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Advantage Support Services in Paracombe, South Australia | Business service

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Advantage Support Services

Locality: Paracombe, South Australia

Phone: +61 447 199 258


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23.01.2022 Hi all, It's a with a heavy heart that I have to make these decisions. This will impact all of us. Let it be just our hip pocket that it affects the most and not the lives of everyone we love and care about. ... Please stay safe and take this seriously its no longer a matter of if but when. We love and care about you all and will be there for you if you need us but we will stay away when you don't.

21.01.2022 Hey people Joe is home all night tonight if anyone want to come and grab some berries.

17.01.2022 Worth sharing: Where is the government response for people with disability around Coronavirus/COVID-19? The Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and have made some recommendations "We recommend that governments take immediate steps including: We recommend that governments take immediate steps including: 1. Rapidly scale up the health care sectors capacity to care for people with disabilities by Ensuring all clinics providing testing and services related to COVID-19 are completely accessible and that this is communicated clearly to people with disabilities and those who provide support Providing extra resources such as video conferencing and telephone consultations to existing specialised medical services for people with disability Creating a dedicated hotline for people with disability, disability services and families Having a special focus on ensuring sufficient support for people with disabilities with the most complex needs, particularly if quarantined Making all information accessible including Easy English, Auslan, large print in all community languages and disseminate this information through disability services, advocacy bodies and the National Disability Insurance Agency 2. Rapidly increase capacity of the disability care workforce to respond to the pandemic and its consequences. The government must ensure that disability services stay open otherwise people with disabilities lives are at risk. This can de done by: Rapid upskilling of disability care workforce in infection control and financial compensation for participating in training Developing standby capacity that will allow rapid recruitment and expansion of the disability workforce sector by drawing on students of allied health including OT, physiotherapy and social work Providing financial guarantees from the NDIA for services providers who may either: Need to rapidly scale up their operations and individual plans may not be sufficient to purchase additional services particularly in light of potential closures to schools, day services and other congregated settings. Experience a decline in services if providing specialist supports including employment programs, day services, therapy are closed. Like the health and aged care sectors, allowing disability service sector to have priority access at no cost to personal protective equipment including masks, hand sanitisers etc. A targeted effort to ensure continuity of support for people with disabilities with the most complex needs Providing strong local coordination, potentially through Local Area Coordinators, to implement a national plan to triage disability services so that as workers become infected or become exposed to infection and need to self-isolate, the most critical services are staffed and kept open. Providing financial compensation for casual and self-employed disability workforce (an increasing component of the sector) who need to self-isolate Compensating family and carers of people with disability who need to take time off work to care for their loved one with disability. This could include paying family members for a strictly time limited period for support provided during normal working hours. There is a need for action at the highest levels of government, across the National Disability Insurance Agency and Quality and Safe Guarding Commission to prevent the deaths of people with a disability in the coming weeks and months." pic desc: the b/w logos of the partner universities - Melbourne, Sydney, RMIT, Monash and UNSW

12.01.2022 Please read and prepare yourself.

09.01.2022 NEWS: NDIS Disaster FAQ have just been updated: "What happens if you are due to have a scheduled plan review? Participants who are due for a scheduled plan revi...ew, and have a current plan that meets their needs will be offered a renewal of their current plan budget for up to 24 months. The length of the plan will depend on the participant’s needs and their situation. This will mean they will able to get a new plan without having to have a face-to-face meeting. Others can chose to do their plan review over the phone if they are concerned about their exposure to the virus. If the participant would prefer to continue the planning conversation, rather than renew their current plan, they can do so, over the phone, if they are concerned about their exposure to the virus. Participants, who want to extend current service bookings, should ask their Planner or Local Area Coordinator if this is possible when they are discussing their situation. Improvements to the myplace portal means NDIS plans no longer expire. The NDIA automatically extends the end date of participant plans by 28 days to remove any gap between new and old participant plan. This ensures continuation of service for our participants during a plan review period and reduce claiming errors and manual rework for providers." pic desc: a screenshot from the NDIS website which says "What happens if you are due to have a scheduled plan review? Participants who are due for a scheduled plan review, and have a current plan that meets their needs will be offered a renewal of their current plan budget for up to 24 months."

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