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Crystal Calm Living in Ceduna, South Australia | Shopping & retail

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Crystal Calm Living

Locality: Ceduna, South Australia

Phone: +61 413 928 773


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25.01.2022 Feeling very calm and relaxed today. Enjoying another one of Ceduna’s gift packed stores. Come in and see me, post your selfie in the comments and you could be today winner

25.01.2022 The gorgeous Mykonos bag is available instore now!! Once unzipped it features 2 large deep pockets at the outside, a zipped inside pocket and also credit card slots. The detachable strap allows it to turn from bag to clutch in a blink on an eye. It also features an exclusive Mandala Plate for a touch of boho bling and gold leather weaving. #instafashion #bohoclothing #leatherbag #bohofashion #mahiya_leather #mahiyaleather #maxidress #bohoprint #bohoskirt

23.01.2022 AUTHENTICITY! Showing up in the world exactly as you are, warts and all. Rather than putting on a mask to be perceived as perfect. There is no such thing as perfect, so we may as well release that right now I caught my teenager in a little white lie about swearing this week. I stressed to her that I would much rather her swear than lie! Honesty and authenticity are top priority values around here ... How are you showing up in your life? #emotionalawareness #soulgrowth #mindfulness #emotionalconnection #liveauthentic #livewithintent #positivequotes #womensupportingwomen ##authenticlife #livewithpurpose #inspiration #instagramimpact See more

22.01.2022 Jupiter is now direct after being retrograde since May. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, expansion, and opportunity. If you are seeking these things, this co...smic energy offers a window to support and boost your efforts. Align your vibe with what you wish to attract, focus on what you want - not what you don’t. Hold a brighter vision for your life and the planet. Miracles can still happen, even in 2020.

21.01.2022 If you’re keen to attend our circle this Wednesday ensure to book to secure your place! There are limited tickets due to Covid. If you have any questions please ask

21.01.2022 Some of the beautiful items currently in store Platter by @robertgordonpottery Rainbow Lover purse by @mahiya_leather Invigorating spray by @thespiritualtoolbox ... Journal and clear quartz crystal by Crystal Calm Living #homewares #homedecor #furnishings #moderndecor #boholiving #bohointeriors aromatherapy #leatherpurse #clearquartz #onlinecrystalshop

17.01.2022 Spring is here and so is some warm weather!! Most of our boho dresses are being cleared so grab yourself a bargain. Shop online at our website or instore ... #instafashion #bohoclothing #bohodress #bohofashion #dreamcatcherfashion #dreamcatcherbohemian #maxidress #floraldress #bohoprint #bohoprintdress #bohoskirt #maxiskirt

17.01.2022 I had read about and researched the benefits of Shungite from books (and had pieces tucked away for sale), but recently I consciously placed a Shungite cube on my desk at work. My days consist of extended periods surrounded by my mobile phone, laptop computer, bluetooth speaker, wireless eftpos machine etc etc. (lots of Electromagnetic Pollution) And I was feeling crappy! I can’t even pinpoint the feeling - hazy, low energy, grumpy, irritable and just fuzzy! To be hones...t I thought it was to do with my diet and nutrition because that hasn’t been great!! But since placing the Shungite piece on my desk I’ve noticed significant differences - I feel more energetic at the end of the day, clearer and just more positive! And unfortunately I can’t declare that my diet has changed that much Shungite is the most powerful Electromagnetic Pollution protection stone. It is a great detoxifying stone that will help to neutralise any organism within your body that is harmful to you. Shungite corrects any energetic imbalances in your body to create a balanced whole body. #shungite #emfprotection #crystalhealing #goodvibes #healingvibes #emfprotectioncrystal #crystalenergy #crystalritual #gemstones #crystalvibes #shungitecube #positivevibes #sacredspace #energyprotection #crystalshop #recharge #crystalcalm #crystalcalmliving See more

16.01.2022 As I recently worked my way up my chakras and got to my Sacral Chakra, I realised that this is an area that I really struggle! I often have lower back pain, I’m not good at receiving, guilt myself into NOT having fun and playing, feel blocked creatively and apparently repress emotions! The sacral chakra is the centre of our creativity, emotions and self worth. It is linked to our ability to receive, our playfulness and our sexuality.... A weak sacral chakra can be felt as lower back issues, fertility issues, lacking creativity, denying yourself activities that bring you joy or pleasure, feeling guilt or shame in expressing sexuality and a struggle to express emotions. So I got to work - I used my sacral chakra oil every day and carried my carnelian crystal in my pocket. I also placed the carnelian on my sacral chakra every time I meditated during the week and during shavasana at yoga On Friday morning I did a specific sacral chakra yoga flow on YouTube (@thejourneyjunkie). On Saturday morning when I was laying in bed quietly lost in my own thoughts, I could not stop the tears from streaming down my face. I was subconsciously going over every major heartbreaking event in my life. Allowing myself to feel the sadness. Deep sadness that I had always hurried to get over. I was actually shocked, an emotional release!! After accessing my sacral chakra I was able to feel my deep sadness that had been trapped, and let it go. Any orange coloured crystals are great to use at your sacral chakra. Use your intuition to see which one you are drawn to the most. Whatever you like best, is likely to be the right crystal for you to work with #sacralchakra #carnelian #crystalhealing #goodvibes #healingvibes #emotionalawareness #crystalenergy #crystalritual #gemstones #crystalvibes #sacralchakraoil #positivevibes #sacredspace #energyprotection #crystalshop #recharge #crystalcalm #crystalcalmliving See more

15.01.2022 To my Crystal Calm Facebook family, I’m going to start shifting off of FB for business posts and activity as it doesn’t feel in alignment anymore. The platform also isn’t very technically supportive for connecting with you. My heart desires to go back to using FB purely for personal activity, as the constant barrage of business groups, posts and activity does not feel good to me. (And I’m sure you likely feel the same!)... Crystal Calm Living is also undergoing a major transformation and alignment with values, mission, vision and content. It will be a space where you can come to learn and think about healing your emotional body, protecting your energy, learning about crystals and chakras and feeling empowered to support your own healing journey. I want it to be an inclusive space so you will be able to connect with me on Instagram or by email and my newsletter and blog. (Or of course in person in Ceduna) Please follow me on Instagram @crystalcalmliving or jump on my website to add yourself to my mailing list

14.01.2022 NOVEMBER OPEN HOURS! Get an early start on Christmas shopping for the soulful people in your life These hours are based around the group programs currently being held.... Opening hours will likely be increased in December. Appointments are also available for Crystal Reiki treatments - a beautiful way to relax your mind, body and soul before the silly season

14.01.2022 What are your methods for calming frazzled nerves and anxiety? I love to use an aura spray to create peaceful vibes and to hold my blue calcite palmstone to soothe emotional stress. ... #bluecalcite #crystalhealing #goodvibes #healingvibes #crystalenergy #crystalritual #positivevibes #crystalshop #recharge #crystalcalm #crystalcalmliving #selfcaretip #emotionalawareness #selfcareveryday #mindfulness #emotionalconnection #selfconnection #selfcareformums #liveauthentic See more

13.01.2022 Are you angry? Or are you actually hurt? In the past when someone hurt me I reacted with anger. And hate! I was one of the angriest people around, feeling let down and heart broken, and raging with anger bubbling away in my veins. I think that being hurt by someone is a more painful and deeper emotion to reach than just being angry. It’s easy to be angry and react with rage. Hurling nasty comments and hateful language.... What isn’t easy is telling someone that they hurt you. Showing and sharing your vulnerability. And this is something that I consciously teach my daughter. To really consider how she feels instead of just reacting with anger. If she has been hurt, be vulnerable enough to express that hurt. And most of the time this is confronting for others!! They can react with shame, which can again come across as anger. But this isn’t our burden to bare. It’s just the mirror reflecting back what needs to be healed in the other person. I think it’s an important way to lead. To identify all of our lower vibration emotions individually (jealousy, hurt, disappointment, shame), rather than just express them as hate and anger. We should all be teaching our children to express their emotions, no matter what consequences they fear. As we can support them through this process if they know they are loved, accepted and secure at home. #consciousparenting #kidsandenergy #tribedmother #mytribe #gentleparenting #selfcaretip #emotionalawareness #soulgrowth #mindfulness #emotionalconnection #selfconnection #selfcareformums #liveauthentic #crystalcalm See more

13.01.2022 One of the things I love the most about our group classes is seeing people experience genuine connection They may come with anxiety and trepidation. With fear of being judged or speaking up and being truly seen. And then when they do let a little glimmer of their soul come out and the women embrace them and encourage more, you can see their soul light up and peak out of the darkness.... In a world where we are increasingly more and more disconnected it’s one of the things I appreciate the most. True connection to each other. If you’d like to experience this connection I would love for you to join us at our next sister circle, Wednesday September 16th 7-9pm To witness women feeling understood and accepted is magical #womenscircle #womensempowerment #sisterhood #ceremony #sistercircle #womenempoweringwomen #divinefeminine #community #womeninspiringwomen #womenrising #lifteachotherup #sacredcircles #gather #whenwomengather #tribe #surroundyourtribe #fullmooninvirgo #fullmoonenergy #healthyboundaries See more

13.01.2022 Which crystal can help you identify and transmute anger? White Howlite It’s beautiful cooling energy helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger.... You can wear or carry howlite to absorb your own anger, or any that is directed toward you. It’s a calming stone that carries the energy of peace and stability. It teaches patience and helps to facilitate calm and reasoned communication. It encourages the release of any unhealthy attachments, negative energy or self-doubt. You can find these large white howlite palmstones in both our Calm Your Nerves and Sleep ritual kits. #whitehowlite #crystalhealing #goodvibes #healingvibes #calmingcrystals #crystalsforanger #crystalenergy #crystalritual #gemstones #crystalvibes #manifestation #positivevibes #sacredspace #energyprotection #crystalshop #recharge #crystalcalm #crystalcalmliving See more

11.01.2022 So it’s time for me to announce that I will be closing the Crystal Calm Living Shop next week! For the foreseeable future. I’ve had an amazing year and learned so much. About my own healing journey, and also how to support many others through theirs I feel so honoured to have been able to hold space for others and witness their transformations. It’s the most rewarding job I’ve ever done.... I’m beyond grateful to all of the people who have supported me this year, in all of the big and small ways. Every little purchase, attendance at a group, interaction of a post, chat in the shop, or smile through the window has meant the world to me! Every little bit of encouragement has been received and embraced. 2020 has given me the opportunity to recognise what I truly believe in and embrace all that I am. And I’ve learned how I want to show up up in this space, and also how I don’t want to show up! So what is next? In the way I always do, I’m creating a big chunk of space for myself to allow what is meant for me to flow in and I can’t wait. There will still be crystals (online store), sister circles and crystal healings and also a heap of time for me to spend with my kids (2020 has really made me realise my family is my greatest happy place). I still want to be able to hold space in my local community in a way that’s mutually beneficial I’m also dedicating the first 6 months of the year to chasing the dream that’s always been on my heart.... watch this space for more info. Also, I’d love for you to help me stay accountable to this Thank you for sharing this space with me

09.01.2022 Ok usually I would just rant to dom and keep my thoughts to myself but..... malachite is a toxic stone! Made of copper. This is what drives me nuts about commercialised crap!! It’s not safe. Crystals aren’t a gimmick

07.01.2022 RHODOCHROSITE Available now #crystalhealing #goodvibes #healingvibes #crystalenergy #crystalritual #gemstones #crystalvibes #manifestation #positivevibes #sacredspace #energyprotection #crystalshop #recharge #crystalcalm #crystalcalmliving #rhodochrosite #rhodochrositeslice #onlinecrystalsaustralia #onlinecrystalshop

06.01.2022 Hi my name is Lindsay and my big vision for the world is that I want all women to feel empowered to heal themselves. To create the life they want for themselves. To stop looking externally for validation and advice. To trust themselves to fucking know what to do! And how do I know this? Cos this is what I want for me too!! I want to build a community where we support each other to stay on track and keep raising each other up ... Who’s ready? #womensempowerment #sisterhood #ceremony #womenempoweringwomen #divinefeminine #community #womeninspiringwomen #womenrising #lifteachotherup #sacredcircles #gather #whenwomengather #tribe #surroundyourtribe #fullmoonenergy #healthyboundaries See more

06.01.2022 Last week I decided to give my chakras some attention one at a time, starting at the base. When your base chakra is in balance you will feel stable, safe and grounded. Like you belong. If your base chakra needs some attention you may feel fear, anxious and and fatigued. You May feel like an outsider.... I love to combine essential oil blends, crystals and yoga when working on my chakras at home. Some crystals you might like to try are smoky quartz, red jasper and bloodstone. These chakra oil blends by @thespiritualtoolbox are also magical. #selfcaretip #emotionalawareness #chakra #base #basechakra #smokyquartz #energyprotection #chakracrystals #soulgrowth #mindfulness #emotionalconnection #recharge #loveyou #selfconnection #liveauthentic #selfcaregoals #crystalcalm See more

04.01.2022 Sometimes there are tears in circle, but last night was full of Love and Laughter We sipped cacao , opened our hearts in meditation , connected and set new intentions together . It was a beautiful way to spend an evening and I went home feeling so happy ... I am so grateful to be surrounded by an amazing community of strong women leading us forward, as is the season of Leo Our next circle will be on the next full moon , September 2nd at 7pm. The full moon is a time to discover and release anything that has been weighing you down and holding you back. #womenscircle #womensempowerment #sisterhood #ceremony #sistercircle #womenempoweringwomen #divinefeminine #community #womeninspiringwomen #womenrising #lifteachotherup #sacredcircles #gather #whenwomengather #tribe #surroundyourtribe #newmooninleo See more

04.01.2022 When someone shows you who they are, believe them! This lesson comes up for me over and over again. I’m a positive person and always hope for the best, so I can easily feel let down by people.... And it makes me feel out of alignment to be angry or hurt or disappointed. These negative emotions make me feel guilty (what is it with guilt anyway? ) so I try and bypass them. But it’s simple energy protection right? To accept how the energy exchange in a relationship actually is. Rather than what you want it to be. This is one way that I need to learn to protect my boundaries better. To keep my energy free from unwanted energy exchanges. How about you? How do you protect your boundaries and stand your ground? #selfcaretip #emotionalawareness #selfcareveryday #energyprotection #soulgrowth #mindfulness #emotionalconnection #recharge #loveyou #selfconnection #selfcareformums #abeautifulmess #liveauthentic #selfcaregoals #crystalcalm See more

03.01.2022 The solar plexus chakra is your place of personal power. A healthy solar plexus chakra enables you to manage your energy appropriately and take action on what matters most to you. I always believed my solar plexus was my centre for happiness and self confidence- but I recently realised that these are more closely aligned with the emotions at the sacral chakra.... Your solar plexus enables you to build self worth through self discipline, focus and action. It helps you to direct you attention with your will - an inner strength. An unbalanced solar plexus may show up as digestive issues, low energy, allowing yourself to be controlled by others and a fear of rejection. Yellow toned crystals are beneficial to balance your solar plexus. You can try yellow jasper, citrine or tiger eye. This solar plexus oil smells amazing and is a great way to stimulate your solar plexus. #selfcaretip #emotionalawareness #chakra #solarplexuschakra #solarplexus #personalpower #selfdiscipline #chakracrystals #soulgrowth #mindfulness #emotionalconnection #chakraoils #solarplexuscrystals #solarplexusoil #selfcaregoals #crystalcalm

01.01.2022 I love these!!! Today is Lionsgate. What is your message??

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