CrossFit Geelong in Geelong, Victoria | Sport & recreation
CrossFit Geelong
Locality: Geelong, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5222 5525
Address: 4 Lambert Ave Newtown 3220 Geelong, VIC, Australia
Likes: 5334
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25.01.2022 ~ If something stands between you and your success, move it. Never be denied. ~ We open our doors to anyone who needs to make some changes to better their health. Changing this for people is what we do best. Shoot us a DM or ring us on 52225525 if you want to jump into one of our COMPLIMENTARY tryout sessions. This will be the first step to you becoming a stronger, fitter & more focused version of yourself. . . . #crossfitgeelong #crossfitgeelongcrew #webuiltourownbrand #fitnessgeelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongsmallbusinessnetwork #fitnessgeelong #crossfitaustralia #barwonriver
23.01.2022 Our legends & limitations program is coming in 2021. We have been spreading the word through our local GP clinics & all practitioners in health etc. If your clinic or practice would like some information to give out to your clients regarding this program, DM us and we will pop 1 in the post for you. This is the ideal program for someone who needs to start moving or is injured and has limitations. People over 50 are also encouraged to be part of this program. We would love to hear from you. . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #geelongpractitioners #newtownmindandbody #skinnydipperscafe #geelongfitness #geelongpersonaltrainer #geelongsmallbusiness
21.01.2022 Need Fruit & Veg ? Pop past @skinnydipperscafe and we will have you all sorted with bread, eggs, fruit and veg
19.01.2022 Another fundamentals group learning the basics. We learn how to move, what all the lingo means and most importantly, how to scale the movements and choose weights to suit your current ability. Our programming is designed to give you a great workout no matter how far you want to take it. . #everydaysweat #crossfitgeelong #crossfit #crossfitaffiliates #geelongbusiness
18.01.2022 Good things come to those who sweat Send us a DM for a COMPLIMENTARY tryout session to see why CrossFit Geelong is for every ability & every single person who wants & needs to start moving.
17.01.2022 ~ Like minded people come together ~ . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #geelong #geelongfitness #geelongbusiness #geelongsmallbusiness #itshappening #geelongfood #geelonglife #webuiltourowneverything
16.01.2022 Sue & Pete 4th & 5th place in the @mastersleagueaustralia @ell_pete . At CFG we are proud to see these two (among many) working so hard to maintain their fitness and get stronger! Congratulations to two wonderful community minded people. We are proud to have you represent us . . .... #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongfitness #geelongbusiness #fitnessgeelong #communitylove #mastersleagueaustralia See more
15.01.2022 Term 1 on its way!! 9 weeks of fun with exercise Keep the kids Active and get them involved. #activekids #activekidsgeelong #geelong #exercise #fun #geelongkidsactivities #athletes #littleathletes #crossfit #crossfitgeelong @crossfitgeelong
14.01.2022 See members page and check your emails
14.01.2022 ~ Everyone has a different journey & everyone supports each other & that’s how it should be ~ . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #itshappening #crossfitcommunity #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongcreatives #geelong #geelongfitness
14.01.2022 Well it seems we can’t keep anyone away Bring your friends in and get them moving forward with their health & wellbeing for a year of abundance for everyone . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #cfg2021 #newyearsresolution #geelong #webuiltourownbrand #stayinyourownlane #supportwellnessforoneanother
13.01.2022 ~ Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of incredible people who all believe in the same thing~ ~ Swipe Across to see our entire team @corrinechalmers @chalmerscj @_jacksonbentley_ @rob_trains @sam_beavis_ @a24cld @richellecranston @justinstevens303 @chrissysaddington @mitchell_selina . . . #crossfitgeelong #geelong #geelongbeauty #geelongsmallbusiness #itshappening #geelongbusiness #fitness #naturalhealthcare #barwonriver
12.01.2022 Our coaches are here to ensure our members get the best care and coaching for their CFG experience . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2021 #fitnessgeelong #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #smallbusinessgeelong #geelongbusiness
12.01.2022 Vibe high and the magic around you will unfold. ... . . . #cfg2021 #crossfitgeelong #mastersleaguegames @mastersleaguegames #geelongfitness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness #fitnessmotivation
12.01.2022 Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. So dream big and start now . @willainsworth # . .... . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2021 #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness #crossfitcommunity #crossfitaustralia See more
12.01.2022 Break a sweat everyday and reap the many rewards. Reduce stress, detox the skin, healthy heart and lungs, weight loss and the list goes on. You don’t have to break records you just have to get moving. . #crossfit #crossfitgeelong #crossfitaffiliate
11.01.2022 Myth 3: You have to destroy yourself every training session. Many people see exercise as something to punish themselves through 100% effort. After all, it feels mentally relaxing lying down in a recovery position. On the long term this is anything but productive if your main goal is health, and in most cases, even on the professional level, health is related to a better performance.... You should not destroy yourself every time you walk into the box. All our coaches will support you to go at the percentage which will be a challenge, but will allow you to finish the workout in a steady pace. They will slow you down to help you with your technique and most importantly, you won’t have to compete with anyone. . . . #crossfitgeelong #crossfitgeelongcrew #cfg2021 #geelong #webuiltourownbrand #smallbusinessaustralia #smallbusinessgeelong #smallbusinessowners
11.01.2022 FREE tryouts to see what we really do here @adam_edwick has lost an astounding 80kg and is healthier than ever . . . . #crossfitgeelong #crossfitlife #cfg2021 #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness #fitnessgeelong #personaltrainer ... . . See more
11.01.2022 There is NO excuse to stop your fitness during the Christmas Period. We have you ALL covered . We all had enough time off training during the year so don’t let Christmas put your breaks on again. . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #geelong #christmasiscoming #weareopen #christmas2020 #newyearsresolutions
10.01.2022 Anything that gets your blood racing is most likely worth doing . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2021 #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #smallbusinessaustralia #crossfitaustralia #crossfit #webuiltourownbrand
09.01.2022 We love seeing these . . #crossfit #crossfitaustralia #teamcfg #everydaysweat #crossfitgeelong
09.01.2022 Constantly Varied, functional movements at high intensity is the recipe. Turning up and getting it done is the secret sauce . @micksoutar .... #crossfitgeelong #teamcfg #crossfitaustralia #crossfitaffiliate See more
09.01.2022 So much in this. . @jayburkeeoe @willow_burke06 . .... #crossfitgeelong #teamcfg #crossfit #daddysgirl #geelongbusiness See more
08.01.2022 Did you know we offer all enquiries a COMPLIMENTARY tryout session ? We think it’s very important we offer this to ensure our customers are able to experience what we do before they join up. If you are feeling sluggish, unmotivated and crappy in general... then perhaps it’s time to get in touch with us on 52225525 or DM us or email [email protected] our timetable is also on our website so you can choose any session to come too. We would love to hear from you. . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #fitnessgeelong #geelongfitness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness #geelong
08.01.2022 Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success . #crossfitgeelong #teamcfg #geelongbussiness #crossfitaustralia #crossfitaffiliate
08.01.2022 Building fit, healthy, resilient and strong bodies. That is what we do . #crossfitgeelong #crossfitaustralia #crossfit #geelongsmallbusiness #buildbetter #cfg2021
08.01.2022 Awesome to see @activekidsgeelong back in action. Building strong little humans . #crossfit #crossfitgeelong #activekids #geelongbussiness
06.01.2022 The bad news is time flies, the GREAT news is, YOUR the pilot. Happy First Day of the New Year of 2021. This is the first opportunity to make it a milestone change for YOU . . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2021 #geelongfitness #geelongfitnessgroup #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongcoffee #geelongcreatives
06.01.2022 Step 1 Feeling like something needs to change before you step into another year? Step 2 Either keep thinking about it which won't change a single thing or move onto Step 3. Step 3 Send us an SMS on 0419009776. Reach out, tell us you would LOVE to tryout a session. It's complimentary so you really have nothing to lose. Trust our process. We are the longest standing, most experienced CrossFit Box in Geelong and one of the originals in Australia. We know our stuff. If we d...idn't have 'unfit' people reaching out we wouldn't be standing strong. What we do IS MADE FOR YOU. Yes you....the one doubting yourself if you are 'good enough' to come along. Step 4 Okay so you've sent the text now. You'll get a reply and... Step 5 will be committing to turning up, not for us, you are showing up for yourself and yourself only. Step 6 is holding strong to your commitment, stepping outside your comfort zone and ignoring the story you are telling yourself about not being able to do this. It' just a story it doesn't have to become real. Step 7 If you are still reading this, you have a chance! Enjoy that 1 hour you chose when you picked YOURSELF over the excuses. Well done and welcome to the most unique wellness hub Geelong has to offer. A place where ego is NOT welcome! But open minds & hearts are truly welcomed. What we offer is special and who we let in is those who want me to wholeheartedly part of our tribe. Enjoy the ride. The number to join our tribe again is: 0419009776 . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2021 #sharethegoodword #cfg #webuiltourownbrand #geelong #fitnessgeelong #smallbusinessaustralia #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongchristmas #geelongstrong #attractingabundancethroughhighvibration
06.01.2022 LEGENDS & LIMITATIONS PROGRAM READY TO ROLL Now over to Coach Rocky @richellecranston . I am facilitating the Legends & Limitations Program at CrossFit Geelong which will be kicking off on Tuesday 23rd February.... This is a separate program which is running in a similar format to Angie's Active Kids Program @activekidsgeelong It is very much catering for a NEW demographic for those who are physically unable to do our classes and for the more senior population. The types of people who this program will be suitable for: ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. The more senior population 2. Returning to exercise after surgery. 3. Continuing to exercise at the later end of a pregnancy. 4. Those who are struggling to move their own body weight and need to start with something mild and gentle. 5. Those who want to work on increasing their mobility and reducing load and intensity. 6. Suffering with high levels of inflammation and finding it hard to function, but know you need to be at least moving your body to avoid declining further. 7. Anyone of ANY age who has not ever exercised or has done minimal exercise ever. There is NO limitation as to who can attend these classes, however the above is just an indication of who this might be most suitable for. We are so excited about this program. ~ Tuesdays 7:00am ~ Thursdays 10:30am ~ Sundays 10:00am PAYG: $12.50 per session To register your interest please email: [email protected] or call on: 0481 129 660. You will be emailed an online form to fill in and away you go! We can’t wait to grow this and see it pumping! Please feel free to share this on your page & tag away!
06.01.2022 "The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." . . . #crossfitgeelong #crossfitgeelongcrew #cfg2021 #smallbusinessgeelong #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness #geelongchristmas
05.01.2022 We have a feeling there is more to that smile . @richellecranston . #cfg #teamcfg #crossfitgeelong #crossfit #crossfitaffiliate #integritymatters #geelongbusiness
05.01.2022 When people find the place they feel most comfortable ~ wonderful things happen . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 ... #webuiltourownbrand #positivevibes #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness #geelongfitness #geelongfitnessgroup See more
04.01.2022 These two beauties @kelly_carroll_ @_jono_woods_ only a few weeks away from tying the knot ! We are thrilled for this special two to have the most amazing day ! . . .... #crossfitgeelong #cfg2021 #crossfitcouplesrock #crossfitcouplesthatlifttogetherstaytogether #crossfit #crossfitaustralia #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness See more
04.01.2022 Our team loved team celebrating tonight @mtduneedestate . A year nobody could have imagined & with a great group of people sticking together = anything is possible. . Thankyou to our loyal members who value what we do & stuck by us upon the re-opening of CFG. ... . Love & gratitude from our entire team Chris, Corrine, Selina, Chrissy, Jackson, Justin, Sam, Angie, Rocky & Rob. . Merry Christmas to all the families we are lucky enough to see day in, day out. Cheers . . @chalmerscj @corrinechalmers @_jacksonbentley_ @sam_beavis_ @mitchell_selina @chrissysaddington @rob_trains @a24cld @richellecranston @justinstevens303 . . . #crossfitgeelong #cfg2020 #cfg2021 #geelongfitness #fitnessjourney #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongcreatives #geelongevents See more
02.01.2022 Well done to all the @mastersleaguegames members ! You guys are a shining example of motivation ! . . . #cfg2021 #crossfitgeelong #geelong #geelongsmallbusiness #geelongbusiness #mastersleagueaustralia #mastersleaguegames
02.01.2022 As you walk into the gym today, look at the picture of Billie Jo up on the wall. We are doing this workout today in dedication for her to pay our respect to a super talented athlete but one of those people you only meet once in a lifetime, she was a great friend and had this infectious personality that touched everyone around her. The WOD wont be an easy one of course, as that’s the way she would have wanted it. Come prepared . On the 11/11/09 we lost Billie Jo but she will never be forgotten! Lets hit this one hard! Also beng Armistice day ist is a day of reflection and remembrance. Very Big day for us all. . #buildbetter #teamcfg #crossfitgeelong #crossfit
02.01.2022 ~ OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ~ Room is above CrossFit Geelong, fully air conditioned and heated. Built in desks and plenty of space. WIFI, electricity, use of all building ammenities included in weekly rent. Call 0438010500 or email: [email protected] for all the details . . .... . #crossfitgeelong #geelongbusiness #geelongsmallbusiness #geelong #geelongevents #smallbusinessgeelong See more
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