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Cummins Area School

Phone: 0886762388


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25.01.2022 Week 10 Specials: Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap $7.00. Cheesy Bacon Veggie Slice served with salad $7.00. Mixed Slices available $2.50

25.01.2022 Our Primary corridor has a very festive feel this year. The classes have made some fantastic decorations which have adorned the space & made everyone feel happy, thank you Primary home groups!

25.01.2022 Don't forget... School Photo day tomorrow! Please make sure all students wear their full school uniform. This means appropriate grey pants and definitely NO black shorts or leggings, thanks.

25.01.2022 Public schools, preschools and children’s centres will reopen to all students on Monday 23 November. While OSHC is able to operate as usual, families should check with their OSHC service whether it will run a service on Monday. We look forward to having children back on Monday!

24.01.2022 Thumbs-Up Thursday with Barbie: Jellyfish for SeaWeek Display

23.01.2022 MILKSHAKES WEEK 6: CHOCOLATE OR STRAWBERRY $4.00. QKR orders to be collected at canteen or over the counter sales

23.01.2022 **ALL SOLD ** We have copies of the 2019 school magazine for sale for $30. Please see the Finance Office to purchase. Limited numbers so get in quick! EDIT; to further clarify, the magazines we have for sale are from 2019. We are still taking orders for the 2020 magazine.

23.01.2022 FOR SALE The Cummins Area School has the following items which are surplus to our needs for sale: MULCHER this machine is not fully operational, however, it does have a Honda motor in good condition - $400... BATTERY OPERATED POWER TOOLS Angle Grinder, Saw, Batteries and Charging station all in used working order (Drill is included but not working) - $250 for the set Any queries, arrangements for inspection and offers to be made to the Finance Officer, Leanne Vigar by email: [email protected]

23.01.2022 Don't forget... Dress in your Christmas attire this Friday! It's FREE so join in the fun on our last day of school!

22.01.2022 Do you have a minute to complete a survey for our Year 11 student which will assist him with his Research Project? "I’ve attached a link to my survey monkey that will aid in my research project. My research project is based on the question To what extent do drones benefit the agricultural industry?. The survey directly investigates the benefits of drones in the agricultural industry. I am interested in taking the opinions from all people, even ones that are not directly in the industry. Thank you"

21.01.2022 Here at Cummins Area School it has become tradition at the end of each year, for staff to farewell our Year 22 students with a song which is relevant to both the year and the Year 12 students. Please enjoy this year's production which was played at the Graduation Assembly.

21.01.2022 Cummins Area School held our annual Swimming Carnival on Friday 12th February. Approximately 300 students from Years 3 to 12 participated on the day. Final results were: 1st Flinders 1412... 2nd Eyre 1365 3rd Sturt 1235 Five records were broken on the day - 4 by Alinta Dingwall & 1 by Oscar Dingwall. Congratulations to all the medal winners and to all the students for their excellent participation and sportsmanship.

20.01.2022 Are you a Learner or P-Plate driver? This driver training program provides both practical sessions for on-road skills and theory to help make you safer behind t...he wheel. Brought to you through a partnership between the District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula, the Cummins District Community Bank and the Cummins Youth Advisory Committee. See more

20.01.2022 Well done Selenia Mahoney, always great to see our past students doing great things!

20.01.2022 GOVERNING COUNCIL Material & Services Charge 2021 Thank you to everyone who returned their poll regarding the fees for 2020. It was great to have families responding and have their say regarding this issue. Once the poll closed, the votes were counted by Kris Speed and Julie Crettenden, after all identifying information was removed from the polling slips by Julie Harder, our returning officer. The voting for years both F-7 and years 8-12 were in favour of the increase in fees... as suggested by the Governing Council. The fees of F-Year 7: $361 and Years 8-12: $440 are now set as compulsory for 2021. If you have any questions regarding this process or the outcome, please feel free to contact any member of the GC. General I’d like to thank all of the school community for the past year, we’ve had a lot of changes, and everyone has adapted well to make the most of it. Wishing everyone a safe and Merry Christmas and look forward to 2021. Kris Speed Chairperson Cummins Area School Governing Council

19.01.2022 Everyone is invited to wear casual clothes on Wednesday 9th September. This has been organised by a student who wishes to raise funds for sensory equipment for students with disabilities. Lets all support this cause!

19.01.2022 WEEK 5 SPECIALS: Pizza or Chicken & Avocado Melt $7.00. Roasted Cauliflower, Coconut & Tumeric Soup $5.00 with Homemade Bread Roll $6.00. Carrot Cake $2.50.

17.01.2022 A G R I C U L T U R E - Was a pleasure to host the students from Cummins Area School From hearing about regenerative pastures and digging for dung beetles, to i...ntentional rotational grazing of grass fed & finished beef. A Homestead tour & seeing the whole closed loop system back at our on farm butcher shop with the grass fed beef being processed right before their eyes! All the best with your up-coming studies on regenerative agriculture See more

16.01.2022 Can you please spare a minute to complete a short survey which will assist our student with her studies? Thank you Link For my year 11 Food Studies I have been assigned to study the foods in the 1970's this includes how the food was prepared and who prepared it.

16.01.2022 Last Thursday we held our Year 12 Graduation Assembly where we celebrated our success stories from 2020. We hope everyone who was able to watch the livestreamed event enjoyed it, it was a first for CAS! Here are the award winners who were presented at the Assembly. Congratulations to our winners and good luck to our Year 12 students, we wish you every success for your future endeavours

16.01.2022 Cummins Area School is seeking a Government Services Employee (GSE4) for the efficient maintenance and upkeep of the existing school grounds including the operation of equipment, tools and machinery. The temporary position is 24 hours per week and is available to commence in mid January 2021. The application requires an expression of interest, accompanied by CV to be supplied by 3.30pm on Friday 11 December 2020.... Enquiries and J&P Specification available from the Deputy Principal, Mike Ford by phone on 8676 2388. Mel Degner, Principal

16.01.2022 WEEK 5 SPECIALS: Chicken schnitzel & slaw baguette $7.00. Chicken, feta & pea risoni salad $7.00. Passionfruit slice $2.50.

14.01.2022 Book /Stationery Collection Dates A reminder of our set Book/Stationery Collection dates for January are : Wednesday, 20thJanuary, Thursday, 21st January, and Friday, 22nd January from 10.00am 4.00pm... Due to COVID Safe regulations there may be some time waiting in line to comply with the safe distance guidelines and QR code or manual check in at the School on these dates. We look forward to reconnecting with our current families and students and welcoming new families to our school.

14.01.2022 Year 9 science classes have designed games that incorporate electrical circuits. Today Mrs Phelps 3/4 class got to try these impressive and creative games out. Great fun had by all in involved.

13.01.2022 Everyone is invited to dress up in something Christmassy this Friday! There is no cost just dress up and have some fun to finish the school year off!

12.01.2022 Daniel Day, dress up for a gold coin donation on Thursday 24th September. Please note change of theme...

12.01.2022 Congratulations to Amity, Riley, Alinta and Matilda for being selected to represent Cummins Area school in Lower Eyre Peninsula SAPSASA netball team in Adelaide this week. Good luck girls!

12.01.2022 Wanted: Cleaners looking for work at the Cummins Area School are encouraged to apply. Cleaning staff are required to possess a Working with Children Check. Please contact David Hean, Servicing SA on 0427537098 for further details.

11.01.2022 WEEK 8 SPECIALS: Chicken Ceaser Salad $7.00. Roast Pumpkin & Spinach Quiche & Salad $7.00. Strawberry Crumble Bar $2.50

10.01.2022 WEEK 7 Specials: Chicken BLT $7.00 Apricot or Lemon curd Slice $2:50

09.01.2022 IMPORTANT ASBESTOS REMOVAL The school, including the Community Library and Rural Care, will be closed THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 15th from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm due to the removal of asbestos.IMPORTANT ASBESTOS REMOVAL The school, including the Community Library and Rural Care, will be closed THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 15th from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm due to the removal of asbestos.

09.01.2022 It has been a busy morning at CAS with some of our students, along with Mrs Scheffler and Miss Koch, making some Christmas joy for our end of year activities. Who knew pasta could look so beautiful!

09.01.2022 Today we held our Dux Assembly, congratulations to Maya Doudle the 2020 Dux of Cummins Area School. Well done Maya! We also presented the Peter Treloar Primary Meritorious Award recipients from 2020. Congratulations to Stella Chandler and Braden Holley on winning this award. Our Secondary Student Voice Executive were introduced, congratulations to Jackson Rowbottom, Matthew Phelps, Dylan Bond and Mackenzie Walter who were presented with certiifcates of recognition. We also in...troduced our House Captains for the year. Finally, our new Foundation students were given a gift and a certificate from their Year 12 Buddies, welcoming them to Cummins Area School. Cuteness overload! Well done to everyone who was involved in todays Assembly!

09.01.2022 A HUGE thank you today to Pringle's Ag Plus, for bringing their header in to reap the school's crops. Thanks also to Bill Butterfield and the Cummins Mill for the use of their truck and also to Ashley & Lisa Warner for the use of their semi to deliver the grain to the silos. We really appreciate the support of this fabulous community! Merry Christmas everyone!

08.01.2022 Students have been perfecting their pavlova making skills this week with Mrs Fuller & Ms Wait. Well done on your excellent whisking skills!

07.01.2022 We were pleased to have John Gardner MP - Minister for Education visit today for a tour and a chat. The Minister was accompanied by Gary Costello - Senior Advisor to Minister for Education, Member for Flinders - Peter Treloar, (a former Cummins Area School student), Rowena Fox from the Eyre Leadership team and Danielle Meaney - CAS Governing Council.

07.01.2022 WEEK SIX : Butter Chicken with Veggies $7.00. Sweet Potato Soup $5.00 with a homemade roll $6.00. Pumpkin Loaf $2.50. MILKSHAKE WEEK STRAWBERRY or CHOCOLATE $4.00

07.01.2022 WEEK 9 SPECIALS: Chicken BLT Baguette $7.00. Fetta & Caramelised Onion Quiche & Salad $7.00. Lemon Syrup Cake GF $2.50.

07.01.2022 Reminder.... Tomorrow is the last day for food orders for Daniel Day. Please return your forms if you havent already done so or you might be hungry!

07.01.2022 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO KINDLY DONATED LEMONS. WE NOW HAVE PLENTY FOR OUR LEMONADE MAKING! Lemons wanted... If anyone has an abundance of lemons, our Year 12 class would love some for their annual Daniel Day fundraiser. Lemons may be left at the Front Office during school hours.... Thank you, your donations are greatly appreciated See more

06.01.2022 Materials & Services Fee 2021 Poll Due Date Extension Due to the school closure on 19 & 20 November, the closing date for the Materials and Services Fees 2021 Poll has been extended to 24 November 2021. Thank you if you have returned your voting slip. If you haven’t voted, please do so by 24 November 2021. Thank you.

06.01.2022 The Cummins Area School Year 12 Graduation Assembly will be live streamed tomorrow from 11.30am. To watch this livestream, you will need to download the Microsoft Teams App on your chosen device. Once the App is downloaded, use this link to connect into the livestream.

06.01.2022 Week 9 Specials: Red pesto Chicken Salad $7.00. Christmas Jelly Slice $2.50. We would like to thank everyone for their support of the School Canteen and a big Thankyou to all our fabulous volunteers. See everyone one 2021.

04.01.2022 Please note - our After school care is still only available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please let your bus driver know if your children will be catching the bus. All buses will run to their normal schedule.

04.01.2022 WEEK 7 SPECIALS: Crispy Chicken Wrap with Sweet Chilli Mayo. Moroccan Carrot & Red Lentil Soup GF $5.00 with Homemade Roll $6.00. Popcorn Brunch Bar $2.50.

03.01.2022 Congratulations to Harvey Pearce, Bradley Phelps & Bailey Doolan who are representing Cummins Area School in the Lower Eyre Peninsula SAPSASA Football team this week in Adelaide. The boys are hoping to get their first win on the board today, good luck!

02.01.2022 Well done Alinta! Great reward for all of your hard work. :-) Good luck at Country Championships this weekend.

02.01.2022 Last day today! Who is dressing up for some Christmas fun?

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