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Croydon Family Practice in Croydon, Victoria, Australia | Family medicine practice

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Croydon Family Practice

Locality: Croydon, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9213 7000

Address: 24 - 26 Dorset Road 3136 Croydon, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 National Diabetes Week (July 12 - July 18) Another 5 minutes. Another Australian diagnosed. Around 290 people are diagnosed with diabetes every day.... That’s one person every 5 minutes. Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia; increasing at a faster rate than other chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. National Diabetes Week is a time to check in and talk about it. If you need help to manage your diabetes, consult your GP.

23.01.2022 'THERE'S MORE TO SAY AFTER R U OK?' Keeping the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK can be challenging. By knowing what to say can help someone feel supported, which can make a positive difference to their life. HOW TO ASK R U OK?... These simple steps could change a life: 1. Ask 2. Listen 3. Encourage Action - e.g. "Have you thought about talking to your doctor?" 4. Check in If you need some tips on what to say after R U OK? you can download the FREE resources guide provided by R U OK Day right here at

21.01.2022 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Over the course of your lifetime, there are many factors that can influence your risk of breast cancer, such as: getting older having a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer... genetic factors Whilst some of these risk factors cannot be changed, you can still aim to reduce the risk of breast cancer through making healthy lifestyle choices. For example: Alcohol - drinking alcohol increases your risk for breast cancer. The more you drink, the greater the increase in risk. Body weight keeping to a healthy weight range reduces the risk of breast cancer. Physical activity - be active at least 30 mins each day to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Review your needs regularly with your doctor. Breastfeeding - can reduce the risk of breast cancer. For more information visit Cancer Australia, or start the conversation with your GP today.

21.01.2022 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Women aged 50-74 without breast cancer symptoms should have a screening mammogram every two years. This is because more than 75 per cent of breast cancers occur in women aged over 50. Women aged between 40 and 49, or 75 and older should talk to their GP about whether they should have a free screening mammogram.... Women with strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, or with a diagnosis of breast cancer in the past five years, should talk to their GP or contact BreastScreen Australia on 13 20 50 to discuss the most appropriate care. For more information, visit BreastScreen Australia

21.01.2022 If you feel something continuously bothering you and it is impacting on your well-being, please share it with your close ones or seek help of a professional. is local help available through DPV Health Call 1300 234 263 for an appt (8.30am-5pm). EMPHN Mental Health Referral and Access team (9am-5pm) 9800 1071. Online help 24/7 through Lifeline 13 11 14, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467, Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service 1800 512 348, SANE Australia Helpline 1800 187 263 or 1800 Respect 1800 737 732 For an interpreter call Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. In an emergency, call 000 immediately #mentalhealthservices #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #wellbeing #anxietyrelief #anxiety #selfcare #youareenough #mentalhealthsupport

17.01.2022 Uncertainty due to COVID is a challenge for all of us. We’re all trying to build new skills to be resilient in ways we haven’t had to before, and it’s OK to ask... for support. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health and there are a range of services are available that cater to our different needs, whether that’s a helpline, webchat, peer support forum, community health centre or seeing your GP. For those of us already living with mental ill-health, it’s important to keep getting help, treatment and care may change over time so use the phone and internet to stay connected to support. #gettingthroughthistogether See more

17.01.2022 Let's talk about mental health and COVID-19. The coronavirus pandemic has been a challenging time for people with a pre-existing mental health condition and also those experiencing mental health concerns for the first time. The pandemic has put extra pressure on people’s mental well-being, from worrying about contracting the virus, to concerns over job losses, financial pressures, social isolation, and intense home environments.... Many people see their GP for mental health concerns. If you want to talk to your GP but have COVID-related concerns about attending our practice, you can book a telehealth consultation if you have attended an in-person consult with our GP in the past 12 months. Talk to your GP if you need additional support.

16.01.2022 Beyond Blue - Coronavirus Mental Well-being Support Service Whatever you're feeling during these challenging times, Beyond Blue provides support in many ways: You can talk it through with a trained counsellor over the phone Chat online 24/7... Connect with others on a dedicated online forum And when additional support is needed, you can always talk to your GP. Beyond Blue shares some great information, advice and strategies to help you manage your well-being and mental health. We have provided the link below

13.01.2022 Nothing matters more than your health, so keep up your regular medical check-ups. Make your next appointment to see your doctor by telehealth, phone or video conference, or in person. For the latest advice about #coronavirus visit:

13.01.2022 Social Distancing in 2020

13.01.2022 Living with diabetes can be hard to manage, and even harder during COVID-19. We might be spending more time at home but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be healthy, get regular physical activity and eat well. The Federal Government is strongly supporting Australians to stay active and exercise daily, as long as the activity is consistent with social distancing guidelines.... Being active and eating well is more important than ever to keep you in good health. Diabetes Australia has some great information on; - the importance of healthy food - delicious recipe ideas - how to keep moving To read more, click here

13.01.2022 This year celebrate at home with your household family members and stay safe

12.01.2022 R U OK? Day is Thursday 10 September. It’s our national day of action when we are reminded to ask the question, Are you OK? If someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs, take the time to ask them "Are you OK?"... 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected. When getting ready to ask the question; ask yourself: 1. Am I ready? 2. Am I prepared? 3. Have I picked my moment? Your conversation could change a life. Learn what to say with these great tips from R U OK Day here

08.01.2022 #DontWaitMate The Don't Wait Mate campaign is urging Australians not to delay in seeking healthcare for any new symptoms, and also to catch up on healthcare appointments missed during lockdown.

04.01.2022 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month This month provides an opportunity for us all to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected in our community. Breast awareness is important for women of all ages, even if you’re having regular mammograms. You don’t need to be an expert or use a special technique to check your breasts. Take the time to get to know the normal look and feel of your breasts as part of everyday activities like showering, dressing, putting on ...body lotion, or simply looking in the mirror. Knowing what is normal for you will help you detect any new breast or nipple changes. Breast changes to look out for include: a new lump or lumpiness, especially if it's only in one breast a change in the size or shape of the breast a change to the nipple, such as crusting, ulcer, redness or inversion a nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing a change in the skin of the breast such as redness or dimpling an unusual pain that doesn't go away. If you find a breast change that is unusual for you, see your GP without delay.

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