Custom Waterslide’s Sydney | Product/service
Custom Waterslide’s Sydney
Phone: +61 411 602 592
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20.01.2022 L O V E S E E I N G O U R W O R K F I N I S H E D & L A N D S C A P E D Years of enjoyment to be had for this lovely family in Kirkham!! ... What a fantastic landscape #waterslide #customwaterslide #manmaderock #sydneyrockpools #retainingwallsolutions #retainingwalls #fauxrock #bushrock #totalrockconcepts
16.01.2022 P R O G R E S S V I D E O O N T H I S M A S S I V E P R O J E C T A T K E N T H U R S T This resort style pool is close to being finished! 6 months in the making & boy it’s going to look absolutely sensational with many many years of enjoyment for this lovely family & friends Keep your eyes peeled for the finished product ... #waterslide #manmaderock #rockpools #sydneyrockpools #ResortLiving #swimmingpool #tropicalpool #shotcrete
14.01.2022 O U R C O N S T R U C T I O N O F A H U G E W A T E R S L I D E I N P R O G R E S S Still has more sections to be added!! This massive resort style pool will be encased with a huge manmade rock cave & grotto, manmade rock bar, manmade rock Male & Female bathrooms!!! ... This job will take a while but boy it’s going to look absolutely magnificent when completed We will keep you posted with the progress of this beauty #manmaderock #rockpools #grotto #waterslide #sydneywaterslides #resortstylepools #totalrockconcepts
10.01.2022 NEW PROJECT CUSTOM BUILT WATERSLIDE WITH A MAN MADE ROCK CAVE WATERFALL & COPING!! Watch this project transform into a tropical oasis!! Kids will never tire using this pool & the adults will never tire sipping unlimited cocktails watching them !!!... Who needs to go O/S when you can have your very own paradise in your backyard.
10.01.2022 WE HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS MASSIVE JOB NOW FOR 5 MONTHS & ITS FINALLY TAKING SHAPE Can we appreciate how huge this project is & the amazing work being put into our Man Made Rock project by our very own Father & Son duo Oliver & Tyler. It’s coming to completion soon & we will put up photos showcasing the finished product!! ...
03.01.2022 2ND POOL RENOVATION FOR THIS GORGEOUS BACKYARD We renovated this swimming pool 16 years ago with our man made rock product!! Still looking as good as new The new owners of this lovely home contacted us to add a 8m custom built waterslide encased in our rock to blend in with the original rock work!! ... Looks absolutely fabulous & many many years of fun for the family!! Who said being stuck at home with COVID was a bore when you have this little fun park in your very own backyard!! Love to see our customers happy & our work standing the test of time!!
02.01.2022 P E R F E C T T I M E T O S T A R T P L A N N I N G Y O U R P O O L R E N O V A T I O N I N T I M E F O R N E X T S U M M E R ... Why not add a Custom Made Waterslide to give your family & friends endless entertainment & fun!! Our slides are custom made fit for both adults & children & can be built to any length & size! This Waterslide is 28m long incorporated into our very own Man Made Rock sculptured by Artisans Total Rock Concepts! For a no obligation free quote, call Oliver on 0411602592! LET US ROCK YOUR WORLD
01.01.2022 A N O T H E R C U S T O M B U I L T W A T E R S L I D E This lovely couple in Dural have their own little Oasis!! They have a large family with many grandchildren that come to visit often so when they built this pool, they had their grandchildren in mind!! ... There will be endless amounts of fun for both Adults & Children with this 20 mtr custom waterslide, man made rock cave waterfall & stairs leading up to the slide built by the talented Oliver & Tyler at Total Rock Concepts. Our rock work is completely universal & the perfect way to create a natural landscape to any backyard! We are a family business & so proud of our work & love nothing more than to see the smile on our customers faces!! Visit our website for more information