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Sam Gunning


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24.01.2022 Plans to upgrade public spaces in the Kirribilli and McMahons Point villages are now on display, and we want your feedback. The masterplans emphasise community and wellness, with a strong focus on walkability and trees. Online information sessions will be held on 15 September back-to-back from 6pm - 8pm. Both plans will be on public exhibition until 1 November. Pre-registration is required for each information session: Kirribilli masterplan - McMahons Point masterplan -

23.01.2022 ICAC is fighting a losing battle. The only realistic way to address corruption is in giving less power to politicians in the first place, through limiting the r...ole of government. Send career politicians packing and fight for small, transparent government by joining the Liberal Democrats.

23.01.2022 Summer is only just around the corner. Last season, environmental restrictions enforced by the NSW state and local governments stopped some residents from perfo...rming controlled burns. This literally "added fuel to the fire" when people lost homes and properties all across the state. Climate activists blamed climate change. Others blamed the government for failing to adequately fund the NSW Rural Fire Service. One thing is certain: the NSW Liberal Democrats will always fervently push for fewer restrictions on landowners. No one should be forced to wait for government bureaucrats to give them permission to protect their property.

22.01.2022 NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has stated that she will not make mandatory mask-wearing on public transport. She cited data from a survey, reporting that 65% o...f people already take it upon themselves to wear masks. Transport for NSW thinks the real number is much lower. Regardless, this country does not need any more coercion. While Glady’s is defending our right to choose our own level of risk by not making masks compulsory, Transport Minister is threatening $200 fines. People are already struggling during this recession, the last thing they need is more fines. In NSW, we have already seen our rights eroded, and businesses of all sizes smashed economically. We have put up with measures that have been not entirely evidence-based because of fear. Mask requirements set a dangerous precedent. We call on the NSW Government to be mindful of individual liberties during COVID-19 and not to let fear blind them.

19.01.2022 ‘Our world is sorely in need of renewal, but renewal most likely won’t come from the top. It will come from below, in the everyday choices made by individuals.’

18.01.2022 Clown world bureaucrats aren't in touch with reality.

16.01.2022 Gladys Berejiklian has announced cuts to payroll tax. The new scheme requires businesses to create 30 jobs or more to receive the payroll tax cut, and even then... they only receive the tax cut for new hires over that threshold. Greedy Gladys is attempting to bribe successful businesses from other states into relocating in NSW. This policy change does nothing to help struggling small business owners, instead empowering their larger competitors. All this half measure does is give the Liberal Party political brownie points and lets them brag that they cut the payroll tax. We need to cut payroll tax entirely and for all business. This tax stops businesses from hiring, as the Liberal party well knows. The state government must stop dipping their hands into the pockets of its residents and businesses. If we want to boost our state economy, we need to remove as many needless, cash-grabbing taxes and restrictions as possible. Politicians need to stop robbing businesses and workers every chance they get. Read more here:

15.01.2022 Join us today at 4pm for a review of one of the most controversial weeks in Victorian Parliament history. We'll be discussing the passing of the 6-month emergency powers extension bill and answering your questions.


15.01.2022 Looking at you Lake Macquarie City Council.

15.01.2022 Next Tuesday, Gladys Berejiklian's government will be handing down their first budget since their response to the COVID-19 crisis. Will we see the end of stamp ...duty? Will they abolish payroll tax once and for all? Will they cut spending so the NSW taxpayer is no longer overburdened and keep more of their own money? We think not. The blue socialists will tax and spend to get out of the mess they created just like the red socialists would. We are happy to be proven wrong though. #ldpau #ldpnsw #auspol #nswpol #nswbudget2020

14.01.2022 Join our freedom movement! Are you mad that you lost your freedom? Don’t get mad, get Liberal Democrats membership - with a special discount of $30 off* There never been a better time to fight back by joining the Liberal Democrats - the only party that fights for individual freedom. But times are tough right now, so we are offering a special discount. Your membership will help us get more people like Aaron Stonehouse, Tim Quilty and David Limbrick elected so that governments can be held to account, and our freedoms will never be taken for granted again. As a financial member you enjoy voting rights at our General Meetings and other perks, or an associate membership is also available at no cost to help keep the party registered! Click this link to redeem the special offer: Or associate membership to help keep us registered: * Offer valid until 30th September 2020


12.01.2022 Dirty rotten scoundrels from both major parties. Ex-NSW Premiers Bob Carr and Nick Greiner have been helping themselves to taxpayer dollars: expensing drivers, rent and stationery. In 2019 alone, the combined expenses were a total of $745,000. Neither of these people have been in office for more than 20 years. It would be interesting to see just how much they have been suckling off the teat of the Australian public since they left. This is theft. It's time to get a new job and earn your living like every other Australian. Read more here:

11.01.2022 The Sydney Morning Herald produced a particularly awful and partisan take on the NSW Councils situation on Saturday, blaming the corruption, overreach, overspen...ding and over-taxing on amalgamation. The NSW Liberal Democrats believe in competitive federalism and decentralisation, so we weren't exactly thrilled about many of these amalgamations either. However, they are in no way responsible for the dire financial position many Councils are finding themselves in. On this page recently, we have covered: Council grants and expense account scandals Council pay rises Council requests for their own COVID police force Massive rate rises Wasteful rebranding and art projects Non-urban land owners slugged with rates Record budget blowouts Entire Council sackings just to name a few issues. The article even touches on more examples of wasteful spending, including a $7m astroturf project, and yet still goes on to blame the issues on amalgamation. The corporate press has shown its true colours in this article more than ever, running interference for the corrupt middle management of the ruling class. Don’t be fooled these Councils would be corrupt and wasteful messes whether or not they had amalgamated. The Liberal Democrats call on all Councils to slash spending, stop raising their own pay and get back to basics: roads, rubbish and reducing rates. See the awful article below:

08.01.2022 The NSW Government and many local councils temporarily dropped restrictions on delivery hours in March. This was primarily to help ensure stores could restock t...heir shelves to address panic buying that was occurring at the time, but these restrictions were #NeverNeeded and should not return. The sky has not fallen in as a result of this relaxation. In fact, the vast majority of people wouldn’t have noticed anything other than a few more items on supermarket shelves. These curfews did nothing but delay important deliveries, worsen peak-hour congestion, increase the cost of business, enforce inflexible working hours on drivers, and hurt regional areas. All these costs were passed on to the consumer and hurt our economy. Delivery curfews should be abolished, for good.

07.01.2022 If there has been a general theme of 21st century politics, it has been the gradual government takeover of personal risk assessment decisions. Whether it be our... physical health, our mental well-being or our financial stability, governments have pushed to make these risk/reward calculations for us and impose their determinations on the entire population through force. This can be seen in many areas, from the recent draconian COVID-19 restrictions, compulsory superannuation, punitive tobacco and alcohol taxes, prohibition of vaping and cannabis, restrictive industrial relations laws, even right through to the council bike jump destruction we posted about recently. This not only suppresses individual freedom, but stifles innovation and creativity through the cultivation of a sick, risk-averse society. The NSW Liberal Democrats have a different vision one of individual liberty and personal responsibility. We believe people should be free to accept their own risks as long as they also accept the consequences. Join us today to help us fight back against the war on risk.

07.01.2022 Gladys Berejiklian has confirmed that 50 people will be allowed to attend places of worship from June 1. It is now time for the North Sydney Council to announc...e plans to open up the Holy Temple of Domestic Cricket. In these desperate times, we need more prayer, not less. After all, it’s what Saint Benjamin Dunk would want.

06.01.2022 There is a sickness on Macquarie Street which is hurting our state. The major parties only care about their own interests not the interests of the citizens of N...SW. Boasting of a surplus when state taxes are so high isn't an achievement. Putting party unity first and allowing the failed Murray-Darling Basin Plan to continue is wrong. Allowing a militant police force to develop to raise revenue and enforce their will. If you are tired of the failed policies of the major parties, join the Liberal Democrats. The Liberal Democrats are New South Wales' only classical liberal or libertarian party. We are committed to lowering government inflated cost of living and increasing personal freedom. Join today!

02.01.2022 CORRUPT former MP Daryl Maguire is (as of this moment) suckling off the teat of the taxpayer through his parliamentary pension of $80,000. It also turns out tha...t the Australian taxpayer is covering his legal fees while he is under investigation for CORRUPTION. Daryl Maguire has misused public funds, kow-towing to the Chinese government, and brokered illegal deals to line his own pockets. This story says a lot about our political system. The major parties do not value your money. Politicians need to stop treating the Australian people like cash-cows. The NSW Liberal Democrats will always stand against corruption and the abuse of taxpayers. We value transparency and responsibility. If you are sick and tired of rorts, join the fight and sign up to the Liberal Democrats today.

02.01.2022 David Leyonhjelm, former senator for the Liberal Democrats recently had articles published by Penthouse Australia, and the Australian Financial Review. The AFR ...article outlined both the need for a stable policing system and the perils of a police state. We greatly encourage you to read it below: We need to be vigilant in promoting checks and balances on our police force and calling out their misdeeds, while ensuring they can still protect and serve the public when it comes to violent crime and theft. The Penthouse article touched on similar themes, but focused more directly on the cultural root of the problem within Australia. ----- AUSTRALIANS ARE SHEEPLE Australians like to think of themselves as rugged individualists, taming a sunburnt country of droughts and flooding rains; larrikins thumbing their noses at authority, working hard to find gold, taking no lip from the troopers and preferring to drown in billabongs than be taken alive. If that was ever true, it is certainly not now. Our response to the measures imposed in response to the corona virus pandemic has been obedience to the point of servility. Like sheeple we obey our leaders without question or disagreement, lauding them as we do so. In the early days of the pandemic, there was reason for anxiety. The infection rate in Wuhan and northern Italy and, more important, the overwhelming of their health systems, seemed to justify efforts to ‘flatten the curve’. But the curve never took off and our hospitals remained almost empty. The mantra then switched to ‘saving lives’, irrespective of numbers, as far-reaching restrictions on our rights and freedoms kicked in. And as they did, few complained. Not when state and federal parliaments were suspended for months, replaced with rule by regulation, ministerial decree and police ‘discretion’. Not when pubs, clubs, cafes, restaurants and gyms were forced to close, or when thousands of motorists were stopped by police to check their travel was essential. While exercise was deemed a reasonable excuse to be outdoors, nobody was willing to argue the definition in court when the police harassed picnicking families or those reading a book on a park bench. Despite the popularity of golf, football identity Sam Newman got little support for his protests against the ban in Victoria. When Sydney’s world-famous beaches attracted a crowd on a warm Autumn day, the minister deemed them too popular and ordered them closed. The local council not only agreed, but sent its rangers to enforce the closure. There were no protests or mass defiance the few individuals who went for a swim or surf were widely criticised as selfish and the police responded aggressively, as if they were dangerous criminals. When multiple states closed their borders, nobody challenged it in the High Court despite it appearing to be directly contrary to the Constitution. There was barely a murmur when a million Australians lost their jobs in six weeks, nor much concern that the government’s massive stimulus measures left almost two-thirds of the workforce dependent on the government. And with the exception of a few commentators, the mainstream media behaved like puppies that wet themselves in fear, repeatedly admonishing their audiences to ‘do the right thing’. Perhaps most telling of all, public approval of political leaders, state and federal, soared to record levels. Maybe my expectations were simply too high; it was actually worse in the UK. The lockdown there was more extreme, with enforcement also heavy handed, yet few objected and there was little or no open defiance. Even the gradual lifting of restrictions was opposed. But other countries with similar lockdowns saw mass protests - in Canada, Poland, Germany, Russia, Israel and South Africa, for example. In America, where unemployment quickly rocketed to about a third of the workforce, the protests were so loud and vociferous that several state governments quickly relaxed their restrictions and the Trump administration agreed with them. Moreover, although the American protests were prompted by specific concerns such as unemployment and the ban on religious gatherings, the protesters were also very well aware of the context: freedom is precious and its greatest threat comes from the government. To those of us who long for a free Australia, all this is quite depressing. Sometimes I suspect a majority of Australians would support a dictatorship so long as it only executed people with whom they disagreed. Perhaps we have lost our appreciation for individual liberty, or perhaps we never had it. I hope it is not gone forever; the tree of liberty is too important to be allowed to die. It must be refreshed from time to time.

01.01.2022 To some, the appearance of safety and fast action matters more than the wellbeing of others. NSW is further locking down communities bordering Victoria. People select areas will only be allowed to travel for health, education, and work. NSW reported another 18 cases yesterday. But the state would need over 40,000 COVID-19 cases at once to come close to overwhelming hospital bed capacity. Those shutting down their lives (again) should be outraged. The people living in compact CBD apartments and attending BLM protests can now feel safe. We are shutting down the lives and threatening the livelihoods of one group for the benefit of another. The NSW Liberal Democrats believe all people should be treated equal under the law, the same law. The government should not force one group to bend over backwards for another, once again facing restrictions, fines, lost jobs, isolation, difficulty obtaining essential resources, excessive bureaucracy, over-policing, et al.

01.01.2022 The NSW government will "temporarily" scrap stamp duty for first home buyers. This initiative is only for homes valued less than $800,000 and will only be for 12 months from August 1st. State Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the relief program will "cost $78 million of revenue". But this relief program will save the taxpayers upwards of $133 million according to conservative estimates. The NSW Liberal Democrats oppose stamp duty of any kind, whether it be for homes or vehicles. Stamp duty stops the young from purchasing homes and keeps the elderly in homes that don't fit their needs. As a result, housing costs in Australia skyrocket. Stamp duty is one of the main reasons Sydney has the world's least affordable housing, second only to Hong Kong. However, it may secure the top spot soon unless we make permanent reforms. Stamp duty was #NeverNeeded, and should be permanently abolished. More details here:

01.01.2022 This article from The Centre for Independent Studies correctly outlines the dire need for economic reform in Australia. The massive amounts of spending associat...ed with COVID-19 relief are not sustainable indefinitely, and prolonged fiscal stimulus would not only further blow out government debt, but also distort important economic signals and lead to malinvestment. The only sustainable path to a stable recovery is staggered and structural economic reform, with those reforms more likely to create new employment and unburden small businesses implemented first. The breadth of government roles should be scaled back, and the #neverneeded regulations relaxed to help small businesses stay open over the COVID-19 period should be permanently dispensed with. The NSW Liberal Democrats support the approach suggested by the Centre for Independent Studies and will continue to fight for liberty, growth and prosperity. Read the article below:

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