CSC Netball | Interest
CSC Netball
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25.01.2022 A change to the trial format for this week please. Only years 7 and 8 are required to come on Thursday 7th Feb. we will advise on Thursday whether they wil need to return on Friday. Intermediate and Open on Friday only. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
25.01.2022 Intermediate Team there is no training today due to having too many girls away. See you Monday!
25.01.2022 Hey Chancellor Netball families. Sunshine Coast Lightning have invited you to a photo opportunity with them tomorrow at 8am at the stadium. They want as many of you as possible. If you are keen can you indicate under this post. That would be great. The invitation is for the whole family as well!
24.01.2022 Intermediate team in finals next week - training after school Thursday please at the Uni. 245-345. Bella, Kiva, Ashleigh, Jaime, Rosey, Jordan, Tamara, Jade. Thanks
23.01.2022 This is awesome preparation for any Netballer going into trials. Being held at Unity College
23.01.2022 No training today/tomorrow at the USC stadium. We will organise trainings towards end of holidays. Watch this space!
22.01.2022 It’s Gold coin round tonight people. If you are playing can you please bring a gold coin to go toward the upkeep of the courts. Thanks
20.01.2022 Stadium is closed today. No trainings
20.01.2022 Monday Night Netballers: Please note it is school policy for your netball fees to be paid before you are put into a team and given a dress. Those who have not paid and want to play need to get that sorted please. Juniors (years 7/8) need to go to Mrs Blake’s room SB04 first break on Thursday, and Intermediate and Seniors to Mrs Blake’s room first break on Friday to collect uniforms.
19.01.2022 Our Firsts has a great win today in their catch up game against Unity College 51-23. A new look line up and one that hadn’t been tested before. Well done to all! Trainings this week will be posted tomorrow.
18.01.2022 Here are the dates for Monday Night Netball people. Round 1 is 25 Feb so we will be getting started as soon as we are back at school in 2019. I will advise of trials dates as soon as confirmed. We will be attempting to avoid clashes with Touch etc. Please note - this is a Secondary School competition from Year 7-12.
18.01.2022 Sorry Primary School families. Due to the stadium being closed for renovations tomorrow (24 January), our skills sessions has been cancelled. Watch this space for future sessions. Apologies for any inconvenience. Please spread the word.
17.01.2022 We have penciled in some potential selection dates for Monday Night Netball. (Secondary School Only). These dates are yet to be confirmed however we are hoping they will be and want to give you all as much notice as possible. Please pencil in these dates however they maybe subject to change. Thursday 31 January Friday 1 Feb Thursday 7 Feb... Friday 8 Feb Please do NOT message any unavailability at this point. We will request that once dates are confirmed. This is just a Heads Up notice. Thanks
17.01.2022 Hi All Please see below the list of Chancellor Teams competing in the Monday Night Competition. The lists has both competitive and friendship teams. Thank you all for your patience and support with this. Please note that all Junior Games start at 4pm each week, unless we are playing Mountain Creek, then it would be 4.50. Intermediate games are generally 4.50pm and 5.40 and Seniors are 7.20pm.... All players need to be at the game at least 30 minutes before unless an arrangement has been made with your Coach. Training times and Coaches will be posted soon. Website for info
16.01.2022 Trials/selections again this week - after school Thursday and Friday at the Stadium. 2.45-4.15 for Monday Night Netball.
15.01.2022 Here is our very own Brianna Martyn carrying the Torres Strait Indigenous flag at the Pacific Nations Tournament. Brianna was there representing Australian Indigenous Under 16s Team at the tournament. Undefeated with one more day to go!
15.01.2022 Junior A - due to ANZAC day Thursday can people make a Wednesday afternoon training 245-3.45 please with Karen. At the stadium.
15.01.2022 See you at the trials this afternoon at the University stadium people. We would like both seniors and juniors there to gather positions and get on court. Please don’t muck around getting there.
15.01.2022 Chancellor Storm Netball Club 2019 Season is now open for registrations. Do you have a child turning 7-18 that is interested in playing netball on a Saturday in the Sunshine Coast Netball Competition?? Head over to the Chancellor Storm Netball facebook page for registration details and don't forget to like the page. Children turning 7-10 play a modified competition... Children turning 11 - 18 play a in a competitive divisional competition which is graded on skills ability. More details on meet & greet/sign on days to follow.
14.01.2022 Please extend the invitation to like our page to anyone in your friends group who is a part of our netball community. Help to get this page out into the Chancellor Netball Community. Many thanks
14.01.2022 Awesome turn out for our first primary schools netball skills training session. Some great talent and effort today! Well done everyone. Thanks to our Chancellor State College Senior players and Our coaches who came to help out as well
14.01.2022 Intermediate B semi final time is 5pm court 4 vs creekers. (Same team you played on Monday). Please be there at 430. Open A semi final time is 6pm va Siena on court 4. Please be there at 5.
12.01.2022 We are pleased to align our school netball program with Chancellor Netball Club, who compete in the local Club competition on Saturdays at Fisherman’s Road. We will advise sign on details shortly. Chancellor Netball Club caters for all school age players from 7 years old. A reminder that our skills sessions and coaching support offered through our school program is also extended to players and coaches who are a part of our club.
12.01.2022 Welcome to 2019 Chancellor Netball Families. A reminder that we have some time booked at the USC for anyone who wants to come and Sharpen the swords with some SKILLS training, in preparation for upcoming trials and season. Secondary School in 2019 - dates are 14, 21 and 28 January 8.30-10am and for Primary Skills Friday’s 18 and 25 January 8.30-10am. My number is 0405812293 for any queries.
12.01.2022 These gals were awesome today! See you in 2019 everyone! Don’t forget we are offering skills sessions in the last 2 weeks of the school holidays! Will post reminders closer to the time! Merry Christmas Primary School Superstars! #chancellorpride
12.01.2022 Skills training sessions start on Monday for secondary school players and Friday for Primary schools for the rest of 2018. Monday 19 and 26 November 2.45-4pm Uni Stadium. Any secondary players of any level welcome. Friday 23 and 30 November -3.15 (or as close to) til 4.15 Primary School players years 4-6, Uni stadium.... All school and club coaches are also welcome to come and observe (or help coach ) These sessions are not compulsory and have no bearing on selections. They are skill development sessions to improve individual skill bases.
10.01.2022 GRAND FINAL TIMES tomorrow! Intermediate B at 5pm Open A at 7pm. Please be there 90 minutes before.... Come along and support Nettie families! This is the first time our Open Team has made the final and are up against the formidable Flinders!!
10.01.2022 No training today for Senior A and Int A
09.01.2022 All trainings this week in the stadium have been cancelled due to construction. Opens will get a message to advise alternative.
08.01.2022 Welcome to our Chancellor Netball page. This is where we will keep our netball community up to date with whats happening in the world of school netball. A way of trying to ensure we can effectively communicate with all our netball community. We will be proactively supporting our Club from this page - Chancellor Storm Netball Club. This page will have information for ALL ages. WELCOME ABOARD!
08.01.2022 Junior A netball we have no game tonight due to girls being away with School Touch down in the Gold Coast. Can you please let other parents know. Therese Parslow Kerri Petersen Christine Ivana Hunter-Misky... Karen Martyn Shavarn Rudolph Ally Fullgrabe Rebecca Oborn-Suanez Danneil Kobrowisky-Hunt See more
08.01.2022 Hi All A reminder that Primary School skills is on this Friday 830-930 at the University. There is NO skills on Monday 28th due to that day being a public holiday. Further dates and times for skills training will be advised shortly.
07.01.2022 Here’s something for Junior Netballers aged 7-11 years old! Get in quick as limited spaces!
07.01.2022 Congratulations to these beautiful girls! Graduating our school today. Members of our 2018 Chancellor Firsts team in 2018. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Congratulations Sarahpheinna, Tilly, Ebony and Piper xxxx
06.01.2022 A reminder that Primary skills training is on tomorrow after school at the Uni Stadium. As close to 3.15 as you can would be great. Coaches and helpers welcome as well!!
06.01.2022 Some extra skills training for anyone who is keen!
05.01.2022 Trials for Monday Night Netball commence on Thursday and Friday after school this week and next week. 2.45pm - 4pm. There are sign in sheets at school we would like players to complete. For junior secondary the form is with Mrs Blake and for Senior Secondary the form is with Mrs Unie. You can sign in before school or in the breaks. JS - year 7 - year 8 - year 9 in SB04 ( Mrs Blake ) SS - year 10 - year 11 - year 12 D block Staffroom ( Mrs Unie ) Thanks in advance.
05.01.2022 More options for extra training for anyone interested ....
04.01.2022 CSC Red- train 2.45-4pm Thursday at the stadium CSC Green -train 2.45- 4pm Friday at the Stadium CSC Teal - train 2.45 - 4pm Friday at the stadium. Further times to be advised once coaches confirm.
04.01.2022 Secondary skills training tomorrow 2.45pm. Come along and upskill!! Uni stadium
02.01.2022 Here’s something for our 7-11 year olds to get them ready for netball in 2019. To register email [email protected]
01.01.2022 CSC Green and Teal reminder training tomorrow 245-4pm. Guest coaches coming in my absence. Please note training is not a choice. If you can’t make it you need to let me know please.
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