Crystal Phoenix Aust | Businesses
Crystal Phoenix Aust
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25.01.2022 ' ' , .. . This is so true and something that has been coming up alot lately for myself and for clients. If you do find yourself reacting, delve a bit deeper & ask yourself why. Question the emotion and the thoughts behind your reaction. What is making you react? What is triggering you & making you feel these feels? Underneath the reaction is usually a wound needing to be taken care of at some level. Once you tap this, the self growth really starts to begin. . I am always here for each and every person that comes across my page. Whether you need a session, just need a chat, a honest opinion or tools to help you through. My inbox is always open xx Sending much love and hugs to everyone who may need it right now ........................................................................ #reiki #reikihealing #crystalhealing #chakrabalance #healing #perthhealing #perthreiki #energywork #crystals #perthhealers #smallbusiness #smallbusinessperth See more
25.01.2022 U N F O L L O W . How many times have you felt you don't vibe with a person anymore? Have you felt something is off for a while? Does the universe keep showing you signs to try & remove someone from your life but you keep ignoring it? Are you going with the flow of the universe and unfollowing these people or are you going against the grain and trying to hold on to relationships & friendships that no longer serve you? . I have learnt the hard way over the year...s & for a very long time I tried to mend broken friendships & wrong doings but the universe never wanted a bar of it. I could never understand why and it sucked losing people who I thought were meant to be in my life. Now I look back and understand that the universe only got rid of the people who were no good for me or who were no longer on the same path as me. While it hurt at the time, these days when I reflect, I realise that this was for a very good reason. I am now in a place where I am totally comfortable unfollowing someone in real life if I feel they no longer vibe with me.. . You should try it Watch the drama and BS fall away from your life and the universe bring you new people you vibe with who are part of your soul family & tribe. ........................................................................... #crystals #crystalphoenix #crystalphoenixaust #crystalphoenixaustralia #positive #positivity #toxicpeople #unfollowpeopleirl #unfollowpeople #reiki #reikiperth #reikihealing #healing #healingenergy #perthhealing #perthcrystals #negativity #crystalsaustralia #smallbusiness #smallbusinessperth See more
24.01.2022 M O N - F R I S P E C I A L . Back by popular demand, I am doing my Mon - Fri 8am-4pm discounted Chakra Balance Reiki sessions again just for this week only. . As most of you know, I usually only do weekend and this doesn't always suit everyone so here is your chance if you have been wanting to book xx... . I have just opened up all available booking slots for the week ahead on my website so head over there to book a spot xx I look forward to working with you all. Super excited xx woo . Use code: HEALING ............................................................................. #perthhealers #perthhealing #perthreiki #perthreadings #crystalphoenix #crystalphoenixaustralia #crystals #perthsmallbusiness #perthsmallbusinessowner #smashingfears #positivity #chakrabalance #chakras #chakrahealing #reikihealing See more
22.01.2022 F E E L T H E F E A R . When we feel scared, it is so easy to just pull back and sit where we are comfortable. But. What if we pushed through those fears? What if we used those fears as a way for us to grow? What amazing things could we accomplish? What fears could we abolish? . Take a moment to acknowledge the feeling of fear. Recognise it for what it is.. It is a sign that you are stepping out of your comfort zone. In order for us to grow, we need to step out of our... comfort zone or we stay where we are comfortable and become stagnant.. Feel the fear, acknowledge it & then do it anyway.. now watch the magic unfold & see how quickly you uplevel ........................................................................... #feelthefear #leanintothefear #feelthefeardoitanyway #crystals #crystalhealing #chakrabalance #crystalphoenix #crystalphoenixaustralia #reiki #perthhealing #perthreiki #perthreadings #perthsmallbusiness #crystalsmakemehappy #uplevel #motivation #levelup #moveforward See more
20.01.2022 P U T Y O U R S E L F F I R S T . This has been something that has been coming up in alot of my sessions with my beautiful clients the past week and am feeling its a message for a lot of you right now. . I know life can get in the way sometimes and we all strive to help those around us before we think about helping ourselves. HOWEVER.. it is okay to show self love. In fact it is important and vital for our well being to look after ourselves first. How can we help if we are tired, exhausted, deflated, unhappy? We can keep pouring from an empty cup but eventually we will experience burn out and end up becoming stuck in this rutt feeling crappy, grumpy and just not like our true selves. . I can hear you all saying.. But I don't have time. My kids keep me busy. I work long hours. I can't get a minute to myself. Its easier just to push on etc. Yes BUT take a minute to acknowledge how you are feeling too. YOU are important also! . Make yourself a cuppa and sit down to paint your nails or spend 5 minutes extra in the morning putting on some make up or doing your hair if that makes you feel good. Put some music on and bust a move while doing household chores, go for a walk, sit in the sunshine, garden. Whatever it is that fulfills your soul, do it for YOU! Xx you deserve it ........................................................................... #crystals #crystalobsession #crystalphoenixaustralia #crystalphoenix #selflove #fillyourcupfirst #soul #chakrabalance #reikihealing #perthhealers #perthhealing #reiki #reikiaustralia #showyourselflove #crystalsaustralia #reikiinfusedcrystals #highvibration #healingaustralia
14.01.2022 2 0 % O F F S A L E . SURPRISE! 24 HOURS ONLY! . . I am feeling super grateful for the mass amount of love and support I have received launching my website that I want to give back to you all! . 20% off sitewide (excluding services) for 24 hours only. This offer will end at 4.30pm AWST tomorrow 20th September. . BONUS - every order will also receive a bonus surprise gift in their order. . No discount code required - discount automatically applied at checkout. . Free standard shipping over $100. . Happy shopping beauties ......................................................................... #perthcrystals #perthhealers #perthhealing #crystals #smallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #reiki #healing #perthreiki #perthcrystals #highvibe #highvibecrystals #reikiinfusedcrystals See more
13.01.2022 2 0 % O F F S I T E W I D E* 24 hours only! Time to make way for some new stock coming $10 shipping or free standard shipping over $100 ... *Excludes all services ........................................................................... #crystals #crystalsperth #crystalphoenixaust #crystalphoenix #perthcrystals #crystalshop #crystalhealing #crystalenergy #crystalsofinstagram #crystalsaustralia #australiancrystals #healing #healingwithcrystals
11.01.2022 A N G E R . How long have you been holding onto anger for? How many years have you had that tense feeling in the pit of your stomach? That feeling that you don't know how to get rid of and don't know what it's from? That feeling of always being tense & uptight? I know for me it has been a fairly long time... try around 12 years.. . If there is something I have learnt this year it is that when we hold onto anger, we don't hurt those around us and those that we are ang...ry at, we only hurt ourselves. If you were to hold onto a piece of hot coal, why would you expect someone else to get burnt? Think about how free you would feel if you release those feelings. What are you hoping to achieve by holding on to this anger? What is it bringing to your life? . Have a think about it! Maybe it's time to release those thoughts & feelings and think about what it has taught us instead! ............................................................................. #crystalphoenixaust #crystalphoenix #perthhealing #perthhealers #smallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #reikihealing #reikiaustralia #reiki #anger #innerwork #selfdevelopment #selfhealingjourney #australianhealers See more
11.01.2022 D I S T A N T R E I K I I am currently offering distant chakra balance sessions for $50. This includes a clearing of your energy field of any negative or intrusive energies and repairing any holes in your energetic field. I then check 14 of your chakras and clear out and replace any stagnant energy that is being held in them (your chakras are the main energy points in your energy field). After our session you will receive a 5-6 page report which includes your chakra s...cores at the beginning of the session vs the end and also includes intuitive guidance and/or any spirit links/messages that come through for you at the time x . Since Covid started, I have noticed alot more people gravitating towards focusing on self growth & their inner healing journeys. I am so grateful to have been a part of some amazing healing journeys over the past 6 months and seeing/hearing the results, truly make my heart pop!! This is perfect for those who are just feeling a bit off from their usual self or who would like to delve a bit deeper into their self healing journey xx . If you would like to book a session, please head to my website to book in your preferred time slot. Sending lots of love to you all . ........................................................................... #reiki #reikihealing #healing #healingenergy #chakrabalance #chakra #crystalhealing #innerwork #selfdevelopment #selfhealingjourney #crystalsaustralia #crystals #perthhealers #perthhealing #smallbusiness #smallbusinessperth See more
09.01.2022 A G A T E Agate is a beautiful Crystal for courage, strength & acceptance. It is great for protection, security, harmony, love & abundance. It is an excellent stone for rebalancing & harmonising your body, mind & spirit. It helps to cleanse your aura & transmute negativity while helping to heal anger and tension. These beautiful Agate bracelets are online now & only $18 xx ... ........................................................................... #crystals #crystalphoenix #healer #healing #crystalobsession #crystalbracelet #crystalgoodness #crystalphoenixaustralia #perthhealers #perthhealing #perthenergywork See more
09.01.2022 F R E E E X P R E S S P O S T . New upload with a whole bunch of beautiful new beauties waiting to find their forever homes. (More being added tonight also) . Free express post only valid until Friday 9/9/20 ... . Yes, we have Afterpay & accept PayPal too. . HAPPY SHOPPING ............................................................................ #crystalphoenix #crystalphoenixaustralia #crystals #freeshipping #Afterpay #crystalobsession #perthreiki #healing #perthhealing #perthreiki #healer #perthreadings #oraclecards #grateful #amethyst #afterpay #paypal #beauties See more
06.01.2022 K Y A N I T E . Blue Kyanite aids in opening the third eye & throat chakras. It helps with encouraging self expression & communication. It cuts through fears and blockages, helping to speak your truth.Blue Kyanite is a beautifully stunning and high vibrational piece with the ability to help to heal all round while aligning your chakras. It is great for use during meditation & to help connect to your spirit guides x . ... --------------------------------------------------------------------- #reikihealing #perthhealers #crystals #crystalphoenixaustralia #crystalphoenix #womeninbiz #kyanite #bluekyanite #reiki #perthcrystals #throatchakra #chakrabalance #reiki #reikiinfusedcrystals #reikicharged #perthreadings #perthenergywork #perthhealing See more
04.01.2022 A D V E N T C A L E N D A R S . Join us in the launch for our first ever Crystal Advent Calendars! This will be our first Christmas as Crystal Phoenix Aust and we would LOVE to give back to our beautiful, loyal customers who have made this an amazing year for us! . You will receive either 12 or 24 beautifully packaged individual presents to open each day with a new little beauty for you to wake up to! Each item will be intuitively picked for you specifically, clean...sed and Reiki charged before being sent out to you! Each day will be a different item and each as special as the next! . Get your pre-orders in now as we only have limited amounts of each available xx . 12 Day Calendar - $50 or $100 24 Day Calendar - $100 Available for Pre-Order online at or via DM *All Advent Boxes will be shipped out 12th-14th November .......................................................................... #crystals #crystaladventcalendar #perthcrystals #perthhealers #perthhealing #perthreiki #crystalsaustralia #crystalphoenixaust #crystalphoenix #crystalcalendar #adventcalendars #perthadventcalendar #adventcalendaraustralia #adventcalendaraust #smallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #smallbusinessaustralia #christmas2020 #xmas2020 #xmascalendar #crystalsperth #selflove
02.01.2022 W H O A M I? . I thought it was about time I introduced myself. My name is Belinda. Most of you here know me as Crystal and I can understand why. I have never really told many of you otherwise. . I started my own healing journey around 8 years ago. For the last 6 years, I have been a qualified Reiki healer. A few years before that I really started pushing myself out of my comfort zone as I knew there was more to my life than I knew it at the time. I knew I was dest...ined to help others. I knew there was more than just that icky 9-5 job that I didn't really enjoy all that much anymore. I just 'knew' alot of things. I knew I could connect to spirit. I knew I could see people that others couldn't (even as a young child), I knew I could predict things before they happened. I knew I could feel other people's emotions. I ..just.. knew. . I finally did my Reiki Courses and my whole life and world was turned right around. I now saw everything in different light. Different perspective. It was a whole new world! I knew I was now about to help others on their healing journey. I knew I was about to do something amazing. I finally saw and knew what exactly I was put on Earth to do in this lifetime. So here we are in 2020.. I started Crystal Phoenix in February this year and my mind is just blown by how far I have come, by the amount of amazing people I have met, how much I've helped so many of you on your beautiful new journey and also how much self growth I have had myself in just the past 7 months.. . I am honestly so grateful and my heart feels so full. I thought it was about time I finally shared a bit about my journey and introduced myself properly to those who don't know me. Please feel free to introduce yourself in the comments also, I would love to hear your journeys too xx . - Belinda xx -------------------------------------------------------------------
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