District 9455 Rotary Youth Exchange | Community organisation
District 9455 Rotary Youth Exchange
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25.01.2022 It's always nice to hear from and see the faces of past Inbound students! Katrine, who was hosted by the Rotary Club of Kalamunda for her 2017/18 exchange from Denmark , has sent photos of some catch ups she had with Lindford (Belgium , hosted by the Rotary Club of Hillarys), Kaapo (Finland , hosted by the Rotary Club of Mosman Park), Kaisla (Finland , hosted by the Rotary Club of Mindarie) and 2019/20 Outbound student to Finland Sian (sponsored by the Rotary Club of Mundaring).
25.01.2022 Outbound student Caitlin (sponsored by the Rotary Club of Perth) describes one of the most memorable highlights of her exchange experiences in Japan : "Kinkaku-ji (the golden temple), Arashiyama bamboo grove and Fushimi Inari Taisha (the red torii gates) are 3 of the many places I was able to visit on my recent trip to Kyoto with my host family. It was an amazing experience and truly one of the biggest highlights of my time in Japan."
25.01.2022 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF THE ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAM Due to COVID-19 all Rotary Youth Exchange Districts in Australia are suspending the program for 12 MONTHS so unfortunately our District won't be welcoming a new group of Inbounds in July 2020, or sending a new group of Outbounds overseas in January 2021. We are extremely disappointed about this, but the program can't operate safely and effectively while the world is dealing with this crisis. We are particularly sad ab...out the students who will miss out on this fantastic program because they will be too old to apply in 12 months time Students who are currently on exchange will continue to receive every possible support from the program. Some students unfortunately had to cut short their exchange and have returned home safely. Don't forget about us... we will be recruiting again in 12 months time, ready to take on the world again!!! Please send us a message or visit our website if you have any questions, and keep following our page or Instagram for updates. http://www.youthexchange.asn.au/
24.01.2022 Past Inbound student Katrine (Denmark 2017/18, hosted by the Rotary Club of Kalamunda) has sent in photos of her recent get-together with Beatrice (Italy , hosted by the Rotary Club of Ellenbrook) and Claudine (Switzerland , hosted by the Rotary Club of West Perth) at stunningly beautiful Livigno, Italy. She wrote: "Bea is studying biology at university in Milan, Claudine is going to start studying pharmaceuticals in Bern and I am finishing my last year of high school at UWC in the Netherlands We’re very grateful for all that our exchange year brought us, including the many wonderful friendships between the exchange students we miss all of the rotarians a lot and send you all of our love x"
24.01.2022 And just like that, our girl is on her way back home What an incredible human being, wise beyond her years she demonstrated such strength and grace during ...her time here Our Club is honoured to have hosted you and we know your host families particularly will miss their host daughter Until we meet again PS. Hats off to District 9455 Rotary Youth Exchange - we recognise the hard work behind the scenes leading an amazing program during such unusual times
24.01.2022 RYE SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE... Someone beginning with "J" It's JULIEN, who was hosted by the Rotary Club of Ellenbrook for his 2019/20 exchange from France , seen here recently attending his District debriefing. *Look for the trademark pink shirt
23.01.2022 Outbound Update: Claire returned home due to the impact COVID19 earlier this year from her exchange in Brazil , sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kununurra. Here are her reflections of her experiences: "Like many people my year has been extremely impacted due to Covid 19, I started the year off in Brazil where I was welcomed with open arms. It didn’t take me long to fall in love with the country as straight off the plane I was brought to a carnival party and immediately intr...oduced to a huge part of Brazilian culture, their love for music and dancing. I was fortunate enough to live in a small town called Tarumã with two different families. My families treated me as one of their own and wanted me to see and experience all that Brazil has to offer. I had the opportunity to travel to Rio with exchange students from all across the world and experience the final night of Carnival which was incredible. It didn’t take long and Brazil was in isolation and I sadly returned to Australia. Since returning I have had so much work including packing fruit, waitressing and a teacher’s aide. Next year I will go to university and study primary teaching which I realised I was interested in after helping teach english in my school in Tarumã and my host mum being a primary teacher. Whilst it hasn’t been the year I expected or planned I have learnt so much and made so many unforgettable memories so now I am just waiting until I can return to my families in Brazil and eat acai again." See more
20.01.2022 RYE Committee Chair David realising that Madam Treasurer Lindsey could not be silenced by a face mask, resorting to expressive sign language (photographer was too slow to catch it, sorry). Our monthly meetings are still very busy even without a new crop of exchange students on the horizon just yet, as we plan for the future and look after our remaining 2019/20 Inbound and 2020/21 Outbounds who will be returning soon.
20.01.2022 It's Competition Time again! Our Outbound students have been invited to submit a photo with caption each fortnight to help relieve the boredom of pandemic lifestyle restrictions and also give us a glimpse into their exchange lives overseas. There is a small prize for the winner of each round and a $200 gift voucher for the overall winner to be presented at the Rebound Debriefing in February 2021. The judge's decision is final, and has not been influenced by bribes... because... she has gone on a diet and is trying to stay away from chocolate Round 8 Topic: "Interesting Feature of Host Family's Home" WINNER WINNER HOMELY DINNER: Congratulations to CAITLIN! (JAPAN , sponsored by the Rotary Club of Perth) Caitlin's photo illustrates one of the memories which will be indelibly imprinted in her brain to remind her of her host family's home long after she has returned home from exchange, so that she can feel like she is there in that home again. Thanks again to each of the girls who entered, the photos are really interesting NB: photos subsequent to the first (Winner) are posted in random order
20.01.2022 A Very Important Blazer in the Rotex series of Blazer posts - this one belongs to Montana who since her exchange to Denmark in 2016, has become a member of the Rotary Club of Matilda Bay and Rotex D9455, as well as serving on our RYE Committee. Oh, she's also completing a university degree in her spare time
19.01.2022 Never think that you have nothing to give for Rotary - some give financially , others give their time and efforts , but our stars the ROTEX's gave blood!! . So proud of you all
19.01.2022 Outbound student Caitlin (Japan , sponsored by the Rotary Club of Perth) has taken up the martial art Kendo, and is loving it! (Wikipedia: 'sword way', 'sword path' or 'way of the sword') is a traditional Japanese martial art, which descended from swordsmanship (kenjutsu) and uses bamboo swords (shinai) and protective armour (bgu). ... Kendo is an activity that combines martial arts practices and values with strenuous sport-like physical activity.)
19.01.2022 Even with the world in pandemic induced disarray, our remaining Outbound students are having the time of their lives and learning valuable life lessons. Madeleine (sponsored by the Rotary Club of North Perth) has sent this from Argentina : Tandil is a beautiful city and I feel so blessed to be spending my exchange here. I’ve made so many incredibly special friendships this year, it’s crazy for me to think that if I hadn’t taken this opportunity and stepped out of my comfort zone I never would have crossed paths with any of them. Exchange has taught me the value of broadening your horizons and how much joy and growth can come from doing so.
19.01.2022 A great photo and news from Caitlin who is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Perth for her exchange year in Japan , when she recently caught up with past 2019/20 Inbound student Keika (hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Cambridge and Scarborough). "Every year Iki holds a fireworks display during the Summer Obon season. Keika, our friends Momo and Aiyuna and I went to see the fireworks together and wear our yukatas. It was nice to see the fireworks, and we got to see many other friends from school there." *Edit: Yukata is a traditional Japanese summer costume
19.01.2022 Our one remaining Inbound student, Milan (Italy , hosted by the Rotary Club of Mindarie) is enjoying the COVID19-free lifestyle here in Perth. Rotarian mentor Lois has indoctrinated him to be a supporter of the West Coast Eagles Australian Rules football team. Milan now knows about many of the AFL players, and is becoming familiar with the rules of the game
16.01.2022 Henrike has made it home safely
14.01.2022 It's the final round of the Outbounds' Photo Competition! Our Outbound students have been invited to submit a photo with caption each fortnight to help relieve the boredom of pandemic lifestyle restrictions and also give us a glimpse into their exchange lives overseas. There is a small prize for the winner of each round and a $200 gift voucher for the overall winner to be presented at the Rebound Debriefing in February 2021. The judge's decision is final, and has not been in...fluenced by bribes... because she has already eaten too much chocolate Round 9 Topic: "I Spy... Something Purple" WINNER WINNER I SPY DINNER: Congratulations to JASMINE! (SWEDEN , sponsored by the Rotary Club of Subiaco)for the stunning photo of her host sister in the garden. Thanks to each of the students who entered the competition, it's been very enlightening and great fun! NB: photos subsequent to the first (Winner) are posted in random order
14.01.2022 Our exchange program is on hold for the time being but the wheels of the committee machinations keep on turning as there is still much to do! The new Rotary year brings with it a changeover in the Chair position as Joanne Bowen steps down from her three year tenure and David Cleary takes up the leadership role. At Saturday's meeting Joanne presented David with his Chair's name badge and welcomed him to his new position. David thanked Joanne for the time and effort she gave in doing a wonderful job as Chair leading a cohesive and very busy, productive committee of twelve members. Joanne will remain on the committee as a Placement Coordinator and Tour Organiser. Thank you Joanne, and congratulations David!
13.01.2022 Outbound Update: Madeleine shares some of her thoughts and experiences as she nears the end of her exchange year in Argentina , sponsored by Rotary North Perth . "Although daily life for everyone in Argentina is still being very impacted by the virus, this hasn’t stopped me from really making the most of the last few months of my exchange. Most of my time is spent with my amazing family (including four teenage siblings), going on walks to enjoy Tandil’s beautiful nature, watching movies, cuddling with my cat and studying Spanish! Its bittersweet to think that my exchange is coming to an end, because while I really don’t want this amazing experience to end I am also looking forward to seeing my family and friends as well as starting the next phase of my life when I commence university next year."
13.01.2022 Keika has arrived safely back in Japan
12.01.2022 Henrike was farewelled at the airport for her return to Germany by her host Mum Jennifer, and RYE Committee Chairs Outgoing and Incoming, Joanne and David. Her host club the Rotary Club of Batavia Coast said their goodbyes earlier as it's a four and a half hour drive away from Perth. Safe travels Henrike
11.01.2022 Felicia was bid a fond farewell as she departed for her return journey to Sweden , by members of her host Club the Rotary Club of Subiaco, host families and school friends. We wish you safe travels Felicia
10.01.2022 Henrike, who was hosted by the Rotary Club of Batavia Coast for her 2019/20 exchange, has sent news to her Placement Coordinator David of what she has been up to since returning home to Germany : "Luckily I didn't have to isolate. I guess I am settleing in alright, eventhogh I really miss Geraldton and my families and friends there (of course you and the other chair members as well). I just finished painting my cupboard and next week I am going to start the theory lessons for my drivers licence. I was welcomed verry warmly by my family and friends (I attatched a picture. I am sure it explains why walking through the Airport, wearing three hats doesn't embarras me at all)"
10.01.2022 The monthly RYE Committee meeting had a special guest visitor at its conclusion on Saturday morning. Inbound student Milan (Italy , hosted by Rotary Mindarie ) has almost completed his extended exchange and was presented with his Certificate of Exchange Completion and gift bag by District Governor Jon Bilson. Milan is currently sitting his University Entrance ATAR exams and is looking forward to being reunited with his family at the end of the month (and especially hopes that he's grown taller than his father!). The Rotary Club of Mindarie
09.01.2022 Shu-Min is one of our returned Outbound students, whose exchange in Spain was impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. She recently made a great presentation to her sponsor club, the Rotary Club of Perth City East about her exchange experiences. "There were a lot of times where I felt like I had the worst luck in the world, but that’s far from the truth. Firstly, I had Rotary and all its lovely members, who helped me every step of the way and never failed to put my mind at ea...se, and for that I’m forever thankful, especially to David and Turtle travel. Secondly, both my host families were always there for me to help in any way possible even though I felt that I didn’t deserve such kindness. The friends I had made, either Spanish or exchange friends, helped me pass my exchange happily both before and during the challenges of this year and they have taught me a lot about what it means to be a good friend. And lastly, of course, my family were always quick to reassure and address my worries, and are the reason why I went on this exchange in the first place. It was the efforts of many people that I had my exchange and arrived home safely. I could’ve chosen to see my exchange as a failure, sometimes I felt that it really was but that would be a great injustice to all the people that made it possible. I will always look back on my exchange with gratitude. Thank you! Shu-Min" See more
06.01.2022 Keika was given a lovely airport farewell for her return to Japan by her host families and shared host Rotary Clubs of Scarborough and Cambridge.
02.01.2022 What an extraordinary year it has been for all of us, especially Milan! Thank you to the Rotary Club of Mindarie for hosting Milan and supporting him for his extended exchange, the program can't exist without our host and sponsor Rotary Clubs.
01.01.2022 It's fantastic to see our Rebounds become Rotex D9455 members and maintain their involvement in the Rotary movement, helping to improve our society. Meleva was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Mount Lawley for her exchange to Italy in 2018/19.
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