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Crystal Healing Yoga

Phone: +61 416 122 915

Address: 86 Old Castle Hill Rd 2154


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25.01.2022 You got mail!!!!! Only in Down Under!!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!! ... #downunder #frillnecklizard #onlyinaustralia photo credit @meanwhilein_australia

24.01.2022 Fear is the worst kind of virus.. dont let IT kill you!!!

24.01.2022 Lions Gateway Meditation on 8.8.20202 at 8:08pm. Intention to manifest my big vision. ... #lionsgate #lionsgateway

23.01.2022 You are not alone, Im not alone, we are not alone!!

20.01.2022 I have a sense that the Goddessthe Woman that is in the heart of womenis revealing herself to humankind again. She is appearing in our dreams as a numinous... figure, sometimes as a larger-than-life dark woman, sometimes as a goddess, sometimes as a guide. The Woman that is in the heart of women is an inner figure. She is feminine wisdom, knowledge that comes through the heart, a way of knowing that became discounted and devalued with patriarchy, which substituted obedience to outer authority for this inner knowing. In Greek mythology, she was Metis, the Goddess of Wisdom, whom Zeus tricked into becoming small and swallowed when she was pregnant with Athena. She was Sophia, whom the church fathers banished along with the Gnostic heresies, and she was the Shekinah, the forgotten feminine face of God in Judaism. ~ Jean Shinoda Bolen, Crossing to Avalon Painting by Katherine Skaggs

20.01.2022 Respect and gratitude

20.01.2022 Let August winds blow away the shedded skin of toxic unwanted energy, people, jobs and situation, Allow September to bring in the new dawn of awakening filled with lush beginning thirsty for life filled with abundance and joyous living!

20.01.2022 Nestled in the awesome bush land of Colo, White Gum Community offers a space for gatherings, retreats and workshops! Had a wonderful weekend of lively conversation around the fire, eating food equivalent to my weight, walking and doing yoga at different parts of the area. @ Colo, New South Wales

19.01.2022 My 3rd out of 5 ceremonies that I have to do. This was in Blacktown Station. Next one is in a fortnight, will be held at witchs mound at Seven Hills. Stay tuned for more details.

18.01.2022 Same moon observed from three different parts of the world by my sister, Rayaan Shums and ma Mahmuda Haque Choudhury #selenophile #fullmoon

16.01.2022 You know your parsley is fresh out of a garden, when him and his mates crawl out while making tabouleh!!! Slow and steady... snail magic #homegardens #freshherbs #freshherbsfromthegarden #snailmagic

14.01.2022 Happiness lies within you

14.01.2022 Sticks and stones may break my bones Words and actions may hurt my feelings. But I rise up higher each time.. Stronger than the steel forged in fire, Clearer than the polished diamond,... Purer than the molten gold. -yogimamasage

13.01.2022 Like on mat, achievements in life are made by practicing a lot, hitting a wall or stacking it a few times and with some encouragement from others. (Even if its your dog!! ) #bekindtoyourself #hardworkpaysoffs #practicemakesprogress #loveyoga #lovelife #dontgiveup #nvgvup

12.01.2022 Each full moon we have the opportunity to reconnect our community links and reinforce our bonds with earth energy. The leylines and energy grid that runs throug...hout the earth is enhanced by our conscious activity upon it, particularly when done in ceremony at sacred places. However, we can make any place special and sacred to us by intending it to be so with ritual and ceremony. Whether we drum on our own in our living room or garden or with a group at an ancient site, the Earth responds by increasing her vibration at that place and along the energy lines that emanate from it. At full moon, whatever your personal focus, beating a rhythm on a drum or with a rattle hones your intent with the moons energy to reflect that consciousness into the Earth where you are on the land. Many of us are already doing this, or joining with groups near and far on special occasions or for certain reasons. There are sometimes global initiatives for meditation or drumming circles. But what we need right now is continuity, a regular pulse of energy consciously linked up to one another via the Earths own communication system. Conscious drumming vibrates through the earth energy grid and connects other similar points of activation like water through mycelium in the soil. Drumming this way re-activates ancient invisible pathways to bring us out of isolation and into unity, whether you drum on your own or with a group. We can have personal, regional or collective intent and where the energy strengthens in one place to support one, it actually strengthens the entire network to support all. When we actively and consciously work with our awareness to recognise wherever in the world someone is drumming, that line of energy connects with your own to create a firm bond that is re-ignited every month. It helps to be able to actually plot a point on a map for each point of participation and draw lines of connection between them so that by our awareness of them, the grid becomes a manifestation of energy. We can do this locally, where we know of other people who are participating in our area, or on a world map when we know of others abroad who are participating too. The best thing is to maintain a commitment over several months to consider how things change. If you feel you would like to join in this initiative, the first gathering will be on Thursday 1st October 2020 full moon. Please let us know where your location is, if you will be joining a group or drumming on your own and tell us briefly each month what your experience has been, either on the facebook page Full Moon Drumming or by message See more

11.01.2022 It is a strange place to walk in the middle. Trying to balance in-between two worlds. The realms of physical and spiritual, the universal composition that makes... us who we are as a human beings. It is the path of trying to gain knowledge to understand the larger picture of who we are spiritually, and what we are born to do. Every person has a spiritual energy that is meant to learn and give. This knowledge however can only be gained through life and lesson as a human. When you walk in 2 worlds it becomes a hard path to follow, as you know the spiritual significance and differences in situations, should detach, but as a human you can't always step back. These are the times we allow our human emotions to override our spiritual essence. In every situation and path my life takes me, I try to learn and humble myself to these lessons. I see where I could have detached or changed a situation in some way in many aspects of life. These lessons however are only to be learned from, not carried as guilt or a bag of bricks. This is life, and life continues. We are humans and will always fight this battle no matter how spiritual we act or portray to be. This is the walk every one of us must face until we finally cross completely to the other side. It is to change and learn from each situation so that it can better you as a human being and a beneficial spiritual contribution, to what we call the universe. We will learn and grow, always. The battle of Warrior and healer continues. I thought I would share my thoughts this evening. Modern WitchDoctor

11.01.2022 Yesterdays sunset from top of my street. #lovenature #beautyofsunset

10.01.2022 There have always been priestesses. Through the ages there have been women who carried the flame of the feminine within their womb cauldron. Who carried the of the rose. Who could find their way through the portals of their own heart. Throughout the ages there have been women who never forgot they were sacred. Who honored their womanhood as holy. Who honored the body as the temple of Sophia. There have always been seers and sorceresses. Medicine women and feminine mystics. Throughout the ages there have been women who gathered as a sisterhood. Who held each others hearts and hands. Women who spoke the language of circle and ceremony. Who gathered to bleed and birth and bless the earth. Who joined to laugh and love and live the rhythms of life. There have always been wisdom keepers. They erected the the red tents. They spoke the truths, passed the stories and kept the secrets alive. They knew the magic arts of Isis and Avalon. Of Magdalene and the Black Madonna. They paved the path for where we are today. To the women through out the ageswe bow to you. You are our lineage of light. You live in our bone marrow and our belly knowing. You whisper in the silence and sing in our dreams. Thank you sacred sisters of another time. We carry your legacy of love. There will always be the women who..REMEMBER

10.01.2022 Offerings and cost: Yoga & Meditation class -$25 Energy Healing (Chakra Balancing and Healing, Past Life Regression Therapy, Magnetic Therapy, Crystal Lymphatic Cleanse) - $150 for first consult, subsequent sessions-$100 ... Healing Massages (Relaxing Reike Massage, Healing Hot Stone Massage, Tantric Healing Massage) - starting from $75

09.01.2022 Watch The Awakening of A New Wave of Consciousness now on our new streaming site! >> Released before DEC-21-2012, this uplifting film e...xplores a 'positive' spiritual perspective regarding the extraordinary significance of 'December 21, 2012' and thereafter. Rarely before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures. Why and what does it mean for us? This feature documentary embarks on an enigmatic journey, forming a greater perspective of our worlds 'current state' and the awakening of a new wave of consciousness. Furthermore, it provides an empowering message on how every individual can contribute in making our planet a more peaceful and loving place. The film investigates the 2012 phenomenon, the awakening of mankind, the study of 'As above, so below. As within so without,' the 'cycles' of evolution, the fear agenda in the media, the 'secret elite' and their sinister motives, the polarities of love vs fear, the power of choosing love, the study of consciousness and spirituality, the true power of meditation, the essence of life's purpose and much more. This thought-provoking and inspirational film is loaded with marvelous revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and Vamsi Krishna, Yoga devotee Alfred Van Den Bosh and Vedic historian Acintya Govinda Das. It also features appearances of Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Gregg Braden, Alex Jones, David Icke and many more. Understand the bigger picture of all the numerous changes occurring on our earth and individual lives in this mind expanding Internet blockbuster, made in its entirety by a sole filmmaker, Amel Tresnjic.

07.01.2022 SEMPRE PEÇA PERMISSÃO Antes de cortar um galho de árvore ou tirar uma flor, deixe o espírito da árvore ou planta saber o que você vai fazer, para que ele poss...a retirar sua energia daquele local e não sentir o corte tão forte. Quando você for para a natureza e quiser pegar numa pedra que estava no rio, pergunte ao guardião do rio se ele permite que você pegue uma de suas pedras sagradas. Se você tiver que escalar uma montanha ou fazer uma peregrinação pela selva, peça permissão aos espíritos e guardiões do lugar. É muito importante que você se comunique, mesmo que não sinta, ouça ou veja. Entre em cada lugar com respeito, pois toda a Natureza te escuta, te vê e te sente. Cada movimento que você faz no microcosmo gera um grande impacto no macrocosmo. Ao se aproximar da vegetação, seja grato pelo remédio que ela tem para você. Honre a vida nas suas várias formas e tenha a consciência de que cada ser está cumprindo o seu propósito. Nada foi criado para preencher os espaços, estamos todos aqui lembrando nossa missão, lembrando quem somos e acordando do sonho sagrado de voltar para Casa! {Fonte: Planta & Canta -} {Imagem de Geenss Archenti}

05.01.2022 Prayers for Lebanon

03.01.2022 To all women who walk the talk... this is you!

03.01.2022 Stay strong dear warriors of light. The battle is darkening and the times are getting tougher. We are being called to new levels of endurance.... We have been speaking out and we are being witnessed by those who have our backs, don't worry. We are not alone. The pendulum is swinging in our favor and we WILL be triumphant. Our prayers ARE being heard and answered, we need only to trust and keep walking the path of fearlessness and faith. We are surrounded by multiple benevolent beings, celestial brotherhoods and sisterhoods and countless ancestors who have journeyed and fought this battle before. They are beside us now, giving us the courage to persevere in the face of challenge and fatigue and to dismantle all programs and all peoples that no longer serve the highest good of the collective and of mother earth. Draw upon their strength to fill your cup and take time to replenish your reserves, for the coming days will intensify and you will need one another at your fullest and best. Wear the armor of god every single day and place your trust in the power of Source and the will of humanity to rise above adversity. Rest when you are weary and connect with what makes your heart sing. Hold your loved ones and your dreams closer than ever before and embody all that you are and all you will be, because of this experience. Many of you were either selected for this work or you volunteered because of your integrity, intuition and unwavering belief in LOVE, so know now that you ARE seen, heard, loved and protected. Trust that all is as it should be. AHO )O(

03.01.2022 HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! To all friends who are dads, father figure, taking on a father role. Fathers can come in so many different forms in our society and we really honour and respect all that you do for our young uns!! Enjoy the socks , the beautiful hand made cards, ties and after shave lotions!!! ... #fathersday

03.01.2022 10 THINGS TIME HAS TAUGHT ME 1. Most of our life is spent chasing false goals and worshipping false ideals. The day you realise that is the day you really start... to live. 2. You really, truly cannot please all of the people all of the time. Please yourself first and your loved ones second, everyone else is busy pleasing themselves anyway, trust me. 3. Fighting the ageing process is like trying to catch the wind. Go with it, enjoy it. Your body is changing, but it always has been. Dont waste time trying to reverse that, instead change your mindset to see the beauty in the new. 4. Nobody is perfect and nobody is truly happy with their lot. When that sinks in you are free of comparison and free of judgement. Its truly liberating. 5. No one really sees what you do right, everyone sees what you do wrong. When that becomes clear to you, you will start doing things for the right reason and you will start having so much more fun. 6. You will regret the years you spent berating your looks, the sooner you can make peace with the vessel your soul lives in, the better. Your body is amazing and important but it does not define you. 7. Your health is obviously important but stress, fear and worry are far more damaging than any delicious food or drink you may deny yourself. Happiness and peace are the best medicine. 8. Who will remember you and for what, become important factors as you age. Your love and your wisdom will live on far longer than any material thing you can pass down. Tell your stories, they can travel farther than you can imagine. 9. We are not here for long but if you are living against the wind it can feel like a life-sentence. Life should not feel like a chore, it should feel like an adventure. 10. Always, always, drink the good champagne and use the things you keep for best. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Today is a gift thats why we call it the present. Eat, Drink & Be Merry. Donna Ashworth #growingolder #women #inspiration My book is now available on Amazon UK: US:

01.01.2022 Hi! This is my holiday programs for those kids between 7-13 years of age wanting something a little different to do during the holidays. Crystalline Children's Workshops was born with the intention of bringing out the creativity, imagination and a connection to nature in children. We would love have that kid who has an imaginary friend or loves to star gaze or cloud gaze or is a bit introverted...this is the place for them to shine!!!!

01.01.2022 Looking forward to the August Circle

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