Cuppa Crafts for Kids | Personal blog
Cuppa Crafts for Kids
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24.01.2022 FLOREAT ROCKS We have a large amount of black stones in our house from the previous owners. We have decided to put them to use! I made some baby chicks for Easter and my kids are hiding them this morning in the playground area at @floreatforum We will continue to design rocks with #floreatrocks so if you find one tag us and let us know!! #easter_simple_play #hop_fest #weloveeasterplay ... #easter #easter2019 #eastercrafts #easterwithkids #eastercraftsforkids #easterdiy #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitieswithkids #iheartcraftythings #rockart #paintedrocksofinstagram #easterrocks #paintedrocks See more
24.01.2022 CONE TREES Thank you to @hellowonderful_co for the inspiration for these trees. I love all the little pine cone trees people have been making, but I couldn't find where to get any pine cones! Randomly I found a big bag of mini cones at Red Dot - woo! We used whatever corks we found around the house as bases, and we moulded the other bases from air drying clay. I love these little dudes. After Christmas I am sure they will get used in some small world play :) @get.creative.with #getcreativewith #christmascrafts #christmascraft #christmascraftsforkids #christmascrafting #christmastrees #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids
23.01.2022 PAINTING PARTY BAG FILLER I have been a bit quiet on Insta recently as 'actual' life has been hectic! My sweet 4yr old turned into an even sweeter 5yr old :) We hosted a party for her school friends last weekend. As a kid, I loved the party bags you got at the end of a party. To me they MADE the party!! Who doesn't love a bag of sweets and toys to play with in the car ride home?!... However, now as a parent I really hope that when my daughter receives a party bag that there aren't too many sweets - I love it when there are more toys or activities for the kids. So with that in mind I tried to create an activity for my daughter's party bags that would engage the kids but not break the bank (given I had to make 16 party bags). So my little DIY paint pack was created! I found the little love heart paper mache box at spotlight and it gave me the idea. It came in a pack of 4 and was on sale so it cost less than $1 per box. I bought the boxes and then jumped on eBay and ordered a heap of empty little 3ml x 6 paint pots. They came to less than 50c each. I bought the 18 pack of acrylic paint from Kmart to fill the pots, plus the little adhesive stickers and paintbrushes from Kmart too. I then wrapped it all in a cellophane bag that was also from Kmart! Today my girls pulled out their pack and they painted their box for almost an hour! Even my 2yr old was totally engaged, she loved the idea of her own row of paints and the stickers. I hope the kids at the party enjoyed making their box as much as my kids did! :) #kidspartyideas #partybag #lollybag #paintingwithkids #invitationtocreate #diypaintkit #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids See more
23.01.2022 DECORATE-A-BISCUIT I'm not much of a baker.... I am however an excellent eater of baked goods! I saw a really cool post by @artyprojectsforkids where mum Clare made a 'decorate your own cupcake' activity using a paint tray! It looked so inviting. Given I'm not great with cupcakes I decided to decorate store-bought biscuits. I got two of these paint trays on sale for $3 at Big W. I followed the directions on the blog by @ohsobusymum for making these iced biscuits and t...hey turned out a treat! #sprinkles #invitationtocreate #painttray #kaleidoscope #preschoolplay #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitieswithkids #easter #easterbiscuits #kidsandfood #kidsandcookies See more
19.01.2022 My daughter recently played the board game Guess Who? And loved it, so she spent her money pocket money and bought it. When we opened it, it had two sheets of cardboard with all the little peoples faces that you had to press out and put in the little plastic flaps. After pressing out all the faces we were left with two sheets that had lovely little empty squares that I thought would make a nice stencil! Swipe for pics as I feel I'm not explaining it well lol So we cut out... hearts and placed it underneath the stencil. I gave the kids some Chubbies paint sticks that I bought from Bunnings and they were off. This activity held my 3 year olds attention for a lot longer than I had anticipated! We then decorated them. Miss 5 chose jewels and miss 3 chose pom poms they are perfect to play along in #getcreativewith HEARTS this week at @getcreativewith. #hearts #invitationtoplay #handsonlearning #letthemplay #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids See more
18.01.2022 PAPER PLATE CLOCK I have been looking for a clock that easily shows the hours and minutes to help teach my Miss 5 the time. I couldn't quite find what I was looking for, so we made one! We used two paper plates - a smaller one glued to the centre of a bigger one for added strength. We decorated the plates with watercolour paint and oil pastels. I cut out the numbers, laminated them and attached them to the clock with Velcro. I wanted to be able to remove the numbers so my d...aughter would have to re-arrange them correctly. I also managed to score an absolutely awesome pair of time dice for free from my local Buy Nothing Facebook page! So our clock became a game. She rolled the dice and adjusted the clock accordingly. To make learning the time a bit more fun I also bought a packet of Arnotts Tic-Toc biscuits. I cut a biscuit in half and quarters to visually demonstrate the idea of 'half-past' and 'quarter-past/to'. We then pulled all the biscuits out of the pack and my daughter read the time on each one. We may have eaten a few in the process... The clock also happens to be perfect for 'C' week for #artthealphabet #paperplate #paperplatecraft #tellthetime #clock #learningisfun #kidslearn #invitationtoplay #handsonlearning #letthemplay #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids See more
17.01.2022 FLOWER FUN PLAY TRAY So our #sundayplaytray took place on a Tuesday I wasn't organised enough to get everything together in time for Sunday (slight mummy guilt about my lack of organization) - but we did it today and it was awesome! Kids got a bunch of pots in some black beans and a bright and colourful basket of fake flowers to pot. This lovely play tray was inspired by @topteacher ... My 4yr old LOVED this activity. She made six pots and was occupied for well over an hour. But it was my 2yr old that really made me smile today. Kids always play with things in unexpected ways - it is so lovely to watch! Ok so after about 15mins my 2yr old left the room - I thought she was done with the activity but no! She went and got her favourite minion toy (which is about as big as her) and she started feeding the minion some 'grass' that she found at the bottom of the flower basket. She then gave the minion some 'tea' served in a cup and saucer which was actually the pot resting on the spade. She then sat there giving the minion different bunches of flowers and made a pot of flowers to give to him. It was definitely true love I'm having sizing issues so I can't post the pics of the 'minion love' here but check out my next post for more pics. It was so captivating to watch. She too was entertained for well over an hour (which is amazing for her) and I was so happy watching how she played #flowerplay #flowersandkids #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas #playbasedlearning #learningthroughplay #finemotorskills #finemotorplay #playtrayactivities #smallworldtray #smallworldplay #invitationtoplay #invitationtocreate #playtray #kmartplaytray #sensorybin #preschoolplay #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitieswithkids
15.01.2022 The beautiful potted creations from #sundayplaytray Swipe for pics #flowerplay #flowersandkids #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas #playbasedlearning #learningthroughplay #finemotorskills #finemotorplay #playtrayactivities #smallworldtray #smallworldplay #invitationtoplay #invitationtocreate #playtray #kmartplaytray #sensorybin #preschoolplay #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitieswithkids
15.01.2022 CARDBOARD BUNNY We had to make an Easter Bunny to kick off the start of the school holidays here in Western Australia! Not long until the real Easter Bunny comes to visit! I have two very excited kiddos - and to be honest, I love it too. I love hiding all their chocolate eggs in the yard and seeing their excitement on Easter morning. We made this little bunny from an empty nappies box. I cut the shapes out and we used Micador large oil pastels to colour her in and add...ed some white pipe cleaners for her whiskers and eyelashes, a bit of lace for the 'earband' and a beaded necklace made by my 4 year old who worked really hard on making a pattern - pink, blue, white And of course her lovely fluffy belly is made from cotton wool balls. There are lots of Easter bunny themed accounts this week! Check out #apopofculture #hop_fest #craftthezoo #easter_simple_play #cardboardcrafts #cardboardkids #weloveeasterplay #easter #easterbunny #easter2019 #eastercrafts #easterwithkids #eastercraftsforkids #easterdiy #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids
13.01.2022 ICE-CREAM ANYONE? I have been quite jealous of all the amazing spin art creations that are around at the moment. I first saw this technique by @scarletterosefairyartcraft. So I did it - I finally went to IKEA and bought a salad spinner and some paints. So glad I did!!! The kids and I had a blast. I cut some ice-creams from cardboard and we placed them in the spinner, added some paint and spun it! I was tempted to go back to IKEA and buy a second one because the ki...ds drove me mad fighting over who was going to spin it first We covered the cone of the ice-cream with washi tape before spinning it to prevent the paint from covering it. The finished products turned out sooo pretty. This week is Candy Land over at @a.pop.of.cultute so we are adding our ice-creams to all the crafty candy creations. #icecream #apopofculture #spinart #saladspinner #IKEA #IKEAhacks #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitieswithkids #iheartcraftythings #cardboardcrafts #cardboardkids See more
12.01.2022 DIY DONUT WALL This post is a massive shout out to my awesome husband who made this!! I told him I wanted a donut wall so he bought the pegboard from Bunnings, took it to a friend who owns a framing shop and got it framed and then he watched a YouTube video on how to make an easel...and then made one! His first attempt at woodworking and I think it was a total success! We filled it with Krispy Kremes for my daughter's birthday and it was a hit! Thanks babe #donuts #donutboard #donutwall #diydonutwall #krispykreme #diy #kidsbirthday #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids
11.01.2022 THANK YOU KMART! I have been looking enviously at all the lovely activities that people set up using their IKEA Flisat tables. I have come so close to buying the table so many times but I felt that it was just that bit too small - plus the table and chairs add up . Enter Kmart... So I recently got a wooden train table from Kmart for the grand price of $39! The table has a grassy/road scene painted on one side of the base board but the underside is just a plain wood, hurrah! This has become our new activity table and I must say I am rather loving it. Plus the IKEA Sunnersta tubs fit perfectly on the side of the table for bonus storage! Using an old train advent calendar and some water beads my brother-in-law gave me, I set up this simple activity table to encourage counting. I gave my Miss 5 the task of filling the little train boxes with the right number of beads, as stated on the boxes. Both kids loved working with the water beads but I was extra careful with this activity as I was afraid my Miss 3 might fancy a taste-test (thankfully she didnt!). #activitytable #kmarttraintable #learningthroughplay #playbasedlearning #invitationtoplay #messyplay #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids See more
09.01.2022 It's December!!!! The Christmas countdown begins. Normally I set up advent calendars for the kids with chocolates but in an attempt to reduce their sugar intake I thought I would do a Christmas book countdown. I visited some local Op shops and purchased 24 beautiful Christmas themed books. It cost me approx. $35 for the whole lot (swipe for a pic of the books purchased). It was a big hit with the kids, other than my two girls fighting over who was going to be the first to choose the book this morning!
08.01.2022 DREAMCATCHER I was feeling rather lazy yesterday. My 4yr old asked me to set up an activity for her but to be honest I kind of delayed doing it as I had some stuff to do around the house. But she didn't let me get away with it. She literally followed me around the house asking for the stuff to make a paper plate dreamcatcher. This was the first significant crafty project she made a while back and since then she loves making them. I'm glad she forced me to not be lazy b...ecause look what she made!! I cut the heart from the middle of the plate and helped punched the holes but other than that this was pretty much her creation! She used Micador watercolour paints to decorate the plate; she threaded the heart with pink yarn and the little plastic Pyssla beads from IKEA; she sticky-taped some little tissue paper pom pom things that were left over from a party we had a while back (originally purchased from Kmart) to the bavk of the plate and added feathers. #paperplate #dreamcatcher #paperplatecraft #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids #iheartcraftythings #papercrafts #kidspapercrafts See more
06.01.2022 CARDBOARD VANITY TABLE Normally we don't have a lot of cardboard boxes handy, but we recently purchased a new computer so it is cardboard central at my house! Which actually worked out rather well as this week is get creative with cardboard boxes over at @get.creative.with We had a rather girly Friday night making this! We used two large boxes - one for the table and we cut the other to made the mirror. The table legs are wrapping paper rolls and the little 'jewellery ...tray' is a take-away coffee cup carrier. We used random little cardboard boxes and rolls as containers on the vanity. The mirror was made by wrapping aluminium foil around the cardboard. We finished it off by placing some old party leis around the table to add some colour and we added a red placemat under the jewellery tray. The girls happily played hairdresser at the table while I got dinner ready. Nice start to the weekend :) #getcreativewith #upcycle #toiletpaperrolls #toiletpaperrollcraft #cardboardcrafts #cardboardkids #recycledcrafts #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitieswithkids #vanitytable #kidsvanitytable #dressingtable See more
03.01.2022 BOTTLE CAP BUGS A little while ago we made the milk bottle cap spider for our Irish Garden but given it is 'lids' week at #manywaystoplay we thought we would give our lonely spider some yogurt lid worm friends :) @alphabetkidsfdc @manywaystoplay #lids #bottlecaps #bottletop #spider #worms #yogurtlid #recycledart #recycleandplay #everydayplayhacks #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids
02.01.2022 BOY BUNNY A few posts ago we made a little gold and pink washi tape bunny. My daughter and I were in my craft room (which is really our spare bedroom which has all my craft bits and pieces thrown all over the bed ) and she found the bunnies. She also found some foam stickers we bought from Riot art and Craft. Before I knew it she had found a foam moustache sticker and put it on one of the bunnies - it was so cute - and so the boy bunny was born!! The bunny was made b...y sticking washi tape over an oval piece of card. I then cut ears and feet from card and covered it with tape, then glued it to the back of the bunny. We added eyes, a washi tape nose, some pipe cleaner whiskers and a top hat and moustache sticker. #easter_simple_play #hop_fest #weloveeasterplay #easter #easterbunny #easter2019 #eastercrafts #easterwithkids #eastercraftsforkids #easterdiy #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitieswithkids #iheartcraftythings #papercrafts #kidspapercrafts #washi #washitape See more
01.01.2022 BOTTLE CAP BOARD GAME Thanks to my amazing family and friends who have been collecting lids for us - we managed to get enough to make a board game!! Thanks guys :) Perfect to play along in Lids week over at #manywaystoplay. This game is inspired by our worm farm. My parents-in-law helped me start a worm farm and I have found it to be a really rewarding experience that makes me feel like I am wasting less. I now have two worm farms and the kids help me feed the worms e...very few days. They really enjoy it too. So this game represents the ground and the yogurt lids are the 'worms' who are trying to race to the finish to eat the yummy carrots. The idea of the game is you have to beat the worms to the carrots. If you land on the bottom of the worm then you can hop up the worm's back to its head (like the ladder in Snakes and Ladders). The blue milk bottle caps show the numbers on the board and the green bottle caps are action lids! You may have to do a funny dance or go back to the beginning of the game. We played it today after school and it was actually so fun - I was really relieved that the kids enjoyed it. They giggled the whole time especially when daddy landed on 'pretend you are a cat'...twice!! And the really good thing is that the little white circles of paper that I pushed in the bottle caps to write the numbers on are not glued in - they are just very snug so they are quite secure. But this means that I can actually write new actions to replace the current ones to keep the game interesting. @alphabetkidsfdc @manywaystoplay #lids #bottlecaps #bottletop #worms #yogurtlid #milkbottlelid #kidsboardgame #finemotorskills #invitationtoplay #learnthroughplay #recycledart #recycleandplay #everydayplayhacks #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids See more
01.01.2022 Happy Halloween!!! Ok so I'm a bit late lol, but better late than never! Although Halloween is now over, my kids are still loving #halloweencrafts Last year I bought some bags of little plastic skulls in the post Halloween sales from the party shop Lombard in Cannington. They were super cheap and pretty cute - as far as skulls go . I gave the kids some sharpies and a basket full of skulls and they have been amused for days! We also used blu-tac to add some plastic eyes into the eye cavities. It helped bring our skulls to life! #halloweencraftsforkids #halloweenplay #halloween_simple_play #happyhalloween #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids
01.01.2022 So I have a slight chocolate addiction. After a long day with the kids my 'reward' is usually chocolate and a cup of tea once they are asleep. I bought this Lindt Mini Praline box because it was on sale at Coles and I thought it would make a good gift....but I ate it instead . However once finished, the box was so pretty that I thought it might be fun to make some more 'chocolates' to fill it. We used a pack of Natural Corn Clay from @riotartandcraft and the kids and I ...(and grandma too) moulded little pretend chocolates. This clay was so soft and lovely to work with! The kids surprised daddy with the chocolates when he came home from work. The box filled with the colourful clay chocolates looked so inviting! Kids loved this and it kept them entertained for a while. #lindt #chocolatebox #cornclay #clay #kidsandclay #riotartandcraft #finemotorskills #invitationtoplay #learnthroughplay #recycledart #recycleandplay #everydayplayhacks #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids See more
01.01.2022 PEG LADIES My kids love separating patty pan cases...but then I have patty pan cases EVERYWHERE! So we made skirts from patty pans folded in half, added some stick legs and glued them to wooden pegs. We threaded through a pipe cleaner for arms and used a button for the face. We used the holes in the button to thread through a pipe cleaner to make hair. My 5 year old loved this and actually surprised me and made a lolly pop for her lady by pushing a pom pom onto a small... stick and attached it to her pipe cleaner arm. She also decorated her lady's skirt with swan stickers. These are cute for imaginative play as they can be pegged onto books or you can add a magnet and add them to the fridge :) #getcreativewith #finemotorskills #invitationtoplay #learnthroughplay #playandlearn #recycledart #recycleandplay #everydayplayhacks #cuppacraftsforkids #cuppacraftkids #kidscraft #kidscrafts101 #craftsforkids #craft #craftykids #lovecraft #creativekids #craftswithkids #kidsactivities #activitiesforkids #pegs #pattypans #cupcakecases #buttons See more
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