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Cutting Cloth in Fairfield, Victoria | Shopping & retail

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Cutting Cloth

Locality: Fairfield, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9486 7781

Address: 282 Wingrove Street 3078 Fairfield, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 A plethora of gift sized projects this week A very fun little pouch for you today. We’ve combined a Lola Dutch panel and a fun pattern by @aneelahoey This is the Pop Open Pouch! This pouch is an awesome size! It holds a huge amount of stuff ... perfect for a maker or a little creator! ... The pattern is very well written and easy to follow! We have kits available including this fun panel or stabiliser & hardware bundles if that suits your needs more #cuttingcloth #loladutch #loladutchfabric #zipperpouch #pouch #diy #makersgonnamake #handmadegifts #handmadegiftsarethebest

23.01.2022 It’s time people! Bernina Christmas specials are up and running but only for a very limited time this year! You have until the 18th of December to get yourself the machine of your dreams!! Give us a ring and set a time to take a machine for a test ‘drive’ now! Christmas offers;... Q20 Longarm with foldable table $500 off RRP Q16 Longarm with foldable table special introductory price $9999 770 QE $500 off RRP 720 $500 off RRP plus over $200 worth of additional feet 570 QE $500 off RRP plus over $200 worth of additional feet 535 $400 off RRP plus over $200 worth of additional feet Both 7 & 5 Series Embroidery Modules $200 off RRP plus complementary membership to the Cutting Cloth Embroidery Club for 2021 Bernina Embroidery Software $500 off RRP Don’t miss out!!! #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #berninaclub #bernina #diy #makersgonnamake #berninaaustralia #berninaq16 #q20 #sewingmachine #sewingmachines #sale

23.01.2022 The happiest if happy days people! We will be returning to our usual trading hours and opening our doors to the public as of Wednesday! Such great news for Melbourne and the whole of Victoria! We can’t wait to welcome you back in store!... I’d better run ... we’ve got about a million things to do between now and then! #cuttingcloth #patchwork #quilt #beautifulfabrics #epp #starcrossedlovequilt #englishpaperpiecing

22.01.2022 @nevinek73 brought in her finished Animal Alphabet quilt from our class of 2019 to show us earlier in the week. Coincidentally we had one of our 2020 groups working on their versions at the same time. How fun it was for them to see this wonderful quilt! Nevine your quilt is truely beautiful! I am so proud of you and your spectacular quilt!! Well done you!!! If you would like to join our 2021 group please contact the shop and we will pop you on the waiting list. Our class gr...oups will have size limits next year which will make securing a space in a class a little harder. #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #applique #kidsquilt #babyquilt #freemotion #freemotionquilting #patchwork #quilt #learnsomethingnew

22.01.2022 A stack of Liberty in blue, purple and purplish blue for a blustery Spring Thursday in Melbourne. We are having all of the Liberty feels at the shop at the moment. I was delighted by the beautiful display yesterday! Lizzie and the girls had managed to finish sorting our latest delivery. Our Liberty shelves are not only looking spectacularly beautiful but they are also filled to the brim!... What’s more our Capel capsule is due to arrive early next week and we have another pink top up hopefully due to arrive by the end of next week. Happy days indeed! #cuttingcloth #patchwork #quilt #liberty #libertyfabric #libertytanalawn #beautifulfabrics

19.01.2022 We love these adorable little knitted dolls by @littlecottonrabbits knitted by our Glenda. We have kits for these in our beautiful Gossyp eco cotton yarn. Go take a peek #cuttingcloth #littlecottonrabbits #kpcyarn #kpcgossyp #knittersofinstagram #knit #diy #makersgonnamake

19.01.2022 Our Lizzie whipped up some new gender neutral bundles this afternoon. These work perfectly for one of our machine stitched hexagon quilts or just about anything really. A beautifully gentle combination. #cuttingcloth #beautifulfabrics #machinepiecedhexagons #hexagons #patchwork #quilt #babyquilt

19.01.2022 I wrote in our email today about the rapidly approaching gift giving season ... then this happened .... Jessie: Mum it’s totally okay if you can’t but it’s my last Spanish class tomorrow and I want to give Senora something ... do you have anything? Me: ...... But secretly on the inside .... ... I now have a legitimate reason to ditch my paperwork and return to my sewing room! Now I just need another 4 .... I have used my favourite pouch by @noodlehead531 the #canvaspencilpouch . I made some machine stitched Boro fabric from my Liberty scraps to create the exterior and there you have it! I love it! Now if only it was as much fun to make dinner!! #cuttingcloth #pouch #zipperpouch #libertytanalawn #libertyfabric #boro #patchwork #handmadegifts #thankyou #diy #lastdayofschoollife on Friday

19.01.2022 It’s been a long, hard few weeks ... months ... year so far. How are you managing? I needed a today I needed a few minutes to hide ... so I pulled this one out of the cupboard and got my hand sewing on .... ahhhh that’s better! ... Mind you in 5 minutes it will be 5pm and that vodka spritz that’s been calling my name will make it even better! Thank goodness for hand stitching ... and vodka spritz ... is all I can say #cuttingcloth #slowstitching #applique #patchwork #quilt #fuckyoucovid #stitchingismytherapy #ispyquilt

18.01.2022 Rotary cut and machine pieced 1 hexagons ... I’m in love The templates will be available on our website tomorrow together with the support video. Excuse me, I’m off to make a quilt now ... it will only be cot sized but my goodness it’s going to be sweet!! ... #cuttingcloth #hexagon #quilt #patchwork #hexagonquilt #machinepiecedhexagons #babyquilt #scrappyquilt

17.01.2022 Our Glenda has been at it again ... thank God for Glenda is all I can say! How fun are these pillows?!!! I love these little doggies! This awesome design is by @sewquirky We have the patterns available on our website ... if you’d like a kit just let us know ... #cuttingcloth #applique #rawedgeapplique #patchwork #quilt #diy #makersgonnamake

14.01.2022 This is the fabulous Canvas Pencil pouch by @noodlehead531 I used our Machine pieced 1 hexagon to create the fabric. How seriously sweet is this? These make great gifts! We have stabiliser bundles for this project that include the template and the help video as to how to sew hexagons by machine! Super fun!!... #cuttingcloth #patchwork #hexagons #machinepiecedhexagons #quilt #zipperpouch

14.01.2022 I’ve made what seems like a gazillion arcs so now it’s onto the LeMoyne Star blocks for my Star Crossed Love project. It’s been a little while since I’ve worked on any EPP. It’s nice to put my feet up and sit back and chill with needle in hand The English paper piecing packs for this project are available on our website ... #cuttingcloth #starcrossedlovequilt #epp #englishpaperpiecing #patchwork #quilt #lemoynestar #slowstitching

13.01.2022 Animal Alphabet quilts coming along beautifully! Well done girls for keeping up with your stitching and producing such beautiful projects so far! Watch out of 2021 class dates which will be added to our calendar in the next couple of weeks #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #applique #appliquequilt #kidsquilt #quilt #patchwork #animalalphabetquilt #rawedge #rawedgeapplique #freemotion #freemotionquilting

13.01.2022 Because everything about this makes me happy You can find the instructions for this very fun quilt on our blog ... the link is in our bio. An awesome weekend project!!... #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothblog #patchwork #quilt #scrappyquilt #triparoundtheworldquilt #scrapytriparoundtheworld #beautifulfabrics

07.01.2022 I love this version of @modernlymorgan ‘s homespun quilt by @mystitchingjournal so much!!! It is just stunning! I really need to make one just like this one! Have you started your version of this fun design yet? The pattern is available on our website ... and I think we might pull together a fabric bundle just like this next week I’ve spent the day today sorting the shop so we will be ready to reopen ... soon ... fingers crossed! Sadly now my hands are so sore I doubt ther...e will be much sewing tonight What are you working on tonight? Photo by @mystitchingjournal ... love your work Kelly! #cuttingcloth #homespunquilt #modernlymorganpatterns #quilt #patchwork #starquilt #beautifulfabric

03.01.2022 I’m never quite sure if these are ducks or geese but regardless of which they might be it really is the most beautiful double sided gauze. I think it is going to make a lovely crochet edge baby blanket, don’t you think? A metre of the ducks in their little blue hats and a fun blue on blue spot coupled with a crochet edge bauble and you’re done! A divine hand made gift for a new baby Contact the shop if you’d like a kit ... #cuttingcloth #crochet #crochetedge #babyblanket #handmade #handmadegifts #quilt #patchwork

02.01.2022 What a busy couple of days we’ve had! Yesterday was our second Bernina Club session since our lockdown was lifted. We used our walking foot, overlocker foot and worked on learning how to set personal preferences in our machines so that it automatically knots at the start & the end of a row of stitching. We also focused on using the knee lift and the scissor function. Lots of incredibly useful techniques and skills! What’s more we had some beautiful little machine stitched canvas pencil pouches to show off at the end of the day! This pattern is a great design by @noodlehead531 #cuttingcloth #cuttingclothclasses #bernina #berninaaustralia #berninaclub #pencilpouch #zipperpouch #canvaspencilpouch #noodleheadpatterns #welovebernina #boro #libertyfabric

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