Fibre Active in Perth, Western Australia | Personal coach
Fibre Active
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 450 397 578
Address: Unit 6, 22 Embleton Avenue 6062 Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 1914
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24.01.2022 Kids classes are back! That's right, we have missed our youngest and we are back for Term 3! Cannot wait to see our kids in action! We still have a few spots for Fridays at 4pm, commencing tomorrow 24th July! ... Please email Jess at [email protected] to secure a spot!
23.01.2022 Now everyone on social media also knows that @melski_melski not only PBd her clean but also her push jerk with a new 50kg Clean and Jerk PB! Mel, you made this new milestone look so easy and we can't wait for your squat clean to click so more PBs can roll in! Very excited for you Mel and for more to come! Well done ... #fibrefam #PB #cleanandjerk
23.01.2022 Feeling good.. like I should Always a great feeling about sweating it out at the box on a Monday! #mondayvibes @henryds61 @keithlfc1892 @callum_the_camel_ ... #fibrefam #fibreactive
22.01.2022 Home Soon Together Fam Thank you so much for the support and love over the last 7 weeks. Our 2 park sessions had a fabulous turnout and we've loved every minute of it Feeling lucky to be in WA . . #fibrefam... #fibreactive See more
22.01.2022 Fabulous morning in the hills with FibreFam! We had a terrific time in each other's company, soaking up the beautiful views and perfect weather! Big thanks to @suejoubert for being our awesome guide for the day Actually cannot wait for the next one!... #fibrefam #outofthebox #hike @ Kalamunda Hills
22.01.2022 Wow, 2 years ago. Where did that time go? When is the next comp? Actually excited to have another comp day.
17.01.2022 Establishing Positive Self Talk is important to ensure you successfully complete the workout to the best of your ability. Share some of your positive Self Talk strategies, quotes below.... . . #positivevibes #crossfitfibre
17.01.2022 It's very special to see our community come together on Saturdays We love the vibes each person brings to the box, the new friendships, the fun memories being made Looking forward to the new week ahead. Let the good times roll ... #fibrefam #fibreactive #community
15.01.2022 Hello 2021! (Sound on! ) Are you ready to get fit? We get you fit! . Does this amp you up? ... Save it and watch it again and again. . Let's Train. . #fibreactive #fibreactiveembleton #fibreactivewestperth #crossfitfibre #crossfit #perthfitness #exerciseperth #perth #perthcity #perthtodo #perthgym #strongwomen #stronggirls #strongmen #supportyouraffiliate #westernaustralia Produced by @alucinor_productions See more
15.01.2022 Super Saturday's Dream Teams We leave no one behind. Together we are stronger. We are one team ... #fibrefam #community #fibreactive @ Embleton
15.01.2022 http://Why Fibre? 2nd week back and loving the eagerness of everyone coming back to the box. To the members who supported us through the tough times when we had to be away.... We thank you.... We built Fibre to build a strong community. To improve fitness and wellness of multiple generations through premium coaching. To create a fun and diverse family friendly gym. To encourage healthy habits through scientifically backed programming. To provide balanced and targeted programs that improve athletic ability. To nurture future and current athletes who are humble, respectful and uphold sport with integrity. Those are our why's and why we do it. Intertwined into our vision and values it is what drives is to constantly progress, hustle, evolve and adapt. Send us a message if you would like to be a part of Fibre. Let's chat. #fibrefam #wearefibre
15.01.2022 Our CrossFit Kids are a great bunch! We're so proud of our work with them. Today Halle brought in a special guest, Rocket. You may spot him in the third photo, in front of Halle warming up! ... He's the school mascot and Halle will be writing his journal this weekend Surely the journal will say how well everyone moved in their knee raises and clean and jerk, that they probably will have sore abs tomorrow after doing today's WOD Annie and how lucky Halle and all the kids are to have a special place to come train and make new friends! .. that their coaches Kym @kymlauren and Jess @whatchulove are pretty cool too #fibrefam #crossfitkids #fibreactive
14.01.2022 The Podium finishers for our Perfect Pairs Ver2 Fitness Gala. Beginner Masters of Nothing HHV... Domestic Goddesses Open Super Mario and the other Guy Full Send B Twins Best Dressed Bacon and Eggs Spirit of Fibre The Grey Team #crossfitfibre #fibreactiveembleton #fibreactiveperth #perfectpairs #perfectpairsfitnessgala #inhousechallenge
14.01.2022 Feels sooo damn good to be hitting barbells again and training with people, loud(not so) music and throwing stuff around without annoying your neighbours or smashing your deck or pavers. How good has the last 2 days of training been? Well. We are back on and pumping those muscles and working those bodies to be fitter and stronger again. Rebuilding the capacity, getting used to the barbell again, strengthening the legs, doing some vertical pulls again and of course seeing people. It's amazing. It's the vibe. It's the experience. Message is to chat about getting active.
14.01.2022 No better way than to start our Saturday with this incredible community. Look at the smiles! Fitness is way more fun together and partner workouts are excellent to push one another that little bit further! You're all getting stronger and heavier weights are being used. We're very proud of each other's efforts and progress ... Now go and enjoy this stunning day! Happy weekend Fam! #fibrefam #fibreactive #community
14.01.2022 A bit of Feedback. Hardwork pays off. Come in, get going, do the deed, put 100% effort into it, rinse and repeat. . If you want to make a change, make some changes. A full 180 U turn. Aim to change your habits. . It will happen, but You Must put in the effort. ... You Can do it. . #crossfit #fitness #workout #bodybuilding #fitnessmotivation #training #motivation #fitfam #gymlife #fibreactiveembleton #crossfitfibre #squats #fibrefam #bodybuilder #fitnessjourney #crossfitgirls #strongman #deadlift #workoutmotivation #strengthtraining #squat #athlete #fitlife #physique #running #homeworkout #body #fibreactive See more
14.01.2022 MINDSET To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone. - Reba McEntire Wishbone: The growth-mindset that sees everything as an opportunity. To wear the lens of a true optimist not a delusional the world is amazing outlook, but instead the singular focus: what can I learn from this?... Backbone: The unbreakable will to give our best, regardless of the circumstances. To put ego and pride aside, and to live with authenticity. Every day. Funnybone: The attitude of gratitude for this incredible lifestyle we get to live. To see the humors in life, and to cherish the small things that all too often go unnoticed. Needless to say, this mindset strategy can be applied to your health and wellness goals as well. What can you learn from being in where you are now? How has your past affected what you are doing now? Can you work towards a specific wellness goal? Can I do whatever it takes to get to that goal? Can I laugh at myself when I trip up and make a mistake? Can I be happy with the efforts I am making and with my overall self? Returning to these questions constantly will keep you in a strong positive mindset to overcome any adversity you may have. It may not present as complete solutions, but instead, a process of taking small consistent steps to overcome the mental barriers that may arise or already be ingrained in yourself. Do or Do Not, there is no try. But keep Do-ing. Have a great day. :)
12.01.2022 Kids fitness every Friday at 4pm with Coach @kymlauren and @whatchulove Looking forward to an action packed class this afternoon with our youngest members! #fibrefam... #fibrekids #crossfitkids @ Embleton See more
12.01.2022 Testing week is upon us and we are seeing some brilliant lifts from our members! Big Congratulations @tayla_kneller on nailing a 75kg PB for your Hang Clean! What a great way to celebrate the last 4 weeks of work put in! ... And Congratulations to all who have gotten a PB today! #hangclean #fibrestrong #fibrefam #pb
11.01.2022 Our crew caught fist pumping after Super Saturday's workout We worked in teams of 3 that day to complete the task at hand, but at the end of the workout we go around giving out fist pumps to recognise and praise the effort of each person present in the room It's a gesture of support, respect and camaraderie, that brings us all together after sweating it out ... #fibrefam #community
11.01.2022 Perfect Pair Fitness Gala Ver 2! #fibrefam #fibreactive #community
11.01.2022 A much enjoyed WOD by all for our Saturday with Double Tommy Mac Fibrefam pushed through 32mins of work, great form and resilience at the more complex movements and finished strong as a partner team and group. So damn proud of you all ... Have a lovely weekend #fibrefam #community #wod
10.01.2022 Today has been a great day so far with FibreFam smashing PBs A big one here for Big O @otrainrees at 530am with a 100kg Clean and Jerk PB! So proud and stoked for you O!! ... #fibrefam #cleanandjerk
10.01.2022 Lana, where do we start? 65 years young and entering a comp that was open to 40+, you were absolutely pumped to be out there on the competition floor You went into each workout a ball of nerves but once you were out there, it was game time and game face.You did your best, you never gave up! You danced when you hit your lifts and filled us all with joy! ... Well done Lana on your big effort today! You are easily our biggest inspiration and we are all so proud of you! #fibrefam #fibreactive @ CrossFit Frantic Cannington
10.01.2022 T A M M I D O Y L E I started coming to Fibre because my kids wanted to try something that involved gym movements and 'hanging off stuff'. Thought we'd try crossfit and since I have a philosophy that I don't expect my kids to do anything I'm not willing to try myself, I joined too. I had terrible core strength and that's one thing the classes have really helped with. ... But the most surprising thing is that coaches Jess and Bjorn always have faith in me, when I don't have any in myself. They give me the courage to have a crack at things I didn't think I could do. I've gained much since starting a year ago. I find I can now fight the devil in my head that says "you can't". I have learned how to pull off toes to bar, chin ups, handstand push ups; things I'd never have believed possible before. I've also gained a family. The crew that run and attend the gym are genuinely thrilled for you when you nail a new skill for the first time. They share a fist pump, a joke and a coffee, just like family. I would highly recommend joining if you want to improve your strength and your self esteem. The classes are so diverse; you'll always find something you're good at, something that challenges you and someone to encourage you to keep trying. ------- Thank you Tammi. We love having you at Fibre and have thoroughly enjoyed watching you throw some heavier weights around, get those gymnastics skills, workout with your daughter and most importantly, grow confidence in yourself ------ #fibrefam #community #membertestimonial
10.01.2022 Hey Guys So, in May this year our great friend Kim Payet was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has had a lumpectomy and the specimen is now being sent to America for comprehensive testing to determine whether chemo is needed or if radiation therapy is the next step on Kims journey of recovery. For sending the specimen to America it has cost $5000 plus all the other medical expenses. This is a massive hit, especially at this time as Kim has not been able to work as she reco...vers from her surgery. Money is not something Kim should be worrying about right now and all focus should be on her recovery and the kicking of this cancer square in the ass! We, Ruth Hannigan, Stirling Watto, Jen Craig, Bruce Dominguez and Roisin, have come together to raise some funds for Kim. Seeing as we are all gym friends and train from the Fibre Active gym, we propose that for every $1 raised, we as a team will complete 1 burpee. We will split all total reps amongst us. Our aim is to raise $5000, which will equal a huge 5000 burpees. Thats a lovely round 1000 burpees each! We will run this as an event on Sunday the 28th June in Fibre Active West Perth. Please come down and show some support. We are also looking to collect some prizes so that we can run a raffle with all proceeds going to Kim's medical expenses. This is the least we can do for Kim as she has always been the one there for us, from working out our niggles in Northbridge Chiropractic, to having a great laugh during a workout and, most of all, always being such a great friend. Please show us some support and donate to this great cause! Not only will you put us through some pain and suffering in the form of burpees but you will be helping an absolute legend on her road to recovery! This is the link for the Go Fund Me page:
09.01.2022 Well done Tama on your first individual competition and intermediate category at @franticdayout! Tama walks away with 23rd place, a glorious PB of 100kg in his Clean and Jerk and a fun day spent on the competition floor! Proud of you Tama and can't wait to see you back on the competition floor with even more fire in the belly! ... #fibrefam #fibreactive
09.01.2022 Fibre's Official Position - CrossFit dis-Affiliation This morning, we shared the following statement with our coaches and members who are 100% behind us. Time to share where we stand with our larger community.... ------------ We are deeply disappointed and saddened by the words and communications revealed by the CEO of CrossFit. His comments and responses are disgraceful, unprofessional and shameful. It does not represent or align with our values at Fibre and we absolutely DO NOT CONDONE RACISM. Period. We need to be United not Divided. We are all humans. We set out to build a community and To create a fun and diverse, family friendly gym." The Community is what is important here. We include EVERYONE, without prejudice to sex, race, sexual orientation or religion. When I talk about Fibre, I call it Our Box. Us. It is not My or Mine. It is for Us. And crossfit is how we found all of you. The method and the brand are 2 different things. We will continue to use the method, but disassociating from the brand. We will not be affiliating with CrossFit as an affiliate after 7 years. As long as the CF has a leader in Greg we don't want to be associated with him or what he stands for. We will continue all our hard work to build our community. The sad thing is we found you all through CrossFit, which is something we will never forget. But it does not detract from what we aim to provide, which is a a fun and diverse family friendly gym. We Are FibreFam. We are Fibre Active. And Together We Stand.
09.01.2022 Solid 5.30am group, whatever season we're in. Gotta love these guys' consistency and efforts for getting it done at the crack of dawn. Truth is, it is never easy getting out of bed but it gets that bit easier when you get into a routine and you know the crew will be there with you, sweating it out and working together to maintain good health and wellness. ... Together we can do more... Like today's workout #fibrefam #fibreactive #community
08.01.2022 Fitness classes are a go as of 18May2020 (at limited capacity) (Oh hey, we run fitness classes. Yay!) DM us if you would like to sweat, Lift and Throw stuff around again and if you have outgrown burpees (or become Pro burpee-er already)... (I bet everyone is groovin to the news, volume on) Sweat times are almost here.
06.01.2022 There is an enormous amount of community pride and spirit here Community: we know each other, care about each other and each other's goals! FibreFam after hero WOD Glen on Saturday ... #fibrefam #community
06.01.2022 100% that we can all strive and progress with our goals while having fun Lots of fun banter and laughs last night during 7pm but also lots of great lifts, pull up skills progression and everyone getting through the workout doing their best! Thursday 7pm fam after Tasty Thursday! ... #fibrefam #fibrestrong
05.01.2022 http://We are Open again. 18.05.20 And we are still disinfecting and spraying down as before we went into lockdown. And also please spray your shoes before you set foot in the gym floor. #openforfitness #crossfit #actcon
03.01.2022 Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play. - Mike Singletary. The opportunity to play is not granted to everyone. Your time at the box is valuable, to you and to us.... - Time to chase goals, to get better, to BE better. - Time for your mental health, surround yourself by those who believe in your greatness. - Time to play, laugh and have fun along side new friends. Happy Monday Everyone, let's do it #fibrefam #fibreactive #goals #community
03.01.2022 Not about Perfect. It's about Effort. And when you bring that effort every single time, that's when transformation happens. That's how change occurs. Physically, mentally... With nutrition, sleep, training - stay dedicated to your goals. Everyday you are moving closer to them! Everyday the uncomfortable becomes a bit more bearable! And it's ok to fall off the bandwagon, your strength lies in standing back up and fighting for a better you. Let's do this fam! #fibrefam #fibreactive
02.01.2022 FibreFam take on Hero WOD Hotshots 19 in memory of 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighters who tragically lost their life fighting the Yarnell fire in Arizona in 2013. A longer workout to wrap up the training week, and a display of heart and strength to complete it. Hotshots 19... 6 RFT 30 Air Squats 19 Power Cleans 7 Strict Pull Ups 400m Run #fibrefam #community #strongertogether @ Bayswater, Western Australia
02.01.2022 Let's give it up for Taryn!!! 70kg Power Clean PB So good! ... Terror @builttocraft has been consistent and patient with her percentage work and it's great to see the work pay off! #fibrefam #fibreactive
01.01.2022 WE’RE HIRING! Fibre are looking for a motivated, knowledgeable and enthusiastic CrossFit Coach. This is a part-time role with opportunity for further Coaching Development. ... Pay is negotiable with experience. Available to start immediately. Minimum requirements: CF L1 and L2 (pref), with at least 24 months of CrossFit coaching experience and the ability to lead a class. Please apply via Cover Letter and CV to: [email protected]
01.01.2022 The friendships that have been formed and are being formed every single day between these 4 walls are truly life lasting! We love seeing the connections happen daily. When the people you train with, become friends and second family We love and are honoured to have Em at the box every time she visits from North! #fibrefam... #community #friendship See more
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