Risen Lord Community Australia | Community
Risen Lord Community Australia
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25.01.2022 Throwback to an amazing testimony of Gods healing power... God calls us to life in abundance and His hand is mighty to save! If you need prayer today, reach out to our prayer ministry via: https://form.jotform.com/201348378892062 Let us rejoice and praise Him "for You, O Lord, have made me glad by Your deeds; I sing for joy at the works of Your hands. How great are Your works, O LORD..." Psalm 92 #strengthinweakness #testimony #praytogether #prayerministry #prayerpartners #crlaustralia
25.01.2022 This is one of the most quotes scripture verses - yet it's so profound! This season, may it speak to your heart in a new way #christmas2020 #advent
25.01.2022 Our Lady of Good Health, also known as Our Lady of Vailankanni, is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by people as she is said to have appeared twice in the town of Velankanni (South India) in the 16th to 17th centuries. Her feast is celebrated on 08 September. Tradition tells us of two Marian apparitions that took place. One to a local shepherd boy and the second when she saved a group of sailors caught in a tempest in the Bay of Bengal. Let us ask the intercession... of our Lady of Good Health upon the sick and suffering in our world. #ourladyofgoodhealth #ourladyofvailankanni #catholicfeasts #feastofourlady
24.01.2022 In the Eucharist we see the true body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ. Join us for the online webinar "Cultivating Eucharistic Amazement" on Saturday 17 October, 11:00 AM, as we delve deeper in to the mystery of the Eucharist. #HolyEucharist #catholicfaith #saintquotes #crlaustralia
23.01.2022 Let go of anxiety and cling to God! His word promises us that His peace which passes all understanding will guard our hearts and minds. If you would like to pray with someone or send us a prayer request - please reach out to our prayer ministry today. Contact us on: https://form.jotform.com/201348378892062 . Lets join in prayer together! #praytogether #prayforeachother #prayerministry #crlprayerministry #prayerpartner
23.01.2022 #LentenReflection Lord Jesus, teach me in this season how to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to You. Lord my desire is bring before You a sacrifice that brings You delight. Lord take me in deeper this lent deeper than the traditional practices of sacrifice. Jesus, You told your disciples not to do as the Pharisees do. Not to focus on the outward sacrifices but to look at the heart. So here I am my Jesus. Here is my heart. Let it be like the alabaster jar that was broken b...efore You, offering You sweet sweet fragrance. I want to offer You something personal and intimate this lent, no matter what it might cost me. Take my hand and lead me this lent. My desire is to delight Your heart. #crlaustralia #Lent2021 Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
23.01.2022 We are so blessed and excited to announce Dr Scott Hahn our guest speaker for our upcoming live webinar "Cultivating Eucharistic Amazement"! Dr Hahn is a world renowned theologian who has delivered numerous talks on a wide variety of topics related to Scripture, the Eucharist and the Catholic faith. Do not miss out on this amazing event on Saturday 17 October at 11:00 AM (AEDT). Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1722085427953322/ #HolyEucharist #catholicfaith #crlaustralia #ScottHahn
21.01.2022 At 18-years-old, St Clare heard St. Francis of Assisi preach during a Lenten service in a church. This was a turning point in her life and she later left her home and joined the convent of the Benedictine nuns under St Francis orders. Overtime, many others joined her order wanting to be brides of Christ and live with no money. In 1224, when an army came to attack Assisi, Clare (very sick at the time) went out to meet them with the Blessed Sacrament on her hands. In that moment, a sudden fright struck the attackers and they fled as fast as they could without harming anyone in Assisi. Upon her death, Pope Pius XII declared St. Clare as the patron saint of television, eye disease, goldsmiths, and laundry. #catholicsaints #saintquotes #stclare #feastday #crlaustralia
21.01.2022 Today we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St Augustine says She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley. Through her birth the nature inherited from our first parents is changed. Today lets ask for her intercession for our world in a special way. #nativityofmary #blessedvirginmary #catholicfeasts #feastofourlady #birthofourlady
20.01.2022 I asked myself, what am I really celebrating? The end of lockdown and the chance to meet my friends and family? The end of a terrible year? The season of Santas and reindeer? Or was I celebrating the Son of God, who came down from Heaven and became a helpless babe to save me? I was so busy getting ready for Christmas that I had forgotten the reason we celebrated it... #christmas2020 #reasonfortheseason
20.01.2022 #LentenReflection Lord Jesus, today You remind us to place our trust in You. That no matter what storms may come against us, no matter how strong the winds that try to beat us down if we remain steadfast in our trust in You, we will be still and victorious through it all. Just like the tree planted next to the waterside, whose roots go deep. The heat, the wind, the storms don’t bother the tree or affect its growth. It states lush and green and fruitful because its nourishme...nt comes from deep within. Lord, I am making a commitment to trust You this season. I will dig my heels in, I will lift my eyes up to You and offer my heart to You in complete surrender. No matter the wind, no matter the heat, no matter what happens around me, Lord Jesus I am making a decision to trust You with my heart and happiness. #crlaustralia #Lent2021 Photo by Jack Hunter on Unsplash
20.01.2022 How do you pray when its difficult? Whats happening with the scandal in the Church? How do you get your kids to eat vegetables? These are just a few questions Fr Leo answers in this short Q&A... Check it out and dont forget to join us on Saturday 05 Sept at 8:00 pm (AEST) for a live "feed your faith" event with Fr Leo himself! Come hungry! Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/754004498770475/ Zoom ID: 841 8036 7492... #cookingpriest #frleopatalinghug #feedyourfaith #platinggrace #crlaustralia #catholicpriests Video credits: Plating Grace, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKstHusgaUA
19.01.2022 Lets pray together for a breakthrough in your life! Reach out to our prayer ministry with your prayer requests on: https://form.jotform.com/201348378892062 #prayercanmovemountains #praytogether #prayforeachother #prayerministry #crlprayerministry #prayerpartner
19.01.2022 #LentenReflection Mercy is when I do not receive the punishment I deserve. Grace is when I receive the blessings and reward I do not deserve. The Holy Spirit teaches me that the behaviour of a person is not necessarily the tool to judge his/her intentions. The One who alone has access into the depths of our being, will know our heart and our intention. The more I allow The Holy Spirit to awaken my spirit and be united to Him, I receive the capacity to see others through the e...yes of my Heavenly Father. Then my response will be based only on the mercy and grace I receive from The Father. I am being taught that the measuring scales of heaven are calibrated by the condition of our heart. I am invited to give with a joyful heart, not counting the cost or loss, but counting the joy it brings to the receiver. When The Lord sees my heart condition He rewards me according to heaven’s scales, and it is way too much to even hold in my limited being, overflowing to my family and all who are around me. #crlaustralia #Lent2021 Photo by Ellen Auer on Unsplash
18.01.2022 During his youth, St Igantius of Loyola joined the army and fought in several battles under the leadership of the Duke of Najera. In 1521, while defending the town of Pamplona against French attack, Ignatius was struck by a cannonball in the legs and was badly injured. During his time of recovery, he read many books on the life of Christ and the saints. Upon recovery he journeyed to a Benedictine monastery where he laid down his military garments before a statue of the Black Madonna. St Ignatius was the founder of the "Jesuits" and taught many spiritual exercises used today . St Ignatius passed away at the age of 64. He is the patron saint of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), soldiers and education. #ignatiusofloyola #societyofjesus #jesuits #feastday #saintsfeastday #catholicsaints #crlaustralia
17.01.2022 Wisdom from St John of the Cross. Have a blessed weekend! #catholicfaith #saintquotes #crossofChrist #gloryinthecross #catholicsaints #crlaustralia
16.01.2022 Joy to the world the Lord has come! May the divine light of the Christ-child shine in your lives. Wishing you and your families a blessed and Holy Christmas! #christmas2020 #lightinthedarkness #kingofkings #LordofLords #blessedchristmas
16.01.2022 The CRL Mens Ministry will be joining together tonight for a special time of worship and sharing. Please join us on Zoom at 6:00 PM (AEST). Topic: Living the Will of God Zoom meeting ID: 880 5516 3771 Password: 509723
16.01.2022 "These innocent children who died on Christ's behalf are the first martyrs who shed their blood for Jesus Christ. Suffering, persecution, and martyrdom are the lot of all who chose to follow Jesus Christ. There is no crown without the cross" reflection by Don Schwager #holyinnocents #christmas2020
14.01.2022 We had an amazing evening with Fr Rob Galea as he shared about Gods love and mercy. Please take the time to listen to his talk, hear him sing and share with your friends! Be blessed! #frrobgalea #crlaustralia #extraordinaryordinary #worship #catholicpriest #isolationworship
14.01.2022 Join us now for the live stream of CRL Australia's weekly prayer meeting. Live praise & worship and a message by Brother Lalith Perera. #godisgood #journeytogether #crlaustralia
13.01.2022 St Mary Mackillop is the first Australian saint and as we celebrate her feast today, let us pray for her intercession for this country in a special way. #feastday #catholicsaints #saintquotes #crlaustraia
12.01.2022 Fr. Rob Galea will be joining us tonight to share his insights and wisdom with all musicians and young adults! This will be a free online event - get your friends and family to join in as we delve into ministry, music, worship and other topics... #worshipmusic #praise #catholicmusic #frg Zoom ID: 824 3224 5146 (if you dont have Zoom, simply click this link which will take you directly to the event: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82432245146) Sunday 16 August at 6:30 PM (AEST) via Zoom
12.01.2022 Would you like someone to pray for you? Send us your prayer request and our prayer teams will be storming heaven for you! Send in your request here: https://form.jotform.com/201348378892062... #crlprayerministry #emmausprayerministry #crlaustralia #prayforeachother #prayerpartner #onlineprayer
11.01.2022 Join us now for the live stream of CRL Australias weekly prayer meeting. Live praise & worship and a message by Lalith Perera. #godisgood #journeytogether #crlaustralia
11.01.2022 Music can often speak a different language to our souls . Fr. Rob Galea has touched the hearts and lives of many through his gift of music, and were blessed to be joined by him on Sunday 16 August as he shares his insights and experiences with us . Please join us and invite your friends to be part of this blessed evening! #worshipmusic #praise #catholicmusic Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/691535614732528/ Sunday 16 August at 6:30 PM (AEST) via Zoom... Zoom ID: 824 3224 5146 See more
11.01.2022 Feed you faith during this time of isolation. Join us for a live event with Fr Leo Patalinghug on Saturday 05 September, as he shares his insights on living out your faith in your families - one plate of grace at a time! Event details: 05 September at 8:00 pm (AEST) Zoom ID: 841 8036 7492 More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/754004498770475/... Fr Leo is a world-renowned international speaker who happens to be a professional chef (among many other accolades!). His ministry focuses on the importance of family meals and bringing the world together one plate of grace at a time. #cookingpriest #frleopatalinghug #feedyourfaith #platinggrace #crlaustralia #catholicpriests credit: www.baltimoremagazine.com
11.01.2022 We are now on Instagram! Please click this link to follow us for updates: https://www.instagram.com/crlaustralia/ #crlaustralia
11.01.2022 How often do you meet someone who is a priest, chef, martial artist and break-dancer?? Once in a lifetime! We are so excited and blessed to be joined by Father Leo Patalinghug for an online event for families. Event details: 05 September at 8:00 pm (AEST)... Zoom ID: 841 8036 7492 More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/754004498770475/ #fatherleopatalinghug #cookingpriest #feedyourfamily #crlaustralia #catholicpriest
11.01.2022 Calling all musicians and young adults to join us for an evening with Fr Rob Galea! Sunday 16 August at 6.30pm. Hosted by the Community of the Risen Lord. #musicministry #frg #frrobgalea #worshipministry #crlaustralia
10.01.2022 Is your sickness bringing you down? Are your finances making you anxious? If you would like to send a prayer request or to pray with someone - let us know. You can reach us at https://form.jotform.com/201348378892062 Lets come together in prayer! #praytogether #PrayForEachOther #PrayForYou #CRLAustralia #CRL #CRLPrayerMinistry #EmmausPrayerMinistry #OnlinePrayer #PrayerPartner
10.01.2022 We remember that Christ comes to live in our hearts everyday - not just at Christmas. He comes in to the imperfect stable of our lives - into our challenges and brokenness. He comes not as the babe of Bethlehem - but as our King, our Father and our Saviour. Today, let us open our hearts to welcome Him. #Christmas2020 #CRLAustralia #oholynight
10.01.2022 Where are you in your walk with God right now? Are you stuck in a place of brokenness, are you battling with depression and overwhelming anxiety, are you caught up in a cycle of sin you cannot break out of? The Lord Jesus says otherwise. His words are loud and clear - Come as you are, I love you. Session 2 of the Four Steps series - Come as you are #foursteps #comeasyouare
09.01.2022 Vatican II tells us that the Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life". Its the total completeness of Christs love for us. Join us for an online event as we go deeper into the meaning of the Eucharist and how it transforms our day to day lives. #holyeucharist #catholicfaith #crlaustralia Saturday 17 October | 11:00 AM.
08.01.2022 The CRL Family Ministry will be joined by Matthew & Julie Mac Donald on Saturday 01 August. Matthew & Julie have been married for almost 20 years and have 6 children. Their presentations are drawn from theology and the practical side of everyday family living. Matt also has a Masters in Theology of Marriage & Family from the John Paul II Institute. Do not miss this time of sharing! #marriageandfamily #christianliving #christianmarriage #livingoutyourfaith #raisingchristianchildren Webinar ID: 811 9950 3211 Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81199503211 Date: Saturday 01 August
07.01.2022 "My personal prayer time had structure... but it lacked intimacy. This was driven by my own need to be in control, even of this sacred time and my unspoken fear that the Lord wouldn’t come. It seemed safer to keep things at a relatively superficial level. But my heart was dissatisfied and restless..." It's safe to say we have all struggled with personal prayer... We invite you to read this article on how Dr Nidarshi found an "invitation to intimacy" in the heart of her struggle. #personalprayer #intimacywithGod #prayer
06.01.2022 #LentenReflection In the gospel today, we see the sons of Zebedee asking for prominent places in the Kingdom, in their quest for greatness. It’s easy to think of them as arrogant but the truth is that we all desire for greatness, for significance. And indeed we are created for greatness for we are created in the likeness of God. But here we see Jesus redefining greatness for them and for us. The greatest in the Kingdom must serve the others. As Bill Johnson says, we are to se...rve with the heart of a king and to rule with the heart of a servant. So this Lenten season lets strive for greatness. Let’s pursue the greatness of the Kingdom as we learn to serve all those around us, just like Jesus so perfectly modelled for us. We demonstrate our significance, our strength, our courage to those around us as love without fear, give without counting and bless without bitterness. #crlaustralia #Lent2021 Photo by DDP on Unsplash
05.01.2022 Fr Leo is back with a short message for anyone who is feeling downcast and even a little "lazy" with their faith... He gives some practical tips on how to get passed this feeling and rejuvenate your faith! We will also be having Fr Leo joining us for a live session this Saturday! He will be speaking to us on how we can "Feed our faith" during this time and how we, as individuals and families can grow in our spiritual journey. Saturday 05 September at 8:00pm (AEST).... Zoom ID: 841 8036 7492 More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/754004498770475/ Fr Leo is a world-renowned international speaker who happens to be a professional chef (among many other accolades!). His ministry focuses on the importance of family meals and bringing the world together one plate of grace at a time. #cookingpriest #frleopatalinghug #feedyourfaith #platinggrace #crlaustralia #catholicpriests
05.01.2022 #LentenReflection Lord Jesus, open my eyes to the places in my heart where I harbour envy and jealousy. Lord open my eyes to see where I have allowed bitterness to take root, where I cannot celebrate the blessing on another’s life as I am too busy allocating motives for their actions. Lord uproot this bitterness out of me. Weed out the envy, the jealousy, the grumbling and the comparisons. Lord I know that You have created me fearfully and wonderfully and that You love me wit...h a love beyond comparison. So as I let go of the bitterness and envy today, help my eyes to rest on You. To rest in the love that You have for me. And as I do that, to recognise the immense favour and blessing that You have for me. Let me grow in love this lent Lord Jesus. Let me bear the fruit of being loved by You. #crlaustralia #Lent2021 Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash
04.01.2022 Today is the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We exalt Christs cross whenever we freely take it up, filled with the certainty that the ultimate meaning and fulfilment we crave in life comes to us through this Passion... No wonder that the sign of the cross makes kings of all those reborn in Christ St Leo the Great #GloryintheCross #CrossofChrist #Catholicfeasts #saintquotes #crlaustralia
04.01.2022 As we celebrate the feast of Mother Teresa, let us remember to spread love and kindness to the ones closest to us. #feastday #catholicsaints #motherteresa #teresaofcalcutta #spreadlove
01.01.2022 And Mary said: My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me - Holy is his name..." Luke 1:46-49 #feastoftheassumption #solemnityoftheassumption #feastday #blessedvirginmary #crlaustralia
01.01.2022 As we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, let us ask for her intercession in our lives and in our world in a special way. #OurLadyOfSorrows #blessedmother #crlaustralia
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