Cross the Coals for Catch Music | Community
Cross the Coals for Catch Music
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23.01.2022 Hi Folks, come and visit the new(-ish!) Catch Music Facebook page - it's regularly updated with regular news about what's happening at Catch Music, which you helped to keep running this year! There have been recent updates with photos from Superjam, our annual interactive music festival, as well as a recent appearance of our Leederville group at The Beaufort St Festival, and our Subiaco group's collaboration with the Crossroads VoiceWorks Plus choir.
23.01.2022 Awesome drums artist Alex Koresis volunteered to do the music for the people crossing the coals for Catch Music for a reason - he is hot hot hot
20.01.2022 Brooke and Julie both came to Dunsborough Primary School from different countries and started pretty much at the same time when they were about 8 years old. their parents have since moved them from school to school - all for their academic and social benefit of course - and they have not lived in the same neighbourhood for about 5 years. Since the first day they met their moms - finding out the kids were related - started doing regular family fun days. Cross the coals wa...s one of them. her mum did it too with full on laughs and smiles :-) It takes a special friendship to not only want to walk over red hot coals without shoes on, but also to laugh out loud when we are doing it. <3 Thank you daughters of ours for joining in with abandon
19.01.2022 the time has come to say goodbye my friends - in more ways than one I am kind of sad to say. In my role as a fundraiser I was pretty average actually, so the one year contract is up and I have moved along to a job I also love. It is my hope that my role brought some treasures to Catch Music in other ways than financial. Brought them into the spotlight a bit, put my two cents in, and maybe set up an awesome annual event. What do you reckon firewalking supporting buddies? ... Expect a survey monkey questionnaire soon and make sure you give us suggestions for improvements so it can get better every time. (`) .**.** `*..* I have loved working for Catch Music and a lot of that is because of the willingness of people at sessions to get in and sing and play music with abandon <3 So much fun. The concept of getting together every week and giving so many diverse people a chance to have a moment of joy and laughter - I just believe in Catch Music. So thank you supporters for giving me a year of joyful musical opportunities. Cross the Coals was full of fun for me and I will remember it forever. I wonder who will cross next year? Peter and I are thinking about working together on his Ignite Change firewalking adventures. A survey monkey questionnaire will be out soon so please give us feedback so we can make it better and better.
17.01.2022 Thank you Cindy for your story about 'the man who got the stage donated'. I knew that there were untold stories from the event and it warms my heart to read these words. Stories about people we know doing selfless acts. Truly inspiring and uplifting. I know that there are many more stories waiting to be shared and I for one would love to read them.... Lets release some of the magic from the event and shine it on the world. I will say it again. Those of you who participated in the event did so with great courage and commitment. There are people out there who will be inspired by your personal story. And once more thank you to those unsung Heroes in the background. Without you this event would not have happened. I applaud you. Peter Roden
16.01.2022 I would like to say a massive thank you to all the participants who had the courage to turn up and go on this adventure with us. Many people at the last minute did not make it. I encourage you to keep your dreams and passions close by and nuture and feed them each day. We will always have these fond memories to cherish and next time you are in Kings Square you will be able to chuckle with pride at what we did. And what we did was not small potatoes. It took great courage,, trust and above all a few steps of action. My hope is that you will keep your vision alive, add to it, upsize it, hang it on the wall. Why not turn it into a vision board and hang it at home in a prominent position. Do not underestimate the power of your vision. If you live it you will get it. I know people who have created wonderful lives from their visions. Thank you all for the photos that people have been sharing, and if anyone has a video that would be great. Reading your words before the event brought me great joy and I invite you to reflect on what the night meant to you and share thsese with us. I thank Catch Music and each of you who participated and made it happen. I will always treasure this event. Peter Roden Cross the Coals Facilitator
16.01.2022 Thanks Neil for posting the great photos :-) If anyone else has photos of the night please pass them on to us or post them up here yourself. We would all love to see them
08.01.2022 To all those who missed Kate's post or would like to listen again here is another opportunity. And if you feel inspired and touched please do donate and let's raise the profile of Catch Music. Below are Kate's own words.... I have written and recorded an a capella song today, inspired by walking on the coals. I will make full downloadable versions available for people who donate $25 or more to the Catch Music Leederville and Catch Music Clarkson pages. ... Maybe this excerpt might tempt you to make a donation...? Excerpt from an a capella song written and recorded in a couple of hours, inspired by walking on hot coals - Cross the Coals for Catch Music. 10 February 2013
07.01.2022 Helping to organise charitable events has brought me in contact with some pretty amazing people and I want to tell you about an unsung hero from Cross the Coals. Last Sunday there were quite a few people who were going to be there but for some reason or another they did not turn up. Volunteering to do anything can make us all doubt our own energy, especially for something so outrageous, but this is not about those people. Last Sunday it was the birthday of the man who got ...the stage donated. He works long hours and does hard labour, but he drove down on Sunday at midday and in over 40 degree temperatures set up our stage. What a way to spend your birthday! All the time I knew - and he knew - that his dad was dying. While we walked on the coals and laughed and had fun, he went back to the hospital and sat beside his dad and stayed with him as his soul left the earth. Then, well after we had all left, he drove back down to Fremantle and took the stage down. He wanted no thanks (but I bought him a carton anyway), just did it because he had made the commitment and didn't want to let us down. There are volunteers and there are volunteers. I am very blessed to have met that one.
02.01.2022 It's been quite awhile since our adventures on that hot summer's day in February. Fond memories of inspiring and courageous people bridging the divide through music. Thank you so much. And as a special invitation I would like to invite people back to join with other communities of inspiring people. This re-union will be happening on Saturday 6th September at Fern Cafe in Fremantle.... This event is not open to the public but is open to all Catch Music supporters and is offered at a vastly reduced cost of $50. Bookings are essential to confirm you place. Bring yourself and your stories.Let's re-inspire each other to continue taking steps to the glorious future that is our destiny. For more information check out the event here -> I look forward to meeting friends. Until the 6th September, walk tall and with passion Peter
02.01.2022 If you know people who don't 'do' facebook that went to cross the coals - get them to look at some of the photos on your facebook :-) they are missing out!
02.01.2022 Thank you Peter Roden for Igniting Change in the lives of people associated with Catch Music. We wish you success with your amazing business - Ignite Change - this year and look forward to Catch Music's next firewalking adventure.