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24.01.2022 Happy Easter dear friends hope you all keeping well an staying safe ...duriing this time of massive changes in our day to day lives . Keep a happy an positive attitude ... May this sun shine her beautiful energy on each an every one of you where ever you may be in this worldof ours .... Love an light to you all Wildflower Jan

24.01.2022 Good morning friends as the sun breaks on this beautiful Friday .

24.01.2022 Good morning to you all "When I listen to my inner self, I find the answers I seek " Good morning to you all "When I listen to my inner self, I find the answers I seek "

24.01.2022 Have an amazing day ... complaint free Xx

24.01.2022 Happy Christmas to all our Australian Bush Flower Friends near and far in this world of ours. How wonderful it is we have this beautiful Christmas Bell Flower to help remind us to focus on all the abundance we have in our lives... and be grateful for it ... to share our abundance with others ...bring joy to another who may be going through a difficult or lonely time ... ... Do small acts of kindness for others .... Smile and say hello, Slow down when driving. Switch of your phone. Listen to what that person has to say. Buy someone a coffee. Buy a friend a bunch flowers. Remind yourself to say thank you . This is Christmas Spirit of Christmas Bell share the love and joy, in the simple way. Love an light to you all Let your Joy shine Wildflower Jan

23.01.2022 Hi dear friends sending a loving message to you all , in our current coronaviris situation... We are all in this together. Be kind,thoughtful an supportive to each other.... reach out .. " are you okay ?" The changes are challenging...... Keep your vibrations high. Write 3 things you are grateful for ....? Mine are ... 1... this beautiful Geranium, on my walk this morning. 2...l'm safe an well 3...for my family an friends Love an blessings to you all where ever you may be. Xx

23.01.2022 Happy New Year to you all. A message of 2021 .. The creator asks you to have faith.... At this stage you may not see results of your prayers an actions . Be patient , stay positive an grateful . Affirmation: " I believe I deserve what is right for my highest good"

22.01.2022 Hi dear Bushies Friends time to catch up again next Tuesday 10 Nov. I felt these 2 messages really go together, what we think , hope an beleive in, are the seeds to create the dreams an miracles in our lives ... Be patient, things don't always happen how an when you want them. Like a seed they take time to grow an manifest ... being grateful is like watering the seed.. Love an light to you all.... Wildflower Jan See more

21.01.2022 The joy of sharing this time together... learning a bit more about who we are with Ian’s Numerology... very interesting. Will do more next month. A couple of flash backs ... who remembers where and when ? ... This beautiful Magnolia, (the scent ... divine ) from Lorraine’s garden, has a message for us all , helps us to let go the toxins within us an around us , people , places and things .. I Encourage you all to embrace each moment with love... as you give out it comes back a thousand fold , as I am experiencing now . Blessings to all Wildflower Jan

21.01.2022 What July joy to spend time with these Bushies special friends . A gift to see this amazing Pink Fuchsia..with a message to rise above our problems, leaving stress behind , an to continue to push forward .. Like beautiful butterflies We are all different an on amazing journeys of life ..sharing what we love ...go shine your light . Have a wonderful day ... Love an light to you all wh where ever you may be . Wildflower Jan See more

21.01.2022 If you feeling a bit tied , weary, sluggish , frustrated ... Maybe you need some Old Man Banksia essence ..of just sit an focus...meditate on the beauty of this gift of nature... fill your soul .

21.01.2022 A lovely day an lunch shared with the Bushies Girls at Mary Cairncross Malaney. Lovely messages an appreciation of a great year of love an support . "Life is what a you make it" Happy an safe Christmas to you all where ever you may be. Angels love an protect you.... Wildflower Jan See more

20.01.2022 Share the love of forgiveness... see your world change ,when you change ... commitment begins with you xx

20.01.2022 I listen to the intuitive wisdom of my own feelings ... I am guided from Within I listen to the intuitive wisdom of my own feelings ... I am guided from Within

19.01.2022 Happiness to you all with love

19.01.2022 Share the love

18.01.2022 A good message to share

17.01.2022 Make your dreams your reality... do it now .. I am

17.01.2022 Good morning friends... Yes Bushflowers meet up this. Tuesday 12 November... NUMBERS with Numerology is very interesting... A lot happening at the moment for me ... ... thus late message !!! I’m having to move, where I’ve been for last 2 half wonderful years ... property has sold. Having to finding a home ... not easy , very challenging for a 75 year old Nanny ... ha ha God , the universe, the angels the numbers .. all lined up ... Thank God , have new little home at Warana,I move into early December.. so so grateful.. Hope you are all well, an enjoying your life . Love an light to you all. Wildflower Jan Xx 12345

17.01.2022 Let "Bee Grateful" be your essence you use daily ... an share it freely ...

17.01.2022 Good morning my Bushies friends... Yes another month just slipped by time for catch up, next Tuesday 13 Oct. Hope you all keeping happy an well... Take care an step forward in what you love to do ... ... make your heart an some one else's heart sing Love an light to you all Wildflower Jan

16.01.2022 Embrace these special moments ... because in a flash they are gone . Hope to catch a with a free of the Bushies girls this week ... sending lots of Love an healing to you all .. Let me know in a message if you have any requests . Love an light to you all. Wildflower Jan ... See more

16.01.2022 Happy Saturday dear Australian Bush Flower friends . One of my favourites Have a lovely weekend

16.01.2022 The Magic in what you capture the moments ... as I do my walk for Mental Awarness this month, my goal 100kms +++ I've done 80kms... Bless you all See more

16.01.2022 We all must learn to trust an beleive

15.01.2022 Embrace the moments with love an gratitude Xx

15.01.2022 Hi Bushies friends .. Wow what a year it's been ...hope you an your families are all well an have a adjusted to our world an changes covid has brought . Most of all love an look after yourself When I make a commitment I do my best to follow through even though there are challenges confronting me ...... Walking on the beach is my place to connect, let go, listen, being grateful, an just do it..take action What ever it may be for you ?..beleive in yourself do it . Lov an light to you all Wildflower Jan

15.01.2022 Just happy reminder Bushies Friends sharing Numerology 2020 .. this will be exciting. At Cheryl’s , Tewantin 9.30 On Tuesday 11 February And amazing full moon on 9. Hope you all well. ... Love an light to you all Wildflower Jan

14.01.2022 What a beautiful day the Bush Flower girls shared at Cheryl's at Tewantin today . Learning more about who we may be ..... with Numerology ...written by Ian White an how the Australian Bush Flower Essences can help bring a balance with the numbers to our lives The numbers 1 to 9 tell a very interesting an intriguing story... ... Maybe we will spent some time looking at Numerology ... another version of how things can be ???.... not to get too carried away with it . Most of all be grateful for each day, do what you do from a place of love . Like a onion ... We are many layers, ... life path number and year number gave us a overview into , and what 2020 may look like . This is going to be an amazing year.... a life full of gratitude Love an light to you all . Wildflower Jan

14.01.2022 How amazing is this weather we have been having. Trust you all keeping well. I have had the joy to have been puppie sitting. Hope it stays fine and not too cold for our meeting Tues 13 August.. 9.30 to 12 at Fisherman’s Road ... look for those coloured flats . ... This essence Solar Logos was made in Glanstonbury England , May 2015, it is a divine energy, the pure light that emanates from the central Sun, the heart of the divine . 1. It activates the light of the soul within us, we then are able to access the divine. 2. Opens the heart and mind , allowing the Christ consciousness to be more readily to enter. 3. Allow the soul to connect with the source of light, to manifest the seed of creation with in us ... And so much more .... We also have a Australian Bush Flower level 2 workshop at Noosa 7 an 8 September check out the website [email protected] for more information... love and light to you all Wildflower Jan Xx

14.01.2022 Hi dear Bushies friends ... May you all be blessed with this amazing healing sunrise I experienced this morning . Stay well, stay positive an be grateful...... Lov an light to you all Wildflower Jan Xx

13.01.2022 What a wonderful inspiring, supportive creative morning we Bushies ladies shared today. What is your vision for 2021? (on 3 pages) Be still, listen gentle music..quite your mind, play with colour , pencils, paints ... 1..How you feeling now,? 2..What can I change?... 3...With action an commitment, keeping it simple ..we plan an our vision for 2021.. Our next meet will be Tuesday 1st December ..a Christmas mistry destination of fun an lunch, who is joining us ?? ... I will keep you posted . Lov an light to you all Wildflower Jan

13.01.2022 Happy new year Bushies to you all where ever you may be ... may this beautiful energy shine on you .. to day an every day . Lov who you are , be kind to your self , smile ... this just make someone else day . ... Thanks all you love an support 2019 ... an we welcome 2020 With joy , gratitude, an expectation of how we can make our world a better place ... it’s the little things that count Lov an light to you all Wildflower Jan Xx See more

13.01.2022 Good morning Bushie Friends, hope you an families are all keeping well , yes the coronaviris has thrown our world on to a spin ... Please pray with us for peace an love, an not let fear control us. Yes time to catch up an chat more about new Bushies essences.... Meet at Jans next Tuesday 9th June at 9.30 ( PM for more details. Love an blessings to you all where ever you may be x. Wildflower Jan

12.01.2022 Yes "love is all we need "

12.01.2022 Make your Dream your reality now xx

12.01.2022 I think I remember... Voni, Jane ?, Janine, Cheryl ,Debra , Gail , Donna.. Happy days to you all xx

11.01.2022 Good morning dear Bushie’s Friends ... hope you all happy and well Yes next Tuesday... 12 November... we meet up again ... more fun with Numerology playing with the numbers and how they tell you more about who you are .. your strengths and weaknesses... how same Numbers pop up ... ??!?!... Have a wonderful day Love an light Wildflower Jan See more

11.01.2022 Have a beautiful and blessed day friends xx

11.01.2022 Happy holiday weekend dear Bushie’s friends Hope you having great time . On Tuesday 8 October we will be at Cheryl’s home at Tewantin 9.30 .... ( contact me if you want more details) ... We are going to be having a fun and interesting time as we view the Numerology story , video by Ian White (ABFE) ... learning more about what makes us tick Do any of you know your life path ? And what Bush Flowers might relate to this ? Numbers and understanding how they work are very powerful ... The tree of life in numbers . Love and light to you all Wildflower Jan X

11.01.2022 Happy new year to you all ... make 2020 the best year yet . yes you can Lov an light always wildflower Jan ... See more

10.01.2022 Hi Bushie Friends , What amazing morning how good is life ... get out an enjoy everyday . ever moment. Hope you too are all keeping well . Yes we meet again next Tuesday 10 March ... 9.30 ... more Numerology discoveries . This is fun . Keep in touch Lov an light to you all Wildflower Jan Xx

10.01.2022 What a beautiful morning we shared in nature at the Botantial Gardens at Tanawah . Our 10 year of sharing, caring, love an support. Together sending Lov an support to Melb, Vic an all area's World wide dealing with coronia viris. ... We all picked a Bush flower card .. an how that relates to us. We combined these energies an meditated together sending healing energy to our world with unconditional love . Together we create a ripple effect . God bless, stay safe Lov an light to you all . Wildflower Jan

10.01.2022 What amazing spring morning shared with these wonderful ladies creating garlands of love with the energies of Gaia Essence heaven an earth... the Divine connection A celebration xx ... Love a light to you all. Wildflower Jan See more

09.01.2022 Share the love as these dear little Gerbera's do ... as we give we receive ...

09.01.2022 I'm so grateful for the time spent with these wonderful ladies, sharing an sending love an healing to each other an our whole world ... " be kind to yourself, what you seeking is with in you.... be still" Lov an light to you all ... Wildflower Jan See more

08.01.2022 Let's d o it now

08.01.2022 Hi Bushies friends what another amazing morning we shared discovering more about Numerology with Ian White's ..ABFE..DVD. Numbers 123456789... (this was not teaching) It is very interesting how numbers reveal more about you .... Please stay calm in this time we are going through, be kind and patient with each other. Be grateful and keep a positive mind set. Lov an light to you all. Stay safe WildflowerJan

08.01.2022 Happy happy Christmas to all our Bushies friends where ever you may be . May you be blessed with health an happiness now an always ... love an light to you all. Wildflower Jan

08.01.2022 A beautiful morning at Rosemount sharing and caring, this message friend sums it up so beautifully.. how special you all are . 369 a number an message to embrace : Your commitment to helping the world along with your devotion to God, the angels and the universe , is a big part of your divine life purpose . Know that all your needs , material, emotional and spiritual, are met as you devote yourself to your mission in life, with love and gratitude. ... Remember you are unique and you have something special to share . Love an light to you all , wherever you may be dear friends .. Wildflower Jan x

08.01.2022 Hi Bushies friends happy 2021 to you . Thought some of you may be interested... why not ? We all getting little older...let's do it gracefully. Thanks Ian we appreciate the opportunity.... See more

08.01.2022 What a beautiful creative morning the Bushies Girls shared creating beautiful wreaths of joy with Jasmine, rosemary , westeria, banksia , berries the gifts of nature . Happiness, peace and gratitude the messages of these beautiful flowers bring. An surprise Happy Birhday cake for me. We're ever you maybe love an cherish every moment.... Love an light to you all Wildflower Jan #livethemomentwithgrstitude

08.01.2022 Have a magic Monday my dear Bushies Friends Look forward to see you on Tuesday 10 September Fisherman’s Road 9.30 See coloured flags ... Love an light Wildflower Jan ... Xx See more

06.01.2022 To all you beautiful Bush Flower Mothers near an far in this world , have the most amazing day ... this is a such a wonderful memory ..... just had to share it .. Lov an hugs to you all. Wildflower Jan

06.01.2022 Wow this 8 years ago... a happy Face book memory Hope you all keeping well with the changes this coronaviris has brought to our lives . would love to say hi ... Love an light to you all Wildflower Jan

06.01.2022 To all you wonderful Bushies Friends thanks all your love an support through this challenging year. Merry Christmas an may 2021 be all you could wish for . Looking forward to a year of wonderful surprises . Lov an light to you all where ever you may be.... X See more

06.01.2022 Let us share the seeds of love , support, kindness an gratitude

05.01.2022 Love Playing with colour... oh what can you see ?? #happyheart #networkmarketing

05.01.2022 Beautiful morning catching up with Bushies Friends. Listening , sharing an supporting each other. Sending "love peace an harmony to our whole world " Wildflower Jan

05.01.2022 Happy Happy new year dear Bushies friends , yes first month gone... where ? Hope you all well Yes we meet up again Tuesday 11 February at Tewantin... Numerology... will be fun What’s 2020 got in store ???... Have a fantastic day. Lov an light yo you all. Wildflower Jan See more

05.01.2022 Make this your amazing day

05.01.2022 Good morning Friends where ever you may be. Trust you are safe an well, in these changing times. This is a joy I experienced yesterday with a dear friend, the scent of these beautiful blossoms of Jasmine. Prompting me to share their message with you and our world ... Peace, deep meditation, focus , goals, manifest and wisdom.... Jasmine brings a calmness of mind , peace. Feel this energy connect with your soul. Focus on what you desire with gratitude. Embrace the wisdom that is within you . Have a blessed day . Notice Jasmine on your walks today Wildflower Jan

04.01.2022 Have a beautiful Monday dear friends, where ever you may be ... We will meet again on Tuesday 12 November ... an do more Numerology discovery of self Lov an light Wildflower Jan xx ... 10 See more

04.01.2022 Hi to all our Bushies friends around Australia an the world where ever you may be. Yes we all going through massive changes ... Stay safe keep well, keep doing what makes your heart sing .. and share... So I'm sharing some sunshine coast qld .. early morning joy an sunshine . love to you all ... Love an light to you all Wildflower Jan

04.01.2022 Happy Christmas to all our Bush Flower Friends... you are all so special... go share your Joy with a touch of Christmas Bell. Love - light and. Blessings to you all . ... Wildflower Jan X See more

04.01.2022 Hi happy Bushies... can you believe we half way through this challenging year of change. Bottle brush has been helping me .. What have you been taking ? Yes we meeting at Cheryls at Tewantin on Tuesday 21 July at 9.30. We will enjoy this time we share.... Lov an light to you all . Wildflower Jan See more

03.01.2022 May happiness surround you all

03.01.2022 Well dear Bushie friends here we are in September can you believe it !! Hope you all keeping well. See you Tuesday 10 9.30 at Fisherman’s Road ... ... Gaia essence is the last one in the Divine Presence Essences . Gaia is the Essence of union , balance between heaven an earth (thus the pic of beautiful sunrise heaven an earth) your higher an lower self , knowing your life purpose. Working with Gaia essence we are grounding ourselves through the earths energy an we are more open to receive Divine love . These essences have the potential to assist us greatly in our growth an development. Love an light to you all Wildflower Jan . Xx

02.01.2022 Love peace an happiness to you all x

02.01.2022 Hi Bushies next Tuesday 11 Aug we are going out in nature at Botantial Gardens at Tanawah ...9.30 hoping it is not raining , connecting with the joy around us. We send love to those who are going through so much change during this coronia viris... Lov an light to you all . Wildflower Jan x X

01.01.2022 Sharing the joy an love to you all xx

01.01.2022 Celebrating our 8th Beautiful Birthday I’m so happy and grateful Wildflower Jan Xx

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