Chancellor State College Parents & Citizens' Association in Sippy Downs, Queensland | Community organisation
Chancellor State College Parents & Citizens' Association
Locality: Sippy Downs, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5453 3241
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25.01.2022 Don’t forget it’s book week dress up this Friday on the last day of term for the Primary Campus. #gentlereminders #ineedtogetorganised
25.01.2022 As we handover from Helping Hands to Chancellor OSHC we wanted to say a very big Thank you to Grace and her team for taking such great care of our children and being part of our Chancellor Family. Thanks Helping Hands
25.01.2022 R U OK is more than a Facebook post or a group text. Let’s start a conversation and truly check in with each other. We are an award winning talking families school!!! We have totally got this!!! #youhavewhatittakes #chancellorchecksin
25.01.2022 Our amazing duo of Judy and Deb have been hard at it this year doing their usual jobs as well as getting everything ready for our new business. We can’t wait to see what 2021 brings. #teamawesome
24.01.2022 Primary Campus colour run will be happening on 16th October. To help you get ready we have a handy guide of everything you need to know. Any questions send them our way and we will follow up for you. #happyholidays #supportingourschool
24.01.2022 Don’t forget to get your stationary pack order in for the chance to win a bike. Go to select school and year level and off you go. #2021bookpacks
24.01.2022 Get in now and complete your Flexischool order for Friday. We know that Flexischool has been struggling to manage the load of Friday lunch orders in recent weeks. Please order tonight or tomorrow to beat the rush. Flexischool ordering is available for all year levels at the Primary Tuckshop, and years 7 to 9 at the Secondary Cafeteria. #chancelloreats #fridaytuckshop
24.01.2022 Our OSHC team are busy unpacking today with lots of new resources ready to go for 4th January #superexcited
24.01.2022 Our OSHC staff have been working away on your enrolments and you should have received emails for additional information or details of how to download our app. If you haven’t received an email as yet please check you SPAM or JUNK folder. The email will come from [email protected] #chancelloroshc
24.01.2022 Orders close Tuesday!!!!! Don’t miss out.
23.01.2022 To all our Seniors tonight attending the formal - this is your time to shine . The class of 2020 will have some different rites of passage and stories to tell but they will still hold great memories and fondness. Have a great night ... #chancellorcelebrates #classof2020strong
23.01.2022 Book week pack has now been decided. This pack will have limited numbers available and will have a strict cut off of Tuesday 15th September unless sold out before. Order will be available on flexi schools from next week but ordering over the counter open now!!!! There will be very limited normal menu available on this day so don’t miss out. ... #servingourcommunity #kidslovebookweek
23.01.2022 Unfortunately due to ongoing restrictions we are unable to operate our usual Father’s Day stall this year. The large number of students that attend the stall, large number of items being handled by kids, and handling cash has meant we feel unable to ensure safety for everyone. But not to worry we will be back in full swing next year. Thank you for your support and understanding. ... Your P&C
22.01.2022 It’s mine! The Sunshine Coast community comes together to champion child protection not just this week, but all year round.... If any of the issues raised in the below video cause you personal distress or concern, please contact: Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 Parentline 1300 30 1300 Information for parents about local support services: or call Family and Child Connect - 13 32 64
22.01.2022 As we get ready to open our doors tomorrow we just want to go over sign in and out. There will be a staff member there to help but for registered parents dropping off and picking up you will need to download the OWNA app and create your pin. For those that haven’t received an invite to download the app you will receive one soon. #cantwaittoseeyou #chancelloroshc
22.01.2022 Our uniform shop is open today and tomorrow!!!! Get in now to beat the 2021 back to school rush. Current COVID restrictions requires us to limit 2 families in the shop at a time. #weareopen
22.01.2022 Class of 2020 will leave a legacy with their amazing achievement. So many great outcomes when we come together as a community. #chancellorambassorsrock #chancellorgivesback
21.01.2022 Winner for bikes has been drawn and the lucky people will have an email in the inbox. #happyfriday #loveagiveaway
21.01.2022 Don’t forget to order your book pack by Friday 11 December to go into the draw to win a bike and also ensure delivery.
21.01.2022 Found this little bunny in the primary campus car park near the hall this morning. I am sure he is very precious to a Chancellor child or sibling. Please share so we can reunite our Chancellor Bunny and it can hop back to its home! Vanessa
20.01.2022 Another change for our senior students. Class of 2020 will definitely have some stories to tell. #celebrationschange #togetherwewillgetthroughthis
20.01.2022 Social distancing is now part of our everyday life. With this in mind and a limit of 2 families in the Uniform Shop at any one time, we’re anticipating longer than usual queues during our Back To School week in 2021. As a result we are opening additional hours to help relieve the January rush. #gettingreadyfor2021
19.01.2022 Hello Chancellor Families! Please make sure you have completed forms and booked for the beginning of January Vacation Care. Only a two days to go! 1. Have you enrolled? 2. Have you signed the CWA and DDR forms on the App?... 3. Have you booked Casual places for Vacation Care on the App? 4. PLEASE email [email protected] or call 0407 219 511 to cancel or change any casual or permanent bookings! 5. Please contact us if you have any questions. See more
19.01.2022 There is still time!!!! Book packs can be ordered up to 15th January to ensure delivery before back to school. Click on the link below. #backtoschool2021
17.01.2022 I don’t know about you all but this one is featuring a lot in my house at the moment -K #parentingtips
17.01.2022 Our new team has been busy unpacking and completing first aid training and induction ready to start on 4th January. You will see many familiar faces and a few new ones. #chancelloroshc #dreamteam
17.01.2022 Exciting news that the old beautiful Sippy Downs entrance tree lives on in Mountain Creek. I know my kids will be happy to hear it has a new home! #chancellorcares #generationtree
15.01.2022 Happy Friday folks. Due to staff shortages at the high school today Flexi schools will be closed for high school only. Normal menu and service is available in the canteen. #thanksforyoursupport
15.01.2022 Orders close tomorrow. Don’t miss out!!! There will be a very limited Menu available on Friday 18th so we don’t want you to miss out.
15.01.2022 I hope your holidays have started off well #kidsonholidays
15.01.2022 Don’t forget to get down to The Nines today for a Blake Shake or Wine and Nine for Blake’s Desert. Blake is one of our Year 9 students who has a rare form of cancer. All money raised will go to help Blake’s family with ongoing costs. Blake’s friends were out in support today. Go team! #chancellorsupportsblake #communitysupport
14.01.2022 Check out this pint sized press conference with Matt Filippi. Matt is a "Ninja Warrior" (Nine Network) and Salty Souls Legacy Ambassador without setbacks you can’t grow #sunshinecoastchildprotectionweek ... #childprotectioniseverybodysbusiness See more
14.01.2022 Our executive team would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in 2021. #ourchancellorfamily
12.01.2022 Enrol into Chancellor OSHC now!!!! Not long left before Chancellor OSHC officially takes over! Make sure you have completed an enrolment form for each of your children by clicking on the link ( The Vacation Care Program for January is looking pretty amazing!... Chancellor OSHC Team
12.01.2022 Please note that flexischools ordering has been closed for Primary Tuckshop on Friday 18th. This will make sure that we can cook up chicken nuggets and pizzas for almost 430 book week packs in time for first break. Very limited menu will be available over the counter and all orders that have already been made via flexischools will be fulfilled. ... Thanks for your support
12.01.2022 Setting your PIN to Sign in and Out of Chancellor OSHC You will need a 4 digit PIN to sign your child in and out of the OSHC service. Please follow these simple steps to set your PIN:... 1. Click on the cog icon on the bottom right of the App 2. Click on REST PIN 3. Enter a 4 digit PIN 4. Re-enter your 4 digit PIN 5. Click 'Submit' 6. If you replicate someone else's PIN, you will be prompted to choose a different one See more
12.01.2022 Call out to our Chancellor community. Chappy Shane is recruiting mentors. Being a mentor is a great way to support our students and community. Please RSVP to Chappy Shane on Monday. Mentors will need Blue card and personal ID OR two Personal ID.... #teamawesome #chancellormentors
10.01.2022 Today our Primary Tuckshop ladies will make over 1000 chicken nuggets and nearly 300 pizzas!!!! Happy Friday peeps and have a great last day term 3 #busyladies #wehavethebesttuckshops
10.01.2022 We know that more of our families this year will find Christmas a struggle. As a Talking Families school we are all parenting together. If you know of families in our community who are finding it tough this please reach out and offer support or just a listening ear. We also have many services in our community that can help and you will find some information below. ... #chancellortalkingfamilies #parentingtogether
10.01.2022 Feeling excited . We have two bikes from Edesco ready to be delivered to two lucky winners just before Christmas. Winners will be drawn and contacted on Friday. Stay close to the phone.... #lovegivingprizes
10.01.2022 Please note new student free days added at the end of Term 4.
10.01.2022 As we get closer to Christmas we wanted to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas from our Tuckshop Teams We hope you have a wonderful festive season and that you are already enjoying the break from school. #teamawesome #yourpandc #seeyouin2021
09.01.2022 Don’t forget to order your special Tuckshop pack for last day of term Friday 18th. There will be very limited normal menu available so please don’t miss out. Order close next Tuesday
09.01.2022 Got to love these dad jokes...share with us your dad jokes.
09.01.2022 Great work team in supporting this fundraiser for Blake. Anyone that would like to contribute The Nines Wine & Nine and Ninth Street will have donation jars for the rest of the month. #chancellorcares #communityconnects
08.01.2022 Don’t forget to order tonight to beat the Flexischool rush tomorrow morning.
08.01.2022 We have lots of goals for 2021, one being to have a movie night again with perfect weather . I think this covers goals 3, 6 and 7!!!! Share with us some of your goals for 2021. #wegotthis2021 #chancellorplans
08.01.2022 Nothing like a sweet treat and a coffee to start the day. This morning at primary Tuckshop we have strawberry and passion fruit muffin with a cream cheese frosting #feelinghungary #madefresh #servingourcommunity
08.01.2022 Come and meet our Director this morning at 9am at they Primary Campus Library. #chancelloroshc
08.01.2022 As we get ready to say farewell to 2020 now more than ever it is important show gratitude. We are grateful for our Chancellor Family and how this family has been one of great strength, resilience and support this year!!!!! Tell us what you are grateful for this year. ... #2020gratitude #chancellorfamily
07.01.2022 Looks like someone is getting an award keep an eye on the College Facebook page to see who it is. #chancellorwins #supportingourcommunity #chancellortalkingfamilies
06.01.2022 Just putting this out theracre
05.01.2022 This week is Child Protection Week. Child protection is all of our responsibility and it starts with how we support each other to be the best we can be, how we reach out with an offer of help, or a smile and some encouraging words. Our strong supportive community is one of our biggest strengths. #chancellorprotects #childprotectionweek2020
05.01.2022 Just three weeks to go peeps!!!! Time to put on our curious and wild thinking hats. #chanellorchallenge #bookweek2020
05.01.2022 Don’t forget to order your book week special Tuckshop pack. Available to order on Flexischools and over the counter. #dontmissout
04.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, granddads and father figures in our lives. We hope you have a great day #superdayforsuperdads
03.01.2022 With the year 12 formal happening on our secondary campus tonight our uniform shop will close early. Back to normal hours tomorrow #thanksforyourunderstanding
03.01.2022 Our Secondary Campus is fundraising for Daffodil Day this Friday. To support this our cafe and canteen will have a special menu. Only normal menu items will be available on Flexischools. #chancellorfundraises #servingourcommunity
03.01.2022 Another pint sized press conference, this time with Kerry Neill. Kerry is Director of Triballink Pty, the home of the Goombuckar Indigenous Cultural bus and Triballink Activity Centre I listened to that fear [inside], instead of talking about it and sharing it ... #sunshinecoastchildprotectionweek
03.01.2022 Join us for our P&C meeting tomorrow night. We would love to see you there and here from you. #chancellormeets
02.01.2022 At first 2020 felt like the year that wouldn’t end, now we are at end of term 4 in the blink of an eye. Either way we are here and Christmas is around the corner. Enjoy your time together and don’t forget to get the lunch box out of the school bag. #wemadeit #chancellorfinishes
02.01.2022 We would love to see pictures of your fur children. #chancellorpets #expandingourfamily
01.01.2022 We have some curious creatures at our primary campus today from the College Cool to the Tuckshop Terrific and the Helping Hands Hero’s. We are definitely a Curious Chancellor Community today. We would love to see your photos, share them in the comments and we will add them to our stories
01.01.2022 As we head in to spring it’s a great time to remind ourselves that we are facing struggles that are new to us all. So many of our usual rituals and connections have changed and we work hard to find a new normal. You are strong and together we are stronger. #parentingthroughapandemic #chancellorstrength
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