Curtis Street Vets at Pimpama in Pimpama, Queensland | Pet service
Curtis Street Vets at Pimpama
Locality: Pimpama, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5549 0624
Address: 5 Curtis Street, Pimpama 4209 Pimpama, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 This little Junior was bought into us as a stray. Is microchipped but not registered. Proof of ownership is required.
25.01.2022 Does your cat HATE tablets, spit them out, hiss at you and run away never to be seen for 3 days, while they get over the grudge? We hear you! Bravecto + is a purrrfect option to ensure your cat is protected against worms, ticks, mites, heartworm and fleas! It's a quick spot on, that is applied to the back of the neck and lasts up to 2 months. The best bit? It's super affordable and your cat wont dislike you for 3 days!
25.01.2022 Why did the yellow tooth not find the white tooth’s jokes funny? Because he was already dead inside. Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
23.01.2022 Happy Birthday Darian! Most of you know, Darian is apart of the furniture here. She is our super star nurse, friend, resident comedian and all round fixer! Thank you for ALL you do. We wish you a wonderful day - love from all your team <3
22.01.2022 | CUSHING’S DISEASE IN DOGS | Cushing’s disease can be life threatening, so it’s important to know how this disease affects our pets and the signs to look for. Proper diagnosis and a clear understanding of the disease is important in the long term management. Cushing’s disease is a condition in which an overproduction of hormones are produced by the adrenal glands (hyperadrenocorticism). The adrenal glands produce many vital substances that regulate several body functions. On...e of the most important substances produced by the adrenal gland is cortisol, which helps the body combat stress. Any decrease or excess of this hormone can cause a major disruption in a dog’s body, which can be life-threatening. Since Cushing’s disease is an overproduction of cortisol, this condition can cause serious health concerns among those affected. Though the one definition of Cushing’s disease is an overproduction of cortisol, there are a few different ways that a dog can become a Cushing’s patient. Knowing the exact cause of the disease is imperative in knowing the prognosis of each individual dog. The symptoms of Cushing’s disease are very often similar from case to case. Increased thirst Increased appetite Increased urination Thinning of the skin/ chronic skin infections Hair loss Slow hair growth Enlarged abdomen/ pot-bellied appearance Lethargy Excessive panting While Cushing’s disease may seem like a daunting diagnosis, it is important to keep in mind that this condition can be managed. An early diagnosis of the disease can help to prevent a poor outcome, so watching your pet closely is extremely important. Make sure to monitor your pets appearance, along with their food and water consumption, as this can help you determine if there may be a medical problem brewing.
21.01.2022 Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!
19.01.2022 What’s a dentist’s favourite dinosaur? A Flossiraptor! Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
19.01.2022 What did the dentist say to the judge in court? You can’t handle the tooth! Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
18.01.2022 What’s a dentist’s favourite time of day? Tooth-hurty! Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
17.01.2022 THE TICKS ARE HERE! Just because it's cold, doesn't mean these little critters aren't around. Some dogs may be presented for lethargy, inappetence, coughing, gagging, or grunting (as though in pain). Some dogs may be presented for regurgitation or vomiting, which may persist throughout the course of the disease. ... Similar signs are seen in cats with tick paralysis but affected animals are typically more distressed and agitated. Initially there is also often a change in voice, especially noticeable in Burmese and Siamese cats. In domestic pets tick paralysis is just as life-threatening (though more slowly) as snake bite. If your pet presents with ANY of the above, please call us immediately, without delay! It's time critical to offer your pet the best outcome. There are also a number of very effective and affordable products we sell for dogs and cats including chews and spot on's (for those fussy cats and dogs who aren't keen on tablets).
17.01.2022 What do you call a dentist’s advice? His fl ossophy. Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
17.01.2022 Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
15.01.2022 | GROOMING | Did you know we offer in house grooming for cats and dogs? We offer the very best in dog and cat grooming. Our friendly, professional staff provide you with the services to maintain the individual needs of your pet’s coat.... Give our friendly team a call on (07) 5549 0624 to book.
15.01.2022 | COVID SAFE | We are committed to ensuring the safety of our clients and staff, during the Covid 19 pandemic. We please ask if you are feeling unwell in any way, showing signs of Covid 19, been unwell generally, have been overseas in the past 14 days or are awaiting test results from a Covid 19 test, please do not come into the clinic. We kindly ask that you give our friendly team a call, so we can offer you and your pet, consultation options. ... If you are attending an appointment and you are well, please do not come into the clinic. Please call us when you arrive, wait outside and we will be with you, soon after. Please ensure you also participate in social distancing by keeping 1.5m apart, from other clients. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
15.01.2022 With christmas just around the corner, it's time to make sure your pets are up to date with all vaccinations and prevention.
15.01.2022 | BRAVECTO | Bravecto works fast and provides your pet with long-lasting protection against fleas and paralysis ticks, so you can both be free to explore and enjoy life without interruption. We have a full range for dogs and cats so pop in today to make sure your pet is fully protected.
15.01.2022 Not sure on your pets dental grading? Give us a call to book your free dental check!
15.01.2022 IS YOUR PET PROTECTED FOR TICKS?! We currently have 2 patients in hospital we are treating for ticks and we have also seen multiple other patients in the past few weeks with ticks. We cannot stress enough the importance of tick protection for your pets. We have a number of affordable and easy products for dogs and cats, to ensure these nasty critters, don't affect your pets life (and your bank balance!).... If you are not sure of the symptoms animals show, we have explained below: A wobbly walk and/or paralysis of the back legs. Coughing or difficulty breathing. Inability to stand. Difficulty eating. As tick paralysis progresses it affects all limbs and causes generalised weakness, making it difficult for dogs and cats to stand or even sit up. If you do suspect that your dog or cat has a tick, or is showing signs of tick paralysis, CALL US IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT DELAY.
14.01.2022 TAKING YOUR PET OVERSEAS? AQIS accreditation allows our veterinarians, to perform testing and treatment work for the government which is required by importing countries prior to the admission of your pet. Pre-export preparations includes health examinations, blood testing, administering vaccines or medications, and issuing all the necessary paperwork to export your pet.... If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give our friendly and knowledgeable team a call on 07 5549 0624.
14.01.2022 We are open today from 9am for emergencies and consultations. Surcharges apply.
13.01.2022 The Australian Kelpie dog’s ancestors were black dogs known simply as ‘Collies’ - Collie dogs were imported to Australia to work with livestock in the 1800s and were crossbred with other breeds of dog (once thought to include the native Dingo) to form the Kelpie breed we know today. Kelpies are known for their boundless energy, enthusiasm and work ethic. For this reason, they are not recommended for relatively inactive families as they require lots of physical and mental stim...ulation each day. A bored Kelpie can develop behavioural problems, so owners are encouraged to keep them well occupied. Kelpies are easy to train and are fast learners - not only are they great workers, but they excel in agility trials due to their ability to jump extremely high. Breed Traits Height: 46-51 cm Weight: 14-21kg Lifespan: 11-15 years Breed Traits: Intelligent and very active
11.01.2022 | BENGAL CATS | The Bengal could never be called delicate. They’re athletes: agile and graceful with a strong, muscular body, as befits a cat who looks as if they belong in the jungle. Despite their wild appearance, Bengal cats are actually quite affectionate with their human families. That said, they also have high energy and a fun-loving, playful side. ... They want to stay active and need a home that can match their energy. If you can fulfill the Bengal’s need for exercise, you’ll have a smart, loving cat who can keep you on your toes.
10.01.2022 What does the dentist of the year get? A little plaque. Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
10.01.2022 What did the judge say to the dentist? Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth? Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
10.01.2022 Why did the doughnut go to the dentist? He needed a filling! Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
09.01.2022 What did the dentist say to Tiger Woods? You have a hole in one! Give us a call today to book your pet’s FREE dental check. With every dental procedure booked within the month of August, receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D Dental Food!
09.01.2022 | PET OBESITY THE SILENT KILLER | Food is love, right? This is, unfortunately, a very common mantra practiced by many pet owners. Sure, a treat here and there to reward good behavior is harmless and often necessary when it comes to training tools, but what happens when we overdo it? Our pets become obese and are set down on a very dangerous path full of harmful diseases that may shorten their lives.... There are many risks and problems that can accompany a pet being obese. Your pet is more likely to develop heart issues, joint disorders, hypertension, and endocrine disorders such as diabetes. Obesity is an epidemic. We should be all too familiar with that by now. The difference is this is one we can avoid, and solve. With the proper tools, management, and intervention it can be handled. By doing so will add years to your pet’s life, and who doesn’t want more time with their furry family? We offer multiple food and advice for your pets give our friendly team a call today.
08.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our receptionist, Hayley! Wishing you a great day.
07.01.2022 | SUNDAY FUN DAY | Some well-known actors and actresses that grace Doggywood, that have previously been winners of Dogscars, include: Bark Whalberg... Angela Basset Hound Drooly Andrews Brad Pitbull Jake Gyllenpaw See more
07.01.2022 | CAT PARVO | Virtually everyone has heard of canine Parvovirus, but have you heard of Feline Enteritis, or Feline Panleucopaenia? Panleucopaenia is caused by Parvovirus in cats, and the canine and feline Parvoviruses can cross infect, meaning cats can be infected with the dog strain, and dogs can be infected with the cat strain.... Panleucopaenia typically causes signs such as reduced appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhoea and a fever. As the name states, pan essentially means ‘across the board’ and ‘leucopaenia’ means low white blood cell count- i.e Panleucopaenia means a widespread deficiency of all white blood cell types, which normally fight infection. Without treatment it can rapidly become fatal! It is also important to remember that Parvoviruses are quite resistant, they can last in the environment for a long time, and can be difficult to kill, with most typical disinfectants not destroying the virus. If your cat or kitten is unwell and you believe they may have this disease, please call our friendly staff as soon as possible, and also advise them that you believe your pet may be contagious.
07.01.2022 Monday Funny - to start your week off right! There are quite a few musicians that your dog might enjoy listening to, such as: Snarls Barkley... Jon Dog Boney Boney M Muzzart Poochini Fleaba McEntyre Do you have a funny dog pun? Post below.
07.01.2022 | FELINE CALICIVIRUS | One of the most important things to know about Calicivirus is that it is very contagious. The virus is shed by infected cats in saliva and oculonasal discharge. Or during acute disease, by all types of body fluids. Have you ever seen a cat sneezing? Most people would consider it cute. But, it’s important to be aware that it can be a symptom of a serious upper respiratory infection. One of the most common of those in cats is Feline Calicivirus Infection.... But what are the symptoms, how is it treated and how is it prevented? Take a read below! Calicivirus is also that it can at times be asymptomatic. Meaning that despite infection, cats show no symptoms. As well as cleared cats. Meaning cats that have been sick and have since recovered, can also be shedding Calicivirus, up till 75 days after recovery. The risk of infecting others is minor. As fewer body fluids are coming from the cat, but albeit the risk is still there. Once a cat gets exposed there will be an incubation period. Meaning the period where there are no symptoms yet. This will last from 2-6 days before the cat develops clinical symptoms. Hereafter, symptoms will start to appear, often from day 14-21. If you have any concerns about your cat sneezing, please give our friendly team a call.
06.01.2022 | PARVO EEEEEEEK! | Unfortunately, we have seen a few Parvo cases here and there are also other clinics around Brisbane and Ipswich that have also seen multiple parvo cases. For those of you who aren’t aware, Parvo is a VERY serious illness that has a fatally rate of over 80% for puppies who are not vaccinated. Parvovirus infection is a viral illness that causes vomiting, bloody diarrhoea and weight loss in dogs. In puppies aged between six weeks and six months. Even with ...treatment it can be fatal. Parvo is also highly infectious. The virus is passed in the faeces of dogs sick with parvovirus. The virus can live in the ground for up to 12 months, which means it can be picked up from most areas that are visited by dogs (think dog beach, dog parks). The virus can be spread on people’s shoes or car tyres and does not require a host. Vaccination is still the most effective safe guard against the lethal virus. The vaccination against parvovirus is highly effective. It’s important to remember dogs require repeat vaccination to maintain immunity. If you suspect your pet has parvo, please call us immediately on 07 5549 0624.
05.01.2022 Many human babies are born with blue eyes, but the color of the iris develops over their first year or two, and they are likely to change eye color as they get older. One of the most fun facts about kittens is that they are also born with blue-gray eyes. Some breeds, like Siamese, will retain their blue color, while most will change pigment during the first year of life. After one year, they should have grown into their permanent eye color.
05.01.2022 | ANAL GLANDS | Have you ever noticed your dog scooting across the carpet on his butt? Or a weird smell coming from your furry friend? Of course, there can be many reasons, but one of the most common causes are blocked anal glands. This condition can be quite uncomfortable for your dog. The anal glands are two small sacs placed on either side of a dog’s anus. Every time your dog goes to defecate, these glands empty a smelling liquid. This liquid tells other dogs everything t...hey need to know about your dog. Including gender, age, health, and much more it’s quite impressive! Luckily though the glands can often be easily expressed by our friendly team.
05.01.2022 These are 2 ear mites we found on one of our patients today (There were more but they were camera shy). We offer mutiple, affordable products for dogs and cats to keep these annoying critters off and away from your pets!
03.01.2022 | SCOTTISH FOLD | The Scottish Fold is a sweet, charming breed. They is an easy cat to live with and to care for. They are affectionate. Their tails should be handled gently. Some of these cats are known to develop stiffness in the tail that can cause pain if it is mishandled or accidentally handled in a rough manner. ... They are a good eater and are not as active as other breeds, so nutrition control is critical. The Scottish Fold needs some interactive play with the parent in order to keep in good condition. While the coat is an easy one to care for, they appreciate being brushed as part of play.
03.01.2022 Happy Birthday Dr Terry. Wishing you a great day!
02.01.2022 | STORM SEASON | Storm phobias can cause many different problem behaviours. Some of the more common signs are escape (sometimes resulting in injury), inappropriate soiling, vocalizing, destructive behaviours, trembling, hiding, pacing and salivating. Many dogs that have separation anxiety also have other behavioural problems and the most common of these are storm phobia. However, this is not always the case and sometimes phobias may occur independently of other behavioural d...isorders. What can I do to help treat the storm phobia? Checking weather reports can provide some degree of predictability for high-risk days for storms and events such as New Year’s Eve will reliably increase the risk of exposure to other potential noise sensitivities. Desensitization is exposing the dog to the scary stimulus at a very low level so they are not scared. Then, the level is gradually increased as the dog exhibits an ability to cope. Counter-conditioning is getting the dog to have a response that is incompatible with the phobia. For example, playing with or feeding the dog treats while there is a noise CD on at a low level. Anti-anxiety medications are often needed. They should be given 1 hour before the storm develops to have a chance to work. If you'd like to discuss any of the methods mentioned above, please give our friendly team a call on (07) 5549 0624.
02.01.2022 | IDEXX IN HOUSE BLOOD MACHINE | Our in house Idexx blood machine, allows us to analyse and diagnose specific health conditions with results quickly, to achieve an accurate, rapid diagnoses. These blood tests assist with monitoring treatments or to check organs that can’t be checked on a general physical examination. Common laboratory tests include blood tests, urinalysis, faecal tests, and biopsy examination. This is especially important in sick pets and those requiring imm...ediate or emergency treatment. Some of the conditions that may be diagnosed with in-house clinical pathology testing include: Kidney and liver disease. Pancreatitis. Diabetes. Hormonal problems. Infections.
01.01.2022 A CONVERSATION CAN CHANGE A LIFE R U OK? Inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life.... You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life: 1. Ask R U OK? 2. Listen 3. Encourage action 4. Check in Need more info? Head to:
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