Cutting Edge Bootcamp in Gold Coast, Queensland | Nutritionist
Cutting Edge Bootcamp
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Address: Pacific Pines 4211 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 A good reason to start, or keep exercising from the ACSM: Physically Fit Women Less Likely to Die from Breast Cancer. The findings revealed that women with moderate or high aerobic fitness were much less likely to die from breast cancer when compared to low-fitness women. Women in the studys lowest fitness category were nearly three times more likely to die from breast cancer than women in the highest fitness group.... Here's the link to the whole report
24.01.2022 Last weigh-in tomorrow for the people doing the challenge. I'm expecting big losses......
24.01.2022 TRIVA QUESTION The first client who can answer the following questions wins a $10 Zarraffa's gift card and a RockHard Supplements gift card. TRIVA QUESTIONS... 1,True or false? Weight training can be used as an aerobic exercise programme. 2.Which carbohydrate is found mainly in fruits and honey?
24.01.2022 WHY YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR NUTRITION TO LOSE WEIGHT. In order to burn off 444g of fat, one must burn the equivalent of 3500 calories. Although it varies based on a person's weight and walking speed, walking burns an average of 100 calories per 1.6 km so to burn 444g off one would need to walk 56 kilometres. SO PUT DOWN THE TIMTAM.... A healthy weight loss program needs to consist of resistance training, NUTRITION and cardio.
24.01.2022 WATER IS BEST Did you know that water makes up about two-thirds of our body weight? Most of the chemical reactions that happen in our cells need water. We also need water for our blood to be able to carry nutrients around the body.... So it makes sense to choose mainly water to drink. When the weather is warm or you are exercising, our bodies need more than usual. Avoid sports drinks, fizzy drinks, cordial and soft drinks which are all high in added sugar. A small glass of fruit or vegetable juice can be consumed occasionally but should not replace water. Drink coffee (regular or decaffeinated) and tea in moderation. If you want to drink alcohol have no more than two standard drinks a day. Try adding fizzy or still water to make the drink last longer.
21.01.2022 TRIVA QUESTION #1 Using the Calorie The first client who can post the carb/fat/protein of a Chicken Egg, whole, hard-boiled 50g. wins a $10 Zarraffa's Coffee gift card.
20.01.2022 Hi All, Trivia Question: The first client who can post why it is important to eat small regular meals throughout the day wins a $10 Zarraffa's coffee card.
20.01.2022 Nice work to everyone who trained today, you all stepped up the intensity
19.01.2022 SPEEDY TUNA & TOMATO SALAD Prepare this the night before for a healthy lunch on the go. Serves 4 Ingredients... 4 large vine-ripened tomatoes, diced 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tbs olive oil* 4 anchovy fillets, drained, blotted free of oil (with paper towel) and chopped ! tsp pepper 400 g tinned tuna, packed in spring water* or olive oil* 1 tbs lemon juice 2 shallots, finely sliced 2 cups flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped 1 avocado, sliced Instructions 1. Combine tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, anchovies and pepper in a large bowl and set aside at room temperature. 2. Drain tuna into a small bowl and stir through lemon juice and shallots. 3. Toss parsley through tomato mixture and serve on individual plates with topped with tuna, sliced avocado.
19.01.2022 TRIVA QUESTION #3 The first client who can tell me in what order the body uses protein, carbs and fats for energy wins a $10 Zarraffa's Coffee gift card.
18.01.2022 Another group of dedicated people in the Upper Coomera Bootcamp training in 5 this morning.....nice work.
18.01.2022 How Negative Calorie Foods Help You Lose Weight Heres the idea on negative-calorie foods: Digesting food burns calories. A few foods, such as grapefruit and celery, contain fewer calories than it takes to digest them. So, when you eat these foods, you actually burn more calories than you take in. Thus, the term negative-calorie foods But will eating a whole bunch of celery and grapefruit speed your weight loss? Only if you eat them instead of chocolate and potato chips. In other words, you cant eat chocolate and then burn off the calories by chasing it with a hundred sticks of celery. The only way to make this work is to eat the hundred sticks of celery first. Then, with any luck, youll be too full to eat the chocolate.
17.01.2022 PROTEIN PANCAKES INGREDIENTS: *1/4 cup egg white *1/2 banana... *1 scoop vanilla protein powder *2 tbs vanilla almond milk or skim milk *1 tsp ground cinnamon *1 tbs ground flax seed DIRECTIONS: 1. Mash up your banana first, make sure it is quite ripe or else this could be hard 2. Then add all the goods and mix it up! 3. Use a non stick pan and spray with cooking spray, put on low-medium heat 4. Dollop the batter onto your pan (I made mine in tablespoon portions so I could eat more mini pancakes) 5. Once it begins to bubble (took about 30 sec 1 min), flip over and let sit for about another 20-30 sec. 6. Slide off of pan and enjoy! This makes exactly 1 serving. I got 9 mini pancakes out of this, each about 3.5 diameter. NUTRITION INFO (total recipe, 1 serving, nine 3.5 mini pancakes): 250 calories, 5.6 g fat, 19.0 g carbs, 31.8 g protein. Top with sugar free jam.
17.01.2022 You can never have too many veggies
17.01.2022 Last week of training before the Christmas break, I hope everyone is ready for a hard training week!!!
16.01.2022 Metabolism is Modifiable with the Right Lifestyle Changes The human body can be trained to burn more daily calories with the right nutrition and exercise modifications, according to an expert at American College of Sports Medicine. See the full report at
16.01.2022 Nice work to everyone who trained this morning, I pushed up the intensity and everyone kept up. Now lets see if the afternoon sessions can keep up.......
15.01.2022 THE DEDICATED ONES 5:30am... 9
15.01.2022 Hello All, There is a new 8 week fitness and weight loss challenge starting in 4 weeks. This ones not for people who are quick to make excuses as to why they aren't losing weight. I will post more details as it gets closer, but here are some foods you should start having regularly in the meantime.... There are certain foods that increase metabolism. When you eat these foods as part of a low fat diet and combine them with a regular exercise routine, they can help you move one step closer to your weight loss goals. Here are foods that will speed up your metabolism and help you shed the kilos. Oats If you're looking to jumpstart your metabolism, start your morning off with a bowl of oats. This super food is rich in soluble fiber, which requires a lot of calories to break down. Eating oats can also help decrease your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. Grapefruit Studies indicate that eating grapefruit can reduce insulin levels. Lower insulin levels after meals can help your body process food more quickly and efficiently. This means that you burn more calories and store less fat. Hot Peppers Adding some spice to your food can speed up your weight loss. Hot peppers, like jalapenos, contain a chemical called capsaicin, which gives these veggies their heat and causes a spike in your metabolism. This chemical also keeps the calorie burn going hours after you've finished your meal. Lean Proteins The protein found in chicken, turkey and other lean meats takes a great deal of energy to break down. Therefore, your body burns a lot of calories during the digestive process. Protein is also an essential ingredient in building lean muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat. Salmon and Tuna High levels of the hormone leptin have been linked to slower metabolisms and weight gain. A good way to lower leptin levels is to increase your intake of fish. The oil found in fish like salmon and tuna has been shown to cut leptin levels and help your body process foods more effectively. Green Tea The caffeine found in green tea accelerates your heart rate and speeds up your metabolism. The tea also contains a chemical, known as EGCG, that stimulates the nervous system and helps you to burn calories at a faster rate. Broccoli Broccoli is rich in both calcium and vitamin C. These two vitamins work together to help you burn calories faster and more effectively. Calcium activates your metabolism, while vitamin C helps you absorb more calcium. Almonds Almonds may be high in calories, but they are also jam packed with essential fatty acids which are great metabolism boosters. Remember, the best way to lose weight is to combine a healthy diet with regular exercise. However, incorporating these metabolism friendly foods into a nutrient-rich diet will give your weight loss regime a boost and help you get closer to leaner, healthier you.
15.01.2022 TRIVA QUESTION The first client who can answer this question wins a $10 Zarraffa's gift card... Which of the following can boost your metabolic rate? A. high-fat diet B. high-carbohydrate diet C. high-protein diet D.None of the above Good luck.....
11.01.2022 Mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets made with real chicken......and Some of the ingredients, it turns out, seem to belong more to an industrial factory of some kind, not a food retailer. According to the McDonald's Corporation, its famous Chicken McNuggets are made with ingredients including: Autolyzed yeast extract (which contain free glutamate, similar to MSG), Sodium phosphates and... Sodium aluminum phosphate. But that's not the freaky part. According to McDonald's own website, Chicken McNuggets are also made with: "hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness" and "Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent." At least two of these ingredients are artificially synthesized industrial chemicals. TBHQ, a petroleum derivative, is used as a stabilizer in perfumes, resins, varnishes and oil field chemicals. Laboratory studies have linked it to stomach tumors. "At higher doses, it has negative health effects on lab animals, such as producing precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA. A number of studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high doses of TBHQ may be carcinogenic, especially for stomach tumors." ( Dimethylpolysiloxane, a type of silicone, is used in caulks and sealants, as a filler for breast implants, and as key ingredient in Silly Putty. Says Wikipedia: "PDMS is also used as a component in silicone grease and other silicone based lubricants, as well as in defoaming agents, mold release agents, damping fluids, heat transfer fluids, polishes, cosmetics, hair conditioners and other applications. PDMS has also been used as a filler fluid in breast implants, although this practice has decreased somewhat, due to safety concerns. PDMS is used variously in the cosmetic and consumer product industry as well. For example, PDMS can be used in the treatment of head lice..." Not that the other ingredients are any better. Because cotton is not regulated as a food crop, cottonseed oil may contain chemical pesticides that are banned in food production. It is also almost always genetically modified. Hydrogenated oils, of course, typically contain trans fats, the artificially produced fats that are unusable by the body and that studies have linked to a number of detrimental health problems. And autolyzed yeast extract is a chemical taste-enhancing ingredient containing free glutamate that manufacturers use as a friendlier-looking replacement for MSG. And what about the chicken in Chicken McNuggets? It's factory-farmed chicken, not free-range chicken. So it's the kind of chicken that's typically treated with vaccines and hormones while being fed conventional feed products that are medicated with pharmaceuticals and grown with pesticides. Yum!! Don't forget to ask for extra dipping sauce. We haven't even talked about what you'll find in there...
10.01.2022 6 Week Money Back Weight Loss Challenge starts Monday the 25th Feb. Lose 500g each week and you get your money back for that catch. There will be weekly weigh-ins and a nutrition plan to help you reach your goals. GET STARTED NOW & PAY NOTHING This promotion is available for people who have never trained at Cutting Edge Bootcamp before.... Available at Pacific Pines and Upper Coomera See more
10.01.2022 Nice work to the clients who trained this don't get more dedicated than training in 5
09.01.2022 5:20 am..... Best time of the day to do some cardio.
09.01.2022 IT'S TIME... WE'RE BACK MONDAY 6th of JANUARY. REMEMBER: Everybody works hard when they feel like it, but only the successful do it when they don't feel like it.
08.01.2022 TRIVA QUESTION #2 Using the Calorie The first client who can post the grams of carb/fat/protein in 150 g Kangaroo, Steak Raw, wins a $10 itunes gift card.
06.01.2022 KEEPING FIT NOW...KEEPS YOU GOING WHEN YOUR OLDER. Strength Training for Bone, Muscle, and Hormones. One of the hallmark features of aging is loss: loss of bone strength, muscle mass and strength and hormone production. Although the debate continues as to the cause of this loss, one thing is certain: the inclusion of regular strength training sessions will play an important role delaying and reducing age or inactivity-associated loss experience. ... This is from the American Collage of Sports Medicine. I have linked the full report.
05.01.2022 Nice work to everyone who trained in the 5 PM session tonight you all went hard
04.01.2022 Hi All, I hope everyone in the Pac Pines sessions has enjoyed the new changes to the boxercise and core training sessions. :)
03.01.2022 Eating Fat Helps You Lose Fat To many people, this may seem counter-intuitive. If youre trying to lose fat, why would you want to eat it? The answer is simpl. By showing your body that it is getting a consistent source of external fat from your diet, it will be more willing to let go of the fat it is currently holding (calories in = calories out still holds true of course). Fat is energy. Your body does not want to give up this valuable fuel source. We may think that fat is ...a nuisance, but your body thinks otherwise. It loves fat. Providing 9 calories per gram, fat provides a dense source of energy for your body. The downside? Fat has 9 calories per gram, and is a dense source of energy for your body. Great for your body, but bad for you when you want to get rid of it. By not severely limiting your fat intake, you signal to your body that there is no famine or lack of available energy in the near future, and that it is OK to shed some of the energy reserves it currently holds. Now that you know you need to eat fat to lose fat, dont be one of those people who takes everything to the extreme. Everything in moderation. See more
01.01.2022 Hi All This new challenge is going to be a good one. You get to write your nutrition plan( following my guidelines).... This will allow you to eat the healthy foods you like and leave out this ones you don't. By doing this you will be more likely to stick to it long term and give you more freedom to eat around work/busy times. I hope you all give it a go, even if your goal isn't to lose weight it never hurts to be eating clean We will do weekly weigh- ins and change your nutrition if/as needed.
01.01.2022 THE LOW DOWN ON GOOD FATS Not all fats are bad, there are good fats too. Its important to swap the bad, unhealthy fats in your familys diet for good, healthy fats. MONOUNSATURATED and POLYUNSATURATED fats are healthy fats because they reduce bad LDL cholesterol in our blood, so including these fats in our diets reduces our risk of heart disease. They also contain healthy nutrients such as antioxidants and essential fatty acids.... MONOUNSATURATED FATS can be found in foods like avocados, almonds, cashews, macadamias and cooking oils or margarine spreads made from oils such as canola and olive oils. POLYUNSATURATED FATS can be divided into 2 groups - omega-6 and omega-3s. They help to increase the good HDL cholesterol in our blood. These fats can be found in oily fish, tahini (sesame paste), walnuts and margarine spreads made from polyunsaturated oils.
01.01.2022 Nice work to everyone who did the boxercise session today. Everyone is stepping up there intensity which is great too see, keep it up.........or else!!!!
01.01.2022 Hi Guys I have had some pregnant clients in the past, some right now, and some who are thinking about it in the near I thought this might help Although women do often feel hungrier during pregnancy (due to the demands of a growing baby), it is not necessary literally to eat for two. Many women will gain some extra non-baby weight during pregnancy. This is natural and is designed to help you breast feed well. ... The extra weight may come off when you are breast feeding, if you eat a balanced diet. The extra energy intake required to gain 10 kg to 12 kg in weight during pregnancy is estimated to be an extra 850 to 1100 kJ per day. This is only necessary in the second and third trimesters. During the first trimester you don't need to eat extra amounts of food. When breast feeding, the extra energy intake required is estimated to be an extra 2000 kJ to 4000 kJ per day. The most important thing is to go into pregnancy with a good reserve of nutrients and preferably not be underweight or overweight for your height. The extra nutrients required during pregnancy are obtained by eating a wide variety of foods and eating nutrient-rich food. In general, food intake doesn't need to be double what you would normally eat. Keep in mind the Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDI) of food and the nutritional quality of your diet will improve. For example, pregnant women are recommended to eat an extra 6 g of protein a day on top of the RDI for a non-pregnant woman. Women who are breast feeding a baby aged 0-6 months should eat an extra 16 g of protein a day and those breast feeding a 7-12-month-old infant should consume an extra 12 g of protein a day.
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