Carlingford Cyclones Touch Association | Businesses
Carlingford Cyclones Touch Association
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24.01.2022 Carlingford Cyclones welcomes you all back to our Junior Summer Comp. Most of you would have already been training and playing other sports and already following the play safe rules. Carlingford Cyclones will be providing sanitiser and wipes at the fields for you to utilise. We will be washing and disinfecting all balls, cones and any other equipment before and after matches for your child’s safety. Please feel free to wear masks and practice social distancing. If you wish to... drop your child off and not stay that is fine. Please let the desk know or inform a parent in your child’s team. Lets all follow the checklist and watch the video from NSW Touch to have a safe and fun competition for everyone. PARENTS AND SPECTATORS The following are the minimum requirements for everyone to consider at Touch Football competitions: Remain at home if feeling unwell If you are a member of a high-risk category, reconsider your participation in Touch Football Download the COVIDSafe app and ensure it’s functional while at the venue Prior to attending, assess if you are essential to the delivery of the game spectators must be kept to a minimum at all times to assist with social distancing Prior to your game, review game time and venue info to reduce your time at the venue Make sure you arrive at the venue ready to play Upon arrival and prior to participating in a match, ensure you have thoroughly washed or sanitised your hands with products provided at the fields Avoid the use of change rooms, bathrooms and communal areas Cover your mouth with your elbow to cough or sneeze Avoid touching your face Do not spit or clear your nasal passages Maintain social distancing by avoiding team huddles and congregating in groups before, during or after your match No communal team water bottles or shared items such as jerseys, bibs or towels Avoid unnecessary contact with other participants, such as high-fives, handshakes and hugs Shower at home instead of at the venue Complete tasks at home wherever possible, such as meetings or recovery sessions Parents/guardians, please limit drop-of and pick-up to only one parent/guardian and other dependants as required and necessary Spectators are not encouraged. Supervision of minors must be done from one’s own vehicle, if possible. I not, social distancing is required at all times I you are tested for COVID-19, immediately notify your Competition Please refer to the below video See more
24.01.2022 Friday 29th November Juniors Draw
24.01.2022 Senior Summer Finals Senior Competition Format Semi Finals are now 25 Minute Touch down Turn Around Division 3 and Division 4 Grand Finals are 25 Minute Touch Down Turn Around. Grand finals for Division 1 and 2 will be Full Games of 20 Minute Halves... Semi Final 7.10 Field 1 - SF 2 Storm vs A-Team 7.10 Field 2 - SF 3 Jeckyll and Hyde vs Rookies 7.10 Field 3 - SF 4 Beecroft Bruisers vs Lightning 7.45 Field 1 - SF1 One More Touch vs Kiss my Pass Grand Finals 7.45 Field 2 - Touch Woods - Blue vs Winner SF3 7.45 Field 3 - Touch Woods - White vs Winner SF4 8.10 Field 1 - 7th Tackle vs Winner SF1 8.10 Field 2 - Hurricanes vs Winner SF2
24.01.2022 Carlingford Cup Game Draw and Progressions
22.01.2022 The Finals have been Finalised with the competition now being split into 4 Divisions Division 1 7Th Tackle One More Touch Kiss My Pass... Division 2 Hurricanes Storm A-Team Division 3 Central Touch Woods - Blue Jeckyll and Hyde Rookies Division 4 Central Eastwood - White Beecroft Bruisers Lightning The first Team in each Division is Straight into the GrandFinal - but will play Friendly Game against against the other Grand Finalists Teams 2 and 3 will be playing a Semi -Final knockout to get to the Grand Final Knockout Games Div 1 One More Touch vs Kiss My Pass Div 2 Storm vs A-Team Div 3 Jeckyll and Hyde vs Rookies Div 4 Beecroft Bruisers vs Lightning See more
22.01.2022 Carlingford Cyclones Senior State Cup Draw by Team
19.01.2022 Junior Competition New Draw is up at this Link Note Some teams may play two games on the night to prevent Byes. The New Draw creating Byes for U10 and U14 Division 2 Round 7 - Super Stars playing two Games Round 7 - Diamond Sirens playing two Games
18.01.2022 Draw for Junior Touch (Due to Registrations some changes have been made to draw including combining teams to make one complete one Game Central Eastwood U14 vs HawksTigers (Hawks Tigers are a combined Team of Hawks (6 Rego) and Rigers (6)) Game All Sorts (9 Regos but with bye) vs Village Idiots (4 - Regos) - these two teams can mix to create two teams for mixed game Beauty and Beasts can Join this Game (3 Regos) All other games are as is A full draw will be provided after the Second week of competition when most other sports would have finished their winter season.
18.01.2022 Opens Summer 2020
17.01.2022 Senior Touch is here Wednesday Night starting the 23rd September Register as an Individual or Get a Team together and Register as a Team (You must register a team first and then invite your team members) - If you need help registering here is the link to help you See more
16.01.2022 Postponing of the Carlingford Cyclones Winter Competition until May 2020 - please read the NSW Release about the Local park competition.
16.01.2022 Round 9 Senior Summer Competition
15.01.2022 Winter Touch Monday Nights 20th April 2020
14.01.2022 Junior Touch 2020 - Sundays starting 13th September 2020 We will be running through the school holidays
13.01.2022 All Games tonight are cancelled due to the Bad Air Quality. As this was SemiFinal night we will consider some options on how to finsih the comp and will let you know once a final decsion has been made
12.01.2022 Touch for Juniors This Sunday 8/11/2020 is the Same as Round 7 -Bushrangers with two games
11.01.2022 Round 9 - Second Last round of the Season Spicy Naan has two games this round and we have some Scheduled Boys vs Girls Battles Gotchas vs Titans - Touch and Go vs Gerry Tigers Girls U16 vs Tigers Boys U14
10.01.2022 Senior Summer Round 10 the Final Round before Finals
07.01.2022 Juniors Round 8 - Little BushRangers have two Games
05.01.2022 Juniors Round 2 Draw
04.01.2022 Juniors Round 3 With the School Holidays and Some Teams un available I haev finished the Draw CCTA Diamonds in playing two Games 6 and 7 - please let me know if this is not possiable, this is due to new teams entering and other teams not able to play. CCTA Sharks and Spicy Naans have been Joined due to low numbers in Both Teams
03.01.2022 Juniors Touch Round 7 - Note BushRangers have two games
02.01.2022 Round 8 Opens Touch Wednesday Night
02.01.2022 Change in Draw for Juniors Round 2 for Team Knights, Titans, Dirty Shirts and ST Giraffe - note the time and who you are playing
01.01.2022 Senior Competition- Final Round before Finals
01.01.2022 Junior Competition Information and COVID Guidelines 1. Games will be run 5.00pm , 6.00pm, 7.00pm They will have 20 minute halves with 5 minute Half Time Once games are over all players are required to clear the fields, so new teams can come on for the next time slot. That will be 15 Minutes between Games to ensure a timely change over. 2. There will be no sign on sheets but we will have people coming around so you can check off your team. 3. No Player can be borrowed from... other teamsNo Unregistered player can play. 4. Social Distancing by non-participants is required at all times. 5. Games will be abandoned if it is deemed that Spectators are not respectful to Referees or respectful of Instructions by Cyclone Board Members or deputies in regards to Covid Safety and spectator behaviour. 6. This is not Ideal but the Draw will be ready Saturday Night - providing teams time to complete registrations. See more
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