CWA of NSW Hornsby & District Branch in Sydney, Australia | Community organisation
CWA of NSW Hornsby & District Branch
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 414 764 156
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25.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members held their Christmas Lunch at Asquith Golf Club yesterday. We were thrilled to have our NSW State President, Stephanie Stanhope attend, together with our Northumberland Group President Bev Britton and Liz Corner President Melenesian Church and husband Greg. Stephanie spoke about her experiences over the past 7 months as President , since her election at Alburys State Conference in May. Liz tested our PNG Knowledge with a few questions.... Greg had driven Liz to many CWA venues during the year to be guest speaker on PNG. We raffled off 2 lovely baskets (filled with goodies) as last Fund Raising for NSW Drought and raised $135 from our tables. So, we all enjoyed sitting down to prepared delicious Christmas lunch with wines, especially after rhe past 4 weeks of baking for so many events. Attending our lunch was Heather Howard who has been ill and she feels she has turned a corner and may supervise a Jam Making Day in February. We were all so happy to see our past President June Thornton and husband Drew attend our lunch, after her illness. She is talking of returning to Craft Day in the New Year. So many things to make us happy. We wished all a Merry Christmas and safe travellng on their way home. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and good health in the New Year.
22.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members held their Fathers' Day theme 'Stall in the MAll' at Westfield Shopping Centre, Hornsby. Rain and few shoppers out, due to Covid, did not dampen our spirits to fund raise for the CWAofNSW. Face masks walked off the table together with baking, jams, chutney and craft . The members prepared lots of produce and craft for the stall. Congratulations to all involved.
22.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members entertained residents this afternoon at Lourdes. Our trainer and the performer Willow were no. 1 Act. Willow learns a trick per month. Also a resident celebrated their 60rh wedding Anniversary and presented with a collage of photos from her life. We sang Christmas Carols and favourites from WW1. Afternoon tea with freshly baked CWA scones, jam and cream, topped off a great afternoon of fun and laughter. Merry Christmas to all the residents and staff at Lourdes.
21.01.2022 Hornsby & District Branch members were asked and delighted to bake 320 Anzac Biscuits by Bendigo Bank, Turramurra Branch for delivery tomorrow to Meals on Wheels residents for Anzac Day. We also baked 180 Anzac Biscuits and 30 cotton Face Masks were sewn to Fund Raise for CWA of NSW Disaster Relief Fund in their branch and Berowra Branch. Happy to be serving rhe community again. Wishing all members a happy Anzac Day. I will be up at dawn with a candle at the end of our drive to remember all soldiers in all theaters of war.
21.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members held their Fathers Day theme Stall in the MAll at Westfield Shopping Centre, Hornsby. Rain and few shoppers out, due to Covid, did not dampen our spirits to fund raise for the CWAofNSW. Face masks walked off the table together with baking, jams, chutney and craft . The members prepared lots of produce and craft for the stall. Congratulations to all involved.
21.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members participated in Hornsby Councils promotion of Volunteers Day held in Westfield Mall, mid May. Our members distributed many brochures and informative news on the diversity of work CWAofNSW cover. As well an invitation of free knitting and crochet classes at our 4th friday of month meeting, (Craft, Coffee and Chat) morning. Well today we were pleasantly rewarded with around 10 new faces . They enjoyed lessons from our skilled craft ladies as well as a delicious morning tea. A happy Win/Win for all. Well done ladies.
21.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members selling their Christmas baking and many handicraft items, for Christmas gifts. A busy , successful Fund Raising day for NSW Drought appeal. A happy outcome.
20.01.2022 Presentation to Hornsby & District branch President, Lee Long yesterday at 65th AGM.
20.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch held their 65th AGM yesterday after a delicious lunch prepared and baked by members ; Quiche, and Zucchini slices, accompanied by beetroot, fetta and rocket salad, soughdough bread, fresh fruit salad, yoghurt and caramel slice. And of course a Cuppa. New Officers; Secretary, Stephanie Waldeback. Treasurer, Lee Long. Vice Presidents, Colleen Parsonage, Louisa Clarke and Pam Simcoe. Ag. & Environment Lynette Trupp. International Janene Stubbs. LHospital Officer, Jeanette Rosee. Publicity, Ros Hopwood and President. And a big thank you to Margaret Heathcote who acted so professionally as our Returning Officer. Congratulations to all the team.j
19.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch held their 3 in 1 Day, today in their Church hall rooms at Hornsby. Guest Speaker on International Womens Day, focusing on experience in Nepal. The Owner of Broken Bay Pearl Farm gave an interesting talk. They have Pearl Farm Tours, taking in Pearl Cruise and grading room experience and view Jewellery and visit Shellar Door to learn pearl culturing techniques. Approx 60 attended morning tea and lunch. Displays on waratahs, whales and wild dogs. Cultural display on Friday 13th. Trading table . Group Publicity Officer spoke on creating and launching Northumberland Group Website. Lucky door prizes . A few Toilet Roll prizes to some busy members to avoid queuing. A happy, fun day enjoyed by all.
19.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members catered for the 62nd NORTH SHORE CRAFT GROUP held at Thornleigh Community Centre from 22nd-24th November. The theme was Christmas Boutique Show & Sale. Unique handmade creations were displayed and on sale included were jewellery, glass, pottery, textiles, accessories, ceramics, wood and leatherwork. Local artisans, with friendly smiles were generous with their time to answer specific information on their objects. CWA members were happy to... be invited to cater for this Craft Show for the 5th year. Our Christmas baking, including jams and past were also on sale. We were able to celebrate 3 of our girls birthdays with a Chocolate Moose Birthday Cake. A very happy occasion. Sent from Mail for Windows 10
18.01.2022 The difficulty of Fund Raising during this Covid Virus period, was greatly assisted by the Branch Manager, Bendigo Bank at Berowra, allowing and providing a Community area for display of Face Masks and jams, chutney and lemon butter made by members of Hornsby CWA branch. A special thank you to bank staff who answered the email call for help with sewing, when orders for Face Masks kept coming in. We were amazed with funds raised todate of $8,500 since March. We are so grateful to Managent and staff assisting with this positive outcome. i want to give a big thank you to our member to initiated this fund raising project and to other members who made masks, jams, marmalade, chutneys and lemon butter. Thank you Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
18.01.2022 Winners in Northumberland Group in The Land Section Handicraft.
17.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch held their 3 in 1 Day today in rooms at Hornsby. Guest Speaker on International Womens Day, focusing on experience in Nepal. The Owner of Broken Bay Pearl Farm gave an interesting talk. They have Pearl Farm Tours, taking in Pearl Cruise and grading room experience and view Jewellery and visit Shellar Door to learn pearl culturing techniques. Approx 60 attended morning tea and lunch. Displays on waratahs, whales and wild dogs. Cultural display on Friday 13th. Trading table . Group Publicity Officer spoke on creating and launching Northumberland Group Website. Lucky door prizes . A few Toilet Roll prizes to some busy members to avoid queuing. A happy, fun day enjoyed by all.
15.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District members and friends enjoyed a friendly Zoom 'Cooking chat with Julie - Mother's Day Memories' this morning, winner of Australia's first Masterchef title. We found Julie very natural, her chat inspirational and informative with regard to her Cooking School at North Gosford and how busy she is preparing platter orders for Mother's Day this Sunday. At the end of the session I was able to advise that we had raised close to $500 for the CWAofNSW Disaster Relief Fund, while enjoying the Zoom experience with Julie. We wished everyone good health, to stay safe and waved our hand goodbyes, until hopefully we meet again. A Cuppa and taste of 'Lemon Diva Cupcakes' (Julie's recipe from her cook book 'Our Family Table') was enjoyed after the Zoom session.
15.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members distributed 24 Emergency Packs at Hornsby Hospital today, to Rehabilitation Ward and Emergency Office. Maternity ward received 10 hand knitted baby singlets and 24 caps. Some caps for premi babies, will be transferred to maternity ward at RNS Hospital.
14.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District members and friends enjoyed a friendly Zoom Cooking chat with Julie - Mothers Day Memories this morning, winner of Australias first Masterchef title. We found Julie very natural, her chat inspirational and informative with regard to her Cooking School at North Gosford and how busy she is preparing platter orders for Mothers Day this Sunday. At the end of the session I was able to advise that we had raised close to $500 for the CWAofNSW Disaster Relief Fund, while enjoying the Zoom experience with Julie. We wished everyone good health, to stay safe and waved our hand goodbyes, until hopefully we meet again. A Cuppa and taste of Lemon Diva Cupcakes (Julies recipe from her cook book Our Family Table) was enjoyed after the Zoom session.
14.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District members cateted for the Hornsby Citizenship Ceremony at Hornsby Council last Wednesday . The new season commences on 26th January 2020. Always a happy occasion to speak and congratulate new Aussie Citizens.
13.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members enjoyed current, informative news from Hornsby and Ku-ring-Gai Rural Fires Service Guest Speakers on Friday . 4 simple steps to making your bush fire survival plan ; DISCUSS,( what to do if bush fire threatens your home) PREPARE (yr home for bush fire season), KNOW (the bush fire alert levels) and KEEP (all the bush fire info.numbers, websites and the FREE Smart Phone App; FIRES NEAR ME. We were happy to present a cheque to the Officers from our grateful members for all the hard, difficult, dangerous work they do. NSW RFS is worlds largest volunteer fire service with over 74, 000 Volunteer members. There are 2,029 brigades (local units). We are so lucky.
13.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District members catered for Remberance Day Ceremony & Civic Opening of Blair Wark VC Community Centre on Monday which commenced at 10.30am. A Welcome by Mayor of Ku-ring-gai, Jennifer Anderson. The Commemorative Address given by Lieutenant Colonel Phil Pyke and Remberance Day Address given by The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP and The Hon. Alister Henskens MP. A variety of Aussie Quilt Heros were on display, presented by Jan Maree Ball OAM,
13.01.2022 CWA Hornsby girls on a sunny bus trip to Dee Why to walk through the 3.3 hectare, set on this Hawkesbury Sandstone escarpment, Stony Range Regional Botanic Garden. In 1950, visionary locals, turned this disused stone quarry into a nature reserve. In 2007 it became a Regional Botanic Garden of Native Bushland from volunteers, donations and funding from Northern Beaches Council. A lunch stop after to Dee Why RSL Club with lots of chatter and laughs. A fun day. Did you spot Lizzy the lizard?
13.01.2022 My husband, Roger at end of our driveway at 5am with flag and torch. We were on our own at 6am we had our nxt door neighbours with tourch and flag at their driveway, but disappointing no others in our block . Happy Anzac Day everyone.
11.01.2022 Cooking Chat with Julie - Mother's Day Memories. CWA Hornsby Branch have been lucky enough to secure a Zoom session with the Master Chef herself, Mrs Julie Goodwin! Julie will be sharing her famous 'Lemon Diva Cupcakes' recipe and have a fun and informal chat with 50 lucky Zoom participants on Thursday, 7 May, 2020 at 10.00 a.m. ... Julie would like to support our CWA of NSW Disaster Relief Fund, so we ask that you make a donation via this link We hope to raise at least $250.00 on Julies behalf, so for just $5.00 you can join in the fun. First in, best dressed! Please register with Hornsby Branch President, Ros Hopwood @ [email protected], send though a copy of your donation receipt and Ros will send the link to this session and Julie's recipe to you ASAP
11.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members travelled to Erina Fair today to assist selling home baked food items, at stall provided inside Coles Store, with slices, cakes , small fruit loaves jams, pickles, paste and hot beef and gravy rolls as fund raising for NSW Drought appeal. Our ovens have been working overtime. Today was the last Saturday in November for this Coles/CWA Northumberland Group effort. Girls from 6 branches volunteered to work at stall for the 4 Satudays in November. Congratulations girls on baking all items. Many compliments received. Raffle tickets sold and a wishing well received many donations for drought. We were blessed to have a wonderful person at entrance to Coles directing shoppers to our stall and we supplied him with sample tastings for arriving customers. They soon came to our stall.
10.01.2022 Happy snaps taken at Gala Dinner Wednesday night in Albury.( Northumberland branches, Tamworth, Ballina, Moss Vale Evening.)
10.01.2022 CWA Hornsby member in Coffs Harbour and spoke on 2 Air FM 107.9 this morning, promoting CWA and President advertised their High Tea this Saturday afternoon, organised by their young members. Good editorial in local newspaper yesterday, resulted in new enquiry re Evening Branch here. Had successful meeting with manager Oz Co-op who donated fresh Blueberries towards High Tea and happy for CWA girls to take a guided tour through blueberry factory. Lucky us. Enjoying Coffs Harbour CWA friendship.
09.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members were busy preparing delicious sandwiches this morning together with lamingtons and Anzac biscuits for Citizenship Ceremony held at Ku ring gai Council, Gordon tonight. Happy snaps of musical duet, St Ives Boy Scouts , Mayor Anderson and gifts of Australian native plants for Citizenship recipients. A lovely Ceremony.
09.01.2022 Lyrics to Mrs Hurleys song, sang by all members at end of Conference on Wednesday. Requested by retiring CWA State President Mrs. Annette Turner.
09.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District member dropped into TripleH FM radio 100.1 to advise Monday Focus , (4.30 - 5pm) hosts, to advise name of member who would be filling in whilst away for winter months. Click on link to view hosts ar studio.
09.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members catered for both Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Citizenship Ceremonies today. So final Citizenship Ceremony tonight at Ku ring gai Council for this year. An extra Ceremony in December for Hornsby Council for the year. A well earned rest for the catering girls.
08.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District Evening Friendship Meet Up held our Christmas drinks, chat and dinner tonight at Magpies Leagues Club, Waitara . We had 3 apologies and a new member and organized a Saturday jam making day for first Saturday in February. Suitable for working girls. So 3 girls from Evening Friendship meet up will attend. Will bring mangoes and blueberries back from Coffs Harbour, so will have jam for our Mothers Day Stall. Cheers.
06.01.2022 Cooking Chat with Julie - Mothers Day Memories. CWA Hornsby Branch have been lucky enough to secure a Zoom session with the Master Chef herself, Mrs Julie Goodwin! Julie will be sharing her famous Lemon Diva Cupcakes recipe and have a fun and informal chat with 50 lucky Zoom participants on Thursday, 7 May, 2020 at 10.00 a.m. ... Julie would like to support our CWA of NSW Disaster Relief Fund, so we ask that you make a donation via this link We hope to raise at least $250.00 on Julies behalf, so for just $5.00 you can join in the fun. First in, best dressed! Please register with Hornsby Branch President, Ros Hopwood @ [email protected], send though a copy of your donation receipt and Ros will send the link to this session and Julies recipe to you ASAP
05.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch held their September General Meeting today with Guest Speaker on Domestic Violence. It was our first face to race meeting . We all passed the temperature gun test and practised social distancing. We look forward now to our AGM in October.
05.01.2022 Hello girls. I am back from Coffs Harbour, where i spent the winter months. We have a creek on our 6 acre hobby farm, so were able to plant over 120 fruit trees (Citrus, stone fruits, olive, macadamian, blueberry trees and finger limes. So yesterday Hornsby girls at craft, were busy with a variety of projects. Making red daisies, knitting jumpers, padded tea pot covers, hallowean items, Bonsai potting and thrilled friends having completed their rug, with our member who taught them to knit. They presented the rug to our branch for our Christmas stall. Also home baked slices ready for wrapping and delivery for a catering function. Well done girls.
02.01.2022 CWA Hornsby & District branch members attended Relay For Life Morning Tea, Saturday morning and donated a cheque to Kirsty, organiser of Cancer Fund raising event. A delicious selection of food. We walked a couple of laps of oval andCWA enjoyed chatting to so many happy people. Thank you for a lovely morning tea and gift.
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