Geelong Croquet Association in Belmont, Victoria, Australia | Sports club
Geelong Croquet Association
Locality: Belmont, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 422 006 431
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25.01.2022 Its that time again! Cmon GCA clubs put up your teams and lets see who are the Pennant champions for 2020.
25.01.2022 Practice at Belmont Croquet Club. This morning, as usual on Wednesdays, players gathered to practice. We hope that Pennant and Tournaments will be coming up soon and eager players must be prepared. Here is just one example. The black ball is happily sitting in the hoop but where are the other 3 balls? (They are playing GC.)
25.01.2022 AC social day at Queenscliff Croquet Club. Regional AC players got together at the first weekly social day for a long time. This week it was Queenscliff CC's turn to act as host club and on a warm, sunny day there was a good turnout. Courts were smooth and fast.... Amazingly, Butch and Paula Hollier, fresh from their great performances at the recent Portland AC tournament, turned up to play. This pair are really keen and seemingly never get tired. Next week will be at Drysdale CC.
25.01.2022 Golf Croquet Handicap Doubles Tournament at Eastern Park Croquet Club. This event is taking place today in unseasonable cold, wet and windy weather. Here are some photos of the enthusiastic players. Final results will be posted when available.
24.01.2022 Getting Back into Croquet. Today we visit Belmont Croquet Club where, in spite of the cool and rainy weather, players gathered to share some social Golf Croquet.
22.01.2022 The Geelong Croquet Association is pleased to be able to nominate Stephen Forster as VICE PRESIDENT of the Victorian Croquet Associations Committee of Management. The GCA and its members wish Stephen every success in his bid to become Vice President and have every confidence in his ability to fulfil that role in the necessary manner.... The elections will be held at the Croquet Victoria 2020 AGM on Monday, 17th August. Stephen Forster started playing croquet at the age of ten at the Lismore Croquet Club (Vic) and has played competitively for 45 yrs. He joined Belmont CC in 1989 and has served as President for 12 yrs. He is an AC coach and is Belmonts greenkeeper, looking after 3 A lawns. In 2017 Stephen was appointed Life Member of Belmont CC. Stephen was the recipient of the very first Victorian President Service Medal. In 1997 he was nominated in the Governor General Sports Star Awards. Achievements: Represented Victoria in tournaments for over 25 yrs. Captained Victoria 16 times. Represented Australia in Trans Tasman 6 times. Captained Trans Tasman team in 2009. Played in MacRobertson Shield teams 5 Times including the successful 2017 challenge. World championships 9 times. From 2001 to 2004 Stephen was State Coaching Director for Victoria. Currently he is the Coach of the State AC Team Squad and the Training & Development Squad. Stephen is also the Captain of the current Victorian Association State Team. Personal life: Stephen is married to Julie and has two children Zach and Eden. He is employed at University Hospital Geelong, working as a theatre technician in the Operating Dept, after beginning his working life as an apprentice chef at the Camperdown Hospital. Stephen was also a Weight Watchers Coach for 18 yrs and a Swimming Instructor working with children for 4 yrs.
21.01.2022 Getting closer! Just imagine that first day back. I cant wait!
21.01.2022 Getting Ready to Play These well-known members of Drysdale Croquet Club were seen today preparing courts and equipment to ensure that all is ready and correct for limited play to be resumed.
21.01.2022 Congratulations to our friends the pennant winners in the Ballarat Region. GCA members take note! The AC Intercity and the GC Challenge are on after Christmas. Be prepared!
21.01.2022 MESSAGE from GCA secretary Elizabeth de Trafford concerning closure of clubs due to Covid-19 restrictions. Hello. This is to inform you that the GCA has decided that all clubs must cease play if they havent already done so by the close of day on Wednesday 5th August 2020. This is for the six week period as stated by the government and the COGG and may be subject to change due to further restrictions.... All events that the GCA were planning to try and hold during the latter part of the year have been put on hold for at least 6 weeks and this includes the Geelong/Ballarat Challenge and the Pennant Tournament. We will get back to you to clarify the situation as soon as we can. Please dont hesitate to contact Jim Saunders or myself if you have any questions. Stay safe & well Elizabeth
20.01.2022 Judy Wembridge stands in front of her own sign at Bairnsdale Croquet Club. Judy has been honoured by the club for her outstanding achievements in croquet and the coaching that she does at the club. Judy is the sister of Drysdales Jenny Calwell and step-daughter of Wilma Bath who also has a lawn named after her and Judy and Jennys father Graham, at Drysdale CC.
20.01.2022 Geelong Croquet Association AC Social Day. This week we met at Drysdale Croquet Club for a friendly game of Association Croquet. The weather was warm but tempered with a brisk cool breeze. Some played well, others not so well, but everyone enjoyed the play and the company; two keen players from Ballarat were also present. Next week we will meet at Belmont Croquet Club.
20.01.2022 Congratulations to former Drysdale and GCA member Jenny Leesing....well done Jenny!
19.01.2022 GCA members competing in the 2018 Easter Doubles at Cairnlea. Doesnt seem all that long ago. Ken & Denise Deller were wearing Belmonts new uniform.
19.01.2022 New players at Drysdale Croquet Club. James and Vicky came for a Golf Croquet lesson today, really enjoyed it and showed great potential. They say they'll definitely be back.
19.01.2022 Best Wishes and Good Luck to the GCA members who will be playing in the Portland, Vic. AC tournament: Division 1: Bob Roycroft (Eastern Park CC) Division 2: Helen Fewtrell (Queenscliff CC)... Kevin Bluff(Belmont CC) Division 3: Cherry Bluff (Belmont CC) Butch Hollier (Belmont CC) Kerry Cullen (Colac CC) Graham Nunn (Eastern Park CC) Division 4: Paula Hollier (Belmont CC) Maureen Alberts (Eastern Park CC) A great regional line-up! AND: at the end of play, what magnificent results from GCA players: Bob Roycroft: Winner, Division 1 Helen Fewtrell: Runner-up, Division 2 Butch Hollier: Runner-up, Division 3 Paula Hollier, Winner and Maureen Alberts, Runner-up, Division 4.
19.01.2022 Anna Miller has decided to free up her time to pursue other interests. We cant let her disappear from the croquet world without a celebration of her contribut...ions and achievements. Anna has been a valued member of Belmont Croquet Club for more than a decade now. We know that before that she played for many years in Horsham and was well known on the tournament circuit before she retired to Torquay and joined us. We were somewhat awe-struck when we first saw that beautiful, seemingly effortless swing. Anna quickly reassured us. She joined in with normal club play, mixed quietly with everybody and soon became an integral part of the club. Anna started as an association croquet player but developed a liking for golf croquet as well. There were several years when Anna was selected to be part of the Victorian State Team in both codes one could only admire her stamina (and skill). Anna was Vice-Captain of the Vic AC team in 2013-14 and of the Vic GC team in 2015-16. On the world stage Anna played for Australia in the Inaugural World Womens AC Championships in Melbourne 2009-10, then again in Nottingham in 2015. She also played in Cairo for the Over 50 GC World Championships 2010-11. Closer to home, Anna could always be relied upon to be part of the Belmont Pennant Teams and often represented Geelong against friendly enemy Ballarat in our annual challenge matches. Anna has been a Committee Member, AC Club Captain and Vice-President of Belmont. She has also been on selection panels for the VCA and even Australian Croquet Association Vice-President. Anna has quietly lobbied to improve the game for all. Whether it be, competition standard balls for all games at our club, equal tournament opportunities for GC and AC codes, Australia-wide, or balancing opportunities for women. She has also contributed greatly as a referee for both codes. She conducted several referee training programs for Geelong, in both AC & GC. Her most recent croquet undertaking was as Venue Referee at Belmont for the AC World Championships in February 2020. We will all miss you Anna Miller. We have loved your style, your wisdom and most of all your company. Cherry Bluff. Belmont CC.
19.01.2022 No AC play at Drysdale Croquet Club today. It was rather moist after the overnight rain so we decided to stay home instead.
18.01.2022 An interesting morning at Belmont Croquet Club. Today dawned cold but sunny. At BCC there were two activities in progress: Social golf croquet play and a Geelong Croquet Association meeting. Both were heartily enjoyed by the participants.
18.01.2022 Another frosty morning at Drysdale Croquet Club. There is no keeping these people away from their croquet. Fortunately there is a cloudless sky and the sun will soon warm them.
17.01.2022 Better Weather: After the recent cold, wet, windy weather today dawned bright, clear and warm. As usual there was some casual AC play at Drysdale Croquet Club. The game between Kay and Carol ended in a draw, a fitting end to a great morning.
17.01.2022 From the vic gov website. Can I use sports club facilities? You can use toilet facilities connected to a permitted sport location. However, clubhouses, bars, eating areas, indoor sitting areas, showers and change facilities must remain closed. You should not drink from public drinking fountains.... Bars and restaurants can only remain open if it offers takeaway or delivery services no sit-down meals or drinks are permitted
16.01.2022 A new player at Drysdale Croquet Club ... with an old mallet. This new player told her neighbour that she was planning to take up croquet. Whereupon the elderly neighbour said that she used to play croquet and offered the new player the loan of a mallet. On the mallet was the neighbour's name:
16.01.2022 Former Drysdale member Tony Evans helping out at Ballarat Alexandra.
15.01.2022 Another sunny day at Drysdale Croquet Club and the regular band of enthusiasts out there playing golf croquet.
14.01.2022 On a sunny day which started cool but quickly warmed up GC players gathered at Drysdale Croquet Club. Everyone played some brilliant shots and a few not so brilliant ones but they all enjoyed themselves.
14.01.2022 Just sitting around Still no croquet playing but let us again look into the past. Many people who do not play AC say that is because there is too much sitting around. There is perhaps some truth in this but, actually, while you are sitting there you arent just dozing. Rather you are observing your opponents to estimate their weaknesses and in planing your future strategy. Here are some pictures of players engaged in these activities.
12.01.2022 March edition of Malletsports. Click on link below.
12.01.2022 Getting back to croquet: Today dawned cold and frosty. But this did not deter the hardy croquet players from returning to their clubs for a game, adhering of course to the required social distancing. Here are some of the players at Drysdale CC.
12.01.2022 Old memories: People getting prizes. Some more photographs from the past in the days when people entered tournaments and won prizes. How good are your memories of who won what when?
11.01.2022 Beautiful surroundings at the Portland croquet club. It must be very pleasant playing there. Thanks Cherry Bluff.
11.01.2022 A fine spring morning at Belmont Croquet Club. The stormy weather of the last few days was replaced today with sunshiny calm. What better occupation on a day like today than to play croquet?
09.01.2022 An early Australia Day festivity. Members of Drysdale Croquet Club dressed up today in Australia Day outfits. Well, some of them did.
08.01.2022 Who was that masked croquet player? Another fine and sunny day at Drysdale Croquet Club. With a couple of visitors and everyone in masks part of the fun was trying to work out who your partner was and who your opponents were.
08.01.2022 Former days of croquet in the Geelong region. With thanks to the Bellarine Historical Society.
08.01.2022 AN EXPLANATION OF THE VOTING SYSTEM THAT WILL BE USED AT THE VCA AGM HELD TOMORROW 17th AUGUST BY VIDEO LINK. by JIM SAUNDERS Several enquiries have been received as to the format and operation of the electoral process to be utilised at the VCA AGM on Monday, 17 August, 2020. As a voting delegate at the meeting and having attended a briefing session, the following is my understanding of what shall take place. The meeting will be held by video link with various members and obs...ervers in attendance. Voting will be restricted to one delegate from each of the 13 VCA Regions. The names of the delegates must be notified to the VCA Secretary no later than 48 hours before the meeting. Positions for the Committee of Management and their nominees are in alphabetical order: Vice President Stephen Forster, Kate Patrick Treasurer Claire Keating Secretary Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt Committee David Johnston, Janet Leckie-Brunton, Lyndsay Nelson, Kate Patrick. For Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary one is to be elected. Three are to be elected for the Committee. Voting will be by secret ballot. When that commences the voting delegates will be separated from other attendees. Ballot papers will be electronically distributed, returned to the scrutineer and results announced progressively. Successful candidates must gain a majority of the votes cast by delegates present and voting to be elected. Where there is only one candidate for one position the candidate must still gain a majority of the delegates present and voting to be elected. Depending on the outcome of the election for Vice President there will be three or four candidates for the Committee. In the event of a tie there may be another ballot to determine the successful candidate. If still unresolved the Chairman may use a casting vote. See more
08.01.2022 First club day at Belmont Croquet Club. Club play restarted today with full designated anti-virus precautions. A small number of players arrived, the small numbers likely being the effect of the cold, windy conditions. Instead of the usual cups of tea we got through lots of hand sanitiser between games.
08.01.2022 And what were we doing at this time last year? Apparently we were playing lots of croquet and some of us were winning prizes. Perhaps, in the future, we may do these things again?
07.01.2022 Croquet players are a hardy bunch: The Spring day dawned cold, dank and soggy. But that did not deter this couple of AC players who got together for a friendly Saturday morning game at Drysdale Croquet Club.
06.01.2022 Checking in with the GCA clubs and hoping all is well with our members. Hopefully restrictions will be eased and play resumed ASAP. Take care and we all look forward to meeting up again on our Social days. Definitely not favouritism showing Drysdale in the centre, it just worked out that way.
06.01.2022 Another sunny morning at Drysdale Croquet Club and a small number of the usual suspects gathered for some friendly Golf Croquet.
06.01.2022 News from Croquet Victoria. Posted 12th May. Edited. Sport and Recreation Victoria has asked State Sporting Associations to prepare guidelines for their clubs on how to manage within the restrictions which still apply. They want to see the guidelines before they are sent out. Croquet Victoria has just submitted its draft guidelines, using the national Rebooting Sport framework provided by Sport Australia and local State requirements as spelt out by the Department of Health an...d Human Services. We dont know how long it will take Sport and Recreation Victoria to give us feedback. We will send out the guidelines as soon as we have the go-ahead and will copy to LGAs. Please be patient! Please dont go back on the courts just yet.
06.01.2022 Another sunny day at Drysdale Croquet Club. A cold and gloomy morning eventually gave way to sunshine. So these enthusiastic players took advantage of the good weather while it lasts:
04.01.2022 A sunny morning at Belmont Croquet Club. Wednesday is Practice Day for Golf Croquet. The weather was good, if a little cool at first, and dedicated players gathered for socially-distanced friendly play.
04.01.2022 September 2018, Sue and Paula at Eastern Park. Let’s hope we can get back to playing at each other’s clubs again soon.
04.01.2022 Changes to restrictions in Victoria Victoria will enter a State of Disaster from 6pm on Sunday, August 2 to give police additional powers and ensure people are complying with the public health directions. The new restrictions will be in place for six weeks, ending on September 13. ... REGIONAL VICTORIA Regional Victoria will move to Stage 3 restrictions from 11.59pm on Wednesday. Mitchell Shire will remain on Stage 3. Restrictions implemented from Wednesday will run until September 13. The only reason people will be able to leave home is for shopping for food and essentials, care and caregiving, work and study, and daily exercise. Restaurants and cafes will move to takeaway only Beauty and personal services will close Community sport will cease Face coverings are mandatory Remote learning will return across all year levels, with onsite supervision is available for children of permitted workers and vulnerable kids. TAKE CARE EVERYONE!
04.01.2022 8 m The Geelong Croquet Association is sad to note the retirement of Anna Miller, long-standing contributor to our regional croquet. As well as her own brilliant playing record, Anna has guided many players with her excellent and friendly coaching and has given many, many hours as a pleasant but fair referee. She will be missed.
04.01.2022 A tentative start ....... Some clubs in the region were able to resume play after the long croquet-free period. Here at Drysdale Croquet Club these masked players try to remember how Golf Croquet is actually played.
04.01.2022 Practice day again at Belmont Croquet Club. The weather was damp and overcast but that did not deter the dedicated players from trying to improve their games.
03.01.2022 A pleasant game of Association Croquet at Drysdale Croquet Club: Now that we are allowed restricted play a couple of old friends got together for a game of AC. Both were a bit rusty but each played some good shots and some not-so-good ones. The result was a draw. (Score withheld so as not to embarrass anyone.) Whilst playing, the son of Edna Peel came past with the news that Edna is recovering nicely from her recent fall and hopes to be back at the club soon.
03.01.2022 SPORT AUSTRALIA has produced a tool kit for use by clubs of all sizes. Very convenient downloads, click on the link below.
03.01.2022 Drysdale Croquet Club and a cool, sunny day. A few stalwart players gathered for some informal Golf Croquet. Amongst them was the new player who had been given an old mallet by Wilma Bath. The player is doing really well:
02.01.2022 Drysdales Reg Paton disinfecting the balls at the end of play. Each club has its nominated person. Thanks Reg. Photo courtesy of Claudette Harding
02.01.2022 After a few days of heat, rain and wind in various combinations today dawned clear and sunny. So, what better to do than to play croquet? These players gathered for a few social games of golf croquet at Drysdale Croquet Club.
01.01.2022 Another Sunny Day at Drysdale Croquet Club. These people are real fanatics. No matter what day or time I walk past there is always someone playing croquet. And the sun is always shining.
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