. Ill be giving that up real soon.
25.01.2022 Lucy is a fearless PR Maven, a vibrant, go-getter expertly blending experience and knowledge with the intrepid ability to target a campaign specifically to not only harness all thats fabulous about a brand, but deliver it straight into the laps of their next best customers. Lucy works closely with her extended team to create greatness. She brings the best from around Australia to give her clients everything theyve ever wanted. Her favourite moment is when brands are offered... opportunities they previously thought of as "wishful thinking", which is why shes known as the Wish Granter. Let Lucy tell you all about it:
25.01.2022 Someones gonna wiiiiiin! Thrilling!
25.01.2022 "Jay is like the Johnson’s Baby Shampoo of copywriters she takes the tears away. Seriously! The thought of writing sales copy, emails or an about page used to have me huddled in the corner crying, but not anymore. Jay helped me get to the heart of my message and shape it in a way that speaks to my dream clients. With her expert guidance I feel confident to craft words that connect (and even convert!).... If you need someone to write words that sell for your business, or teach you how to weave your own special brand of word magic you NEED to work with Jay. She’s amazing." Thanks, Sarah Jensen. I think you're a bit amazing too. Want some of that? Book here:
25.01.2022 Jay was incredible in every way. Her knowledge, insight and straight shooting was the medicine I didnt realise I needed so much! She smashed out such a solid block of work, as well as building my skills, teaching me useful approaches and leaving me with a stack of additional things I could do to push my copy forward for her to review so I got huge value out of the session. Ive learnt so much, had a wonderful time and have a better understanding of how to make my copy con...vert to clients. Full Day Copy Coaching Intensive Bonnie Davies Director The Gelo Company and Manager Famous Sharron #copywriterforaday #itsfamoussharrondarls
24.01.2022 Want to sell ALL your stuff but don’t want to be a spammy, sleazy McSalesy pants?? The Crisp Copy Sales Page Bundle is a 20+ page guide including: Sales page basics Conversion copy lesson... How to reverse-engineer your Sales page And a template to follow to tick ALL the Sales page boxes AND a visual guide to follow for layout and structure. All yours for only $57 AUD + GST. Grab it right here
24.01.2022 I was teaching a class on Brand Voice at a conference and Jenny De Lacy was in the audience, she’d already done her bit a De Lacy classic on confidence and the camera, and I mentioned her in an answer from a question about finding an audience, building a fan base, getting people to be a bit in love with you. I said something like, Jenny does this really well, she has a free group and gives away oodles of information and advice about working the camera and creating engaging... videos and tech andand and as I’m talking Jenny is slowly crumpling finishing up with her head in her arms on the desk and I’m slowly tapering off my sentence looking in horror at someone having some kind of mid-business crisis. And she said, I wish I wasn’t quite so well known for giving away free advice. And it wasn’t just that. Jenny had painted herself into a bit of a niche. Ohhhh, there it is. That hole you’ve dug for yourself as a business owner when you’re actually really good at something, you’ve been doing it for ages, your audience knows exactly what they get from you, but you are living with some serious business regret. Fast forward a year or so and Jenny is changing things up. Only she’s so established in her field for doing this one particular thing and now she’s got to drag her fan base with her. Today on So Crisp we’re getting a rare behind the scenes look at the process one rather internet famous woman has to go through to take her business from something she’s super well known for and change it into something else, because she’s fallen out of love with it. We’re talking changing directions but when people are looking. Brand spanking new on the So Crisp podcast! Listen at or on iTunes, Spotify, and all the good pod places. [ Image: the one and only Jenny De Lacy, video confidence superstar. She’s sporting short blonde hair, holding her signature glasses looking over them with a cheeky half grin, she has an incredible backdrop that happens to be teal which is the very reason I chose this image of her (matches my branding!) ]
24.01.2022 Hey, hey, it's #HeyJayDay! Where I take all the questions I get asked on a regular basis and try to answer them. If you have one - email me! [email protected] ... Q: What happens if I hire you and don't like something you write? Well then, that’s it. We aren’t mates anymore. Gosh no, that’s a joke. Communication is key and even if you start off thinking you are 100% sure of what you want, sometimes when you get it, you realise you might have been wrong. That’s OK, sometimes we need a change of brief and to start again. We’ll negotiate that if it happens. Otherwise, it’s usually just an issue of making a round of tweaks so the copy sounds just like you as an authority in your industry on your best day. I work in a diverse range of industries and although I might be the Word Queen, you’re undoubtedly more experienced in your industry’s jargon, terminology, and tone than I am. Sometimes we’ll need to dig into those tweaks, which is what the round of amendments is for. In fact, when I send you back the first draft I’ll actively encourage you to pick it apart print it out and scribble on it, use tracking changes and ask 35 questions, make suggested edits that’s all part of the process.
22.01.2022 "Stop whatever you’re doing and listen to this! I am a podcast junkie and this show is now on top of my list. It is very educational, inspiring and entertaining. Love the energy and sense of humour." - Lili, So Crisp listener
20.01.2022 Random Crispy Facts 1. My first business had the same tagline as this one: Find your voice. Make some noise. featured in all the advertising for Ballyhoo Voice Studio, a singing school I ran in my 20s while supporting Husband No 1 through University (monumental waste of time). I guess Ive always been about women uncovering their groove and singing their own song. Loud and proud. . 2. Ive sung the Australian (and US) National Anthems at just about every sporting event in... Perth (and a couple times in other parts of Australia, too). In fact, one of my first paid gigs was singing both anthems back to back on the tray of a Monster Truck. . 3. My Professional Bio promises sensibility, but I never really got sensible. That part of my bio is a bit of a fib. I did get scared. Two children under the age of 3, recently divorced, with the family home 2 days away from being built - my foundations were rocked. It took me a long time to come back from that, to stand in my own power and ask for what I wanted. To raise children on my own, both emotionally and financially. To teach them about self-preservation, self-love, and all the words to Into The Woods. That last one will be a valuable life skill, Im sure. . 4. I married a Viking and birthed a little boy who is a carbon copy of his Dad. Im the living embodiment of what happens when you learn from your mistakes. Hes literally the best bloke in the world. . 5. University Majors in Literature and Creative Writing didnt teach me as much as about conversion copywriting as Musical Theatre at WAAPA with John Milson and Year 11 Lit with Mrs Piper (both who saw something in me I couldnt quite spot myself). See, Ma? I didnt fritter away all the opportunities you gave me. Just put off using them for so long youd given up. #getcrisp See more
18.01.2022 So excited to be part of this!
17.01.2022 A massive, enormous, squeezy thank you to all your amazing clicky fingers for sharing, reviewing, and loving the new season of So Crisp. Winners of the prizes, I'll be in your inbox in 5, 4, 3, 2...
17.01.2022 Sounds too easy, right? It cant be a 3-step wonder: high kick, jazz hands, applause? Codswallop.... In fact, this is exactly what my business best mate and I do every single day. With a sweet, sweet blend. Because when you mix strategy and creative, profit and personality, add automation to copy - you get MONEY FOR JAM. Were not talking about the sugary spread you eat, were talking about making money from your business content in a much easier way than you currently are. Using copy skills and a new knowledge about how to use your email marketing to make a fatter, juicier bottom line. Lauren June knows all about bottom lines. Her business as a strategist is all about making you actual profit, not just income. And I know all about copy. My business teaches women how to write their own copy to sell all their things. Check out our new no-brainer priced offering: Money for Jam, where well teach you: Module 1: Basics of Email Marketing Module 2: Profit Streams Module 3: Email Copywriting 101 Module 4: Nurture Sequence Plan All in an easy to understand, simple to implement, and go at your own pace platform. Find out more here
17.01.2022 What is this conversion copy thing? Isn't that only for loud Americans? Pfft. A conversion copywriter is more special than a regular one. They also do more things than just the writing.... It’s like buying organic brie, rather than $5 cheddar. What it ain’t: creative writing, content marketing, or chucking words at a page and seeing what sticks. What it is: alchemy of words and structure to ultimately make the magic, perfect client take the action you want them to (buy in!) Carefully placed CTAs. Exceptional user experience. Add in some testing and tweaking and you have a conversion copywriter. How I do it: I’m like an intuitive word-witch who gets in your ideal clients’ psyche and delivers them what they want to read, how they want to read it, until their clicky finger has the tingles.
16.01.2022 Don’t quote shop for sound advice. If you can’t find someone to mentor you for nix then save your pennies and spend an hour online with a pro rather than hunting for someone offering a 6-month buy-in at a ridiculously low price.
16.01.2022 Power Words and Food Nina Mills Think your belief systems about food, your weight, and your body have zip to do with how you run your business? Think again.... Not sure if you have internalised weight bias? Take a listen. Just want to hear two women talk about food, fat, power words, and being part of the anti-diet brigade? This is for you. Nina Mills is getting So Crisp to unpack the power we give words we talk about, and talk to ourselves about, when it comes to food and teaches us a little about diet culture and what role it plays in how women show up in business. Please note: In this episode, I refer to disabled people using people first language. That's purposeful, because I'm disability proud. Nina uses the term "differently abled" which isn't as widely accepted to some the disability community. My apologies for anyone this offends as we all strive to learn and do better.
16.01.2022 Absolutely research for my real estate copywriters... at a hard stretch (and utterly fascinating for any Criminal: A Podcast lovers)
16.01.2022 Well, thank you, Grammarly. I appreciate the appreciation.
15.01.2022 One mopey Monday morning I was browsing Seek for jobs and scrolling Facebook at the same time, looking for something. Hope? The Crisp Copy Class jumped out on my feed. I clicked to find out more. Good copy does that.
15.01.2022 What is this conversion copy thing? Isnt that only for loud Americans? Pfft. A conversion copywriter is more special than a regular one. They also do more things than just the writing.... Its like buying organic brie, rather than $5 cheddar. What it aint: creative writing, content marketing, or chucking words at a page and seeing what sticks. What it is: alchemy of words and structure to ultimately make the magic, perfect client take the action you want them to (buy in!) Carefully placed CTAs. Exceptional user experience. Add in some testing and tweaking and you have a conversion copywriter. How I do it: Im like an intuitive word-witch who gets in your ideal clients psyche and delivers them what they want to read, how they want to read it, until their clicky finger has the tingles.
15.01.2022 #randomcrisps In my professional biography I talk about having children and getting 'sensible'. I never really got sensible. That part of my bio is a bit of a fib.... I did get scared. Two children under the age of 3, my husband had just dumped me on my bum, with the family home 2 days away from being built - my foundations were rocked. It took me a long time to come back from that, to stand in my own power and ask for what I wanted. To raise children on my own, both emotionally and financially. To teach them about self-preservation, self-love, and all the words to Into The Woods. That last one will be a valuable life skill, I’m sure.
15.01.2022 Crisp Copy spotted in the wild. I love an #Iwrotethat moment. Thank you Bub Savvy for permission to share.
15.01.2022 quite frankly, women in business have better things to do with their time, energy and brain power than obsess about whether they deserve a Tim Tam with their afternoon cup of tea A. FLIPPING. Men. Think your belief systems about food, your weight, and your body have zip to do with how you run your business?... Think again. Not sure if you have internalised weight bias? Take a listen. Just want to hear two women talk about food, fat, power words, and being part of the anti-diet brigade? This is for you. Nina Mills is getting So Crisp to unpack the power we give words we talk about, and talk to ourselves about, when it comes to food and teaches us a little about diet culture and what role it plays in how women show up in business. Brand spankin' new on the #socrisppodcast Listen on #itunes #spotify or direct from the website.
14.01.2022 That moment your VA sends you a job listing, and your Sales page sales page is being used as the example. Maybe I should pitch? Only theyre missing a zero or two from their pricing.
14.01.2022 Right at the beginning of Week 3 of the Term 1 2019 round of the Crisp Copy Class, this message popped up in the private FB group. Week. 3. Imagine what this woman will be achieving with her improved copy by the end of the 4 month round?!... If you want to save a seat for the next round, get your name on my waitlist right here: - Shared with permission -
14.01.2022 Got a whole lot of backstory and no real concept of how to bring it together for your website? Here’s a step-by-step visual guide with accompanying simple documentation to walk you through taking all that story and heart and turning it into something that’ll read well, be easily scannable, and move your ideal client through to the next point of the journey. Cheaper than a pub lunch....
14.01.2022 Dayum. This is how you make a copywriter snort her coffee in happiness.
13.01.2022 Sometimes, someone leans over to me at a workshop and whispers: what the HECK is SEO writing and how do I do it? Here's an explanation. In non-tech-geek.
11.01.2022 Youve heard them being bandied around, these two terms. Copywriting here, content writing there but do you know the difference between them? I do.
11.01.2022 4 days 50+ guest speakers (including me!) 5 business workshops 4 AusMumpreneur Awards galas 4 Networking events AND ... 7 keynote speakers! This is the biggest @ausmumpreneur event. Ever. And talk about accessibility - its all online and recorded so you can watch ALL the speakers and workshops whenever you like. Theres even a cocktail party. You know Im gettin frocked up. Specifically designed for mums in business, check out the Ausmumpreneur Festival at @ausmumpreneur and look forward to chatting to you in the group. #ausmumpreneur #ausmumpreneurawards #ausmum2020 #crispcopy #getcrisp #socrisp #copywritertip #copywriter #creativebusiness #brandstrategist #crispcopytip #scrapstale #contentcreation #creativemarketing #copywritersofinstagram #salesfunnel #strategist #marketingadvice #contentmarketingstrategy #contentmarketingtips #copywriterlife #womenownedbusiness #localbusinessowners #smallbusinessrevolution #selfemployedlife #smallbusinessmelbourne #smallbusinesssydney #smallbusinessperth #smallbusinessconsultant #smallbusinessmatters
11.01.2022 How many words of boring bloggery do you reckon are written a day? A gazbillion? Eleventy trillion? Probably close.... You’re not going to contribute to that horrifying number, right? riiiight? Didn’t think so. Here’s the rub: If your blogs are being churned out of your fingertips without your heart (or much of your brain) getting deeply involved If you’re writing them to tick some SEO or ‘Google loves fresh content’ box malarkey someone told you you *should* (ooooheeey, I have some THINGS TO SAY about should!) Or if you’re actually trying really darn hard and pouring your soul into every word but the flippin’ things aren’t converting for you at all You Need A Bloggy Intervention Luckily, I am trained in gently breaking this news - you need help. *holds space* I gotcha. And I’m not going to break your bank balance to get you delivering bloggery brilliance, either, especially if you JUMP ALL OVER my BF/CM deal available this weekend only. If you’re ready to write blogs that entertain, inspire, and convert like crazy grab a spot in the Crisp Copy Blogathon available THIS WEEKEND ONLY for 50% off. It’s a 4 module intensive course walking you and your best pencil through Content Planning, Structure, Keywords (SEO), and Titles so you hook those readers in, turn them from scanners to consumers, and then convert them to love everything you offer and buy all your good things. Become part of the Anti-Boring Blogathon Brigade for 50% off this weekend only. Use code: BLOGFRIDAY right here and get bloggin':
09.01.2022 60 MINUTE CUPPA COPY COACHING SESSION Speedy copy delivered with caffeine (or gin, whatever floats your boat). - 60 minutes of uninterrupted one-on-one copywriting coaching over Zoom... - A collaborative process to improve your biggest copy issue - To send me the link to the page you have the issue with beforehand so we can effectively use every minute we spend together This is a copywriting coaching session I wont wave my fairy copy-mother wand over your content, but instead, teach you how to analyse and improve your own copy. The skills you learn can then be implemented on every page of your website. There are 4 spots available (most) months for 60 minute sessions. These are released at the beginning of each month and book out quickly. Check the link to see if there are any available this month or get on my email list to get first dibs.
09.01.2022 The Crisp Copy Blogathon self-paced edition is on SALE! use copywriting structure basics to increase conversion use different blog options (not everything has to be an epic novel!) work a long-tail keyword into your blog so organically, it could be certified... figure out what to write about (and when) write faster, edit speedily, and actually press publish and, most importantly, combine content writing with copywriting for blogs that CONVERT!
08.01.2022 Thinking of unbagging my 2018 lucky winners dress for tonights WA and SA @ausmumpreneur Awards Ceremony where Im MCing (and getting to announce some winners!) Best bit?... Its formal attire from the tabletop up so my iron knickers can stay in whichever drawer I last threw them in disgust after whichever event I last grudgingly wore them to. Hooray for online events!
07.01.2022 If being part of a change bigger than you and your business is top of your agenda in 2021, here’s where I suggest you could start. My business mate Louise O'Reilly is running this webinar. I’ve done her Culturally Inclusive Language course and she’s taught a Masterclass for the Crisp Copy Class and I know she’s an incredibly helpful, insightful, and compassionate teacher. My community told me they wanted a webinar on how to have conversations about changing the date of Austr...alia day to something more inclusive of Aboriginal people. I listened and I’m happy to say it’s happening! Because I’ve observed how the silence on important social issues like changing the date and how damaging that silence can be, the name of the webinar is Stop silent compliancehow to speak up about changing the date In it, I'll talk about: - what's appropriate to say and how to say it - what is and isn't respectful to Aboriginal people - the psychology behind effective communication that creates change - different ways you can start the conversation of changing the date - how to manage conflict if it arises - how to keep yourself emotionally and energetically safe If you want to learn all this in one value-packed hour with me and create positive social change here in Australia, you can book your spot here.
07.01.2022 WRITING IS A DOING WORD! And as much as us high-priced copywriters would love to have you believe, it’s not magic, alchemy, or goddess-given talent. It’s part creative, part knowing what copy to put where, and part confidence.... Which is all learnable. The Crisp Copy Class self-guided course option is for people ready to write bank-making copy on a bootstrapping-friendly budget. Pay once, get immediate access to over 30 hours of pre-recorded copywriting tutorials, downloadables, and templates AND LIFETIME ACCESS! Get all the details here:
06.01.2022 Want to sell ALL. YOUR. STUFF? Wee bit scared by the idea of conversion copy? Or just don’t want to be a spammy, sleazy McSalesy pants?... The Crisp Copy Spectacularly Simple Sales Page Bundle is so sumptuously straightforward, you’ll be whipping up converting Sales pages faster than a salmon and strawberry jam sandwich. (Or Vegemite and banana, if you’re my kid.) The truth is, when it comes to Sales pages: STORYTELLING ISN’T ENOUGH I know, I’m sorry, don’t cry. When it comes to Sales copy, brand storytelling won’t cut it. Luckily, you happen to know a Sales page conversion copywriter. The kind that writes $3,500 Sales pages for clients who use them to have a $2M (yerp, two. million. dollar) launch or who suddenly see a 50% increase on conversions. Oh, hey. That copywriter is me. And guess what? I use this exact template every single time I write a Sales page from scratch. If you don’t want to pay $3,500 for an amazingly converting Sales page but you’re also done with paying for someone else to do it for cheaper because it’s just not working, it might be time to learn to write your own highly-converting Sales page your own darn self. Because once you do it one time, and it works, you can duplicate it again and again to sell all your things now and forevermore. Just $57 AUD, this bundle costs less than a pub lunch and serves up lifetime access to Sales page mastery. Snaffle it here:
05.01.2022 When I launched the So Crisp podcast, I knew Linda Reed Enever was on my hit list. Only, what to ask her to come chat about? PR, marketing, Facebook algorithm, business coaching, community building, media mavenry, and/or cool hair. I first learned about the concept of multipotentiality at ProBlogger in 2015, where Emilie Wapnick from took the stage and told us our perceived flaky and immature behaviour actually had a place. I am pretty sure she changed some in that room that evening and gave a whole lot of people permission to be exactly who they were. She describes a multipotentialite as someone with many interests and creative pursuits. And thats Linda alllllll over. If you think you might be a multipotentialite (or just want to be able to use the word correctly in conversation) take a listen here: See more
05.01.2022 This is the single most important page on your website. Don’t write it in 3rd person, avoid it altogether, or cry over it a minute more.
05.01.2022 Consider this a lived experience bit o’ advice: you can forgive people bad behaviour, you can even strive to understand it - business can bring up some ugly, usually squashed-deep emotions for all of us but you don’t have to keep those folk on your friends list Follow @crispcopy for more I learned this through a businessing trial of fire advice (also, some solid copywriting stuff) ... [ Image: black writing, white background, reads: Certificate of Permission: Unfriend. @crispcopy is below ]
05.01.2022 If you need a presenter or speaker that resembles a giant, plump Gold Logie, I have a dress ready to go...
05.01.2022 Got the ideas and the know-how but don’t know what your blog should include to get maximum conversion? Don’t know where your metatag goes or what a CTA is? This super simple, 5 page guide will show you where to put your blog words so they work for you. Get blogging right now, for only $37 AUD + GST.
05.01.2022 When your membership to the Crisp Copy Class pays you back.
05.01.2022 I think, if you if you break everything down, the most important thing to remember is that were humans and people equally first. And to really understand that when we are writing I think that really opens up a space for compassion where you can identify yourself with everyone else. And also I would say to really know what your identities are. So in the intersectionality of all isms, basically, where do you fit into all of those spectrums?"... Louise OReilly on the So Crisp podcast talking about Culturally Inclusive Language.
04.01.2022 Oh, Im just like you. I like the pretty ones. I like the white space and the watercolour edges and the curated everything. But website headers? Those things are serious, yo.... Every single week I work with women on their copy who are either ignoring headers or using them for decoration. *gasp* Stop that.
04.01.2022 In this episode, I pick the brain of Lucy Tearne, PR maven and wish granter, about the concept of transparency in branding, vulnerability in the online space, and the multifaceted superpowers of PR. How much YOU do you put in the you online? Are you trying to build a brand and a business hiding in the shadows, hoping your professional self will come across as brilliant and engaging, without taking the terrifying leap of making yourself truly visible? Human hearts make buying ...decisions, and they need human hearts and human voices to buy from. Let Lucy tell you all about it:
04.01.2022 Hey there, movers and (milk)shakers! Need a funnel plan that doesnt give your reader brain freeze? I got you. If youre wondering how to get your subscribers from just browsing the menu to diving headfirst into the whole buffet, grab this freebie and get your sequence sussed.... Youll learn: What to offer in exchange for your readers email address (because you already know youve got to give them a taste) How to follow up on your welcome email (because entrees are nice, but not particularly filling) and What your nurture sequence should include (because you dont want to feed them anything stale or spammy) This refreshingly simple guide walks you through the whole thing, from opt in to nurture to conversion. Look, we all love a bit of vanilla, but not when it comes to our marketing. So click the link below to snaffle the guide, plop a big juicy cherry on top and your subscribers will be drinking up your stuff in no time.
03.01.2022 Louise OReilly speaks about how she introduces herself differently depending on her audience in the final episode of Season 2 of So Crisp.
02.01.2022 It's #HeyJayDay. The day where you get to ask me word nerdy questions and I use your confusion to create my content. #winwin... Q: Hey Jay I was checking out your stuff and noticed you were in Australia. But I'm in the US/UK/Ukraine! What will we do?! A: No probs, Bob. And I won’t use Australian colloquialisms like that when I write your copy, promise. This is all covered in our first branding session where we’ll map out a brand guide for your words that I’ll use then you can pass on to anyone who EVER writes for you for them to use too.
02.01.2022 So Crisp Podcast a tasty, bite-sized podcast that serves business, bravery, branding, beauty, sex, love, motherhood, womanhood, feminism, labels, psychology, marketing, messaging, mavenry, musicals and the mess we call life, all deliciously dished up and ready to consume. In fact, is there anything we dont discuss?... Listen here:
02.01.2022 How many words of boring bloggery do you reckon are written a day? A gazbillion? Eleventy trillion? Probably close. You’re not going to contribute to that horrifying number, right? riiiight?... Didn’t think so. Here’s the rub: If your blogs are being churned out of your fingertips without your heart (or much of your brain) getting deeply involved If you’re writing them to tick some SEO or ‘Google loves fresh content’ box malarkey someone told you you *should* (ooooheeey, I have some THINGS TO SAY about should!) Or if you’re actually trying really darn hard and pouring your soul into every word but the flippin’ things aren’t converting for you at all You Need A Bloggy Intervention Luckily, I am trained in gently breaking this news - you need help. *holds space* I gotcha. And I’m not going to break your bank balance to get you delivering bloggery brilliance, either, especially if you JUMP ALL OVER my BF/CM deal available this weekend only. If you’re ready to write blogs that entertain, inspire, and convert like crazy grab a spot in the Crisp Copy Blogathon available THIS WEEKEND ONLY for 50% off. It’s a 4 module intensive course walking you and your best pencil through Content Planning, Structure, Keywords (SEO), and Titles so you hook those readers in, turn them from scanners to consumers, and then convert them to love everything you offer and buy all your good things. Become part of the Anti-Boring Blogathon Brigade for 50% off this weekend only. Use code: BLOGFRIDAY right here and get bloggin':
02.01.2022 HELP ME WRITE MY IMAGE DESCRIPTIONS! Over Christmas, I'll be updating all of my social posts to include image descriptions in alignment with better accessibility for all. Here's what I have for Image 1 so far.... "Plump, blonde copywriting queen pretends to be about to bite into a teal apple. The apple isn't real. Neither are her eyelashes. She's scrunching up her nose and smiling, which is her standard grin. She has wicked red lippy on and is quite obviously ragingly talented. Her black and white striped shirt and black and white polka dot skirt perfectly sets off a set of black fingernails which were ripped off immediately after the photo shoot. There are probably Photoshop filters involved." Post your suggestions below.
02.01.2022 Q3 SALE! I am Jay Crisp Crow the worlds laziest blogging copywriter... ...and while my blogs for clients rocked, my own blogs used to suck. ... And I beat myself up a lot. I wrote blogs because I thought copywriters should have blogs like, WHAT IS SEO? * snore * Then, I found my ideal clients didnt give two hoots about what I thought SEO was, they only cared if I could implement it in their copy. Or teach them morph keywords into their own. In fact, I had an epiphany about the time I was invited to guest lecture at University after the Dean read my blog about the dangers of going for business coffees: My people didnt want to read a blog I wrote with the intention of ticking a box. They wanted to read a blog I could fully stand behind, that stood for something, or that taught them something or entertained them or made them feel something or made them laugh. They wanted to be educated. They wanted to be held by the hand and taken somewhere. I was doing it wrong. Also, I hated it. So I became the worlds most lazy blogging copywriter. Scratch that, I became a SUSTAINABLE blog writer. I got smarter about why I was blog writing, I recycled and upcycled, I treated content like it was a cog in a bigger machine. And blogging got easier. And more lucrative. And a little bit more fun. Why am I admitting this to you? Because the worlds laziest blog writer is actually a better choice to teach you how to write faster, more effectively, with more conversion for less effort than a natural born blogger with oodles of motivation to blog up her sleeve. And you know everything I teach will be whittled down to the simplest version of itself. And itll work. Learn how to: use copywriting structure basics to increase conversion work a long-tail keyword into your blog so organically, it could be certified figure out what to write about (and when) write faster, edit speedily, and actually press publish All in an easy-to-use, self-paced platform with lifetime access. And, Ive popped it on sale for a super short time. Check it out:
01.01.2022 Hey, hey, its #HeyJayDay! Where I take all the questions I get asked on a regular basis and try to answer them. If you have one - email me! [email protected] ... Q: How long will this all take? * insert Ive made this decision now and am ready to ROCK! sigh * A: That mostly depends on you. I have a 4 8 week lead time (during which therell be things both of us are working on) and then, depending on how quickly I get the information I need from you, its generally another 4 + weeks to return your first draft. I do offer a rush rate option, which adds 25% to your invoice.
01.01.2022 #randomcrisps My first business has the same tagline as this one. Find your voice. Make some noise.... It featured in all the advertising for Ballyhoo Voice Studio, a singing school I ran in my 20s while supporting Husband No 1 through University (monumental waste of time). I guess Ive always been about women uncovering their groove and singing their own song. Loud and proud.
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