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Celebrate Recovery Rockingham in Cooloongup, Western Australia | Community organisation

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Celebrate Recovery Rockingham

Locality: Cooloongup, Western Australia

Phone: +95 2 73 460

Address: 1-7 Willmott St 6168 Cooloongup, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Unfortunately we have had to cancel tomorrow nights Celebrate Recovery Friday Night gathering. We have leaders away or unwell. We will be back at the usual time next Friday night on Nov 6

23.01.2022 "I've learnt to deal with feelings that I haven't dealt with since I was a child right up to where I am now... People are encouraging, there's never any condemn...ation, there's never any judgement. It is extremely, extremely freeing beyond words... Nearly everyone I see most weekends here are changing in front of my eyes, it's amazing to see... If you get a chance to go to Celebrate Recovery I highly recommend it. It's changed my life, it's changed my wife's life and I know it will change yours" What powerful words from our CR Knox ministry leader Dave! Dave, we thank you for stepping out to lead CR Knox with your amazing wife Liz. Your yes has allowed so many stories of transformation already and we know there are many, many more to come. Thank you for sharing your story this week with us to encourage others! May God continue to bless you and your family for your obedience and heart for others #CR #celebraterecovery #TestimonyTuesday

21.01.2022 There are times in life when words are totally inadequate in sharing how you feel, this morning is one of those days. My dearest friend and brother has gone Hom...e. John Baker co-founder of Celebrate Recovery made his way Home early this morning. To say this took us by surprise would be an understatement. John touched more people with the healing power and grace of Jesus Christ than anyone else that I have ever known personally and one of those lives was mine. We will share more with you in the days to come but for now we would ask that you keep his soul mate and cofounder of Celebrate Recovery Cheryl Baker, the love of his life, along with Johnny and Jeni Baker, Laura and Brian Gibney and all their grandkids in your prayers. We will miss John more than words can express but it will only be for a short while and then we will see him again. See you soon my brother. Mac & Mary and the rest of Celebrate Recovery National team See more

18.01.2022 At the end of the 2020 CR Summit, Pastor John closed with a powerful plea for people to connect with Jesus. He encouraged us to put our future in God’s hands, a...nd reminded us that God will always have us covered. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV None of us know our future, but we do know whose hands our future is in. #CR #CelebrateRecovery #LoveLikePastorJohn

16.01.2022 Join us this Friday night 5th March for a testimony and see the good Jesus is doing in peoples lives. Meal- 5:30-6:30 Large group/testimony- 6:30-7:30 Small group/gender specific- 7:30-8:30

12.01.2022 HALT is an acronym used to remind us to ask ourselves if we are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. It is a handy tool to add to your recovery tool belt that can h...elp you keep a proper perspective on your circumstances. When we are under duress, it can be much harder to keep focused on staying on the road to recovery. But, it is not impossible! If we can stop ourselves from our normal patterns, we can turn to God and ask for His help moving forward. Try this tool out today to help keep you focused on Christ and keep you from going backward in your recovery! #CR #CelebrateRecovery #HALT

08.01.2022 You cannot recover unless you own your recovery. Others may play a role in your story, but your recovery is only your recovery. We have an open-share guideline... that coaches us to focus on our own thoughts and feelings. Why? It is incredibly easy to keep the focus on others in lieu of working on our own thoughts and feelings. When we do this, we are often avoiding the work in our own recovery. It is also easy to compare ourselves to other people’s recovery. Just like your story is different, so might be your recovery cadence. Comparison is a trap and does not belong in your recovery. You do you, fam. #CR #CelebrateRecovery #Recovery

07.01.2022 Do you allow yourself the privilege of realizing your wins? Or are you like others who cannot acknowledge a win unless you finish the race? Recovery is full ...of little milestones that are worth noting, and your effort is certainly worth celebrating. Things like refraining from using harmful substances, honoring others, saying no, saying yes, holding your tongue, being kind, preferring others, having empathy... all of these things and plenty of others are worth noting in your recovery. Take time today to celebrate your wins. Drop some of the ways you celebrate your victories below in the comments: Curious about CR? Log on to to find a CR near you. If you’ve been looking to figure out how to temporarily facilitate or attend CR online, go to for more information on our Celebrate Recovery Crisis Response. Don’t forget, we are having an online Summit in a few days! You can find more information and sign your team up at #CelebrateRecovery #CR #CRCR #Victory

03.01.2022 Sounds obvious, but it’s not always that easy. Hate comes in many forms and can wear a really good disguise as trying to be helpful or trying to enlighten else. In the end, our best way to help other people recover is to get them to Christ’s love. Once we make the introduction, Jesus will do the rest. His love is everlasting and there is enough to go around for all of us! Curious about CR? Log on to to find a CR near you. If you’ve been looking to figure out how to temporarily facilitate or attend CR online, go to for more information on our Celebrate Recovery Crisis Response. Don’t forget, we are having an online Summit in a few days! You can find more information and sign your team up at #CelebrateRecovery #CR #CRCR #Love

03.01.2022 The Celebrate Recovery lesson on Sanity speaks about integrity. It states that we gain integrity as we begin to follow through on our promises and that others start trusting what we say. The apostle John placed great value on integrity: Nothing gives me greater joy than to hear that my children are following the way of truth (3 John 4, NCV). How do we do the math on a past that includes a lack of integrity and a lot of hurt? Through God’s Grace we are able to recognize our ...mistakes are all part of our humanity and that hiding them is not helpful to our recovery. If we can realize our story is full of power, both the good and bad parts, we can use our past to bring God glory. And then, moving forward, we can own our story, stay reliable, live with integrity, and earn all the trust we can from others! Celebrate Recovery Rockingham meets tonight with Large Group at 6.30pm...come on the The Salvation Army Rockingham

03.01.2022 The last 7 months have been challenging and people across the world are facing internal struggles they’ve never felt before. Not surprisingly, it is expected the need for mental health support will increase dramatically over the next couple years. Today is World Mental Health Day and we want to tell you that not only do we hear you, and see your posts, and are praying for you; but that we are literally in this with you! Celebrate Recovery leadership is made up of people who have their own stories surrounding mental and emotional health. We also want to remind you (and ourselves!) that God is bigger than our circumstances. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and He can provide us a way when there seems like one doesn’t exist. He is not limited by our thoughts or feelings and is very much still in the business of miracles. Consider joining with us today to have conversations about each of our mental health. Let’s work together to remove the negative stigma on mental health and continue to create a safe place for people to heal. Love you fam! #CR #CelebrateRecovery #worldmentalhealthday

01.01.2022 Our perspective can be a liability, or the way God keeps us from getting stuck. And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God ...because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrificethe kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1-2 NLT #CR #CelebrateRecovery #Perspective

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