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Dads Landing Pad inc
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25.01.2022 What a night at the Beldon Tavern a good size crowd the chase the Ace was not won, DLP had 4 meat trays to raffle thanks to Barbaros Meats in Greenwood. 4 winners all local some who have the knack of winning every week it seems, but hell who cares its all fun. Come along again next week 4 more meat raffles and you may win the chase the Ace worth nigh on $4000.00. See you at the Beldon.
24.01.2022 Well can you believe it Scott Morrison, and Bill Shorten have apoligised to the victims of abuse notice no children from the family court system was spoken about thats because they ignore it, it dosent exist, oh yes it does every day theses little children are abused by this terrible family court, where is their apology.
24.01.2022 What happened to the post Iput on here today
22.01.2022 A letter that is sadly so relatable. I received a new affidavit from the respondents lawyers and due to the contents of that Affidavit I withdraw all of my applications before this court, as this court does not act in the best interest of children, it acts in the best interest of biggest liars, the lawyers, who do no investigations into these allegations. This Court sits in the interest of females, and destroys the males and any hope they have of a loving relationship with t...heir children. The children cannot give evidence on their own because the court is aware of what children would say, and destroy the culture that is a part of your court. I am going to pursue these lies through other legal avenues. Perjury is a criminal act under section 124 of the Criminal Act WA. This court has been protected for far too long. My children have been abused by their mother by their maternal grandparents but you cannot see that because women do no wrong. Thats why more women end their childrens lives because they can be very violent as well. I will not attend this Court anymore. I will not subject my children to become victims of these feminists who have no idea what is in the best interest of children. My children will reach an age where they will be shown all of these documents. They will decide who is right not this court.
22.01.2022 And an epic fight by the Kiwis to beat the mighty Aussies in the League that dosent every day, they Aussies gracious in defeat great players.Great game.
20.01.2022 This bloody family court never seems to amaze me. How come someone who is appointed to the bench is so stupid they believe bullshit. I thought they went to uni to get a degree, a degree in what child abuse I cannot work it out. I really hope my application to the High Court of Australia can achieve the best for our kids ok.
20.01.2022 I would like to post a letter I wrote today it is in my documents how do I put it on facebook for all to see.
18.01.2022 Hello Everyone, I believe you all need to read this, because somebody you know, or they know, will have gone through this hell. No worst Government department than the Family Court. It has destroyed thousands of childrens lives.... All the whilst getting the legal fraternity filthy rich
17.01.2022 How stupid can a Government be we have an Attorney General that knows nothing allows perjury in a state court that leads to the harm of children,and VROs a civil matter that becomes criminal matter with the aledged perpatrator jailed before he has been before a court to defend himself justice they say, now the wankers are comlaining the jails are full do they no where milk comes from didnt think so.
17.01.2022 Not long to go to the long straight roads of WA the car is ready to go. They are waiting in Adelaide and Melbourne.
17.01.2022 I have just heard a father I know has lost all in his fc case including his work vehicle house to a liar and her lawyer has also lied to the court in a previous case, when I come back from over East end of November I will name all in this case and go to jail fuck this court.
16.01.2022 Not long to D-Day drive off to Adelaide to file High Court Docs and then on to Melbourne for 3 day trial back home in 20 days.
15.01.2022 If anybody is looking for a lift to Adelaide Im leaving 2 November.
14.01.2022 We have a new group fighting back about domestic violence call black sashes and their motto is violence against men just stop it.
11.01.2022 Most people who know me know that I love a beer at the Beldon, my local. Today I spoke to some of the boys, men. Do you know the reason over %80 go to the pub is to get away from a violent partner who keep demanding this and that do you believe this I would like your thoughts ok
10.01.2022 Went into family court registry to file some docs, cant pay by cash, they must have a pubic servent who is a tea leaf, a family court registry is like making your way through a minefield bombs ready to explode all around you nobody smiles because they just dont give a f k pity it is about children.
10.01.2022 Sad news this morning, a father denied access to his son for 4 months has taken his own life. He was a work collegue
09.01.2022 Had more complaints about family court registry it is not a court it is a discriminate government department so full of corupption it smells like the sewer that it is, get used to it it will only get worse believe me. \
08.01.2022 I see christian porter is changing de-facto laws in WAFC to allow couples to share superannuation giving women the right to more money when separating fair enough, how come he ignores whats happening to children and the corruption in this court, he refuses to intervene in the child overseas that was sent there without the consent of the father who has been subject to over 4 years of abusive, no money after separation is more important proving once more family court is not abo...ut children but about MONEY, it should be renamed the financial court of WA, leading the world in extracting as much money as possible by those who dare to file paperwork, lawyers who exploit clients with outrageous fees are nothing short of criminals I no that every person reading this post will have lost thousands thanks porter just add to the on going misery they call a court, the lord giveth and lawyers taketh away. See more
08.01.2022 Dont worry about who broke into my house he is more protected than the PM we will leave it there ok.
08.01.2022 I wont be posting much on face book due to a disgruntled person being nasty to me for who knows what I brought a new computer to get the work done faster facebook has never done DLP any good ok
08.01.2022 Chief Justice Steven Thackray Family Court of WA could you please explain why you sent a child to an overseas Country knowing the Orders you put in place would not happen, your orders were worth nothing, however they led to a child being abused over a number of years. Do you continue to sit back and do nothing because you have a gender bias against men in WA. Well sir it is about time you stepped in and overturned the orders you made in this case. If you do nothing DLP will publish names to shame you as all children have a right to spend time with people significent in their life, you need to intervene now you made the orders now enforce them ok.
07.01.2022 Dads Landing Pad is commerating its 20 year anniversary. We are aiming to have a bbq get together at somewhere central like kings park, with past and present associates. Date to be announced. See the poll below so we can further our plans.
07.01.2022 An oldy but sadly still relevant
07.01.2022 Heres a pic from a while ago
06.01.2022 I think it is great the Government has announced a Royal Commission into aged care. However the effects on families in family court is far more damageing it is hurting the youngest of our society in plauge like proportions, so why not run 2 Commissions side by side oops no the lawyers would oppose that "WHAT ABOUT OUR LIVLEYHOOD THEY SAY", children come third fourt or whereever in our society shameful of our leaders to forget about them so sad. What ever happen to 1 Nation in WA are they still active I remember their promises the promises they made to DLP were empty just like their hearts and brains just saying .
05.01.2022 I have heard them all, bloke has a VRO against him, he is not to go within 5 metres of an 8 year old boy, so he is at the mothers house because he is to scared go to his own house. Complaint to police follows, police arrive, child is in his room police pull out tape mesure where bloke is. They say he is not within 5 metres and leave. end of story, Gee that is what i call protection for the boy. See more
05.01.2022 Further to the VRO story the child is in the grandmothers house the child is now trapped in his bedroom as the 2 police officers said the guy is 5 metres away, that proves VRO ARE NOT WORTH TOILET PAPER well we no what station they came from, so will follow this one up for the grandmother keep you all posted. See more
05.01.2022 I am embarking on a new journey at 5 am tomorrow I have heard so much about the abuse of children I am disappointed that I have not received the support of parents cought up in this system. I started this 20 years ago I am still here but I have achieved more than you could imagine, anyway it is a long way to Melbourne via Adelaide but I will make all appointments on time, this will be my 90th trip over the paddock by road. have a good one back on the 20th November ok.
04.01.2022 Tonight was a most amazing night of sport congradulations to the Springboks on defeating the All Blacks well deserved, also congradulations to Argentinia for an epic game against the Wallabies and then there was the mighty Pies I have no more to say enjoy your night because I have.
02.01.2022 I like you all are deeply saddened by the constant headlines another murder of children and mothers/fathers. However we always have to be drawn to the comments of the feminists side of domestic violence, needs more to be done to stop men acting in this matter, you may recall over 20 years ago adverts promoted by I believe Family and Children Services, who change there name more times than an electrician changes a light bulb, anyway the ad in relation to domestic violence stat...ed and directed at women YOU ARE NEVER WRONG, when one side of the community is portrayed in this light, society has broken down and cannot be fixed. We have never heard from the fathers who are the victims of domestic violence , because the are silenced, the Government spends over 16 billion a year on domestic violence I ask has this saved any lives NO we need to listen and act on all domestic violence and until we do, it will escalate and continue to grow until we all have an equal voice to save our future children ok. See more
02.01.2022 What a day went to Force v Fiji game the Force lost but how good was it to see so many families enjoy the game and interact with each other there were many hundreds of families there and it was free not like other codes where you pay welcome to rugby world you and your family will enjoy no swearing louts just families having fun go there one day and you will agree ok .
02.01.2022 Another parent has been caught out lying in fc proceedings but the other parent still dosent see the children why? because its fc.
01.01.2022 Whilst we do nothing, it will not change. Be heard
01.01.2022 Dont worry about a cleaning lady ok
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