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Crosslink Christian Network Australia in Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory, Australia | Community organisation

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Crosslink Christian Network Australia

Locality: Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Phone: +61 2 6103 0100

Address: Swanson Ct 2617 Belconnen, ACT, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hey hey most fabulous ones! Here is Day 2 of 8! Please give me a yell if you have any questions or concerns, otherwise have fun "as you go...." 2. Walk, Don’t Drive There has never been a better time to get out of the house, get some exercise and engage with people in your neighbourhood! More than ever, people are getting out of their homes to get some fresh air and exercise. Allow a little bit of extra time and give yourself the opportunity to chat with people as you walk I’m confident that you’ll find that people are willing to engage and talk with you more than ever before. People are feeling isolated and are craving interaction with other people so let’s take advantage of that opportunity. We have a chance to speak hope and life into the lives of the people we meet, and you will find that it doesn’t take people long to go from general chit-chat to a deeper level, and a more vulnerable place. If you don’t happen to meet anyone on your walk, you still have the pleasure of praying for the houses and places you pass. Who knows, God might just give you a word for them or give you an idea about how you can bless them. If you aren’t the walking type, that’s okay. There are still things you can do! Linger around your letterbox when you collect the mail and strike up conversations with people as they walk past. Pick a time of day when you know that lots of people are out and about and do some gardening in your front yard. Take an interest in people, ask questions, offer to pray for them! I am totally confident that God will open up opportunities for us if we have eyes to see them. See more


19.01.2022 Many of you will know I am a huge fan of Jonathan K Dodson's article "8 Easy Ways to Be Missional". During all of the COVID-19 restrictions being missional can be somewhat of a challenge but I didn't want to let that stop me. SO, I am doing one a day for eight days 8 Easy Ways to STAY Missional! Here is part one! 8 Easy Ways to STAY Missional To quote the author of the original article, Jonathan K Dodson, Missional is not an event we tack onto our already busy life: As you ...go, make disciples.; Walk wisely towards outsiders; Let your speech always be seasoned with salt; be prepared to give a defence for your hope. We can be missional in everyday ways without overloading our schedules. There is no doubt that the current climate we find ourselves in could make being missional in our every day lives a little bit more of a challenge, but there are still plenty of ways we can stay missional despite COVID-19! I have put together a few of my suggestions, but please let me know if you have any ideas yourself. 1. Eat with Non-Christians Obviously, we can’t have people over for a meal at the moment. There are still lots of things we can do. Invite a friend, neighbour or co-worker to sit out in the park while you have lunch together. Enjoying the outdoors while maintaining your social distancing can still be done one on one. Casual lunchtime conversations can be a great way to get to know someone, and you’d be surprised how quickly people open up, especially in this climate. Another good idea is to cook a meal for someone and drop it off with a note to say you’re thinking of them and praying for them. Of course, some people might be a bit nervous about home-cooked meals, but there are plenty of other options. How about supporting local businesses by ordering take-out and dropping it to a friend or neighbour with a sweet note? Lots of families are finding the stress of finding a work-life/home-life balance difficult and would probably love a night off from cooking. It doesn’t have to be something as big as a meal either. A little package with some home-cooked goodies or some chocolates etc. dropped off at the front door with a note with your details is also a great idea. Remember, it doesn’t have to be anything big or grandiose; it’s the thought that counts.

19.01.2022 Isn't it great that we are able to still stay connected to one another even in a time of isolation! We were always meant to be in community, it's how God intended things to be from the very beginning! So here is Day 3 of 8 Easy Ways to Stay Missional. 3. Be a Regular Okay, I will admit this is a little tricky at the moment. I am the eternal optimist though, and where there’s a will, there’s a way. You still have to go out to do the shopping. Try going on the same day at the s...ame time each week. Chances are you’ll have the same staff serving you. Try remembering their names and get to know them a little. People love it when you remember them and remember little things about them. For example, there is a small convenience store just down the road from where I live, that is great for picking up a few bits and pieces. I have gotten to know one of the girls who works there on Saturday afternoon and Sunday mornings. I know her name, where and what she is studying, a couple of her hobbies and the things she likes to do in her downtime. Obviously, this information hasn’t been gathered in one visit but I have gently pushed past the Hi, how are you doing? questions to get to know her a bit. Now when I pop in for a loaf of bread or some milk, we have much longer and more meaningful conversations. There are lots of other places you can be a regular at, even during these restrictions. Go to the same location or park for a walk each week. I’m sure you’ll run into some of the same people each time. Instead of having all of your coffees at home, go out and buy one once a week from the same coffee shop. Not only will you get to know the staff, once again, you are also likely to bump into the same people. How about supporting some of your local restaurants and takeaway shops and grab an easy tea once a week or once a fortnight for the same reasons. If you plan well, you can even hit the same petrol station at the same time each week (or couple of weeks in this going-nowhere climate!). Get to know the staff, build relationships, be a regular!

18.01.2022 Feel free to join the Grace Canberra Lunchtime Link Meeting via our Facebook page, happening Mon - Fri at 12 pm

17.01.2022 Oh Captain my captain! Our fearless leader at our church Multicultural Christmas Party!

13.01.2022 CROSSLINK AGM 2019 DAY1 SESSION 2

12.01.2022 We are on the home stretch peeps, here is number 5. 5. Talk to your Co-workers There are two ways you can do this, depending on whether you’re working from home or not. If you’re at work, coordinate ahead of time with one of your co-workers and plan to take your lunch break outside in the fresh air together. You could take it one step further and either bring extra food from home or offer to shout lunch. You could also do some home-baking and bring some in to share. Be intent...ional about taking your meal breaks, hover by the coffee machine, write and deliver homemade cards, the list goes on. I am sure there would also be practical ways you can support your workmates, each work-place or office is different, but get a little creative and find fun ways to be the presence of Jesus in those places. If you’re working from home, there are still things you can do. Email people from your work to see how they’re doing. Ask them if they need anything, practical or otherwise. Offer to pray for them. People respond to loving-kindness and are much more likely to open up to you if they feel valued by you. So do any or all of these things with the same loving-kindness that we are shown every day by the Father. Show interest in your co-workers, pick some people to pray for and ask God for a word for them. So let’s work on being missional at work! See more

09.01.2022 See what you’re missing out on at the International Missions Conference at His Story Church in Sydney! Looking good Brian!

09.01.2022 Okay, I know I sound like a broken record but even though the next part of this eight-part series is a little more challenging there are still ways we can be missional, even if we have to get a bit creative. 6. Volunteer with Non-Profits This one is a little tough at the moment because most charities are restricting access to the public due to COVID-19. Keep it in mind for once the restrictions lift though! I will probably sound like a broken record, but there are still thing...s you can do. Pick a charity or essential service group (e.g. Police, hospitals, ambulance, etc.) and drop off a care package to them, with notes to say how much they are appreciated. Check-in with some of our local charities and see if there is anything you can do despite the restrictions. Create a charity fun night in and ask friends, family, co-workers to join you and raise some money for your favourite not-for-profit. This one might take a little creativity and imagination but imagine how loved and appreciated these groups will feel which in turn will open the way for us to bring the Kingdom of God to those people and places. See more

09.01.2022 CROSSLINK AGM 2019 DAY2 SESSION 3

08.01.2022 CROSSLINK AGM 2019 SESSION 5


06.01.2022 See what happens when you promise your granddaughter that you’ll dye your hair green if the Raiders get into the Grandfinal!!!!

06.01.2022 Here's Part 4 folks. Remember, don't make the mistake of making "missional" another thing to add to your schedule. Instead, make your existing schedule missional! 4. Hobby with Non-Christians There has never been an easier time to do this than right now! More than ever before there are groups you can join without having to leave the comfort of your own home! If you can believe it, there are even movie watching groups (don’t ask me how that works but it does!) and choir groups...! I’m almost 100% sure that whatever your hobby interest is, at the moment there is an online group you can join. Who knows what exciting new connections you might make that will carry over into the post-COVID-19 world! You could also share your hobby by advertising and holding your own classes online. Start or join a book club, music appreciation group or gardening group. Just remember you don’t have to agree with everything about someone to connect with them! Who knows what Kingdom of God conversations might happen if we are open to the Holy Spirit and look for opportunities to be the presence of Jesus in those places! See more

05.01.2022 To whoever the incredibly generous person was who sent me (Rachel) the beautiful gift and card, thank you from the bottom of my heart! It’s an incredible privilege to work for and belong to such a great network of people!

04.01.2022 CROSSLINK AGM 2019 DAY2 SESSION 6

01.01.2022 CROSSLINK AGM 2019 DAY2 SESSION 4

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