CYM Melbourne in Essendon, Victoria, Australia | Community organisation
CYM Melbourne
Locality: Essendon, Victoria, Australia
Address: 3-11 Russell Street 3040 Essendon, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 CYM Melbourne invites all Yunatstvo to join us in an end of year Christmas celebration tomorrow at Brimbank Park. If you would like to attend the event please get in touch by registering via this link: Once you have registered further information regarding the time and exact location will be provided to you via email. We hope to see you there!
25.01.2022 Гартуйсь! Ввторок, час на вртуальн ройов сходини. Вчимо про День Незалежност Украни, грамо у вкторину, повторюмо врш до свята. Hartuis! Weekly rij schodene with Kahoot quizzes about Ukraine, learning about Ukrainian Independence Day and reciting a poem.
25.01.2022 Hartuis! We are keeping our virtual meetings and this term continue to learn about our families immigration stories. It was Podruha Nataliya’s turn to present. артуйсь! Продовжумо вртуальн сходини псля канкул. Рй Виврки презенту сторю родини та ммграц в Австралю.
25.01.2022 Please join the UWC International Coordinating Committee for Holodomor Awareness and Recognition at the UWC's Virtual Commemoration of the 87th Anniversary of the Holodomor. Premiering the International Network of Descendants of Holodomor Victims. Friday, November 27, 2020 @15:00 - Kyiv Saturday, November 28, 2020 @00:00 - Melbourne... The Holodomor Commemoration will be broadcast online, on Ukrainian World Congress - Свiтовий Конрес Укранцв PETITION calling for the word HOLODOMOR to be included in English dictionaries UWC calls for all Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine to support a campaign to get the term HOLODOMOR included in all major English language dictionaries. We’re asking for your support to share the campaign widely, and to sign the petition. ----------------------- Вртуальне вдмчення СКУ 87-о рчниц Голодоморy Мжнародний координацйний комтет у справ Голодомору Свтового Конресу Укранцв запрошу на Вртуальне вдмчення 87 рчниц найбльшо трагед укранського народу - Голодомору 1932-33 рокв, де вперше представить ункальний прокт: Мережу нащадкв. П’ятниця, 27 листопада 2020 р. @15:00 - Кив Cyбoтa, 28 листопада 2020 р. @00:00 - Мельбopн Вртуальне вдмчення Голодоморy транслюватиметься в нтернет за Ukrainian World Congress - Свiтовий Конрес Укранцв Петиця з закликом включити слово ГОЛОДОМОР в англомовн словники! СКУ заклика всх укранцв та друзв Украни пдтримати кампаню про включення термну Голодомор (HOLODOMOR) в ус основн словники англйсько мови. Просимо пдписати петицю та максимального поширити нформацю про кампаню.
25.01.2022 AGM 2020 postponement and Executive Committee callout -
25.01.2022 Video greetings from children CYM Melbourne with Ukrainian Independence Day! Втання з Днем Прапора Днем Незалежност Украни вд сумвцв рй "Виврки"
24.01.2022 From the Uprava of CYM Melbourne we wish to extend a Huge Thankyou to all our female volunteers young and mature for their contribution on this International Women's Day. Thankyou ever so much for you care, devotion and determination....Hartuis.
24.01.2022 Четверта субота листопада день, що об’дну укранцв через спльне минуле День пам’ят жертв Голодомору. Цьогорч Украна та свт вшановуватимуть невинно... вбитих голодом укранцв 28 листопада. Не забудь запалити свчку у вкн о 16:00. Нагадай друзям. Пам’ятай. Музей Голодомору запустив соцальну нформацйну кампаню до 87-х роковин Голодомору-геноциду. Взуальне ршення створив вдомий укранський клуб люстраторв Pictoric. Ми закликамо дослджувати родинн стор, длитися ними онлайн та офлайн. Також ви можете передати записан свдчення, стар свтлини, родинн релкв для експозицйного наповнення друго черги Музею Голодомору. #ЗбережиПравду
24.01.2022 The 2020 Malanka at our Cultural Center in Essendon has begun with the theme of 'Together We Are Stronger' MC'd by two great guy's Adam Laba and Andrij Bernyk.... Христос Народився.....
23.01.2022 Гартуйсь! Нарада виховникв осередку м. вана Мазепи перед початком навчально програми на 2020. Разом-ми сила!
22.01.2022 *** Debutante Camp Day 1 *** Beautiful weather for our first day of camp for the Youth Self Development Course. A bit of cooking and a bit of building... and of course dancing! Onto Day 2...
21.01.2022 *** Debutante Camp Day 2 *** After last night’s heated game of Pictionary, Day 2 was filled with dancing, some games and getting started on our silhouettes!
21.01.2022 Now 11 years, we remember!
21.01.2022 A thank you to Fr. Andriy Mykytuk for his kind words in mass today for the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael attended by members of our Uprava.
21.01.2022 Гартуйсь! Рад привтати СУМ Мельбурн родини на перших дистанцйних ройових сходинах. Продовжумо працювати гартувати наш знання здобутки у цей непростий час. Hartuis! Happy to see CYM Melbourne families on our first remote meeting. We'll continue our education and skills development program as per usual schedule in an online environment. Thank you for all your support!
20.01.2022 З ром Молодшого Юнацтва на сходинах створювали листвку з Украни згадували Тараса Шевченка.
20.01.2022 AGM 2020 Change of Date Notice -
20.01.2022 Camp on Wheels 2020/21 - Табр на колеса 2020/21!
19.01.2022 Гартуйсь! де пдготовка до Сум ройових сходин у дистанцйному режим, дякую канадськй колез @Tetyanka Karpova з Канади за вртуальний вишкл. Hartuis! Getting ready for online weekly meetings with our roji.
19.01.2022 Hartuis! The 21st day of November is an important date for Ukrainians and CYMivtsi, as we celebrate the feast day of the Patron of our Association - Archangel Michael. Forming a large part of our history, from when our ancestor’s chose Archangel Michael to be patron Saint of Kyiv, to the Kozak times in the 16-18th centuries, to the appearance of Archangel Michael on the banners of the Ukrainian Sich Rifleman (YCC), Army of the Ukrainian National Republic, The Ukrainian Army (UHA) as well as the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). He has played an important role defending our faith and our lands, just as he did in Heaven by God's side. We pray that he gives us strength and determination to live for the Glory of God and the good of the world! We would also like to take the time to wish all Michaels and Michalyna a God’s blessing on this your name day. CYM Melbourne. Честь Украни! Готов Боронити! Гартуйсь! 21-го листопада важливою датою для укранцв та СУМвцв, в цей день ми вдзначамо свято Святого Архангела Михала, Архистратига. Вд часу, коли наш предки обрали Архистратига Михала за патрона Украни нашо столиц Кива, до козацьких часв у 16-18 столттях, до появи Архангела Михала на прапорах Укранських Счових Стрльцв, Арм Укрансько Народно Республки, Укрансько Галицько Арм, а також славно Укрансько Повстансько Арм. Вн грав важливу роль, захищаючи нашу вру наш земл, так само, як Вн це робив на Неб оплч Бога. Ми молимось, щоб вн дав нам силу ршучсть жити на Славу Божу на благо свту! Ми також хотли щоб побажати усм Михайлам та Михайлнам Божого благословення у ваш день менин. СУМ Мельборн Честь Украни! Готов Боронити!
19.01.2022 Since 1983, the Ukrainian Youth Association been running a self development and leadership course, culminating in a final Graduation Ceremony held as a Debutante Ball. Over the years this has involved the participation of more than 250 young people, the majority of whom have become imbued with a spirit of giving and have continued to contribute to both the Ukrainian and Australian communities as well as further abroad. This year our Deb2020 group are lucky to have such dedicated and adaptive team of leaders, already faced with many early challenges, nevertheless continuing with a collaborative, innovative and considerate approach to this years course. Thank you Adam, Victoria, Christine, Nadia, Lesia & Adam!
19.01.2022 Adelaide Oselya Orlyk
19.01.2022 Hartuis! Please come join us online tomorrow to celebrate Svyato Mykhayila at Ardeer Church
17.01.2022 Гартуйсь! Уже весь нстаграм та фейсбук охоплений дописами про випкання паски та фото писанок То ж радимо вам бути в тренд, та не вдставати у вмннях писа...ння писанок ми вам у цьому допоможемо! Сьогодн подруга Андрея Кардаш на онлайн-сходинах розповдатиме про традицйн та сучасн звича писання укранських писанок 15 квтня (середа) 19:00 zoom See more
17.01.2022 A fantastic day celebrating our CYM community and yunatstvo at Brimbank Park! Great to reunite in person after a challenging year, and a special thanks to our hard working Bulava who organised the event. We are excited for an upcoming summer full of fun and activities - watch this space!
17.01.2022 Починамо Табр на Колеса, мали апель Святу Лтургю на осел Карпати. Дякумо всм за участь а особливо Владиц Ретров й о. Юрв!
16.01.2022 Гартуйсь! Велика подяка сумвський родинам роям, що придналися до перших вртуальних сходин. Особлива подяка виховники, як пдготували цкаву програму. Дти були щаслив. A big thank you to all CYM families and vykhovnyky who persistently worked to get the online learning going. The energy was uplifting and we are all excited to be all together again! #onlinelearning#CYM#сходини#СУМАвстраля
16.01.2022 Some brave CYMivtsi enduring the Melbourne weather this morning!! Thank you to all who joined us - a great team effort!
16.01.2022 Сьогодн укранц вдзначають Трицю або Зелен свята. Свято припада на 50-и день псля Великодня. В день Свято Триц на святих апостолв, послдовникв суса Христа, зишов Святии Дух, що символзу триднсть Бога. З цього дня Бог послав апостолам дар розмовляти рзними мовами. Трицю вважають Днем народження Церкви. В народ Зелену недлю першии день свята вважають днем активност русалок та рзно мфчно нечист. Казали, що зелень, якою все прикрашають..., захища та обрега вд всього злого. Починають свято церковним богослужнням, потм мають звичаи ходити у гост, а також проводити рзн масов гуляння. Двчата плели внки та пускали х на воду для ворожння. Потм гуляли в лс. Пекли короваи роздавали иого незамжнм. Шматочки сушили берегли до веслля. Потм сухар замшували в тсто для весльного короваю. Вважали, що вони принесуть нови см’ благополуччя та любов. Другии день свята називають Клечальним понедлком. Псля служби священики в полях читають молитви з проханням благословити нf добрии урожаи. На трети, Богодухв день, хлопц вибирали наречених. Двчата водили тополю, в рол яко була незамжня двчина наикрасивша в сел. наряджали внками, стрчками, глками та водили по дворах. Зустрти Тополю вважалося великою удачою. В криницях святили воду. Роса, що випала на Трицю, вважаться корисною для здоров’я вроди. Двчатам радять вмиватися нею, аби зберегти молодсть красу. Кажуть, якщо в цеи день иде дощ буде гарнии врожаю, тепле та грибне лто. З Триц починаться справжн лто. З Духова дня не тльки з неба, а и вд земл тепло иде. Прииде Триця буде на двор, як на печ. В ц дн переплелося багато язичницьких та християнських традици звичав. Святкування в рзних куточках Украни рзняться. На свтлин кона Свята Триця маляра Федуско з Самбора (2 половина 16-го столття)
14.01.2022 Нехай Рздво у Вашу хату Принесе Радост багато, Розбудить приспан Над, Зерном Щастям Вас зас, Згр сонцем та любов'ю... подару Вам Здоров'я! Вд Спльки Укрансько Молод Христос Ражда! See more
14.01.2022 ICYMI The Debutante Ball will now be held at Ultima Function Centre 16th of May 2020. Unfortunately The San Remo Ballroom is no longer available due to the recent fire. More information, booking details and updates will be out in the coming week!
14.01.2022 Hartuis CYMivtsi, Христос Рождаться! Hoping everyone had a relaxing Christmas break with friends and family. - CYM Melbourne wishes everyone a safe and prosperous 2021 new year.... The weather is shaping up nicely for our day at the 1000 steps this Saturday 16th January! So that we can beat the traffic, please be ready to start walking from Ferntree Gully Picnic Area by 8am. The 1000 Steps trail departs from Ferntree Gully Picnic Area, which is just at the junction of the Mount Dandenong Tourist Road and the Burwood Highway in Upper Ferntree Gully. Please wear comfortable walking clothes, bring a bottle of water and a mask. The 1000 Steps is a very popular walk and the car park at Ferntree Gully picnic area will be full by 10am on most weekend mornings. You might have better luck parking your car at One Tree Hill Picnic Ground at the top of the 1000 Steps. See you on Saturday! CYM Melbourne Uprava.
13.01.2022 Управа СУМ Мельборн долучиться до флешмобу з нагоди Дня соборност Украни 22 счня #unitedukraine #Укранадина
13.01.2022 Letter to Parents for Online Learning -
13.01.2022 Hartuis! Yesterday we celebrated our 50th Annual CYM Melbourne AGM over Zoom, with almost 60 members in attendance. Fantastic to see everyones faces after a long and challenging year, we are thankful to everyone who assists in shaping our organisation moving forward. Also a big congratulations to our newly formed Uprava for 2020-2022 - wishing them the best of luck in their new roles!... President - Marko Herczaniwski Vice President - Christine Verbovetski Secretary - Kathryn Flunt Treasurer - Adrian Semcesen Education Officer - Nataliya Poshyvaylo-Towler Cultural Officer - Nadia Herczaniwski Bulava - Chloe Hucul and Alexandra Duma Ref. Druzhynyky - Timothy Krill Memberships - Nick Soloczynskyj Ref. Oselyi - Markian Lech Честь Украни! Готов Боронити!
12.01.2022 Montage @ Oselya Orlyk Adelaide. Through the eyes of druzhynnyk Alyssa Soloczynskyj
10.01.2022 Registrations for Camping at Oselya Karpaty are now open! Registrations are essential - please click on the link below and fill out the Google Form to secure your place.
10.01.2022 Hatruis. Uprava CYM Melbourne wishes all mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers a most memorable day. We thankyou for the hard work you do within your families, the care you give and most of all the unconditional love you provide. Your contribution to the organisation and our Ukrainian community is priceless and without your touch it would be difficult. We thankyou from the bottom of our hearts and cherish you forever. Happy Mother's Day
09.01.2022 Сьогодн на сходинах Молодшого Юнацтва рй Виврки вивчали про причини Голодомору в Укран 1932-1933 рокв та запалили свчку на пам’ять жертв. Today at our Molodshe Yunatstvo meeting we were learning about Holodomor and lighten up candles to commemorate the victims of this tragedy. #Сум #Holodomor
08.01.2022 On Sunday 1st November 2020 Bishop Mykola Bychok invites all young parishioners and families in Australia to join him via Zoom, for a discussion from 3:30PM. This is an open invitation for all youth and families for a meet-and-greet with Bishop Mykola. For more details, please refer to the included images.
08.01.2022 Hartuis! Online Tuesday meetings are going well. This Tuesday we’ve revisited CYM origins, from underground secret groups of 5 and to revival in Australia. Гартуйсь! Цього ввторка ми повторювали сторю СУМ, дтям особливо запам’яталися Сумвськ тамн групи з п‘яти осб поновлення СУМ в Австрал. #CYM #cymmelbourne #суммельбурн #сумавстраля
08.01.2022 Hartuis CYMivtsi, Oselya Karpaty will be open over the Australia Day Long Weekend for camping! Similar to over the Christmas break, only Tarasivka and Druzhynyk's camp will be opened over the weekend, and the Administration building and Kitchen will be closed to everyone. ... More information, including rates, is included in the Google Form below, and registrations are essential. Hope to see you there!
07.01.2022 Суботня Толока виховникв Сплки Укрансько Молод в Мельбурн, мен вана Мазепи. В робот складаються плани на майбутн перетворюються в д. Working bee for vykhovnyky team at CYM Melbourne.
07.01.2022 Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them. Empowering our future community leaders! #HappyInternationalWomensDay #CYMMelbDeb2020 #SelfDevelopment
07.01.2022 Гартуйсь! Тепл великодн втання усй великй Сумвськй родин! Пишамося писанками домашнми пасками зробленими нашим Молодшим Юнацтвом суменятами! Лукя Маккарел постаралася Паска кошик дуже красив! Молодчина!
07.01.2022 Call for participants! CYM Youth Self Development Course in 2020.
07.01.2022 At our schodene tonight Yunatstvo took turns to read a boy’s Holodomor family experience.
06.01.2022 КУ Обжник/National Executive Newsletter - #40/2017-2020 -
06.01.2022 Наближаються роковини трагед Голодомору. In the upcoming days we’ll remember all Ukrainians who died from Holodomor, a man made starvation. Here is a Uki cartoon telling children about this tragic event.
05.01.2022 CYM Melbourne would like to thank Druh Markian Lech and the Druzynyky that attended the first working bee after covid lockdown on Saturday. Слава! Слава! Слава!
05.01.2022 Save The Date CYM Zdvyh 2020 This year, across the days of 5-8 June, special festivities and celebrations will be taking place in Sydney. These will be to mar...k 70 years of CYM in Australia. This Zdvyh is a unique opportunity to celebrate all things CYM with oseredky from all across Australia. A draft program of events will be released later this week. Please stay connected to CYM Australia’s Facebook event for more details -
04.01.2022 CYM Melbourne wishes all VCE students in our community the best of luck for the beginning of their exams tomorrow! This year has been truly challenging for all of us, especially those who are completing their final years at school - we are extremely proud of your hard work and resilience! Congratulations on an amazing achievement and good luck!
04.01.2022 Гуртуйсь! Сьогодн рй Виврки Молодшого Юнацтва завершив серю презентацй про сторю ммграц родини до Австрал. Дякую усм дтям батькам за допомогу, фото, спогади. Hartuis! Today’s final presentation about CYM family immigration story. Well done Molodshe Yunatstvo Vyvirky , thank all parents for assistance! Great conversations we had over last 5 weeks with children. #familyhistory #СУМ #CYM Melbourne
04.01.2022 CYM Melbourne would like to remember and thank Pani Oksana Taranawska for her selfless work in the Ukrainian Community. Many young Cymivtsy sang with The Ukranian Church Choir Melbourne, the memory of Sunday after church practices by the grand piano, and Pani Oksana's Воскресена Утреня will always be remembered by all that participated. Вчна Пам'ять! Сумвц Мельбурну складають незабутьню пам'ять та подяку Сл.пам Пан Оксан Тарнавськ за працю.... Вчна Память! See more
04.01.2022 CYM Youth Self Development Course 2020 - Call for Participants -
04.01.2022 Last day of Deb Camp done and dusted. Thank you to all who helped out to make this long weekend possible!
04.01.2022 Гартуйсь! Ще одн ройов сходини онлайн. Дти полюбляють нтерактивн змагання конкурси. Прекрасна атмосфера спльноти. Another great online learning session. Played Kahoot games and quizzes, learning about each other and CYM values. Thank you Nataliya Poshyvaylo-Towler Chloe HuculAlexandra DumaTatiana Zachariak #onlinelearning#сходини#ройовсходини#СУМАвстраля#СУММельбурн#
04.01.2022 Сьогодн наш члени вшанували пам'ять жертв Голодомору. Украна пам'ята, свт визна! Today our members remembered and honoured the memory of the victims, survivors and families of the 1932-33 Holodomor. Ukraine remembers, the world acknowledges! Вчная Пам'ять.
04.01.2022 Сьогодн ми пам‘ятамо жертв Голодомору в Укран 1932-1933 рокв. This year, the 87th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-33 will be commemorated. Please join us in lighting a candle for Holodomor Remembrance Day and tag CYM Melbourne in your photos as we remember and commemorate together. We must never forget this Genocide against our people. Ukraine remembers, the world acknowledges!... On Sunday November 29, there will be a Panahyda held in Melbourne, at St Peter and Paul Cathedral following the 9:30am liturgy. Given the current restrictions, please contact the Church directly to register your place, and we ask that members wear their CYM uniforms.
03.01.2022 Hartuis. On behalf of CYM Melbourne, the Board of Directors wish our Ukrainian Community a most wonderful Easter in this testing time of social distancing. We haven't forgotten our seniors in the community, elderly at Kalyna Care and other centres and pray for their health, wellbeing so we can celebrate this festive season as a strong Ukrainian community. May your Pusanky be bright and full of joy, Paska be the tastiest it has ever been as with your kobasa and beetroot. May our culture and traditions remain strong as with the respect for one another. Stay safe and stay healthy. Христос Воскрес. А. Лех Голова
03.01.2022 Hartuis. Today we lost a person which was a modern day father of our community. Дмитрик Моравскiй a very influential person in our community be it in CYM, Hromada and Church who helped shape and influenced our direction as Ukrainians in this multicultural community we are part of. A gentle person who was admired, looked up to, deeply loved and a true mentor to many. He will be deeply missed and on behalf of the CYM Melbourne Uprava, we extend our deepest condolences to the families and my he rest it peace. Вчная Пам'ять. А. Лех ГОЛОВА
03.01.2022 Verchovyna We are One Tour November - December 2020
02.01.2022 Please note that Oselya Karpaty will be closed Labour Day weekend 6-9th of March. Debutante camp will be held that weekend.Please note that Oselya Karpaty will be closed Labour Day weekend 6-9th of March. Debutante camp will be held that weekend.
02.01.2022 Hartuis CYMivtsi! We are extremely excited to reunite as a community this Sunday 27th December, as we celebrate our achievements and accomplishments following a challenging year. All relevant information outlined below. A reminder that due to the current restrictions, lunch will be BYO, and Kitchen and Admin buildings will be closed.
02.01.2022 Hartuis CYMivtsi! CYM Melbourne would like to thank all those who attended our Celebration Day in December, and hope all those who camped at Oselya Karpaty enjoyed their time. We were excited to continue our Табр на Kолеса for a Beach Day at Anglesea tomorrow, however, due to some unfavourable weather conditions, we will be postponing the beach day until after our Christmas Celebration. ... Wishing everyone remains safe, happy and healthy in the lead up to our Рздвянi Святa. CYM Melbourne Uprava
02.01.2022 Liturgy and Blessing for Beginning of 2020 School Year This Sunday, 2nd February 2020, at the Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul in North Melbourne, will be a spec...ial liturgy and blessing for students, teachers and lecturers - marking the start of the new school year. This invite is also extended to primary, secondary and tertiary students as well as Vychovnyky in CYM and PLAST. Mass starts at 9:30AM. Cвята Лтургя Прохання - початок навчального року благословлення Запрошумо учнв, студентв, викладачв, виховникв CУМ-у ПЛACТУ до Катедри верх ап Петра Павла в Мельборн в недлю 2-го лютого 2020 9.30 рано.
01.01.2022 Victoria: At the direction of the Chief Health Officer Victoria campsites, caravan parks and camping grounds will now be closed to visitors. This is effective from 11.59pm (local time) 25 March 2020.... The only people permitted to remain will be: People who already have the caravan park registered as their primary place of residence; and People staying in caravan parks as interim accommodation where their primary residence is not available (including those of no fixed address and people placed in emergency housing by DHHS). These actions follow further restrictions on domestic and international travel, with all non-essential travel banned. Compliance with this directive is enforceable under section 203 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and penalties apply. It is important to reduce the risk of infection and slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Victorian community.
01.01.2022 Гартуйсь. СУМ Мельборн помага Громад Вктор пошерити повдомлення потреби у наш громадськ спльнот. Просимо вдченть 'link' на бльш нформац. Hartuis. CYM Melbourne is helping the AUV in dispersing important information to help our Ukrainian Community. Please click on the link for more information.
01.01.2022 Hartuis! Yesterday at our Molodshe Yunatstvo meeting we’ve learned about (14th of October-Ukrainian Defender Day. And learned another immigration story. Well done! Вчора на сумвських сходинах Молодшого Юнацтва говорили про День Захисника Украни, Свято Покрови Козацтва. Також дзналися ще одну сторю ммграц. День захисника Украни свято, що вдзначаться в Укран 14 жовтня у день свято Покрови Пресвято Богородиц водночас з Днем Укранського козацтва.
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